This is not a rare month.  Every Feb other than leap year has 28 days. So
each day will 4 times..  In leap year one day will repeat 5 times and rest
days 4 times...  (7 x 4 = 28)

Please do not  get confused that it comes after 823 days,

   - Calendar for year 2026 too, Feb starts like this year on Sunday.  Be
   assured that you will see many Feb with each day coming 4 times in a

   - Calendar for year 2026

SuMoTuWeThFrSa    12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
Su  MoTu We Th   Fr    Sa       1   2    3     4  5   67       8   910 1112
1314     15  1617 1819  2021     22  2324 2526  2728

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 11:27 AM, G Vishwanath
[Thatha_Patty] <> wrote:

> I just came to know.
> This is a special and rare February, which comes once in 823 years.
> This Februrary has 4 of each of the days of the week, Monday to Sunday.
> Just thought others might find it interesting too.
> Regards
> GV
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With best wishes

S Chander

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