Thank you for the comment, Mr. Jasek.

You took me twice to "The Squid Room."   I have very fond memories of
that.  Once in 1986, and again in 1995.

The article you refer to, unfortunately did not get the cover photo that
Oren Tranberger and I had hoped for.   The intented picture arrived too
late, I was told.

I wonder who has it.   I never got it back.

My involvement in that trip was re-finding the cave ( which is illusive ),
and doing so with almost no idea where it was
( a remote area in Mexico ).

Then befriending the owner - who did not speak English.

And then futility planning several trips - of which two made it to the
bottom of the pit.

There are numerous reasons there are few Gringo trips there.   It was just
too much effort to plan it from Texas.

The owner died about 10 years ago, and I futilely tried to stay in touch
with the family.

It just became too dangerous to go down there.

I did sketch the surface map in the article.

I love caves, and have done some spelunking and helped a few cavers - and
about two-hundred newbies.  But I have only tried once very briefly to do
any mapping or surveying, and all my attempts at photography in caves was
more than lame.  I futilely tried to stay in touch with cavers that I new
from 1984 to 1987, ( when I was into getting muddy. )

So at best, I have been a semi-retired quasi-armchair caver, since 2011.

And I did post a couple of articles on CaveTex, since at least 2001.    I
could guess and say over twenty.    But none worth re-reading or archiving.

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