*Names of 63 Saints and a brief history*

*1. Sundaramurthi Nayanar Sundaramurthi Nayanar was born in Thiru Navalur,
in an atmosphere full of spiritual vibrations and Saivism. He was a great
devotee of Lord Siva. He is one of the Tamil Samaya Acharyas (four Tamil
religious Teachers). Sundaramurthi Nayanar, with a friend like attitude
towards Lord Siva sang the glories of Lord Siva at all the sacred places
that he visited. *

*2. ThiruNeelakanta Nayanar  Thiru Neelakanta Nayanar lived in Chidambaram.
A potter by caste and profession and had great regard and love for Lord
Siva (His Neelakanta aspect) and His devotees. He led an ideal household
life and achieved the ultimate state with his intense devotion.  *

*3. Iyarpahai NayanarIyarpahaiar, a Visya by caste, was a native of
Kaveripoompattinam. To him Siva Bhaktas were the living manifestations of
Lord Siva. Charity was ingrained in him. It was his practice to invite Siva
Bhaktas to his house, worship them with faith and devotion and give them
all they wanted. Through his life, Lord revealed the truth that
unquestioning devotion does not result in the violation of the Dharma.  *

*4. IlayankudiMara Nayanar Marnar, a farmer by profession from Ilayankudi
village, later transformed into Ilayankudi Mara Nayanar , through his great
devotion of Lord Siva and His devotees. He took the greatest pleasure in
serving them. Lord Siva bestowed him with unique darshan (vision or
experience) - Lord Siva and Mother Parvathy showered Their blessing on him
and his wife. He reached the ultimate state with his devotion to Siva.  *

*5. Maiporul NayanarMaiporul Nayanar (meaning 'one for whom God was the
sole reality') was a pious, chivalrous and brave king and an ardent devote
of Siva and all His devotees. There was peace and plenty in his kingdom.
People worshipped him as the “living God”. He gave his word that any of
Lord Siva's devotees will be welcomed and taken care of, in his kingdom. A
neighbouring king, who dressed up as a Siva bhakta (devotee) plotted
against him and stabbed him, Maiporul gave him protection and sent him
back. This pious act, in face of death made him attain Siva's
consciousness. *

*6. Viralminda NayanarA Vellala by caste and a staunch devotee of Lord
Siva, Viralminda Nayanar was born in Sengunru. Through the grace of Siva,
he was free from ego. He had equal vision. He served His devotees and
attained purity of mind. To him worship of Siva Bhaktas was equal, if not
even superior to the worship of Lord Siva Himself. He felt that no one
could get Siva's grace without first worshipping Siva Bhaktas. Before
worshipping the Lord at the temples, he used to worship the Siva Bhaktas
who might be found there.  *

*7. Amaraneedi Nayanar Amaraneedi Nayanar was a Vaisya by caste and was an
ardent Siva Bhakta.He belonged to Pazhaiyaarai in the Chola Kingdom. He
used to run an import export business in gold, diamonds, silks and cotton
goods. He earned money honestly and became rich. Though he was engaged in
worldly activities, his mind was fixed on Lord Siva. He would invite Siva
Bhaktas to his house and worship them. He reached the ultimate knowledge
and merged into eternal bliss with his devotional attitude.  *

*8. Eripatha Nayanar Eripatha Nayanar was born in Karuvur city that is
situated on the bank of the river Ambiravatiin the Chola Kingdom. On both
the banks of this river saints and sages were doing Tapas (penance) and
were radiating spiritual vibrations. Eripatha Nayanar was daily worshipping
Lord Pasupatheesvarar with great faith and devotion. Pleased with his
devotion, he was showered with state of ultimate bliss by Siva.  *

*9. Enadinatha Nayanar A Shanar (toddy tapper), Enadinatha Nayanar was born
in Eyinanur in Chola Kingdom. It was situated to the south-east of
Kumbakonam on the bank of the river Arisol. Enadinathar was an ardent
devotee of Lord Siva, he was devoted even to the external marks of Siva
Bhakti. To Enadiar, the three white lines of Thiruneeru or sacred ash on
one's forehead were sufficient to evoke his own reverence. He was
challenged to a duel by a jealous man, who just to kill Enadinatha, applied
Thiruneeru marks on his own forehead. Seeing the sacred marks on the
opponents, Enadinatha didn't attack and was slain by the armed opponent.
Lord Siva was highly pleased with this self-sacrificing devotion that
Enadinathar had for the ashes. He appeared before Enadinathar as he fell,
and took him to His Abode.  *

*10. Kannappa Nayanar Tinnar was born to the king of hunters at Uduppur in
Pottapi Nadu and himself was a great archer. Though hunter by profession,
Tinnanar was full of love and would not kill young ones, females, diseased
animals, etc. Spiritually, he had already killed the animals within
himself, ie. lust, anger, greed, vanity, etc. On Kalahasti hill, one day he
saw Lord Siva in a Siva Lingam and felt supreme love surging in his heart.
He offered his both eyes, when the two eyes on the Siva Lingam were oozing
blood. Lord Siva caught hold of his hand and said: 'My dear child,
Kannappa! Stop plucking your eye.' The Lord repeated the word Kannappa
thrice. Kannappar was thrice blessed. Tinnanar became Kannappar, because he
gave his own eye to the Lord.  *

*11. KungiliyaKalaya Nayanar Kungiliya Kalaya Nayanar was a Brahmin by
caste and was born in Thirukadavur in the Chola kingdom. He got the name
because he was always holding a pot (an incense pot) in his hand. He
considered burning of incense before the Lord was the best service to Him.
Lord Siva was highly pleased with the Nayanar's intense devotion and his
wonderful service. Lord Siva put his devotion to test in many instances, so
that the true glory of his supreme devotion to the Lord may be understood
by all. He finally bestowed him with eternal bliss.  *

*12. Manakanchara Nayanar Manakanchara was Vellala by caste and
Senathipathi (war general) by profession, was born in Kancharur in Chola
kingdom. People of the community had the highest regard for him. He was a
contemporary of Sundaramurthi Nayanar. He would read devotees minds from
their look, and would serve them without their asking.  *

*13. Arivattaya Nayanar A rich Vellala by name Thayanar used to live in
Kannamangalam in the Chola kingdom. He was leading the life of an ideal
Grihastha (householder). Thayanar was a great devotee of Lord Siva. His
devotion took the form of a daily offering to the Lord of food prepared
with red rice, a sauce made of red herb, and mango. He considered this as
an act of great devotion to the Lord. The Lord was highly pleased with
Thayanar's devotion and blessed him with ultimate state of consciousness.
He later received the name Arivattaya.  *

*14. Anaya Nayanar Anayar a cowherd by profession, was born in
Thirumangalam. He was a staunch devotee of the Lord Siva. He was devoted to
the Bhasma, and also to Siva Bhaktas, irrespective of their caste. His
devotion to the Lord took the form of playing on his flute the holy
Panchakshara Mantra of Siva. He aspired to realise the Lord, through this
Mantra. The Lord was immensely pleased with Ayanar's sincere devotion. The
sweetness of the music of the flute and the effect of the Panchakshara
Mantra both melted His heart. He appeared before Nayanar, with Mother
Parvathi, blessed him and took him to Kailas.  *

*15. Murthi Nayanar Murthi Nayanar was born in Madura in Pandya kingdom. A
Vaisya by caste, he was a great devotee of Lord Siva. Daily he used to
offer sandalwood paste to the Lord. He was bestowed with Lord Siva's
darshan (vision/experience) when one day he used his own elbow as sandal
paste when he didn't get any to perform puja with. By Lord's grace, he
became ruler of that place, and at the end of his life, attained Siva's
consciousness. *

*16. Muruga NayanarMuruga Nayanar was born in Thirupukalur, a place for
many other Nayanars also. Daily he would wake up well before sunrise, take
bath, wear the sacred ash on his forehead, do his Nitya Karmas, and go to
the garden with a basket. Repeating the Panchakshara(holy chant) he would
collect flowers, and as mentioned in the Siva Agamas, make colourful
garlands and offer to the Lord. He got merged in the Divine Effulgence of
the Lord finally.  *

*17. RudraPasupathi Nayanar Rudra Pasupathi Nayanar was a great devotee of
Lord Siva and he resorted to this Sadhana (penance). He used to recite Sri
Rudram standing in water, neck deep and was, therefore, blessed by the Lord
with Moksha or the ultimate state of bliss. In the vedas the holy hymn that
takes the central stage is shri rudram. This holy hymn has in its bosom the
holy most mantra for any saivite that is nama sivaya, the siva panchasaram.
This is one vedic hymn chanted at any major worship of Lord Siva. Chanting
of the holy rudram is called uruththira pachupathi (rudra pashupati) *

*18. ThiruNalaiPovar Nayanar *

*Nandanar was a Paraiah (untouchable) by caste. He was born in Adanoor in
the Chola kingdom. He was an embodiment of humility and devotion. Lord Siva
was his sole refuge. He would often visit the holy places of pilgrimage and
supply leather drums and such other musical instruments for the
temples. When he went near the temples, he always remained outside and
worshipped the Lord mentally. He reached the ultimate state of bliss with
his devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*19. Thiru Kurippu Thonda Nayanar Thiruthondar was born in
Thondamandalam. He was a washerman. He was a staunch devotee of Lord Siva.
He served Siva Bhaktas, understanding their need by watching for the signs
on their face, and hence he had earned the name Thiru Kurippu Thonda
Nayanar. His service consisted mainly of washing the clothes of Siva
Bhaktas. Lord Siva wanted to bless this devotee and, as usual, it had to be
preceded by a severe test and after passing all the tests, bestowed him
with His consciousness!  *

*20. Chandesvara Nayanar Vichara Sarman (who was later known as Chandesvara
Nayanar) was born in Thiruchaijnanallur, which was famous for Vedic
recitations, Tapas, and Siva Bhakti. He had attained Saroopya Mukthi
(liberation, with the attainment of the form of the Lord). The Lord said:
' You worshipped Me with food, clothes and flower garlands. In the same
manner, you will also be worshipped.  *

*21. Thiru-Navukkarasar Nayanar*

*Appar or Thiru Navukkarasar flourished in the 7th century A. D. He is one
of the four Saiva Samaya Acharyas (Saivite spiritual
teachers). Thiru-Navukkarasar Naynar embraced Jainism at earlier stages of
his life. Later he realised he made a mistake and felt at the feet of the
Lord and worshipped him. He worshipped with intense devotion. "Oh Lord, I
have insulted You and Your religion, I have committed Once on the bank of
Godavari, I argued with the saints and established the superiority of
Jainism. For all this evil, Lord Yama himself has come to me in the form of
this excruciating pain. Oh Lord, You are my sole prop and refuge. Save me.
I will ever keep Your Lotus Feet in my heart.' When he concluded the song,
the pain disappeared. A celestial voice said: 'From now on you will be
known as Thiru Navukkarasar, 'Lord of Speech'. Your glory will spread
everywhere.' Thus Lord Siva's grace restored his faith in Saivism.*

*22. Kulacchirai Nayanar In devotion to Siva Bhaktas, Kulacchirai Nayanar
excelled. He was born in Manamerkudi, in the Pandyan kingdom Nayanar was an
able soldier and administrator. Yet, his mind was ever absorbed in the
Lord. To him adoration of Siva Bhaktas was equal to adoration of Lord Siva
Himself. He saw no difference between Siva Bhaktas and Siva. He reached the
ultimate state of bliss with his intense devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*23. Perumizhalai Kurumba Nayanar Perumizhalai Kurumba Nayanar excelled in
Guru Bhakti(Devotion to his Master). He was an ardent devotee of Lord Siva
and Siva Bhaktas, too. He heard of Sundaramurthi Nayanar's greatness and
mentally accepted him as his Guru. To him, Sundarar was the sole refuge. He
adored the Guru in thought, word and deed. By the Guru's grace, he attained
all the Siddhis. He was immersed in Siva Bhakti and Guru Bhakti and
attained the state of eternal bliss with this attitude.  *

*24. Karaikal Ammaiyar*

*Punithavathiar as Karaikal Ammaiyar was called, was born in a Vaisya
family.She was married to Paramadattan, a wealthy Vaisya. Both of them were
leading an ideal householder's life. Her Husband Paramadattan, very soon
realised his wife's powerful devotion to Lord Siva and felt that it was a
great sin to live with her as her husband. He married another girl and
lived separately. Later when she approached him, he revealed that he
regarded her, not as his wife, but as a Goddess. She went on a pilgrimage
to the holy Kailasa. Feeling that it would be a great sin to place her foot
on those sacred grounds, she made the last part of the journey on her head.
Lord Siva granted the many boons to her and asked her to proceed to
Thiruvalangadu to witness His dance. She went to that place and spent her
life singing the praise of Lord Siva.*

*25. Appuddi Nayanar In devotion to the Guru, Appudi Nayanar excelled. He
was an ardent Siva Bhakta. Appudi had heard of the glories of
Thirunavukkarasar (Appar). He knew that Lord Siva Himself, out of
compassion for the spiritual aspirants, appeared as the Guru.He meditated
on the lotus feet of the Guru. One day his Guru that is Appar himself came
to see him and he was surprised to see the devotion of Appudi Nayanar.
Appar lived in Appudi Adigal's house for some time. Appudi gained the grace
of the Lord, by his wonderful devotion to his Guru, Appar Swamigal.  *

*26 Thiruneelanakka Nayanar Thiruneelanakka Nayanar lived in
Thirusattamangai an important city in the Chola kingdom. Thiruneelanakka
Nayanar was very eager to meet the great saint Sambandar who visited his
town. Sambandar removed the mist of caste distinction from the eyes of
Nayanar and also sang a song in which he glorified Nayanar. When Sambandar
got merged in the Light of Lord Siva, Thiruneelanakka Nayanar also got
merged in it.  *

*27 Nami Nandi Adigal In the Chola kingdom there lived a Brahmin called
Nami Nandi Adigal. Daily he used to go to Thiruvarur and worship Lord Siva,
his sole refuge. The Chola king, hearing of Nandi Adigal's greatness,
appointed him as the head of the temple. People's faith in Jainism was lost
through the miracles of Nandi Adigal and they embraced Saivism. Later Nandi
Adigal settled down in Thiruvarur. He served the Lord and His Bhaktas so
nicely that Appar praised him as 'Anipon' (pure gold). Ultimately he
attained the glorious realm of the Lord.  *

*28. Thirugnana Sambandar Nayanar Thiru Jnana Sambandar was born in
Seerkali, to great Siva devotees Sivapada Hridaya and Bhagavathiar, as a
boon from Lord Siva to establish Saivism. As a child, he used to long for
Siva and Parvathi and used to cry on being separated from them. Lord
Thoniappar (Siva) appeared with Mother Parvathy and asked Her to feed the
child with the milk of divine wisdom. From that moment he was known as
Aludaiya Pillayar or one who enjoys the protection of the Lord and also as
Thiru Gnana Sambandar as he attained divine wisdom through the grace of
Lord Siva and Parvathy. From the moment he drank the Milk of Wisdom, he
began to sing soul-stirring songs in praise of Lord Siva. The collection of
these songs is called Thevaram. The first hymn of the Thevaram begins with
His first hymn sung – Thodudaiya.  *

*29. EyarkonKalikama Nayanar This saint belonged to the family called
'Eyarkudi' which produced Commanders-in-Chief to Chola kings. He was a
great devotee of Lord Siva. Lord Siva brings about a reconciliation between
the two Nayanars in a wonderful and mysterious manner. Kalikama Nayanar
also belonged to the same age as Sundaramurthi Nayanar and he heard the
news that Sundaramurthi Nayanar had sent Lord Siva Himself as his messenger
to settle a domestic quarrel. It terribly annoyed Kalikamanar. Sundarar
came to know about Kalikamar and realized his fault and entreated the Lord
to appease Kalikamar's anger.Lord caused Kalikamar to suffer from colic and
made Sundarar to attempt to cure him.But Kalikamar gave up his life by
cutting his bowel open, preferring so ,rather than getting cured by
Sundarar.Sundarar was not let to know this but after persuation gets to see
Nayanar's body .In desperation, Sundarar also attempts to cut his throat.
By the grace of Lord Siva, Kalikamar at once came back to life. They
embraced each other. Kalikamar spent the rest of his life in the service of
the Lord and His devotees and finally reached His Abode.  *

*30. ThiruMula Nayanar Thirumula Nayanar was a Saiva Siddha and was called
Thirumular because he entered into the mortal frame of Mulan. Lord Siva
wanted Thirumular to write a book on Saiva Philosophy, containing the
essence of all Siva Agamas, in Tamil. Thirumular understood His wish and
returned to Thiruvavaduthurai. He worshipped the Lord and sat under the
near-by peepul tree in deep meditation.He was in Samadhi for three thousand
years. But, every year, he would come down from Samadhi and compose a
stanza: thus, in three thousand years he wrote three thousand stanzas. This
book is called Thirumandiram.  *

*31. Dandiadigal Nayanar Dandiadigal was born blind. But, he always
repeated the Panchaksharam and visualised the Lord with his inner eyes.
Dandi Adigal wanted to extend the area of a tank in a temple in Thiruvarur,
in the Chola kingdom. Though he was blind, he had the determination and
complete faith in the Lord. He not only finishes his mission but also gains
eyesight with his great devotion to God.  *

*32. Murkha Nayanar This saint was great devotee of Lord Siva and was doing
Maahesvara Puja by regularly feeding bhaktas at any cost. He had spent all
his wealth in such feeding. He used to gamble and use the money for feeding
Siva Bhaktas.The name Murkha Nayanar meant wicked Nayanar since he used to
resort to violence if someone refused to gamble. All the money was for
lord's bhaktas.  *

*33. Somasira Nayanar Somasira Nayanar was a Brahmin by caste who lived in
Thiruvambur. He was a great devotee of the Lord and served His Bhaktas,
irrespective of their caste. He did Yagas and worshipped the Lord, without
expecting any reward. He went to Thiruvarur and lived with Sundaramurthi
Nayanar to whom he had totally surrendered himself. Thus he got His grace.
He was a true Jnani and Karma Yogi.  *

*34. Sakkiya Nayanar Sakkiya Nayanar had an appearance of Buddhist, But he
adored Lord Siva. He believed that, whatever be the external appearance or
conduct of one, if he had intense devotion to the Lord, he would attain
Liberation. One day, as he was sitting in an open Siva temple and
meditating on the Lingam, completely absorbed in the divine bliss, he
self-forgetfully threw a stone at the Lingam. On the next day, he realizes
that his action was lord's intent and meant that Lord would accept anything
offered by His Bhakta in devotion. It became his daily worship. One day,
the Lord appeared before him, blessed him and took him to Kailasa.  *

*35. Sirappuli Nayanar Sirappuli Nayanar was a pious Brahmin who lived in
Thiruvakur in the Chola kingdom. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Siva and
His Bhaktas. A special spiritual practice of this Nayanar seems to have
been the ceaseless repetition of the Panchakshara Mantra (Om Namah Sivaya)
with and sincerity, throughout the day and night. He attained the ultimate
bliss with sincere devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*36. Siruthonda NayanarSiruthonda Nayanar had an original name Paranjyoti.
He realised that devotion to the Feet of Lord Siva was the best means of
obtaining Liberation from Samsara and so, he clung to Them. He would not
eat without first feeding a Siva Bhakta. He regarded himself as the lowly
servant of the Lord and His Bhaktas: hence the name Siruthondar (small
servant).  *

*37. CheramanPerumal NayanarCheraman Perumal Nayanar was born in
Kodunkolur.The name Cheraman was the common name for all Cheras. Perumal
was the title adopted by him after his coronation. By his many acts of
devotion and piety, he earned the grace of Lord Siva. The Lord sent to him
a renowned musician and devotee, Banapatirar, with a palm leaf on which was
the Lord's own song in praise of Cheraman! In Kailasa, Cheraman became the
chief of Lord Siva's Ganas (servants).  *

*38. Gananatha Nayanar Gananathar was a pious Brahmin of Sirkali. He was a
great Bhakta of Lord Siva. People admired his virtue and devotion and came
to him for advice. He invariably gave them some work connected with the
temple, according to their ability like cleaning the temple, making
garlands, working in the gardens, burn lamps in the temples, etc. Thus he
infused devotion in them for the Lord and transformed them into Siva
Bhaktas. He was greatly devoted to Gnana Sambandar. All these earned Siva's
grace for him.  *

*39. Kootruva Nayanar This saint was a chieftain of Kalandai. He used to
repeat the Panchakshara Mantra, and serve the Bhaktas. Nayanar captured
many places in the Chola and Pandyan kingdoms and also wanted that the
three thousand Brahmins of Tillai should crown him king and they refuse to
do so. The Lord knew that Nayanar's intent was only to spiritualise the
coronation. When the Brahmins feared political repercussions, the Lord
Himself fulfilled the devotee's wish. .  *

*40. Pugal Chola Nayanar Pugal Chola Nayanar a great devotee of Lord Siva
and his Bhaktas was a Chola king living in Uraiyur. Noticing that his
troops killed a Siva Bhakta in a war, he placed the head of Siva Bhakta on
a golden plate in his hand and entered fire, thus entering the Lord's
Abode.  *

*41. Narasinga Muniyaraiyar Nayanar This saint a petty chieftain was highly
devoted to Lord Siva, lived in Thiru Munaipadi. On one day when feeding
Siva Bhaktas in Thiruvathirai, he fed and paid great respect to a naked
Bhakta who came with sacred ashes and also gave him 200 gold coins. Thus
taught by example to other Bhaktas that outlook is not important for a
Nayanar, and all devotees are manifestations of Lord Siva  *

*42. Adipattha Nayanar*

*This saint was a fisherman born in Nulaipadi near Nagapattinam. It was his
practice to let go one fish from his catch daily, as an offering unto the
Lord. The Lord wanted to reveal his greatness to the world. Once it so
happened that for many consecutive days he could catch only one fish. He
let it go, in the name of Lord Siva, and went without food. One day he
caught a golden fish, again only one for the day. And, he stuck to his vow
and let it go, in the name of Lord Siva. The Lord appeared before him and
blessed this illiterate, fisherman saint.*

*43. Kalikamba Nayanar This saint was a Vaisya by caste and he lived in
Pennagadam in the Chola kingdom. One day while doing service in the temple
his former servant came to his house in the guise of a Bhakta. Nayanar, as
usual, welcomed him, washed his feet and worshipped him. But, his wife who
recognised the former servant did not join. Nayanar understood her lack of
devotion, continued his worship of the Bhakta. Practising this form of Yoga
Sadhana, he attained the ultimate bliss.  *

*44. Kalia Nayanar*

*Kalia Nayanar was an oil monger of Thiruvotriyur. His adoration of the
Lord, to Whom he was highly devoted, took the form of lighting the temple
lamps daily. He was rich. But, in order to reveal his greatness the Lord
made him poor. His family people also refused help. He began to work as a
labourer to earn the oil. Even this became impossible. At last, in despair,
he wanted to cut his own throat and use the blood instead of oil, to burn
the lamps. In that attempt, Lord Siva caught hold of his hand and blessed
him. What greatness, and what intensity of devotion is portrayed in this
simple life! Self-forgetfulness is the key-note in devotion. Remembering
God always, the devotee is so thoroughly absorbed in Him, that nothing but
God and His worship matters to him.*

*45. Satti Nayanar Satti Nayanar was a Vellala by caste. He was born in
Varinjiyur in the Chola kingdom. He was a sincere devotee of Lord Siva and
honoured His devotees. He could not tolerate anyone speaking ill of them.
Lord Siva understood his pure inner Bhav and showered His grace on him.  *

*46. Aiyadigal Kadavarkon Nayanar Aiyadigal Kadavarkon Nayanar was a
Pallava king who ruled over Kanchi and a siva devotee.He renounced his
kingdom and undertook pilgrimage of different shrines.He set an example for
all to lead the path of virtue and Godlines.He served his subjects by
percept and his own personal example  *

*47. Kanampulla Nayanar Kanampulla Nayanar was a wealthy man in
Irukkuvelur. He was a great Siva Bhakta. He wanted to utilise all his
wealth in His service only. So, with unswerving devotion he would light the
lamps in Siva shrines and sing His praise. He attained the ultimate state
of bliss with his sincere devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*48. Kari Nayanar *

*This ardent devotee of Lord Siva was a native of Thirukadavur. He was a
scholar in Tamil. He used to go to the three Tamil kings, and get money by
singing Tamil Kovais (anthology). He earned a lot and built temples. Thus
he spread the cause of Saivism. He also served Siva Bhaktas and earned His
grace. A true devotee of the Lord lives for His sake only. All that he has
is offered to the Lord as the devotee's worship.  *

*49. NinraSeer Nedumara Nayanar Koon Pandyan, the Pandyan king, was ruling
in Madura. He was called Koon Pandyan because of his hunchback. When
Sambandar came to Madura and was staying outside the city, Kulacchirai
Nayanar invited him into the city. When Sambandar sang a song, the king's
hunchback was cured, as also his burning pain. He came back to Saivism.
Since then he was known as Ninra Seer Nadumara Nayanar. The Pandyan king
then defeated the northern kings at Thirunelvely and spread Saivism there.
Mangayarkarasiyar helped her husband a lot in this. Both the husband and
the wife worshipped Sambandar with great faith and devotion. Their devotion
to the Guru and love of Saivism earned His grace for them. Thus himself and
his wife attained the state of eternal bliss.  *

*50. MangayarkarasiyarKoon Pandyan, the Pandyan king, was ruling in Madura.
He was called Koon Pandyan because of his hunchback. When Sambandar came to
Madura and was staying outside the city, Kulacchirai Nayanar invited him
into the city. When Sambandar sang a song, the king's hunchback was cured,
as also his burning pain. He came back to Saivism. Since then he was known
as Ninra Seer Nadumara Nayanar. The Pandyan king then defeated the northern
kings at Thirunelvely and spread Saivism there. Mangayarkarasiyar helped
her husband a lot in this. Both the husband and the wife worshipped
Sambandar with great faith and devotion. Their devotion to the Guru and
love of Saivism earned His grace for them. Thus himself and his wife
attained the state of eternal bliss.  *

*51. Vayilar Nayanar*

*Vayilar Nayanar belonged to Mylapore. He was a Siva Bhakta. He constructed
temples mentally and did Manasic (mental) worship. He built the temple of
non-forgetfulness, lit the shining lamp of Self-illumination, bathed the
Lord in the waters of immortal Ananda (bliss) and worshipped Him with the
elixir of supreme love. Thus he obtained salvation. His life is an example
for the hymn of Thirunavukkarasar in which he says "For the Lord
of thiruvaiyaru there is no temple other than the minds of the servants who
serve Him; love Him; prostrate in front of Him."*

*52. Munaiyaduvar Nayanar Munaiyaduvar Nayanar was a great Bhakta of Lord
Siva and His devotees. He was always the hope of the desperate, the weak
and the vanquished.He used to feed Siva bhaktas and used to earn money by
working as a professional fighter and hence he was called 'Munaiyaduvar'.
Lord Siva was highly pleased with his devotion and blessed him.  *

*53. Kazharsinga Nayanar Kazharsinga Nayanar was enlightened Master who
attained the ultimate throught Saivism philosophy. Kazharsinga Nayanar was
an ardent devotee of the Lord Siva. He was a Pallava monarch, belonging to
the family of Kadavar.Seruthunai Nayanar was his wife who also achieved the
state of eternal bliss with devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*54. Seruthunai Nayanar Kazharsinga Nayanar was enlightened Master who
attained the ultimate throught Saivism philosophy. Kazharsinga Nayanar was
an ardent devotee of the Lord Siva. He was a Pallava monarch, belonging to
the family of Kadavar.Seruthunai Nayanar was his wife who also achieved the
state of eternal bliss with devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*55. Idangazhi Nayanar This saint was the king of Velas in Kodumbalur. He
was a devotee of Lord Siva. He had made arrangements with all the Siva
temples to perform worship according to the Siva Agamas. He displayed his
zeal for the spread of Saivism. Thus he earned Lord Siva's grace, too and
reached the eternal bliss  *

*56. PugazhTunai NayanarThis saint was a pious Adi Saiva of Seruviliputhur.
He was an ardent Siva Bhakta. He was a Pujari (priest) in the temple. His
daily duty was to bathe the image, uttering the Mantras and do the Puja,
according to the Siva Agamas. In spite of a famine swept over the land and
people leaving the place and going,he loved his god and his duty and did
not want to leave and continued doing his puja in spite of being emaciated.
One day, in spite of his weakness, he fetched water for the Lord's Bath
(Abhishekam) and, when he was pouring the water on the Lingam, the
water-pot slipped from his hand and fell on Him. Nayanar forgot himself in
sheer exhaustion and fainted away. The Lord appeared in his dream and said
that He would leave one coin in the temple every day till the famine was
over so that he could procure the necessary food with that money and
appease his hunger. Nayanar woke up and found that the dream was true! The
Lord thus enabled His Bhakta to get over the famine. He continued his daily
Puja in the temple and finally reached the Lord's Abode.  *

*57. Kotpuli Nayanar Kotpuli Nayanar was a Vellala by caste and was the
Commander-in-Chief of a Chola king. He was highly devoted to Lord Siva. He
was very pious and virtuous. It was his practice to purchase paddy out of
his income and give it to Siva temples for the Lord's food. He achieved the
state of ultimate bliss with his intense devotion to Lord Siva.  *

*58. Pusalar Nayanar Pusalar was a Brahmin of Thiru Ninravur in Thondai
Mandalam. He excelled in the mental worship of the Lord. He strongly
desired to build a temple for Lord Siva, but being poor, mentally gathered
the necessary materials for the purpose and laid the foundation stone on an
auspicious day. He raised the temple and had even fixed an auspicious day
for the installation of the deity in it. Pulasar installed the Lord in his
mental temple and continued to worship Him till he attained His Abode. *

*59. Nesa Nayanar This saint was the native of Kampili. He was a weaver. He
was highly devoted to the Lord Siva and His Bhaktas. His mind was well
fixed on the lotus feet of the Lord. His lips always uttered the
Panchakshara (Siva mantra) Mantra. His hands were ever busy in the service
of His Bhaktas. These three virtues gained the Lord's grace for him.  *

*60. KochengatChola NayanarKochengat Chola Nayanar was a spider in his
previous birth and used to worship Siva lingam under a Jambul tree. Spider
wove a web above the Lingam to prevent leaves falling on the lingam.  Due
to Lord's grace, this spider was born as the son of Suba Devan, the Chola
king. He was born with red eyes and his mother calls him Kochekannano' (the
child with red eyes) and expired. Hence, he was named Kochengat Cholan. As
he grew up, his father enthroned him as king. Kochengat Cholan promoted
Saivism. In Thiru Anaika he built a beautiful temple and installed the Siva
Lingam under the same Jambul tree! In Chola Nadu he built many shrines and
mansions for the use of the three thousand Brahmins of Tillai. He provided
for regular worship at Chidambaran. Finally he reached the Lord's Abode.
His glories were sung by the poet Poygayar in his 'Kalavazhi Narpathu'  *

*61. ThiruNeelakanta Yazhpanar Thiru Neelakanta Yazhpanar lived in Thiru
Erukattapuliyur in Chola Kingdom. He was an expert in playing the Yazh
(similar to Veena, a musical instrument). Hence the name Yazhpanar. It was
his habit to visit many sacred shrines and sing His glories on the Yazh. He
attained the ultimate with this music  *

*62. Sadaya Nayanar Sadayanar was an Adi Saivite who lived in Thirunavalur.
Isaijnaniyar was his dutiful wife. She was also devoted to the Lord. Due to
their virtuous deeds in their past life, a divine child was born to them.
He was none other than Sundaramurthi Nayanar.  *

*63. Isaignaniyar Nayanar Isaignaniyar was the wife of Sadayanar (above
mentioned Saint). She was also devoted to Lord Siva. Due to their virtuous
deeds in their past life, a divine child was born to them. He was none
other than Sundaramurthi Nayanar.*


[image: lady]

*வாழிய செந்தமிழ்! வாழ்க நற்றமிழர்!*

*வாழிய பாரதமணித் திருநாடு!*

[image: :bigemo_harabe_net-06:]   *Vanakkam   **  Subbu*   [image:

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