In addition to the NSS Google + page, there was also a little known NSS
Google + Community Page that I created in late 2011 or early 2012.

Only 2 cavers were active on that community page, but they only re-posted
stuff from other caver forums.

There are still 230 "members" or followers of the community page, and the
last time I checked in 2012, all the members were indeed cavers.  I
personally vetted each member on both pages for a year.

I have now removed myself from all Google + Communities and I would highly
recommend you all do the same while you still can.

There were pockets of good things on Google +, a few years ago.   Some say,
the forced enrollmemt related to Youtube was the last nail in the coffin.

It would have all been great had cavers never adopted Facebook.   You
younguns would not have believed the early resistance to Facebook.
Remember Ning for cavers, anybody ?  or "The Texas Cavers Forum" ? Or the
others that I can not remember the name of ?

One of the big complaints of Google + was, "oh crap, another caver forum,"
which was one of the reasons I did not resist when the NSS coerced me into
turning it all over to them in 2013.

In the early days, on one of those other forums was a caver flame war about
green slimy snakes and another where a caver got their knickers in a wad
and they won an joke-award for it.  Feel free to correct me.    Or maybe,
it is better not to dig up bones.

In all the 25 years of caver online activities, is there anything that
really stands out as being historical or monumental to caving or speleology

I say 25 years, because Alan Glennon started emailing A.S.S. cavers then as
an official A.S.S. President in the fall of 1993.  I am not sure if that
left the campus network, though.   So I have to assume other computer savvy
university cavers were starting to do that too.    I think I started in
1998, but I clearly remember not being into it until after the unexpected
death of Michael Moore in April of 2002.  Michael regularly posted things
on CaveTex in 2001, and his passing left a void, so I started posting
irrelvant reports about my 2002 hybrid Honda Insight in the summer of
2002.   A car, I deeply regret purchasing.
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