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Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: 50 Biggest Enemies Of Hindus (Dead Or Alive) — By François


*Subject: 50 Biggest Enemies Of Hindus (Dead Or Alive) — By François

François Gautier
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
François Gautier
Born 1959 (age 57–58)
Paris <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris>, France
Residence Auroville <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auroville>, Pondicherry
Nationality Indian <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India>
Occupation Journalist <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist>, historian
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historian> and colu mnist
Organization Foundation for Advancement of Cultural Ties
Spouse(s) Namrita Bindra Gautier
FACT Museum of Indian history <http://www.factmuseum.com/>
*Writing career*
Ethnicity Caucasian <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_people>
Genre Politics <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics>, Hindu Rights,
Hindutva <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva>
Subject Politics <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics>, Hindutva
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva>, Indian History
Notable works The Wonder that is India, Un Autre regard sur l'Inde
Notable awards Panchjanya's Nachiketa Awards
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchjanya_(newspaper)>, Bipin Chandra Pal
Years active 1982–present

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*François Gautier* (born 1959) is a French
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_people> political writer
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_writer> and journalist
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journalist> based in India
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India>, since 1971. He has served as the "South
Asian <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia>" correspondent
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correspondent> for the French-language
newspaper *Le Figaro <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Figaro>*.[1]
is the founder of the *Foundation for Advancement of Cultural Ties (FACT)*,
an NGO which is 'committed to highlighting the magnificence of India and
the threats to its sovereignty'. [2]
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Gautier#cite_note-2>He is also
the founder of the Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj Museum of Indian history in
Pune which is a private museum that houses exhibits on Indian history.[1]

Life Early life
Francois Gautier was born in 1959 in Paris
was given an upper-class <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper-class> Catholic
education <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_education>. Gautier has
said he had problems fitting in and he was expelled from several
European boarding
schools <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boarding_school> he was sent to.[1]
attended IDRAC business school in Paris
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris> before dropping out to become a
writer. He worked in a small newspaper before it was shut down. He then
wrote a film script for a friend, but the film was not released.[1]
Gautier came to India at the age of 19 in 1969. He was part of the first
wave which came to establish the city of Auroville
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auroville>. He initially did not intend to
stay in India for long and intended to travel the world. However, he met Mirra
Alfassa <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirra_Alfassa> and was influenced by
her. He spent 7 years in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Aurobindo_Ashram>, Pondicherry
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pondicherry>, after that.[1]
Personal life
François Gautier is married to Namrita Bindra Gautier, whose mother was a
Hindu <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu> and father was a Sikh
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikh>. Gautier primarily resides in Auroville
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auroville> in India, and visits his family
in France <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France> annually.[1]
Career Journalism
In India, he stopped writing for a while and focussed on other activities
like meditation and gardening. In 1982, he found an article in a French
newspaper, which he considered to be full of clichés
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clich%C3%A9s>. He wrote a letter to the
editor suggesting corrections. The editor replied back asking him to write
an article. He wrote several more articles for the newspaper. Later, he
worked as a writer and photographer for various publications.[1]
He then worked for *Journal de Geneve
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Temps>*, a Geneva
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva>-based newspaper. Then he switched to *Le
Figaro <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Figaro>* in mid-90s and began to
write for them exclusively.[1]
used to write a regular column for *Rediff.com
has also written columns for *The New Indian Express
 *DNA India <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_India>*,[8]
 *Outlook India <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlook_India>*,[9]
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Gautier#cite_note-Wrath-9> and
others. Gautier is also the editor of *La Revue de l'Inde*.[10]

50 Biggest Enemies Of Hindus (Dead Or Alive) — By François Gautier

*Hindus should at least know who are their enemies. Jews have shown us that
to remember, helps to make sure that atrocities do not happen again. Let us
not forget that the biggest genocide ever – is that of the Hindus – which
has been calculated at 100 million victims, from the Hindu Kush to the
Mumbai attacks of 2006.*
*This list, which is compiled without any hatred or malice, is not
complete. I am counting on you to raise it to a hundred. If you think I
missed someone, facebook it to me, with the name and two or three
paragraphs on why you think he or she is an enemy of the Hindus.*

*It would be also interesting to compile separately a list of say, the ten
or twenty biggest enemies of Hindus in the US (or UK, or Canada) that could
be circulated worldwide and damper the activities of these people….*
*I have also made a hit parade of the ten countries that I feel are
inimical to Hindus.*

*1) Thomas Babington Macaulay – He played a significant role in introducing
English and western concepts to education in India. This was worthy as no
one can deny that English gives India an edge in dealing with other
countries to penetrate into the era of globalization. Yet, Macaulay had
very little regard for Hindu culture and education including all the books
written in Sanskrit which actually contains all the historical information.
Rather, the worthless abridgement used at preparatory schools in England is
considered more valuable than books written in Sanskrit language. Today,
much of India’s intellectuals and Media stand as a proof of the success of
Macaulay as they look down on their own culture and analyse India through
the western prism.*

*2) Indian National Congress – Only a few people know that the Indian
National Congress was founded on 28 December 1885 by a Britisher, A.O.
Hume. Its objectives were to “allow all those who work for the national
(read British) good to meet each other personally, to discuss and decide of
the political operations to start during the year”. And certainly, till the
end of the 19th century, the Congress, who regarded British rule in India
as a “divine dispensation”, was pleased with criticising moderately the
Government, while endorsing its loyalty to the Crown and its faith in
“liberalism” and “the British innate sense of justice”! The real
nationalist leaders like Sri Aurobindo and Tilak, were put aside by the
“moderate Congress”.*

*3) Jawaharlal Nehru – A French historian Alain Danielou writes, “Nehru was
the perfect replica of a certain type of Englishman.” Several times he used
the expression ‘continental people’, with an amused and sarcastic manner,
to designate French or Italians. He reviled non-anglicised Indians and had
a very shallow and partial knowledge of India. His ideal, the romantic
socialism of 19th century Britain, was totally unfit to India, as the
conditions of India were totally different from 19th century Europe. Nehru
has been promoted by Congress as an icon, which nobody has yet dared to
touch, but as history will show more and more, Nehru had done tremendous
harm to India by initiating movements and patterns, which not only did vast
damage in their times, but continue to survive and weigh down the Indian
nation, long after their uselessness has been realized.*

*4) Babur – Jawaharlal Nehru wrote about Babur mentioning him as the
destroyer of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. The truth is that Babur indulged in
unnecessary massacres and demolished thousands of temples showcasing
himself as a ferocious Mughal emperor. His ultimate goal was probably the
destruction and the enslaving of the Hindus. It is sad to see that Indian
history books have no comments on such incidents.*

*5) Sonia Gandhi – It is true that Sonia brought discipline, order and
consistency into the Congress party. But the amount of unrestrained power
that she, a non-Indian, a simple elected MP like hundreds of others,
possessed when the Congress was in power for ten years, should frighten us:
a word, indeed a glance of her was sufficient to trigger action by her
entourage, using any means—bearing in mind the case of P. Chidambaram when
he would have allowed Narendra Modi to be killed by a Ishrat Jahan, a known
terrorist. Thus, the instruments of power had never been so perverted in
India. The CBI allegedly suppressed all orders against Quattrocchi and even
allowed him to get away with billions of rupees which he had stolen from
India. Yet, without blinking an eyelid, and with the Indian Media turning a
blind eye, it went ruthlessly after Narendra Modi, the then chief minister
of the most efficiently run state, the most corruption free.*

*6) The Pope – Christianity, unfortunately, is still clinging in the belief
of a single true God, Jesus Christ, in spite of the feeble attempts at
“Ecumenism” of the Church. It would be all right if the Church was playing
by the rules of the free market, where there is a certain amount of
fairness—“you see what advantages my religion is bringing you, compare it
with your own and then feel free to choose”. But, sadly, the missionaries
are using indirect and persuasive means to convert the poorest of the poor
Hindus in India—offering free medical treatment, free schooling,
interest-free loans, even going as far as organizing “fake miracle” prayer
meetings, as it is regularly done by American preacherBenny Hinn. This is
practiced in India, but they dare not do it in China, where freedom of
religion is curtailed and any missionary caught persuading is kicked out.
Would Hindus dare convert Christians in France, for instance? The
confounding fact is that there is not a single Hindu temple in France, as
their construction has not been allowed and there is even a minister in
charge of hunting down “sects” (meaning what is not Christian-oriented).*

*7) Rahul Gandhi – No doubt Rahul Gandhi is a decent, well-meaning man,
though totally ignorant of India’s culture and spirituality. But his
ignorance becomes problematic as times. Bearing in mind the case of
Wikileaks cables, where Rahul Gandhi tells the American ambassador that
Hindu terrorism was more dangerous than Islamic terrorism—“The bigger
threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups, which create
religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community”.
It looks like Rahul and his mother were trying to make an example of
Colonel Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya to gratify their Muslim electorate by
issuing direct orders to get a confession out of him and Sadhvi Pragya at
any cost, even torture.*

*8) The Communist Party of India – Very few people know that the communists
refused to collaborate against the Nazis during the 2nd World War, because
Russia was then allied with Germany. Their attitude during the war with
China in 1962 was also very uncertain. Most Marxists in India are
anti-Hindu as a principle (Marx was against religion) and their
intellectuals are expert at criticising Hindus. At a time when Marxism is
deceased all over the world, including in Cuba and China, India is the last
haven of communism. Though communists have certain sincerity (they
generally are not corrupt and live a simple life, contrary to many Indian
politicians) but they contribute very little to India’s growth, with their
constant strikes and demands. Naxalism which is a great threat to this
country is also a sprout of communism.*

*9) Priyanka Gandhi – We all can assume that in case Sonia Gandhi leaves
India or something happens to her, Priyanka—and not Rahul—will be the
natural choice of the Congress to take up the wheels. Would Priyanka bring
a change in Congress? Unlikely. She will think like a Christian and a
westerner, not like an Indian and adopt Nehru’s misplaced socialist and
popular idea’s, which have landed India in corruption and red tape. Also,
her husband Robert Vadra, a man who multiplied his wealth by 600 times in
five years, is an albatross around her neck.*

*10) Barkha Dutt – Married twice to a Kashmiri Muslim, from a young
journalist, Barkha turned into a Hindu basher (you just have to listen to
the Radia tapes to understand that). The power that came with NDTV, as it
grew into the most sophisticated TV news channel, and her proximity to the
Congress party, also influenced her mind. There are also accusations of
corruption against her and her boss Prannoy Roy.*

*11) Kancha Ilaiah – His hatred for Hindus can be seen in his immensely
controversial book, Why I am not a Hindu, Kancha Ilaiah is a converted
Christian who hates Hindus, particularly Brahmins whom he accuses of all
the possible evils. He recently gave a statement on vegetarianism calling
it as anti-nationalism, “For me, my nation starts with eating beef.
Unfortunately, we gave up eating beef and our brains are not growing now.
There is no enough protein,” Probably he doesn’t know that many westerners
are now switching to vegetarianism.*

*12) Aamir Khan – Aamir Khan’s TV program on social issues, Satyamev
Jayate, even raised his status to an activist for human rights. His comment
on ‘Intolerance’, that his (Hindu) wife wanted to leave India, alienated
him from many of his supporters. His anti-Hindu gurus film, like PK, also
created a lot of hostility.*

*13) Shah Rukh Khan – As Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh is also married to a Hindu,
but raises his kids as Muslims, and whenever it suits him plays the
minority card (Pakistan invited him many times to settle there). In fact,
playing a little anti-Hindu card pleases their Muslim fans and does no harm
to their image, as Hindus anyway never retaliate.*

*14) Amartya Sen – He got the Nobel Prize, teaches in Oxford and is highly
respected in the West but only few know that Amartya Sen rode his fame on
the back of his false theories about poverty in India and in the West.
Despite all that the Congress Government gave him the Nalanda University
project for which he did nothing.*

*15) Rajdeep Sardesai – Rajdeep is not an honest journalist—witness the
incident when he sat on a sting interview that showed the Congress paying
bribes to BJP MLA’s to defect. He was also seen in his true light in New
York, where he portrayed himself as a victim of a hard-line Hindu, whereas
the video replays showed that in fact he was the aggressor. No doubt,
Rajdeep is a personal enemy of Narendra Modi and has never veiled his
dislike for the BJP.*

*16) Angana Chatterjee – Angana Chatterjee is a Hindu herself and started
in an association named after India’s avatar, a great defender of Hindus,
Sri Aurobindo. You need to know that she is married to Richard Shapiro who
is Director and Associate Professor of the graduate anthropology program at
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), also a very anti-Hindu
body. In fact, Shapiro was barred from entering India in 2010. Angana and
Richard are great defenders of the Kashmiri Muslims and attend every
International Kashmir Freedom Conference (IKFC), which only gives the
Muslim point of view and ignores the 450,000 Kashmiri Hindus who have
become refugees in their own country.*

*17) Teesta Setalvad – Teesta is a Hindu herself, who like Barkha Dutt, is
married to a Muslim, Javed Anand. Javed Anand is General Secretary of
Muslims for Secular Democracy, a virulent anti-Hindu organization. Using
her organization Teesta Setalvad’s name has come to symbolize everything
that is wrong with NGO activism in India. She has used any means to go
after Hindus, particularly their leaders and specially Mr Narenda Modi.
Unfortunately, Teesta has been repeatedly exposed for having indulged in
unethical acts and has cases pending against her in courts for perjury. She
has taken the courts for a ride with her perjury and her acts of
influencing witnesses. She has misused the lack of education and poverty of
victims to file false affidavits to further her own agenda.*

*18) Aurangzeb – Aurangzeb harmed not only Hindus, but also to his own
family: he beheaded his brother Dara Shikoh, who was the rightful heir to
the throne, poisoned his own father, and imprisoned his son. Aurangzeb
(1658-1707) did not just build an isolated mosque on a destroyed temple, he
ordered all the temples to be destroyed, among them the Kashi Vishwanath,
Krishna’s birth temple in Mathura, the rebuilt Somnath temple on the coast
of Gujurat, the Vishnu temple replaced with the Alamgir mosque now
overlooking Benares and the Treta-ka-Thakur temple in Ayodhya. … His evil
reign might end only after Shivaji Maharaj, a true Hindu hero brought him
to his knees. Yet Shivaji is treated as a nobody in Indian history books
and Aurangzeb like a harsh but just emperor.*

*19) John Dayal – The most virulent and articulate Christian anti-Hindu,
John and many other Indian Christian leaders and bishops are not only
practicing a Christianity which had its place 50 years ago in Europe (but
is no more today, as Western Christianity is evolving), but are also
re-embracing the old colonial missionary concept that Christ is the only
‘true’ God and that all ‘heathens’ Hindus have to be converted.*

*20) Irfan Habib – Irfan Habib has been side-lined by the Modi Government.
He and Romila Thapar ruled supreme for nearly 40 years in devising Indian
school curriculum. Together they have falsified Indian history with total
impunity and went after the Hindus full steam. Irfan Habib continued the
legacy of his father, Mohamed Habiib, to rewrite the chapter of Muslim
invasions in India. Habib father and son’s books are based on four
theories: 1) that the records (written by the Muslims themselves) of
slaughters of Hindus, the enslaving of their women and children and razing
of temples were “mere exaggerations by court poets and zealous chroniclers
to please their rulers”. 2) That there were indeed atrocities, but mainly
committed by Turks, the savage riders from the Steppe. 3) That the
destruction of the temples took place because Hindus stored their gold and
jewels inside them and therefore Muslim armies plundered these. 4) That the
conversion of millions of Hindus to Islam was not forced, “but what
happened was there was a shift of opinion in the population, who on its own
free will chose the Shariat against the Hindu law (Smriti), as they were
all oppressed by the bad Brahmins”!*

*21) Ramachandra Guha – Outlook magazine’s favourite columnist, who likes
Rahul Gandhi, recently said that “Hindu fundamentalism is more threatening
than Islamic terrorism”. Guha has written a number of books targeting
Hindus and their spiritual leaders. Unfortunately, as many of these leftist
intellectuals, he is fairly popular in the West and often quoted by western
correspondents based in India.*

*22) Romila Thapar – The most well-known Indian historian, who has links
with all Indologists in the world, universities and India centers, is a
Hindu. As Rajiv Malhotra writes: “Hindu spiritual experiences are devalued
by Romila Thapar, as pathological. She resorts to a quasi-scholarly
speculation of racial hatred as existing in entire Indian traditions,
demonizing the ‘other’, a technique to justify holding such people in
contempt and even attacking them”. This is exactly the same thesis that is
being spread today by Maoist insurgents working among remote tribes in
central India, namely, that demons mentioned in Hinduism are actually
references to tribal people. Today even, most of the intellectuals,
journalists and many of India’s elite have been influenced by that school
of thinking and regularly ape its theories.*

*23) N. Ram & The Hindu newspaper – Long time editor of the newspaper The
Hindu, who should be renamed “The Anti-Hindu”. The magazine of The
Hindu,Frontline, although well written as The Hindu, perpetuates a dead
ideology. Unfortunately The Hindu is still read by many in India, including
westerners in the South of India.*

*24) Sagarika Ghose & CNN-IBN – Rajdeep Sardesai’s wife shares her beliefs
and hatred for the Hindus. It’s a tragedy that CNN-IBN is sympathetic to
anybody who is anti-Hindu. CNN, a renowned western television station,
choose to partner someone who is against the majority community of their

*25) Mamata Banerjee – It is said that Mamata Banerjee is a Kali worshipper
and does regular pujas when she is alone in her house. But the thrust of
getting votes can transform anyone. She thus panders to Muslim community,
turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed on the Hindus by the
Bangladeshis refugees, who are given ration cards so that they can vote for
Mamata. Also, she chose to say ‘Allah O Akbar’ when she just got re-elected
despite of knowing the fact that Hindus are becoming minorities in certain
districts of WB, Assam or UP. That is a tragedy and something should be

*26) Akbaruddin Owaisi – Proof that India is a democracy lies in the fact
that people like Owaisi and his brother can not only rant against the
Hindus and preach near secession, but also get elected. There has to be
some limits to preaching hatred and separatism.*

*27) Geelani & Other Kashmiri Separatists – It is confounding to see that
the Indian Government allow these separatists to openly visit the Pakistani
embassy in Delhi or travel to Pakistan. No country tolerates that kind of
open separatism, be it France with Corsica, or even England with the
faraway Falkland Islands, which geographically belong to Argentina. Also,
one cannot forget that the Muslims pushed out of the Valley of Kashmir
500.000 Hinduswho had lived there for generations.*

*28) Zakir Naik – Zakir Naik tried to hurt religious sentiments of Hindus
by denigrating Shri Ganesh; that too, during the Ganesh Festival. He gave
Hindus a challenge, through the medium of Facebook and Youtube, to prove
that Shri Ganapati is a Deity. He also made an anti-Hindu statement that
“If your God is unable to recognise his own son, how will he know that I am
in danger”. By making such comments Naik has hurt religious sentiments of
billions of Hindus. It has also created rage among members of Shiv Sena,
BJP and various pro-Hindu organisations, Ganeshotsava Mandals and devout
Hindus. Naik also went after Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the famous debate.*

*29) Christophe Jaffrelot – This most famous French Indologist, paid by the
French Government, is most responsible for the bad image of the BJP in
France. He wrote many offensive books on ‘Hindu fundamentalism’. He is
feted by the press corps and gets all kind of laudatory reviews when he
comes to Indian to release the English translations of his books. So much
for secularism in India—Jaffrelot, Sanjay Subramanyam (who teaches in the
prestigious College de France), and others in France—keep harping on
India’s problems—castes, poverty, so-called Hindu fundamentalism, etc. I
know for a fact that in France, it has an influence on the top bureaucrats
and the politicians, as every time something important happens in
India—elections, catastrophes, riots, etc, their slanted opinions are
hunted by newspapers, radios and televisions.*

*30) NGO’s – NGO’s in India are most of the time anti-Hindus. 70% of them
work on “woman empowerment”, or “uplifting” the villagers in tribal areas,
which is good, but should be done in a neutral manner with friendliness to
the Indian Government. It is nowadays fashionable in India to always
highlight the downtrodden condition of Indian women and their
underprivileged place in Indian society. But no country in the world has
granted such an important place to women in its spirituality and social
ethos. And even today, behind all appearances—arranged marriages,
submission to men, preference of male children in some rural areas (but
girls are loved in India like nowhere in the world)—it can be safely said
that very often, from the poorest to the richest classes, women
control—even if behind the scenes—a lot of the family affairs: the
education of their children (men in India are often “mama’s boys”),
monetary concerns, and husbands often refer to them for important
decisions. Countries such as France or the United States, who are often
preaching to India on “women’s rights” never had a woman as their top
leader, whereas India had Indira Gandhi ruling with an iron hand for nearly
twenty years; and proportionately they have less MP’s than India, which is
considering earmarking 33% of seats in Parliament for women, a revolution
in human history! But this obsession of NGO’s with women and village
empowerment (usually they take one village and make it like a showcase, for
the benefit of visiting donors from abroad) has completely eclipsed the
burning issue that would require NGO’s attention with the tremendous amount
of funds they attract from abroad: afforestation, as there are hardly any
forest worth the name left today in India.*

*31) Karunanidhi – Karunanidhi and before him his mentor, Anna, exploited
to the hilt the Dravidian theory. According to this theory, which was
actually devised in the 18th and 19th century by British linguists and
archaeologists, who had a vested interest to prove the supremacy of their
culture over the one of the subcontinent, the first inhabitants of India
were good-natured, peaceful, dark-skinned shepherds, called the Dravidians.
Then, around 1500 B.C., India is said to have been invaded by tribes called
the Aryans: white-skinned, nomadic people, who originated somewhere in
Urals, or the Caucasus. To the Aryans are attributed Sanskrit the Vedic or
Hindu religion, India’s greatest spiritual texts, the Vedas, as well as a
host of subsequent writings, the Upanishads, theMahabharata, the Ramanaya,
etc. And thus English missionaries and, later, American preachers were able
to convert tribes and low caste Hindus by telling them: “you, the
aborigines, the tribals, the Harijans, were there in India before the
Aryans; you are the original inhabitants of India, and you should discard
Hinduism, the religion of these arrogant Aryans and embrace Christianity,
the true religion”. Karunanidhi also exploits this theory and he and Anna
have made life for Tamil Brahmins so miserable that many left Tamil Nadu
for Delhi or even the US.*

*32) Wendy Doniger – This American Hindu hater, supposedly a historian,
says that Rama thinks that sex is putting him in political danger (keeping
his allegedly unchaste wife will make the people revolt), but in fact he
has it backward: Politics is driving Rama to make a sexual and religious
mistake; public concerns make him banish the wife he loves. Rama banishes
Sita as Dasharatha has banished Rama. Significantly, the moment when Rama
kicks Sita out for the second time comes directly after a long passage in
which Rama makes love to Sita passionately, drinking wine with her, for
many days on end; the banishment comes as a direct reaction against the
sensual indulgence. Her latest book, The Hindus: An Alternative History was
written with an intent to mock Hinduism.*

*33) Akbar – Akbar is one of the goody-goodies in Indian history books,
like Ashoka because he was a Buddhist, that Marxist historians like to
glorify. No doubt, Akbar was one of the better Mughal emperors, but few
people know that when he captured Chittor on February 25, 1568, he ordered
that the thirty thousand civil population be butchered, including women and
children who had taken shelter in the fort. Destruction of temples also
took place on mass scale in Akbar’s reign and it is even said that he
ordered that a mountain be made of the tufts of the Brahmins’ hairs.*

*34) Michael Witzel – He is a professor of Sanskrit at Harvard, who
recently tried to prevent the removal of references to India and Hinduism
in the curriculum followed by schools in California which parents of Indian
origin found to be inadequate, inaccurate or just outright insensitive.
Known for aggressively pushing theories forged by Left historians of the
Romila Thapar genre that have been long discredited through scientific
means, including DNA studies, this ‘linguist’ is known for promoting
himself as a ‘historian’ in academic circles. His proximity to Left
historians in India is no secret. On one occasion, he even said, “Hindus in
the US are lost or abandoned people”.*

*35) Amnesty International – Amnesty International, which has a large
number of Pakistanis in its staff, has always been hostile to Hindus. I
remember showing an exhibition on Kashmir in London at the prestigious
Commonwealth Club. The South Asia Amnesty in-charge refused to come and see
it—although the club was just a stone throw away from Amnesty’s London
office. What did the Kashmiri Hindus do that Amnesty considers them
untouchable? And how come that the Muslims of the Valley who chased them by
terror and made them flee their ancestral lands and homes are not condemned
by Amnesty? It triggers a lot of questions about Amnesty’s impartiality.*

*36) Prannoy Roy (CEO of NDTV) – No doubt, Prannoy Roy created one of the
best TV channels in India in terms of content and professional quality, but
from the beginning NDTV’s slant was anti-Hindu. Why? Did you know that
Prannoy is married to Radhika Roy, who is the sister of Brinda Karat, one
of the leading lights of the Communist Party of India Marxist (CPI(M))? The
sad thing is that many BJP leaders always run to NDTV, to be crucified by
Barkha Dutt, Pranno’s second in command today.*

*37) P. Chidambaram – There are many questions asked today about the role
of P. Chidambaram when he was in power during the ten years of the
Congress. As finance minister, he went after Hindus by clamping down on
Hindu institutions that had the 100% yoga tax rebate; as home minister his
role is even more dubious: he had cleared an affidavit in 2009 which
described college student Ishrat Jahan as a Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist
involved in a plot to assassinate then Gujarat chief minister Narendra
Modi. About a month later, a second affidavit was filed in court in which
all references to Ishrat’s alleged terror links were missing.*

*38) Sitaram Yechury – Yechury is an intelligent man and a brilliant
speaker but he went full steam against Mr Modi’s declaration of June 21 as
International Yoga Day, which was supported by the UN General Assembly and
which should not cause any problem, as yoga is a universal technique that
is practiced all over the world by millions of Christians. Oh, but the
hitch is that yoga is a Hindu invention, hence Mr Yechury’s hostility, who
famously said: “under this BJP government’s aggressive global campaigns,
India appears to be seeking a global positioning not on the basis of its
internal strength, economic or otherwise, but on the basis of such
‘accomplishments’ as having the UN General Assembly declare International
Yoga Day on June 21”. The fact that a senior communist leader in India
fails to see the potential to leverage the acceptance and spread of yoga
across the world as a means to further India’s global influence and power
is a testament to the monumental intellectual bankruptcy afflicting the
communists in India.*

*39) Mother Teresa – Mother Teresa is still the fallacy for India. No
doubt, she did saintly work. But was caring for the dying and orphaned
children her only goal? The truth is that she stood for the most orthodox
Christian conservatism. There is no doubt that Mother Teresa also had a
goal to convert Hindus to Christianity, the only true religion in her eyes.*

*40) Karan Thapar– Karan Thapar, who owns ITV, which unfortunately produces
shows for BBC, is one of the most famous faces of journalism in India.
Karan Thapar’s father was General Pran Nath Thapar COAS during 1962 war,
and his aunt is Romila Thapar. Does that explain why Karan, though a decent
man, is known for his anti-Hindu bias? Once he invited me on a program
about the painter M. F. Husain, who as you know has depicted Hindus’ most
revered Gods fornicating or even sodomizing each other. I had brought on
the show photocopies of these paintings, a solid evidence of Husain’s
hatred of Hinduism, but Karan refused that I showed them on camera. So much
for ITV’s journalistic impartiality.*

*41) Javed Akhtar – Though Javed Akhtar came out recently against those who
opposed saying “Bharat Mata ki Jai”, he is also known as a Hindu baiter. I
remember him going full steam against Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Hindu gurus
in an India Today symposium a few years ago. Akhtar also repeatedly equated
the Gujarat 2002 anti-Muslim riots to the Jewish holocaust. As one of his
detractors said: “it is impossible to believe that Akhtar isn’t aware of
the horrors at Auschwitz or Sobibor to compare them with rioting in

*42) Shabana Azmi – Akhtar’s second wife, Shabana Azmi is a fine actress.
Nevertheless she is also a Hindu baiter. When she was invited to the
international film festival of Deauville in France, I read the numerous
interviews where she kept harping about “Hindu fundamentalists”, and
repeatedly lambasted the “right wing” BJP Government and accused them of
turning a “blind eye” to the attacks towards India’s minorities, while
portraying herself as a courageous social activist fighting for freedom of
expression. She also only spoke en passant about Muslim fundamentalism.
Again the old trick to either equate Muslim and Hindu fundamentalism, or
even in the case of Azmi, Rahul Gandhi and others, to say that Hindu
fundamentalism is more dangerous than the Islamic one.*

*43) Aakar Patel – Aakar Patel, a subtle but redoubtable Hindu hater, is
sadly the head of Amnesty International India (one can see there the
perversion of Amnesty, to name a Muslim as its head in a country inhabited
by 80% Hindus). Aakar indeed always rants against Narendra Modi and the
Hindu majority, saying: “one must be neutral.” But “we dissent against our
own country, because dissent is patriotic”. However he adds: “Anyone
opposing us (Amnesty International?, is morally deficient and a repugnant
human being”. Aakar Patel’s hatred for the majority community is not
veiled. He wrote, “Most extremists in India are not Muslims, they are Hindu

*44) Arundhati Roy – Cousin of Prannoy Roy, she was married to Gerard da
Cunha first and then to filmmaker Pradip Krishen. Apart from her first book
The God of Small Things, Arundhati never wrote again anything of value. She
is most happy in the company of Maoists, Naxalites, Tamil Elam [LTTE], and
Kashmiri separatists. Roy famously said, “Kashmir has never been an
integral part of India and the Indian Government is at war with Maoists to
aid the MNCs”. She also says that Modi is promoting Brahmanism. After the
“intolerance” debate, she returned her national award for screenplay.*

*45) Father Cedric Prakash – This Indian Christian priest has been most
active in betraying his own country in the US, amongst Congress
parliamentary committees. In June 2002, he testified before the US
Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in Washington,
about the lack of religious freedom in India. His is a clear case of an
Indian citizen asking an alien nation intervene in India’s domestic
affairs. Fr. Prakash has been a vocal critic of Narendra Modi, often in
collaboration with John Dayal and Teesta Setalvad.*

*46) Martha Nussbaum – Her pronouncement: “perpetrators of violence are not
Muslims but Hindus”, is proof enough of Nussbaum’s hatred. Her interest in
India started while working for Amartya Sen, with whom she shared an
intimate relationship, a fact she herself bragged about. Before the 2014
parliament elections, Amartya Sen had said that he wouldn’t like Modi to be
the PM of India. Martha does not have any qualification or training in
archaeology, Sanskrit, geology,or metallurgy, yet writes with authority
about the dating of the Vedas.*

*47) Hillary Clinton – Hillary Clinton has no great love for India and
often leans towards Pakistan (her vice chairman of the 2016 election
campaign is Huma Mahmood Abedin, of Pakistani origin). Maybe the numerous
infidelities of her husband Bill made her into a hard and cynical woman,
but if she becomes president of the US, she will be no friend of India and
Hindus. Her attitude towards Islam and Muslim fundamentalism is also
ambiguous and she is probably closer to Obama’s views, than any other
presidential candidate. You can expect continuing support, financial and in
armaments to Pakistan if she is elected.*

*48) Medha Patkar – Another NGO, who very selectively targets only Hindus.
Her Narmada dam agitation had one target only—Narendra Modi. Yet the dam
has proved to be the biggest factor to Gujarat’s prosperity, bringing
electricity, water, prosperity to all, Hindus as well as Muslims. Medha was
also involved in many movements that blocked Mr Modi’s visas in the UK and
the US and that tried to stop him from becoming prime minister.*

*49) Mahatma Gandhi? – I put it with a question mark, as I consider him as
a great soul indeed. But there are many who point out that he never seemed
to have realised the great danger that Nazism represented for humanity.
Calling Hitler “my beloved brother”, a man who murdered 6 million Jews in
cold-blood just to prove the purity of his own race, is more than just
innocence, it borders on criminal credulity. And did not Gandhi also advise
the Jews to let themselves be butchered? His not condemning Muslims during
*Khilafat Movementwhen thousands of Hindus were butchered by Indian
Muslims, or his indulgence of Jinnah, going as far as proposing to make him
the prime minister of India, have not always earned him Hindu goodwill. ¶
Gandhi’s love of the Harijans, as he called them, was certainly very
touching and sprang from the highest motivations, but once more Gandhi took
the European element in the decrying of the caste system, sowing the seeds
of future disorders and of a caste war in India, of which we see the
effects only today.*

*50) Hindus Themselves – Hindus, it must be said, are their own biggest
enemies. They must be some of the most selfish and individualistic people
in the world: rich Hindus never help their poorer brothers and
sisters—that’s’ why the Mother Teresas and Sonia Gandhis are able to
flourish in India. A Hindu abroad never acknowledges another Hindu, but
pretends he or she does not exist. You can insult Hindus and their Gods and
Goddesses as much as you want and nothing will happen to you. A billion
Hindus have not raised a finger about the 450.000 Kashmiri Pandits who
became refugees in their own country after they were chased out by terror
from the Valley of Kashmir in the 90’s. Hindus today don’t give a damn
whether their children know about theRamayana, the Mahabharata or the
Bhagavad Gita, where every truth that needs to be known about life, after
life, karma, dharma and soul is taught. Modern Hindu children do not go to
temples, pray or know what a puja is. Hindus do not care to have colleges
where Hindu values are imparted, like the Muslims have (Aligarh University
for instance) The only one ever, the Benares Hindu University, should not
be called ‘Hindu’, as nothing Hindu is taught there anymore.*

*Original Source* :* francoisgautier.me <http://francoisgautier.me/>*

Posted by: Krishan K Punchhi <

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