Jim left the hospital a little after 1:00 pm on Saturday to go to rehab. One of 
those sad, poignant scenes you would normally only see in a movie. Little old 
guy in a wheelchair, strapped in as only passenger on a facility bus, with 
little old wife standing there waving till bus was gone beyond sight, then 
slowly walking back to car quietly sobbing. All too REAL. This virus......

But, he is in an amazing place getting the help he needs. ST (speech therapy), 
PT (physical therapy), and OT (occupational therapy) 5 days a week and one 
weekend day if misses a week day. He is in locked wing, gets meals and all 
nurse and therapy sessions in his room, but they do not shut his door. If he 
comes out, they can only nicely suggest he go back in room, which is where I 
believe he spends most of his time. This lasts for 14 days of quarantine.  

I know ST has started for sure, for she called me with questions for baseline 
to get back to pre-event. She did not even see some of what hospital put in 
notes! Healing body progress already 😊 Supposedly PT and OT don’t call unless 
serious questions. She said if he needs more than 14 days of treatment, she 
will see about getting him moved off that wing till discharged. But the 14 days 
could do it. No one knows. 

He has gone to nurses station and had them call me, and told me today he DOES 
want me to find his window so he can see me - even if through a window! Like 
I’ve seen on TV! I will also try to get set up for Wednesday FaceTime event for 
his wing. All they get, but we shall see if it works. Neither his ST nor I want 
him to have his iPhone, for he could set it down and poof - gone. It gave him 
trouble before this event sometimes anyway at home (user error?), so no need 
for something else to cause frustration. 

So, up to him now. I did get a call from Home Health, for hospital did not let 
them know he went to rehab!? They said that was ok, and when discharged they 
would pick up care at home! All good...

Except nurse just called with problem from facility! Oh to be with him to keep 
eagle eye on him. Pray he did not hurt himself to have to go to hospital, then 
back, and start quarantine all over again!! Found him lying on floor in hall, 
after being seen sitting in chair in hall, but no apparent harm. (He likes to 
be on floor sometimes if uncomfortable at home!) But must report as unseen 
fall, quit blood thinner just got back on for 3 days, observe 
closely.....Giving him some melatonin and ibuprofen (which he took at home) to 
help him sleep as he is restless and up a lot during night per night shift. Ah 


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