On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Tech Nossomy <technoss...@mail.com> wrote:

> The following pages are candidates for deletion:
> TracMercurialPlugin

This is useful for users that search t-h.o for the MercurialPlugin. We like
to at least have stub pages for externally-hosted plugins.

> PluginTutorial
> WikiNotify
> TracForgePluginInstallation


> TimingAndEstimationScriptHelp

That page is linked from: TimingAndEstimationPlugin#OlderVersions. You
could contact the author to ask if it is needed.

> RevtreePlugin/Changelog
> RevtreePlugin/Gallery
> MylarTracConnector
> TimeEstimationAndQuotingNewFeaturesSpecification
> PhpBugTracker
> TicketValidationPlugin
> TracAnnouncer
> UrlDefenderPlugin
> TraceabilityMatrixPlugin
> RestOnTracPlugin
> RepositoryHookSystemPlugin/MultipleRepositorySupport
> PdfImageMacroPlugin

All removed.

> Has the following functionality already been integrated in core?
> FullTextSearchPlugin

FullTextSearchPlugin extends Trac's search capability beyond the simple
TracSearch implementation.

> Can the following page be opened up for editing?
> TracForgePlugin

That page had been readonly. That was either an accident, or someone was
trying to block spamming. The readonly has been removed.
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