
The San Antonio Kickoff for the International Year of Caves and Karst was last 
Sunday, March 14, 2021.

I want to thank everyone that came out to the Crane Bat Cave property cleanup. 
The weather was cool and overcast and we were able to fill two twenty-yard roll 
offs with ranch waste. We also created some piles of trash we had drug out of 
the weeds which will make cleaning up the property easier in the future. 
Materials ranged from shingles, sheet metal, an old chicken coop, boards, old 
swing set, wire, fencing, more wire, glass, and more sheet metal. There was 
also a large metallic disc that was too large to pick up and was hot to the 
touch. We tried to break it up with a sledgehammer, axe, grinder, reciprocating 
saw, cutting torch, and couldn't dent or even scratch it (You know if Paul and 
Stephen Bryant can't tear it up, it has got to be tough). We figured we could 
get some worth decent beer money with it at the scrap yard.  We could hear 
something moving around inside but couldn't see in the windows. I slapped a 
yellow bat sticker on the thing and left it for the next cleanup.

We had about 28 people attend the event. I think the Aggies drove the furthest 
to get there and always put in a great effort. Others came from Austin and the 
rest from the San Antonio area. Here is a list of people that attended. (I'm 
sure I'll get some of the names wrong but folks need to learn how to write 
their names so an old man can read them.)
Mike Yang (Austin), Alan Montemayor (aka Curly Merkin), Nat Clark, Kori 
Dunaway, Richard Silver, Adam Dow, Mauri Attil, Marco Ramos, Srirm Madabushi, 
Tom Florer, Mark Dobson, Mark Walker, Sara Ranzau, Liz Brearley, Catherine 
Daas, Dilan Klessel, Alyson Lipsett, Garry White, Bobby Randolph, Isabell 
Petersen, Chelsea Parada, Paul Bryant, Rebecca Bryant, Liam Bryant, Stephen 
Bryant, Marrin Atzil, Leia Hill, Geary Schindel, and Engledink Humperbert 
(British singer that provided entertainment.)

The Crane Bat Cave property was acquired to protect the contributing zone of 
the Edwards Aquifer and will be used as a nature preserve. We contributed about 
four hours labor each with 28 people for a total of 112 person hours of work. 
At $15 per hour, our efforts were valued at $1,680. I used the $15 amount since 
we're dealing with skilled caver labor and many have prior  experience picking 
up trash along the highway (the orange jumpsuit crowd). I would have valued the 
work even higher, but we couldn't get the metal disc cut into smaller pieces. 
Maybe Galen will come down next time and do a little micro-shaving with some 
diamond bits.

Jim Bowie's buried silver was not found under the trash piles but I'm sure it's 
there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks to everyone that helped. It was nice to get folks together, do a little 
socializing (at a distance) and I  It has earned us a lot of good will with the 

Geary Schindel
Geary M. Schindel, P.G.
Senior Hydrogeologist<>
210.222.2204 ext 346   Mobile: 210.326.1576
900 E Quincy
San Antonio, TX 78215

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