I received a phone call today from some guy named Jim Jasek. What a
surprise. He sounds good and and in fair spirits. We reminisced about cave
trips we were on and other stuff. It was great to hear from Jim. Our phone
call was unfortunately cut short because it was time for a therapy session.

Mike Harris

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 12:40 PM Mimi Jasek <mjca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> New update. Jim was moved to better wing, working all therapy, eating as
> best he can, dealing with ups and downs of healing from the event, and
> quarantine will be lifted Saturday if he does not test positive on
> Friday!!? All staff and residents being tested per law. If Jim does not get
> tested, he will be quarantined for another 14  days. If he tests positive -
> got it in there - he will be quarantined for another 14 days. I wanted him
> home for birthday and Father’s Day weekend, but after talk with head
> therapist, that might or might not happen. She feels at this point he would
> truly benefit from more therapy beyond that first Medicare covered 20 days,
> which is 11th or 12th. As long as our supplemental picks up, that is ok.
> Having to do all therapy in his room is restrictive. He would progress much
> faster if they could broaden his area of access, and his mental outlook
> would improve vastly if he could socialize. Another 14 days of isolation
> would be awful, and truly retard his healing progress. I worry though that
> if any of his care givers test positive, will he be automatically
> quarantined?!! So, please send prayers and good thoughts for him to test
> negative, as well as all care givers. The long term residents would not be
> affected like Jim - who is supposed to come home! Since I have not seen him
> since he went in on the 23rd, I honestly have no real idea of how he is
> doing functionally. I get that question, but just don’t know. All I know is
> from phone calls with him, nurses, and therapists (rarely). Stay well and
> safe, please! This situation is just not good for anyone at this time☹️
> Mimi Jasek
> 254-495-0416
> Sent from my iPhone
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