Companies in Crisis - What to do when it all goes wrong

Odwalla and the E-coli outbreak

What happened?

[image: Odwalla logo]Odwalla (pronounced "odewalla") is the
health-conscious juice company which began a couple of decades ago when
Greg Steltenpohl, Gerry Percy and Bonnie Bassett began squeezing fresh
oranges on a $200 hand juicer. The company was growing strongly with annual
sales rising 30% per year and approaching $90m. The company had established
a strong brand with enormous customer loyalty.

On October 30, 1996, everything changed. Health officials in Washington
state informed the company that they had discovered a link between several
cases of E. coli 0157:H7 and Odwalla fresh apple juice.

The link was confirmed on November 5. As the crisis played itself out, one
child died and more than 60 people in the Western United States and Canada
became sick after drinking the juice. Sales plummetted by 90%, Odwalla's
stock price fell 34%. Customers filed more than 20 personal-injury lawsuits
and the company looked as though it could well be destroyed.

What did the company do?

Odwalla acted immediately. Although at the point where they were first
notified the link was uncertain, Odwalla's CEO Stephen Williamson ordered a
complete recall of all products containing apple or carrot juice. This
recall covered around 4,600 retail outlets in 7 states. Internal task teams
were formed and mobilised, and the recall - costing around $6.5m was
completed within 48 hours.

What the company didn't do was to avoid responsibility. On all media
interviews, Williamson expressed sympathy and regret for all those affected
and immediately promised that the company would pay all medical costs.
This, allied to the prompt and comprehensive recall, went a long way
towards satisfying customers that the company was doing all it could.

Internal communications were key: Williamson conducted regular company-wide
conference calls on a daily basis, giving employees the chance to ask
questions and get the latest information. This approach proved so popular
that the practice of quarterly calls survived the crisis.

External communications were just as vital. Within 24 hours, the company
had an explanatory web site (its first) that received 20,000 hits in 48
hours. The company spoke to the press, appeared on TV and carried out
direct advertising with the website address. All possible attempts were
made to provide up to the minute, accurate information.

The next step was to tackle the problem of contamination. The company's
entire approach had been founded on fresh unpasteurised juice because only
juice which had been untampered with could have the best flavour. The
company decided quickly that this had been wrong. The company moved quickly
to introduce a process called "flash pasteurisation" which would guarantee
that E-coli had been destroyed whilst leaving the best flavoured juice

Within months of the outbreak, the company had in place what some experts
described as "the most comprehensive quality control and safety system in
the fresh juice industry." On December 5, the company brought back its
apple juice.

Williamson's explanation of how the company found its way is instructive.
"We had no crisis-management procedure in place, so I followed our vision
statement and our core values of honesty, integrity, and sustainability.
Our number-one concern was for the safety and well-being of people who
drink our juices." (Source: Fast Company)

Cost and benefit

Odwalla made a rapid recovery. Much of the good will and trust it had built
up over the years remained. Sales picked up again quite quickly.

The company did exactly the right things to achieve this. For instance
during the lean months, Odwalla refused to lay off any of its delivery
people. They were sent out to maintain customer relations - an approach
that not only earned the loyalty of the employees, but helped to secure the
company's reputation with its customers.

Even the most grievous victim of the crisis gave Odwalla credit. "I don't
blame the company" the father of the girl who died said. "They did
everything they could".

The company did pay a large cost. Odwalla pleaded guilty to criminal
charges of selling tainted apple juice and was fined $1.5m - the largest
ever assessed in a food industry case by the US Food and Drug

So is everyone happy?

Not quite - the company still has some critics who say that it was not
quite the victim it would have people believe. Jon Entine, for instance,
says that 'investigators now contend that Odwalla had significant flaws in
its safety procedures and citrus-processing equipment was so poorly
maintained that it was breeding bacteria in "black rotten crud'. Before the
outbreak, Odwalla had received letters from customers who become violently
ill, but had not addressed the problem.

"Resisting industry safety standards, Odwalla steadfastly refused to
pasteurize its juices claiming it altered taste and was unnecessary. Yet,
the year before the incident, the head of quality assurance, Dave
Stevenson, who was aware of the dangers, proposed using chlorine rinse as a
backstop against bad fruit. Senior executives who feared chlorine would
leave an aftertaste overruled him. They decided to rely on acid wash
although its chemical supplier had informed Odwalla that the wash had
killed the E. coli in only 8 percent of tests and should not be used
without chlorine."


The overwhelming feeling of people who dealt with the company at the time
of the crisis was that here was a community of ordinary people who were
devastated at the fact that they had created an episode of poisoning that
ended in a loss of life. The company's values spoke of nourishing people -
and when the crisis came it was an adherence to honest, straight talking
and accepting responsibility that helped to get the company through.

There are critics who refuse to credit the company with any integrity
whatsoever - but even these will concede that as an exercise in crisis
management, Odwalla stands as an example of best practice that few can

The year after the crisis, Odwalla was voted "Best Brand Name in the Bay
Area" by San Francisco Magazine. This was the first indication amongst many
that Odwalla's reputation had survived.


E.Coli poisoning leads to Odwalla juice recall - CNN
FDA Report Indicates No E. Coli O157:H7 Found at Dinuba Plant
FDA to make juices safer from E.Coli
Intoxicated by success: How to protect your company from the inevitable
corporate screw-ups - article by Jon Entine



*வாழிய செந்தமிழ்! வாழ்க நற்றமிழர்!*

*வாழிய பாரதமணித் திருநாடு!*

 *v **a n a k k a m**  S u b b u*

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