CULTURAL QA04-2021-21

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Why did only Lord Shivadrink the halahala poison from Samudra 
Manthan? Why didn't Lord Vishnu?

A1          Sunitha Parapatla ThuDevoteeof God Shiva and a Home maker

Foremost, theTridev(God Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shiva) follow one protocol, 
that they willfulfil their responsibilities as the Creator, Protector and 
destroyer of theUniverse and work as a team, will never interfere in each 
other’s tasks,but will be there for each other during scenarios where the 
Living beings lifeis at risk, since welfare of the Universes is only their 

Samudra manthan or The churning of the Milk Ocean was done for thecelestial 
nectar. Mount Mandarachala or Mandara Mountain was used as the churningrod and 
Vasuki, the King of Serpents, became the churning rope.

The demigods and demons pulled back and forth on the Snake’s bodyalternately, 
causing the mountain to rotate, which in turn churned the ocean.However, once 
the Mandara mountain was placed on the Ocean, it began to sink.

So Shri Vishnu took His secondincarnation and in the formof a Turtle (Kurma 
Avatar) came to their rescue and supported the mountain onHis back and thus the 
churning was successfully accomplished and nectar was retrieved.

Since Shri Vishnu took HisKurma avatar and was supporting the Sumadra Manthan, 
so it was the duty ofMahadev to drink the Halahal ( poison) which emerged from 
the Ocean as result of the churning. But this doesn’t meanthat Shri Vishnu 
can’t drink the Halahala. 

My note- Brahma distributed the things sprang up during churning 

Q2         Why does cold water havemore molecules than hot water?

A2   Tanishk Yadav, studied at DAVPublic School, Sector-49,Gurugram (2021) 
Answered April 13

Yeah it does but only if itsays for a given volume.

This is because cold water isdenser than hot water, so theremust be more 
particles present per unit volume in cold one as compared to hot. Water between 
0°–4° Celcius isthe densest form in which water molecules could exist, even ice 
isless dense as compared to cold water.

Q3         Did the Mahabharatahappen before the Indus Valley?

A3          Rahul Chawla Updated SunRail Engineer Short Answeris NO

Long answer is - If you readthe Mahabharata war, one of the main theme is the 
use of a spoked wheel chariot which is pulled by fourhorses. I am sure you must 
have seen a lot of statues and one suchexample is CHARIOT. As you can see both 
spoked wheel chariot and four horsespulling it. The chariot also has a 
charioteer, a canopy and a flag - basicallyit is a big ass very advanced war 
chariot. It is literally a War Tank of itstime.

Now the recent excavations at Sinaulli revealed three chariots datingbetween 
1900–2100 BCE. They arebeautiful chariots, very advanced from their time, very 
decorative as well.Below picture is a depiction of the Sinaulli Chariot as 
prepared byarcheologists and shown on the Discovery Channel documentary as well.

If you see this is a small chariot, NOT spoked wheel and can only bepulled by 
two horses. Although the chariot in itself is the most advancedchariot of its 
time in the whole world.


If you compare the Sinaullichariot with the chariot as described in 
Mahabharata. It is easy to concludethat the Sinaulli chariot predates 
Mahabharata chariot. This is a good archeological evidence to concludethat the 
Mahabharata occurred after 2000BC.

What does the Puranas say

The Puranas tell us that the Mahabharata war happened 1015 years beforethe 
Nanda Dynasty which existed in the 5th century BCE as per the 
accepteddates.This places Mahabharata in 15th century BCE.

Although there are issues with the dates of Maurya dynasty, if those arepushed 
back further then Mahabharata shall also be pushed back.

But note that Mahabharata cannotpreceed Sinaulli. So if wewere to place 
Mahabharata in a time bracket then I would say it happenedbetween 15th and 19th 
century BCE.

Rigveda Late books and Mitanniarcheological record

Now, Srikant Talageri has done avery vigorous analysis of theRigveda. It turns 
out that the Mitanni kingdom rulers were the descendents ofthe original 
Sanskrit speakers who likely left Indus region around 2200–2000BC.The remnants 
of Sanskrit are foundin the archeological data of Mitanni kingdom and also of 
Kassite(Mitanni like people who rules Sryia-Iraq area from 1750 BCE)

There are cultural elementscommon between the Late Rigveda books (5,1,8,9,10) 
and Mitanni archeologicaldata such as King names, god names,language etc This 
indicates a common cultural development of proto-Mitanni,proot-kassite and Late 
Rigveda books in the later half of 2nd millennium BCE.

Around the same time, the mention of Elephants starts to come into therecords 
of lower Mesopotamian area as documented by Chakirlar & Ikram indetail.

Now, If the Late Rigveda Books were being composed between 2500–2000 BCEthen 
ofcourse Mahabharata cannot happen prior to that. This provides 
anotherindepedent line of evidence for dating Mahabharata.

What about the Astronomicalevidence

You must have noticed that ancient Indian astronomy has become quitepopular. 
There are, as theresearchers say, 300+ astronomical observation within the text 
of Mahabharata.But what is interesting is that all researchers are coming up 
with differentdates while using the same astronomical data. I say, it is better 
to stick witharcheological science because it is a hard science which provides 

Q4         How is drinking waterprocessed by the body?

A4          Chetan Anand, former ItAnalyst (2018-2019) Answered 1h ago

The water we drink is absorbedby the intestines, and circulated throughout the 
body in the form of bodyfluids such as blood. 

These perform various functions that keep us alive. They deliver oxygenand 
nutrients to the cells, and take away waste materials, which are then 
eliminated withurination. When the body temperature rises, blood circulation to 
theskin increases, enabling heat dissipation though sweating, helping to keep 
thebody at a constant temperature. 

Q5         Do animals understandtheir own mortality?

A5          Bhumika April 14Takingcare of 3 stray dogs

Yes, most of the animals do.

8–9 years ago, one of the stray dogs seemed unwell (she probably hadstoma 
chache). We thought she'd be alright so we didn't give her any medicine.

One day, when I was going to a nearby shop with my mother, she startedjumping 
in front of us merrily. She licked my hand excessively, played with meand 
didn't let me go. Whenever I stepped forward, she would grap my leg anddidn't 
let me leave. I had never seen any dog so cheerful and loving before.After 
petting her for a while, I somehow managed to go to the shop.

On returning (just after a minute), I found her lying dead in front of 
myhome.The way she expressed affection was probably a way to bid goodbye. 
So,animals definitely can understand their own mortality.

Q6         Why did Lord Shiva didnot simply give Amrit to Ma Sati instead of 
waiting for her rebirth so long?

A6          Sunitha Parapatla January31 Devotee of God Shiva and a Home maker

Why didn't Shiva make Sati devi alive, and why He waited for her rebirth.??

God Shiva is Parabrahman Himself, so nothing is impossible for Him. Butthere is 
a reason for why Shiva didn't make Sati devi alive.

Father of Sati, Prajapati Daksha plans a Nireeshwar Yagna ( where 
everyoneexcept Shiva and Sati are invited ).

When Sati devi comes to know about this Yagna, she asks Shiva “Hey Lord !My 
father is performing this Yagna, which is neither good for him or forthe entire 
world, so, let us go and explain my father Daksha to stop theYagna”.

Shiva denies Sati’s proposal, and when Sati insists, He agrees and sendsSati to 
Daksha’s abode.

Sati faces insult at her father's abode, but she triesher level best to plead 
her father Daksha and all the people present in theYagna, to stop it.

Daksha insults Sati and abuses Shiva by saying that He is a kapaali,wears 
garland of skulls, begs for food, stays in the burial grounds and smearsthe 
cremation ash and He isnot fit to be called as God. Sati not able to bear 
Shiv_ninda( abusing Her husband God Shiva) by herfather, immolates herself.

God Shiva could not save Sati or bring her back to life because ::

Sati before immolation says “ I feel ashamed to be born to a father likeyou. 
You have given me this physical body, as you are my biological father. Igot 
Shiva in this life, without putting much effort, so I'm losing Him. After 
facing this humiliation, Ican't go back to Him nor can I live further.

I want to give up the title ofDakshayini (Daksha’s daughter), so I'mimmolating 
this body into ash.

At least in my next birth, I want to be born to a father who wouldrespect me 
and my husband. I would do rigorous penance and achieve my Shiva “.

Saying this, with her yogicpower, she immolates Herself.

So, Shiva could not breathe life back into Sati, as she wanted to give upthe 
title of Dakshayini, Prajapati Daksha’s daughter.

In her next birth, Sati is born as Parvathi to the mountain KingHimavanth and 
after doing rigorous penance for 3000 years achieves Shivaforever.


 All the above QA are based on Quora digest on 20-04- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 20-4- 2021




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