*Major General Mrinal Suman*

*While studying Indian history in school days, one was repeatedly told that
the foreign invaders resorted to ‘divide and rule’ policy to gain control
over India. They were painted as unscrupulous schemers who exploited the
simple, trusting and gullible Indians. *
*It is only at a much later stage that one realised the hollowness of the
above assertion. The truth is that we are adept at producing hordes of
traitors who revel in India’s ruin. Every victory of the foreign invaders
was facilitated by the local collaborators who betrayed their kings for
some devious reward or to settle personal scores. No fort was ever
conquered without the infidelity of a trusted minister/commander. *
*Unfortunately, centuries of slavery has taught us nothing. We carry on
spawning throngs of people who can stoop down to any level (even imperil
national security) for their petty gains. Our leaders, media and
intellectuals appear to have a single point agenda: how to generate
innovative issues to keep the nation divided and embroiled in petty
bickering and internal dissentions; and thereby impede progress and bring a
bad name to the country. They abhor India’s rise. Let me elucidate.  *
*First, the leaders**: they are the fountainhead of all fissiparous
tendencies. For them, vote bank politics take precedence over everything
else. One does not have to be a visionary to predict the danger of abetting
illegal migration from Bangladesh for garnering votes. But unscrupulous
political leaders carry on unconcerned.*
*One hangs one’s head in shame when political leaders extend their support
to a delinquent student leader who seeks destruction of India. Comparing
him with martyr Bhagat Singh is by far the most perfidious act.  *
*Perhaps, India is the only country that has an ignominious track record of
producing Home Ministers who revelled in shaming the country. One concocted
theories of saffron terrorism to please his party bosses. In so doing, he
presented a convenient propaganda tool to Pakistan. Another Home Minister
did the unthinkable. He declared a terrorist to be innocent in an affidavit
to the court. The aim was to **ensnare **the opposition leaders in a false
case. Sadly, India’s intelligence gathering apparatus suffered immense
damage in the process. *
*When a leader declares ‘it's safer to be a cow than to be a Muslim in
India today’, he puts the whole country to shame. The world media flashes
such headlines with sinister pleasure. India’s image takes a terrible
beating. Just to score a brownie point against the government, he presents
a convenient propaganda handle to the hostile forces. How low can a leader
*Recently, a renowned advocate and a former law minister told a TV channel
that shouting slogans for the destruction of the country is not debarred in
the constitution. According to him, freedom of expression was of paramount
importance. Even demand for secession (azadi) was justified. As the
interview progressed, one was not only amazed by his perverted reasoning
but also shocked to see the brazenness with which he was arguing. Survival
of India appeared to be of no concern to him. One wondered if one was
watching an Indian or a Pakistani channel. *
*Secondly, the media personnel**: the less said the better. From their
conduct, it appears that many of them are foreign plants and India means
little to them. W**hen a leading media house invited a vicious and
remorseless enemy like General Pervez Musharraf and groveled before him, it
marked the lowest depths of shamelessness to which journalism could sink.
Instead of castigating him for the Kargil war, he was treated as a peace
loving guest. *
*Both the electronic and the print media never report ‘positives’ about the
country. Ugly India sells (a la ‘Slumdog Millionaire’); and not progressive
India. Remember how a TV reporter failed to digest the popularity of Modi
in the US and tried to incite the crowd with provocative remarks. But then
they get paid to demean India, and not to extol it. *
*Immense damage is also being inflicted on the unity of the country by the
media through its Machiavellian and skewed reporting. Every news item is
deliberately reported with a religious, caste or creed slant – ‘a dalit
girl molested in a Delhi bus’ (as if other women are not molested in Delhi
buses) or ‘church guard killed’ (in reality an argument between two
security guards had turned violent) or ‘Muslim driver runs over a boy’ (as
if his being a Muslim is of any relevance). Recently, in a case of cattle
stealing, a leading newspaper could not resist the temptation to add that
‘one of the five thieves is learnt to have had connections with a cow
protection group in the past’. How cunningly, a simply case of robbery was
given a communal taint. *
*Petty vandals are given the coverage befitting a mass leader. It was
obnoxious to see two TV channels airing their interviews with a student
leader charged with sedition. The worst was the indulgent demeanour of the
TV anchors; as if a national hero was being eulogised. The interviews were
repeatedly telecast at prime time. Did these channels think of interviewing
war heroes or martyrs’ families? Forget it; that would have been a
pro-India act and that is an act of sacrilege for them. *
*Thirdly, the self-proclaimed secular intelligentsia**: it has done the
maximum damage to India’s prestige and standing. Some of them appear to be
fifth columnists masquerading as progressive intellectuals. In which
country of the world would the intelligentsia write to the US government
not to receive their Prime Minister? Honestly, it is simply loathsome: duly
elected representative of 1.25 billion Indians being subjected to
indignities by a shameless bunch of foreign-educated and foreign-paid
anti-national elements. Unfortunately, their protests get huge publicity
abroad, thereby undermining all efforts to raise India’s standing in the
world forum.   *
*It can be said with certainty that the well-orchestrated campaign of
intolerance was totally malicious in intent. The sole objective was to
stall all progressive reforms by tarnishing the image of the government.
How else can anti-nationalism be defined?** As expected, having dented
India’s reputation, sold-out media chose to ignore the true facts as they
emerged.  *
*Hundreds of Christians, led by the church leaders, marched in protest on
the roads of Delhi against the alleged vandalism of churches and a theft in
a Christian school. Routine cases of petty crimes were cited to suggest an
anti-minority conspiracy. They ensured extensive coverage of their protests
by the foreign and Indian media, thereby damaging India’s secular image.
Foreign channels are only too eager to shame India. Unwisely, even Obama
got carried away with his uncalled for advice, losing considerable goodwill
in India. Reportedly, he said so on the prodding of an Indian leader.    *
*Soldiers and the national symbols**: the national flag, the national
anthem and the national salutations are representative of a country’s
national identity and pride. They symbolise ancient heritage, current
challenges and future aspirations. For soldiers, their sanctity is
*Thousands of soldiers have sacrificed their lives to plant our tricolour
on the enemy strongholds, thereby earning the ultimate honour of having
their bodies draped in the national flag. *
*Notes of the national anthem make every soldier get goose pimples. The
response is instantaneous and the effect is electrifying. Even in their
homes, they stand up with their families when the national anthem is played
on TV during Independence/Republic Day ceremonies. *
*Similarly, national salutations like ‘Hindustan Zindabad’, ‘Jai Hind’ and
‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ make adrenalin surge through their bodies. The
salutations act as a rallying call to inspire the soldiers for the ultimate
sacrifice. All military functions conclude with full-throated renditions of
‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. *
*Therefore, the current controversy regarding national salutations is
highly painful to the soldiers. They fail to understand as to how an Indian
can have difficulty in hailing the country. How can ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ be
assigned religious overtones. *
*Finally**: history stands testimony to the fact that a nation infested
with the virus of treachery, deceitfulness and perfidy has always been an
easy prey for foreign subjugation. No one knows this bitter truth better
than India. Yet, our leaders, media and intelligentsia keep discrediting
and harming the country through their seditious utterances and activities.
Under the garb of freedom of speech, they support those felonious speakers
who vow not to rest till India is destroyed. *
*When Paris was hit by the terrorist attacks, the whole country gave a
unified response. Compare it with our Batla House encounter against Indian
Mujahdeen where two terrorists were killed and two arrested. A brave police
officer lost his life. Yet, many seditious elements had the impudence to
term the encounter to be ‘fake’. *
*Therefore, the mystery remains unsolved. Why does India continue to
produce so many Jaichand and Mir Jafars? Is India a cursed nation or is
treachery a part of our DNA? One wonders.******

*​Circulated By:K.Raman.​ *



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