Hi Max,

Interesting news.  During the next week or two,
I want to focus on publicity for TeXmacs 2.1.
After that, it will be time for Qt 5/6 and
a replacement for Guile 1.*.

Best wishes, --Joris

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 11:28:23PM +0100, Jeroen Wouters wrote:
> Thanks, Max. That seems to work now.
> Best,
> Jeroen
> On 23 June 2021 22:44:01 BST, Massimiliano Gubinelli <m.gubine...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> >Jeroen,
> >
> >thanks for testing. I've pushed few hours ago a small patch to the
> >HiDPI icons. They now looks fine on my Mac with "retina icons" on.
> >Before they were too large.
> >
> >Can you check if you are at commit
> >
> >91f98a8e9abfde313924efaa9ba52d375220867b
> >
> >or not?
> >
> >Thanks
> >Max
> >
> >
> >
> >> On 23. Jun 2021, at 21:04, Jeroen Wouters <jer...@diasporist.org>
> >wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi Max,
> >> 
> >> Thanks for the interesting experiment. It builds and runs okay on my
> >Linux (Fedora 33).
> >> 
> >> There seem to be some changes to the HiDPI functionality, though. On
> >Qt5, I would need to turn on the "High Resolution Icons" to get large
> >enough icons. Now they are too large with the setting on, so I need to
> >turn it off.
> >> 
> >> The text also becomes pixelated if I drag the window to my second
> >low-DPI screen, which didn't happen before.
> >> 
> >> On the positive side, the toolbar height is now okay, it was too low
> >on Qt5 (https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?60110
> ><https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?60110>). I also no longer experience
> >this bug, although it's still labeled as open:
> >> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-68636
> ><https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-68636>
> >> 
> >> Best,
> >> Jeroen
> >> 
> >> On Wed, 23 Jun, 2021 at 19:01, Massimiliano Gubinelli
> ><m.gubine...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Dear all,
> >>>  today I've just made a small experiment and ported TeXmacs to Qt6.
> >It required some changes here and there but so far works fine for me on
> >Mac. I would need to check more for the specific problems we had with
> >Qt5. Also I made some quick fixes which require maybe some more work to
> >be done properly.
> >>> 
> >>> It would be nice to see if it is ok on Windows and Linux.
> >>> 
> >>> If you want to try, you find the qt6 branch here:
> >>> 
> >>> https://github.com/mgubi/texmacs/tree/qt6
> ><https://github.com/mgubi/texmacs/tree/qt6>
> >>> 
> >>> PR are always welcome.
> >>> 
> >>> I've tried to make the configure step with Qt6 but I do not
> >guarantee anything. Be ready to put your hands in the dirt...
> >>> 
> >>> Best
> >>> Max
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
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