turns out one needs to unsubscribe twice to make it happen so in the meantime, 
am pleasantly surprised by a couple supportive posts.  
what if we return this post to a caver campfire?   I’m sick to death of 
squabbling and caver topic police  who never have anything of interest to post 
but are quick to slam ‘unauthorized' posts.  
keep it private to cavers and give people one chance to learn to be civil, then 
toss them out.  
maybe then long term cavers would come back and we might all have conversations 
about whatever is of interest to us.
in 80’s and 90’s caver conversation ranged all over the world, included 
interesting ideas, inventions, and practical jokes.  and it was generally 
generous, not hateful.  
and for god’s sake, if you don’t care for what someone posts, ignore it.
this is not to slight the creator and maintainer of this forum, just to say 
maybe its time to change the way its done.
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