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Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Fw: [rectians71] Facts? Innuendo? Interesting!

Isn't it  really scary and disgusting?

    Cannot put this past the US/CIA though! Data presented looks authentic
Kejriwal: India’s biggest scam
on MARCH 11, 2014 · in POLITICS

This article is going to be based on facts and facts alone. It purports to
clearly decipher the process of subversion and use of Kejriwal and his
associates by powers and countries inimical to India. Sadly, as invariably
the case, there are vested interests at the highest political levels in
India, who are part of the design.
 The flowchart below gives out the link of foreign funding and subversion
of Kejriwal and associates. Each of the links given in the flowchart are
backed by documents.
[image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 1]
LINK-1, 2 & 3: CIA, Rockfeller Foundation and Ford Foundation, Magsaysay
A US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secret document (declassified) given
below, duly signed by the then Director Allen W. Dulles clearly shows the
link between CIA and Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and Magsaysay
Award. It may be mentioned that Dulles was the longest serving Director of
CIA from 1953 to 1961. Even in the citation of Kejriwal for Magsaysay
Award, the first reference was made to CIA
 [image: Link-1: CIA and Ford Foundation]
Link-1: CIA and Ford Foundation
The link between CIA and Ford Foundation and Magsaysay Award is yet again
reinforced by a secret (declassified) document. The document clearly shows
that how so called intellectuals, professors and students of target
countries are financially enticed by the Ford Foundation on behalf of CIA
to avail education facilities in the US clearly with the purpose of
 [image: Link-5 : Ford Foundation and Kejriwal]
Link-5 : Ford Foundation and Kejriwal
The grants given by Ford Foundation in 2002 to various Indian entities are
given below in the accessed document. Arvind Kejriwal’s NGO ‘Sampoorna
Parivartan’ and CSDS (Center for the Study of Developing Societies) have
been granted $80,000 and the $250,000 respectively. Key associates of
Arvind Kejriwal like Yogendra Yadav have been functionaries of the CSDS.
What makes this funding to Kejriwal a criminal activity is the fact that he
in 2002 was still a government servant and therefore not entitled to
receive it. Government servants are not permitted to float NGOs without due
 Kejriwal, while on study leave and availing full government salary started
Parivartan along with Manish Sisodia in 2000-2001. On its website,
Parivartan on 10-March-2009 declared that it is not an NGO or a registered
organization, and for Income Tax purposes it was an Association of Persons.
However, in 2002 the website declared the organization was registered under
Societies Registration Act, 1860 and was exempt from Income Tax in Section
80G of 12A of IT Act. This is a clear fraud on India and Indians (Click
here to see more)
 Further, under the banner of Parivartan, Kejriwal received funds from
World Bank for a Jan Sunvai campaign even as the organization was not
registered. It is again a criminal act. This funding nearly coincides with
the period of Kejriwal resigning from service (not accepted) in 2006, and
Ford Foundation funding and grant of Magsaysay Award. In fact, Kejriwal got
the Magsaysay Award shortly after he featured in the World Bank report of
 Kejriwal branched off from Parivartan to establish yet another NGO, Kabir.
As per the documents, Kabir was established on 15 August 2005. This was
again illegal, as Kejriwal continued to be in government service. The
subversive agenda of the Ford Foundation is quite clear in the
contradictions in dates between financial documents declared by Kabir and
Ford Foundation. While Kabir claims that the NGO began its operations on 15
August 2005 in which the contribution from Ford Foundation was
Rs.43,48,036/-, whereas the annual report of Ford Foundation claims to have
made a contribution to Kabir to the tune of $172,000 on 15 July 2005. It is
not only intriguing that the Ford Foundation funding to Kabir began from
the very first year of its operation, but the money was given one month
before its birth. The fraud is evident from the two sets of documents of
Kabir and Ford Foundation, given below.
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 5]
Link-1: Ford Foundation funding to Kabir and Fraud. Source: Ford Foundation
Annual report of 2005 (http://www.fordfoundation.org/pdfs/library/ar2005.pdf
 As per Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) submission made by the
Kabir in its annual return indicates that between 2005 and 2011, only
Rs.75,54,006 were received from Ford Foundation in two tranches; i.e.
2005-06: Rs. 43,48,036 on 15-July-2005, 2006-07: Rs. 32,05,970 on
12-Dec-2006. It also shows a sum of $1,97,000 was not accepted as Kabir had
become a political movement by then. It may be reminded that it was at this
time that lot of questions were being raised about illegal foreign funding
to Kejriwal’s political activities. Kabir tried to mislead by removing or
omitting all details from website regarding its funding from Ford
Foundation in the year 2007-2008, 2009-2010.
 However, the fraud can be nailed by visiting the Ford Foundation website
suppressed), which clearly indicates that in the year 2007-2008, Kabir
received $1,97,000 and the very next year Rs.60,75,149 (Kabir website,
details suppressed again).
 The hide and seek being played on the net by Kabir and Ford Foundation is
testimony to the fraud. In fact, Parivartan and Kabir, suddenly shutdown
their websites after coming under scrutiny in 2012.
*Kejriwal and dubious American funding*
Kejriwal received the Ashoka fellowship in 2004. He conveyed an impression
that the outreach to him was by an Indian organization. In reality Ashoka
is an US registered organization, whose strategic partners include McKinsey
& Company, Corporate Executive Board and Latham and Watkins (Ref:
https://www.ashoka.org/sites/ashoka/files/form990-2004.pdf). Since the Cold
War, this organization has been engaged in creating human assets for
expanding American influence.
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 6]
 It emerges that after liberal funding from various Western sources,
Kejriwal decided to send his resignation from government service in 2006.
This story began in 2002, when his ‘Sampooran Parivartan’ was given $80,000
(Ref: http://www.fordfoundation.org/pdfs/library/ar2002.pdf, Page: 104)
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 7]
 $80,000 in 2002 was equivalent to Kejriwal’s 15 years’ salary. Moreover,
the biggest fraud is that the donors, i.e. organizations that funded
Kejriwal’s so-called NGOs were the decision makers in the award of his
Magsaysay Award. This includes the CIA. Further, the representative of Ford
Foundation on India Steven Solnick admitted on 31st August 2012 that the
Magsaysay Award for Kejriwal was funded by them.
 Subsequently, foreign money began to flow into Kejriwal’s NGO. As per the
response to an RTI filed by a website *Beyond Headlines*, the other foreign
contributors to Kejriwal’s NGO ‘Kabir’ were Ford Foundation (Rs 86,61,742),
PRIA (Rs 2,37,035), Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (Rs 3,70,000), Dutch Embassy
(Rs 19,61,968), Association for India’s Development (Rs 15,00,000), India’s
Friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nations Development Programme
(Rs12,52,742) while Rs 11,35,857 were collected from individual donations
between 2007 to 2010.
 The link 6 in the Chart at the start indicates recipients of the funds by
the Dutch entity Humanistic Institute for Cooperation with Developing
Countries (HIVOS). It provided € 1.3 million between 2008 and 2012. Of
these more than half, i.e. DISHA, GKVP, SAFAR, MAHITI, SWATI, and UTHAN are
active in Gujarat. The others like CJP run by Teesta Setalvad and ANHAD run
by Shabnam Hashmi are known for their virulent anti-Modi campaign.
 HIVOS in turn is the highest recipient of funds from Ford Foundation. It
has an office in India receiving $1.2 million (Ref.:
http://www.fordfoundation.org/Grants/Search?searchphrase=kabeer). HIVOS
also funded Kejriwal’s Parivartan (
 There are various other organizations funded by the Dutch government i.e.
PSO Association and PRIA. These organizations ostensibly are engaged in
‘development and social work’, however their main purpose is to promote
American agenda. The US adopts the Dutch route in various target countries
so that suspicions are not aroused. HIVOS receives €27 million from the
Dutch government and funds the PRIA, which is also a Ford Foundation
partner. Another PSO partner Soliaridad also funds PRIA. PRIA funded
Kejriwal as well. Many countries have compelled the PSO to windup its
activities as they have been found to be intrusive.
 Another Dutch funded organization is PANOS, which has seven offices in
South Asia. This too is recipient of funds from Ford Foundation and its
main purpose is to manipulate the media ‘in South Asia’. So is it
surprising that a segment of Indian electronic media has gone to vulgar
extent in amplifying Kejriwal? The funding of the Dutch entities as
mentioned by the Ford Foundation is evidenced by the document placed below:
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 8]
 *Collusion between CIA and Kejriwal*
All the documents above suggest the alleged systematic subversion and
creation of Kejriwal by the CIA through the Ford Foundation and the Dutch
entities. A CIA document clearly establishes as to how CIA loans officers
to Ford Foundation.
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 9]
 It has also been established that CIA operatives operate through the
academic route. One such academic researcher Ms Shimrit Lee was associated
with Kejriwal’s Kabir NGO in the garb of doing research on *‘Public Power:
India and Other Democracies’*. Ms Lee specializes in Tahrir Square type
demonstrations that we are now witnessing in Ukraine. She has been active
in Cairo, Haifa, Chad and Israel, India and US. It is she who introduced
the ideas of Mohalla Committees and brought the Arab Spring technology to
India to launch Kejriwal. Ms Lee’s photograph is given below:
 [image: Kejriwal - India's biggest Scam Images - 10]
 That the US has been using the Dutch for pushing its agenda in India,
which includes destabilization of India’s Northeast is known. It is evident
by the bonhomie between Netherlands and various Naga outfits, particularly
the NSCN (IM). It was the NSCN (IM) which took umbrage when on 17-July-2002
in a written reply to a question in parliament, the late Digvijay Singh
then Minister of External Affairs said that Netherlands was one of the
countries where terrorists have safe heavens besides Pakistan. It may also
be reiterated that the NSCN (IM) always insists on holding talks with the
Indian government in Amsterdam. It is also well known as to how the CIA and
the Dutch Intelligence Agency (BVD – Binenlandise Veiligheidsdienst)
connived in allowing AQ Khan to steal nuclear secrets from URENCO, site at
Almeto in Netherlands, only with the purpose of balancing Pakistan with
India in nuclear capability during the Cold War. It is through this kind of
geopolitical balancing in various regions that the US maintains its lead
 Just as in the case of lead role by geopolitical balancing the Western
countries maintain their supremacy in global economy through the ‘offshore
financial centers’. These centers thrive on black money of the developing
world. Was it for this reason that Kejriwal was created to kill Ramdev’s
movement for recovery of black money stashed abroad? During the entire Anna
agitation, not even once, the issue of black money in foreign soil was
 In pursuit of the CIA agenda there are Indians who have been partnering
Kejriwal. Is it a coincidence that a former Admiral also a recipient of
Magsaysay Award accompanied Kejriwal when he filed his nomination from New
Delhi constituency? This Admiral, whose daughter married to a Pakistani,
has been in the forefront against India’s ‘nuclear development’. Is it a
mere coincidence that the closest aides of Kejriwal are recipients of
funding from Ford Foundation. Is it also a mere coincidence that Kejriwal
never served out of Delhi during his government service, and helping him in
this bid was none other than Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, who wrote a letter to
ensure the same? Is it also a mere coincidence that Arvind Kejriwal is a
protégé of Aruna Roy, another recipient of Magsaysay Award, and a member of
Sonia’s National Advisory Council?
 Arvind Kejriwal is therefore not a political threat but a security threat
to this country, his main objective being to destabilize India to
perpetuate US agenda.
Arvind Kejriwal is India’s biggest scam.
*(RSN Singh is a former military intelligence officer who later served in
the Research & Analysis Wing. The author of two books: **Asian Strategic
and Military Perspective*
* and **Military Factor in Pakistan*

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