David, this your first post that has made me really angry. That girl was 
courageous. You simply do not have facts on your side for most of your rant.

Barb Coons

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 23, 2019, at 8:56 PM, David <dlocklea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We are all conservationist here to some extent, and should be able to discuss
> conservation without getting our knickers in a wad, or using the p-word.
> Today in the world news, was a young passionate girl giving an official 
> speech of
> some sort to the United Nations, I assume which was on behalf of her 
> generation.
> Some of you may have seen parts of it or all of it.
> Our conservation efforts are likely better in 2019 than what was going on in 
> 1943. 
> As a self-employed person, I struggle to even recycle the products that I use 
> that
> are recyclable.     I made numerous efforts to drive a fuel-efficient car, 
> for most of
> my adult life.      My V8 Sequoia is now a necessity to survive, although, in 
> hindsight it
> was a waste to get the 4x4 version. 
> There is no way on Earth, I could use public transportation in my daily 
> routine.    I wasted
> thousands of dollars trying.
> As for wind-energy, there is little of that in southeast Texas, and windmills 
> kill birds and bats,
> and are unsightly on the landscape.     Solar-farms are highly sensitive to 
> sand-storms and the
> areas with the greatest sun-potential have sand-storms.  
> Population growth is a topic nobody seems to want to touch.    We have too 
> many humans on
> Earth - especially humans who are not in any way trying to make life better 
> for their neighbor.
> ( I do lots of charity work ).    My job is a charity job in a sense.
> We have people in our society that proudly drive their trucks intentionally 
> spewing fumes into the
> air - as if it is a counter-statement.     We have vandals who damage natural 
> places, out of boredom
> and pure nefarious intentions.
> What this young activist does not understand is how capitalism works and the 
> private sector and
> the public sector, but more importantly how people with low morals end up in 
> high places, like being
> a judge in a court-room after having spent 10 years helping low-life 
> criminals get through the revolving-door
> quicker.       I am in the private sector and I have to deal with b.s. up to 
> my waist.   Why
> just today, a crooked gov't official caused me to waste about $ 10 in gas, 
> out of my own pocket.    This 
> young lady has never had to work, and see the b.s. that goes on.     At many 
> places that I had worked in 
> previous years, I was coerced
> into forging a time-sheet, over-charging the rich customers to under-charge 
> the poor-ones, or maybe even
> vice-versa.
> We do need to plant more trees, but it will be years before those trees grow 
> to replace the ones that got
> cut down.     It is likely those new trees would be cut down too someday, so 
> what is the point ?    Nearly
> every tree-planting effort in Houston has been a disaster.    The last big 
> drought a few years ago, killed
> most of them.
> Elon Musk is selling Teslas as fast as he can, but this young lady does not 
> understand the economics behind
> all that.     Tesla is a crappy choice of a car in southeast Texas.     
> People in southeast Texas need vehicles that 
> are 4 feet off the ground, and are bullet-resistant.
> There was a big push for ethanol vehicles a few years ago.    That program 
> was a disaster in Houston area. 
> Millions of buyers here over-payed for the ethanol-compatible cars ( 
> flex-fuel ), only to find out that it was a
> pain in the ***.     Cheaper fuel and more fuel stations and larger 
> fuel-tanks in the vehicles was needed.
> Light-Rail in Houston has been a disaster and there is talk of ripping it out 
> and putting in a dedicated bus lane
> in the same spot.     I was in favor of light-rail until I saw how ludicrous 
> the management of the projects were,
> and the hurt it did to the businesses along the route.
> The UN did not "steal this girls dreams."     "The fairy-tales of business 
> greed," is what the have-nots always have
> said during every revolution, as they over-throw the rich and powerful.       
> It is always ironic when a poor person
> suddenly becomes rich, how they don't want to pay taxes, and buy Learjets, 
> and yachts and have wild-parties.
> I am sharing a 2-bedroom apartment with a strange introvert stranger.     
> This effort is due to economic stress, but I have
> always wanted to share my living space with someone who was compatible.     I 
> do not need a kitchen, nor
> bath, nor living room, nor dining room all to myself.    But the practicality 
> of it is not feasible.     I need a place
> where my teenage daughter can visit, and my girlfriend and other friends and 
> relatives.     So I got to figure out
> some kind of plan to escape from this situation. 
> While I am ranting incoherently,   
> One thing America needs to fix is slumlord's.      What is the solution to 
> slumlords over-charging people for 
> crappy apartments and crappy rental property?     My opinion is hypocritical. 
>    I believe slumlords need to 
> be held accountable.     But that would cost taxpayer money, and use up 
> valuable judicial and law-enforcement
> resources.       We need to publicly identify slumlords on the front page of 
> every web-site.      But they would
> just retaliate against their tenants.    Ironically, the gov't is the biggest 
> slumlord in the USA - public housing and
> housing for gov't employees and FEMA emergency shelter, etc. is ludicrously 
> crappy and taxpayers are over-charged.
> D.L.
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