The cave rescue from Thailand is back in the news.

This time Elon Musk is going to have to lawyer up.

Personally, Elon Musk is one of my heroes and I would love to be on the

It might be interesting to somebody to hear the minute details of how it
all came from moody reaction to a stupid tweet to a major embarrassment for

My recollection is that Unsworth clearly initiated the attack, and that is
probably going to hurt Unsworth's case.

Unsworth clearly came across as a pr*ck in the initial attack.

Elon did not deserve that.

The other thing that might hurt Unsworth is if Elon's P.I. had real dirt on
Unsworth such as PayPal transactions to a brothel in Thailand.

[ Sidenote:

Surprising to me, is that I once lost a much bigger defamation lawsuit.
 As far as I know, I only wasted $ 1,000 on court fees.    I can only hope
that I never hear about it again.   I was lucky it all happened before I
was on social media.  But unlike, Elon, I was somewhat set up and got
rail-roaded and mine was not intentional - but the jury gave plaintiff a
victory, and I was an hour late filing the appeal. ]

I assume Unsworth is an experienced caver.

Elon's speleo-capsule would have worked in a larger passage.   The media is
to blame for calling it a "submarine."

Unsworth was risking his life to save the boys and he was ordered to stop
because someone told him a "submarine" was on the way. Anybody would have
been royally pissed off at Elon for that interference.

The media went to town when Unsworth expressed that anger.

And Elon clearly misunderstood why Unsworth was so angry.   From Elon's
viewpoint, he had just spent 3 days and a million dollars out of his pocket
to rescue the boys - that he thought were trapped beyond a larger sump.

It was all just a misunderstanding that the media blew up.

Elon chose a bad tweet.   Even if he has proof Unsworth enjoys the company
of 14 year old Thai, that is legal over there, or at least not discouraged.

Elon should have given an olive-branch to Unsworth in some form, but I
guess he knew it would end up in court.

I bet Elon will possibly say that he was stoned and doesn't remember the

Also, Elon only sent one tweet, while Unsworth gave the same trash-talk to
numerous new networks worldwide ( I wonder if they paid him ).  Elon can
probably counter-sue.

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