hi everyone

i am under mac os X.6.8 with Xcode 3.2.6

my TeXmacs sources are installed - i think this is correct, it was done in 
March with the great help of Miguel

it is in a folder "Sources" in a subfolder of my ~/ (there are no esoteric 
characters in any folder between ~/ and Sources/, except a ! somewhere)

i have made a cd in the Sources/texmacs/texmacs folder (the folder containing 
tags, branches and trunk)

then i have made a svn update, yesterday evening : it was quite long

now i think the sources are updated

in Xcode, i just made "Build and Run" to create an executable. But it writes 
now : "build failed, 2 errors, 220 warnings"

on the other side, the 3 executables that appear in the left bar of Xcode, and 
which are designed as "TeXmacsQt, TeXmacsX11, TeXmacsCocoa", are supposed 
(after click on "info") to be located in 
Thought, in this folder shown with the Finder of mac os X, there appears only 
one file which is "TeXmacsQt" showed with a "forbidden" sign on the icon

question : could anyone clear me on these two points ? how can i create an 
executable with my fresh sources, and why does it not work for the moment ?


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