Mark, dream of the day when that device is perfected, miniaturized, and cheap enough for the "average" caver to buy (most cavers are above average, of course, and one of them may invent/perfect that device).

Will there be a movement to resurvey caves? Just the "significant" ones, of course--longest, deepest, beautifulest, /ad infinitum--/on every continent, country, province, state, county, municipio, /ad infinitum/?  And by then, our solar system and beyond?

When that day arrives, most likely AI  will have evolved to the level that human cavers will not be necessary.  Their (our) artifacts and stories will be displayed in virtual museums alongside odd  mysterious relics like torches, kerosene lanterns, carbide lamps, and Zebra lights; tree roots, hemp rope, and Goldline; whale tails, racks, prusik knots, Texas Prusik,  Inchworm, . survey tapes,  Brunton compasses, Suuntos, film, flash bulbs,/ad nauseum./

Every generation of cavers benefits from the experiences (good and bad) of those who precede them, and builds on that knowledge. The rate of change is constantly accelerating, and the seemingly impossible has been surpassed many times. So dream on Mark, and even if we don't see that day, we've seen plenty we never could have dreamed of.

Just some late-night musings. You should probably delete this before you read it.


On 3/12/2019 7:56 PM, wrote:
DARPA is interested in underground mapping in a manner that would be of interest to cavers. I've dreamed of the day we could just move through a cave with a device on our body or helmet that would record every move in 3D, sort of like LIDAR. When we get out, we could download the results and have a point cloud or at least line plot showing everywhere we had been. Instant map! Here's a chance to make it big if you have an idea that might actually accomplish this.

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Mark Minton
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