I will be happy to come and do any construction modifications here needs.
Does he have ex regress to the outside?

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019, 9:01 PM Nancy Weaver <nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

> Since coming home from rehab Ernie isn’t bouncing back and has been
> bedridden for the past week.  He and I had a long meeting with Billy Goerdt
> about what hospice can offer him.  Assuming he qualifies, we will start up
> as soon as possible.  I’ve arranged for local help to come in most
> mornings, make breakfast for him, help with meds and clean up.  And Don has
> offered to help most afternoons with heating up dinner.  Don also set up a
> remote so Ernie can watch tv.
> Hopefully hospice can take most of the afternoon shifts and give Don a
> break.
> Ernie and I also discussed the possibility of VA assisted living.  I need
> to visit with the VA social worker and find out what’s available.
> Meanwhile, none of the doorways at Ernies are large enough for either a
> wheelchair or walker, so we looking to hire some caver carpenters to come
> enlarge doorways.  Doesn’t have to be pretty, just safe and large.  Please
> contact me if you are interested in the job.
> Ernie has a phone by the bed and would love to talk with friends.  And
> visitors are always welcome, tho you should check with me to make sure he’s
> not at a dr appt at the time.  If you do visit, go around to the back door
> which will be unlocked, knock and open and come in.  Call out so he’s
> expecting you.
> thanks, all
> Nancy
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