As many of you know, for over a year the Texas Commission on Environmental 
Quality (TCEQ) was reviewing a permit that would potentially allow waste water 
to flow down Honey Creek. Yesterday I received a letter dated December 12, 
2019, from TCEQ stating:

"This letter is to inform you that the application by Silesia Properties, LP, 
for new Texas Pollutant Discharge System Permit No. WQ001568801 was withdrawn 
by the Applicant on November 6, 2019. Therefore, this application is no longer 
being considered by the Commission and the agency will not be issuing a 
response to public comments. The Commission has removed the application from 
our record of pending applications. The original application will remain a 
record of the Commission. If you should have any questions, please contact me 
at (512) 239-4668 or at<>. J. Alfonso 
Martinez III, Permit Coordinator, Wastewater Permitting Section (MC 148), Water 
Quality Division."

While this is great news, experience has taught me that many withdrawn 
applications are reworked and then resubmitted, and sometimes without much 
improvement. I don't know if that will happen here, but recommend everyone to 
keep a watch on this and other proposed projects that could harm our caves and 
karst groundwater and ecological resources.


George  Veni, PhD
Executive Director, National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI)
President, International Union of Speleology (UIS)

NCKRI address (primary)
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220 USA
Office: +575-887-5517
Mobile: +210-863-5919
Fax: +575-887-5523<><>

UIS address
Titov trg 2
Postojna, 6230 Slovenia

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