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From: Kamala Shankar
Subject: All that we want to know

Introduction. I am R. Gopala krishnan, 64, retired from BSNL as Asst
General Manager. Kerala from Trivandrum and settled in Chennai. The
Scientific and Medical Information furnished here in is compiled from
various internet sites like kids health.com,4men. com.Yahoo health.
Veetu visesham program in Doordarsan kerala chanal etc.
It is a presentation aimed at elders and old people – Every effort
has been taken to simplify and present the essential points and to
make the reading informative and interesting.
The subject matter as you know is with out limits –I am presenting
it with the title ALL THAT WE WANT TO KNOW. Your comments will support
me to further continue the topic.
Many of the clarifications marked ***are from Dr Pillai of Kamakshi
memorial Hospital and Dr Einstein of chellam Hospital in Chennai who
are very close Doctors to me.

Q1 Why do it is told by the doctor the full course of antibiotics is
to be taken though pain disppaer in a day or two?
A1 ***The reason is Anti biotics work on different parts. First day it
may be to blood.2nd day it may to hormone. Third it may be to lever etc
Q2 Do a diabetic patient can control himself through out life with
same dose of pills for insulin with all other food controls and
A2 *** Impossible. Pills dosage has to be increased gradually. At one
time say after about 15 years pills may come ineffective. Diabetics
have to change to Insulin etc
Q3 Do the blood sugar level is to be monitored weekly?
A *** Blood sugar levels has to be monitored daily . If it is after a
medical treatment even three times a day. When there is a
stabilization it can be minimum tri weekly-fasting ,PP and Random
Q4 Why do the glucometer reading vary from the report given by Labs by
atleast 30 points higher for blood sugar levels?Is it advisable to
take blood sugar readings with Glucometer frequently?
A4*** In the lab they are taking blood from the veins – impure blood.
In glucometer test we are pinching the skin and taking the blood from
the artilleries. - pure blood. In the pure blood the blood sugar level
is shown higher.
It is most advisable with all diabetics to take glucometer readings.
May I add the cost of a strip is Rs30-00 But if reading is not
monitored you are going to spent Rs 30000-00 and your health as one of
the doctors sarcastically told me talking about its importance.
Q5 Which is best blood sugar test now relied by doctors?
A5 It is HBA1C . Your blood is taken after fasting and the sugar
available on red blood cells is calculated. The calculation received
is the average blood sugar level in the last three months.
The reading and indication of blood sugar is as follows
Report figure Indication
4-6 Normal
6-7 Good control
7-8 Fair control
>8 Poor control
Q6 What is the meaning of Huma Insulin R, Huma Insulin 50/50, Huma
Insulin 70/30,Huma insulin N etc. How insulin is to be kept?
A6*** basically insulin is not a medicine. It is secretion produced by
a process similar to cloning from a person who is not diabetic
Regular insulin means it fully for mtce,50/50 means 50% for growth and
50% for mtce Insulin N means it is to be injected in the night only.
It is told bloodsugar increase by 30 clock in the morning. To
compensate N insulin is taken in the night after 11PM which will
function after 3 hours.
***Insulin has to be kept in refrigerator only. If you are making
unavoidable travel it is suggested to travel in AC coaches by doctor.
If insulin is kept in open its effect is very much reduced.
Q7 We hear a lot about prostrate growth in older men. What is the
function of prostrate?
A7 The main function of the prostate is manufacturing a fluid that is
part of the semen.It is evident women do not have prostate gland.
Q8 Why testicles are kept out side the body ?
A8 The testicles, which help perpetrate the human race, are placed
outside the body in the scrotum. They are totally unprotected.
The functions of the testicles are to manufacture two things - sperms
and testosterone. For sperm production they need to be kept constantly
at 94 degreeF.
Q8 Why do diabetic patients have erectile dysfunction?

A8 The exact cause of increased blood sugar leading to erectile
dysfunction is not known.

The probable causes are peripheral nerves damage circulatory problems
& damage to erectile tissues

Q9 What is the effect of not taking proper quantity and proper time

A9*** The effect will felt after a time. To be taken means to be
taken. There are no exceptions or excuses( Dr Pillai)

Q10 Do patients of susceptible heart attack can have sex?

A10 They fear that intercourse will bring on another heart attack and
may die. This fear is irrational and has no basis

Research shows that 80% of heart attack patients can safely resume sex
and 20% have to curtail it, but none needs to abstain.

If you can climb two flights of stains briskly, them you can safely
resume sex Palpitations and rapid breathing for more than 10 minutes
after intercourse.

Extreme tiredness for a day following sex Giddiness, irregular
heartbeats, chest pain during or after sex.

If any of these danger signs are there, then report to your doctor and
avoid sex

Q11 Do patients of susceptible cancer can have sex? Do patients of
arthiritis can have sex

A11Cancer can physiologically affect sexual arousal. Treatment for
cancer (surgery and chemotherapy) can have an even greater impact on
your sex life.

Active sex life for people with arthritis is the best medicine. For up
to six hours after sex they are pain free

Q12 Do surgery or surgical procedure has an impact on one's sex life ?

A12 yes. Any surgery or surgical procedure has an impact on one's
sex life. It may be for a few days to life long

Q13 What is Priapism ?

A13 Priapism means an erection that does not go away. For some it may
sound like a dream come true, but is in reality a medical emergency.

If not treated within four hours it can result in permanent impotence.

Priapism was named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility. He is
often pictured as a little man with an enormous, erect penis. The
medical definition of priapism is persistent, abnormal erections,
accompanied by pain and tenderness.

Remember priapism is a medical emergency, so go get help within four

The treatment includes application of ice packs to the penis and an
injection to deflate your erection

Recent research shows that the safest and most effective remedy is
terbutaline. It can also be taken orally as a preventive measure for
men who are prone to prolonged erections.
Q14 Which vitamin reduce sexual drive in Humans?
A14 In humans also a deficiency of vitamin E tends to reduce the sex
drive, but if the vitamin E levels are normal then supplements will
not improve your sex drive.
Q15 Do we had fertility control before centuraires?
A15 Yes. The history of fertility control can be traced back 4000
years, with the discovery of a prescription for contraception written
on an ancient Egyptian papyrus. One of the methods suggested in the
papyrus was the local use of a paste containing grounded acacia.
The first documented methods of birth control in India were available
about 2000 years ago.

The great physician `Charaka' mentioned many contraceptive
prescriptions in his writings, 100 years B.C.

Q16 What is the meaning of contraception?

A16 CONTRACEPTION= CONTRA-Latin for against + CONCEPTIO-Latin for the
act of conceiving or becoming pregnant.

Q17 What is Basal body temperature (BBT)?

A17 A woman's resting body temperature goes up slightly around the
time of ovulation (release of an egg), when she could become pregnant.

A18 It is the use of breastfeeding as a temporary family planning
method. "Lactational" means related to breastfeeding, and
``Amenorrhoea' ' means not having menstrual periods.

LAM provides natural protection against pregnancy and encourages
starting another method at the proper time.
A woman is naturally protected against pregnancy when Her baby gets at
least 85% of his/her feedings as breast milk, and she feeds her baby
often, both night and day.
Her menstrual periods have not returned. Her baby is less than 6
months old.LAM stops ovulation (release of the egg from the ovaries)
because breastfeeding changes the rate of release of natural hormones.

A19 The norplant implant system is a set of 6 small plastic capsules
(each the size of a small matchstick) which are placed under the skin
of a woman's upper arm.

These capsules contain a progestin similar to the natural hormone
(progesterone) , that a woman's body makes. It is released very slowly
from all 6 capsules. Thus the capsules supply a steady, very low dose.
Norplant implants contain no oestrogen.

A set of Norplant capsules can prevent pregnancy for at least 5
years. It may prove to be effective longer.

Insertion and removal of Norplant capsules requires minor surgical
procedures by specially trained providers.

There is no delay in the return of fertility after the capsules are
Q20 Do we have male contraception and vaccines for fertility control?

A20 These are yet under trial, and results are awaited. Inspite of
searches I could not gather more..

Q21 What is Gynaecomastia?
A21 Males during the pubertal growth may have a transient enlargement
of the breasts, which is called as gynecomastia. This is seen due to
the hormonal changes and is more evident in the obese individuals.


A22 The genetic code or the blueprint of the human is carried in these
parts of a cell.

There are 46 in humans. 45 determine what you look like and how you
function. Two determine your sex. XX means you are female. XY means
you are male.

Q23 What is Estrogen?

A23 Estrogen signals an egg to begin to ripen in the ovaries.
Estrogen also has an effect on breast growth.


A24 The gland that produces the hormones FSH and LH. These hormones
signal the ovaries when to produce estrogen or progesterone, the two
female hormones. It also signals the ovaries when to start
functioning at puberty (when you begin having periods).


A25 Progesterone signals the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, to
change and become the nesting place for a fertilized egg.


A26 It is the master gland of the body. It must be working properly
or periods don'tcome in women.
Q27 An interesting question- when do the eggs are formed in a female?
A27 All the eggs a woman will ever have are formed while she is still
in her mother's uterus
These five million eggs have already formed by the time the mother is
five months pregnant and this number is reduced to half a million by birth

Q28 How do an human egg ripen?

A28 An area of the brain signals the pituitary gland (a tiny gland
located at the base of your brain and above the roof of your mouth) to
produce the hormones FSH and LH. These hormones are then released into
the bloodstream, where they are conveyed to the ovaries. Stress,
grief, trips or anything that disrupts a woman's life can keep FSH and
LH from being released, thus causing lack of a period.

FSH and LH reach the ovaries and signal them to produce the female
hormone, estrogen. Estrogen signals an egg to begin to ripen. The egg
is ripened in a sac called a follicle.

When the egg has completely ripened, it is released from the follicle
into the abdomen where it is picked up by the fimbria of the fallopian

Q29 What happen to the eggs not ovulated?

A29 All the eggs not ovulated by menopause have died


A30 gland located just below the prostate gland that secretes
pre-ejaculatory fluid to lubricate the urethra.


A31 The place where sperm mature. It is Located behind the testes.

Q32 What is PROSTATE GLAND? Do it create problems in older men ?
Probably a question in manyold peoples mind

A32 It is a gland located at the junction of urinary bladder and
urethra. The ejaculatory ducts (the tubes transmitting the semen from
seminal vesicles) pass through the prostate to join the urethra. It
is a male accessory sex gland which adds more semen to the ejaculate

It keeps the semen from passing into the bladder.

The gland can become enlarged (called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or
BPH) when men get older causing urinary and erection problems

The gland can also develop cancer in older men.

Q 33 Do doctors resort to prostrate removal when it is enlarged?

A33 *** Certainly not. When all other treatment failit is resorted to.
Normally prostrate is not removed for young men .In 99% cases after
prostrate removal child bearing for impossible their women.it is
because the quantity of semen reduce to 10% what it would have been
previously.In simple lines prostate secretion contribute 90% of semen.


A34 It is a sac near the bladder, behind the prostate gland, which
adds about 70% of the semen to the ejaculate to allow the sperm to swim.


A35 It is the male sex hormone responsible for male sexual
characteristics such as voice deepening, body hair patterns

Q36 Do men can father in 80's and 90's?

A36Yes is the answer. Men can be fathers in their eighties and
nineties. Cary Grant and Charlie Chaplin are good examples of that.

Q37 It is told a girl child is born with immature eggs. What is the
case of a boy child?

A37 Men too. Men are born with immature sperm cells called
spermatogonia. At puberty, the pituitary gland produces the exact same
two hormones, FSH and LH, that it produces in women. However, the
effect in men is very different. One causes the testes to produce the
male hormone testosterone, which is required for sperm to mature and
for the sex organs to become fully operational

Q38 Every body know now a day scanning is preferred to almost all
parts of the body. Question- what is scanning? Why do people are
advised to take as much water as possible with out urinating?

A38 **Scanning is a method of studying an organ by feeding a certain
frequency and getting back the reflected frequency and through its
variation studying about the organ. (Veetu visesham)

It is asked to take water to facilitate to push up the organ and make
it more visible

Q 39An important question- Do scanning is 100 % reliable?

A 39 *** No. only 75%. Most doctors do not take a decision simply
based on the scan report.It only supports for their investigation.

For example if one scan report suggest suspect kidneys slightly
enlarged another may suggest of normal size. Abnormal variation in
kidney size along with other indication is there then only kidney
problem is looked in to by a doctor

Q40 Do onset menopause has changed much in the millennia ?Do it
determined by genitically?

A40 Although nutrition and exercise have changed our lives so that we
live longer, the age of onset for menopause has not changed much in

The age in which you will begin menopause appears to be genetically
determined. If your mother was 50, you most likely will be about fifty.

Q41 What is osteoporosis: ?

A41 It is a decrease in the quality and quantity of bone mass making
bones more fragile. This puts you at increased risk for fractures
increased risk of heart disease.

This is the number one killer of women in the United States. Decreased
estrogen can increase your risk of heart attack

Q42 What is Hypothalamis and its function: ?

A42 Mating, like feeding, takes place under a combination of nervous
and hormonal control. Much of this control is mediated by parts of the
nervous system within the "visceral brain", in the inferior part of
the forebrain and around it, called the hypothalamus
Q43 What is hormone and androgen harmone? Which are sex hormones?How
do the hormones function?
A43 hormone is a chemical substance of an endocrine gland. Endocrine
glands, which are also called ductless glans, deposites the hormones
into the blood stream. The blood, on its turn, carries the hormones to
every part of the body.
The hypophysis, also called pituitary, is the master endocrine gland.
It secretes a large number of important hormones involved in the
control of many body functions
The male's ability to produce and secrete semen, as well as to
function sexually, is dependent on the androgen hormones, which
circulate in the male's body.
The sex hormones are estrogen and testosterone.

Like all hormones, they are chemical messengers, substances produced
in one part of the body that go on to tell other parts what to do.

Q44 Do men and women produce estrogen and testosteron, ?

A44 Yes. Both women and men produce both estrogen and testosterone,
though in different quantities, and both sexes produce less as they
age. These hormones seems to affect arousability by altering the
threshold for erotic stimulation.
Q45 Kindly note I am specifically putting this ques answ. An
interesting question- Do Children are sexual even before birth?

A 45 Sexuality in infants and toddlers – Children are sexual even
before birth. Males can have erections while still in the uterus, and
some boys are born with an erection
Infants touch and rub their genitals because it provides pleasure
Small babies, both male and female, take pleasure in their own bodies
and will often touch their genitals. This happens before birth and
throughout childhood.
Q46 Kindly note I am specifically putting this ques answ DO removal of
prostrate gland affect a man's ability of arousal?

A46 ** Some older men develop an enlarged or cancerous prostate gland.
If the doctors deem it necessary to remove the prostate gland, a man's
ability to have an erection or an orgasm is normally unaffected

However it may resort as last. Near by is the valve controlling urine
passage and semen. if it is incidently touched urine control may be
affectedVery careful surgery is required(ref Kids health.com)

Q 47 Again an interesting question- What is Vaginismus:?
A 47** This is a medical condition that can prevent anything from
entering a woman's vagina. If a woman does not engage in intercourse
for an extended period of time, her vaginal and pelvic muscles may
return to their "virginal" state.

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