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From: Radhakrishnan Nerur Ramanathan <>
Date: Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: Calgary student invents $7 artery-disease screening test

High schooler helps heart disease patients
Calgary student invents $7 artery-disease screening test
Angela Mulholland , CTVNews.ca Staff
Published Friday, June 3, 2016 10:23AM EDT


A Calgary resident named Zeel Patel has impressed judges at a science fair
by creating a test for clogged arteries that is many times faster and
cheaper than what’s available now. What’s even more impressive is that
Patel is just 16 years old.

Patel may only be in Grade 11 but he’s already an expert in atherosclerosis
-- the buildup of plaque in the arteries that can lead to heart attacks,
stroke or death.

He recently created a low-cost blood test for the disease that he calls
CADSense. The paper-based test is placed into a blood sample and can detect
an early biomarker of atherosclerosis called oxidized LDL. If the biomarker
is present, the paper turns yellow or brown, indicating the patient likely
has plaque in their arteries and should see their doctor for further

Patel says his invention is able to detect the signs of atherosclerosis
instantly, unlike current test that have to be sent to a lab. And because
the materials used are cheap, the test would cost only about $7—much lower
than current test costs. It’s so simple, it could even be used at home.

Two weeks ago, Patel won a gold medal at the 55th annual Canada Wide
Science Fair at McGill University in Montreal for his invention. He’s also
won Canadian Medical Laboratory’s Health Sciences Award, which is given to
a health sciences project that’s the best in its age division.

Patel has now applied for a patent for CADSense and says what’s great about
his test is that anyone can take it, even those who aren’t yet showing the
symptoms of atherosclerosis or heart disease.

Ask Patel to describe exactly how the test works and it’s quickly evident
he doesn’t talk like most teenagers.

"What my chemical reaction is actually based off of is that it uses
potassium phosphate and adds it potassium iodide, which targets the lipid
peroxide, so molecules on the surface of the biomarker… and it produces a
triiodide ion” he explains.
Zeel admits he gets pretty excited when he talks about his work, which he
suspects his teachers would confirm.
“What I think my teacher would say about me is that I am the loudest kid in
the class, the one who is always talking to classmates while he is supposed
to be working,” he told CTV Calgary.

Patel’s science teacher at Sir Winston Churchill High School, Deborah
Miller, said Patel has tremendous enthusiasm and potential.
“Zeel is -- I would call him -- kinetic. I don’t think the boy sleeps,”
Miller said.
“Zeel is awesome,” she added. “He'll argue with you about every little
detail because he really wants to know... He is young but boy, is he going
to be a major force in the universe as he matures.”

*With a report from CTV Calgary’s Brad MacLeod*

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