OK, I'll bite. So many questions...

You have to get home and move out of your apartment? Didn't you just move
in a few months ago? Did you have a six month lease, or you getting
evicted, or are you just breaking your lease?

If there's a shuttle to Greyhound in Nashville, and the bus route can
surely take you to Houston, why do you need a ride to Hot Springs?

How do you "try hard" to dump a lady-friend? When you say, "It's over"
isn't your respective partner officially dumped?

For all that you seem to make poor financial decisions, how can you afford
an apartment (temporarily?), an office, whatever financial assistance you
might send to your estranged wife's home and your daughter, AND
have convention registration/motel/bus/gas money for Craigslist randos? It
seems like you're always in a bind but manage to do a lot with a
little...if you just have it all on credit, won't the bank, Visa or
Mastercard eventually cut you off? Why haven't they already?

And I normally wouldn't ask acquaintances such personal questions but
the only reason you could post such detailed accounts of your life on this
listserv is because you like the attention and want people to be interested
in your life. Well, here I am.


On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 10:39 AM David <dlocklea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike Walsh is here.
> Albert Ogden was selling newly printed concert t-shirts of the world's
> greatest caver-band.  Those shirts sold out in about 50 seconds.
> ( Or is the GFB, the greatest ?  They have the same rythym-guitar player.
> Right ? )
> I walked all over the spacious campground trying to make new friends.
> Dozens of people offered some form of hospitality.
> I hung out at the Nashville Grotto Booty Bar very briefly, and then went
> in search of a motel.
> My motel room is 1/2 mile from the campground entrance.  I went to bed
> early - missing the Sunday night campground festivities and also the Monday
> morning activities at the high school.
> I brought 2 cellphones on this trip, one of which is very heavy.    I have
> not yet learned to type on it correctly, and I keep making typo mistakes.
> Apostrophes were supposed to be commas.   I need to turn off some
> speed-typing feature, or learn how to type by dragging your finger around.
> While cleaning out my ridiculous duffle bag, I found 2 pounds of sunflower
> seeds, a pound of pumpkin seeds and another pound of trail-mix, a large
> sack of Cracker-Jacks, and not a single sardine or beef-jerky.
> I must have been sleep-walking when I packed.  Two pairs of sandals,
> casual-dress-clothes and loafer-shoes for the NSS Banquet, a cookie-can
> full of cookies, caving gloves, 2 LED headlamps, an LED maglight, 3 sacks
> of chips, a heavy memory-foam pillow, pajamas, a smaller duffle-bag, bottle
> of Gatorade, bathing suit, and enough clothes to last two- weeks without a
> washing machine, and 2 cans of Mangosteen juice.   All that food, was after
> eating and drinking about 10 pounds of stuff that I had in the duffle-bag
> when I left my apartment half-asleep.
> Worst of all, I brought nothing to sleep in or on - except the large
> duffle-bag stuffed with clothes.
> I am heading south or west towards Hot Springs, Arkansas, as soon as I can
> find a ride, but that will most likely be on Tuesday afternoon.
> I do not think I can rent a car.
> I am hoping that I do not have to hitch-hike.   There is a shuttle-bus
> here to the Nashville Greyhound Station.
> I am really dreading going home, but I miss my kid and need to get moved
> out of my apartment and have to get back to work - a.k.a. the realities of
> life.
> I do not miss my estranged-wife.   It has been 14 years now, since I gave
> up that feeling.  I haven't spoken to her in a month, and have not had a
> normal conversation in over a decade.    I do not even miss my current
> lady-friend.  I tried hard to dump her before I left.   She keeps calling
> me her, "Principe Azul," which is a giant red-flag.
> One can easily lose track of reality by sitting around camp with friends
> watching the clouds drifting in the wind all day.   I am tempted to blow
> off my duties back home and stay just one more day.    That delay would
> only affect my job duties and not impact my other concerns.
> D L.
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