Dear friends, 

During middle school classes,while giving dictation in Malayalam in subjects 
the teachers used to instructto make FULL STOP after completing a sentence. We 
would mark a DOT (.) 

During the   time if the teacher listen to anything else inbetween dictation 
creating a gap in dictation, it would have been considered ascompletion of that 
sentence and a full stop was made by us. 

Just imagine this write up fromme is without full stops. Nobody can make out 
what is written. (Some may comment-If at all with full stops the same is the 

Most important about the fullstops in a computer write-up- It can be removed 
from a write up VERY EASILY. But introducing back isdifficult.  

Now many write as a new norm-without capitals after a sentence. Some forget to 
put full stop. 

While it is the case with letters,while writing numerals the full stop gives 
the later numerals as decimal andthe earlier ones as full digits. Just look 
111. 22 and 11.122- How much ofvalue difference by a dot.   Either it isread 
from right to left in Arabic or left to right in other languages. 

I just recollect a joke told about a politician whom the examiners wantedto 
make fail in a selection. 

Three politicians were attendingan examination. The first politician whom the 
examiners wanted to select wasasked the question- How many world wars were 
there. He answered as TWO and was passed. 

The second politician whom theexaminers wanted as deputy was asked the 
question- What was the period of FirstWorld War?  He answered 1914-1918 and got 

Now it was the turn of examiningthe third politician whom they desired to 
eliminate. He was asked the question-Name the countries which took part on 
either side in World War II? He could notwrite other than America and Russia. 
He was made to fail.  

What is its relation with my fullstop? 

Giving a document in three pages,the first politician would be asked to count 
the pages. 

The second would be asked to ensureeverywhere dots are there on completion of 
sentence in the FIRST PARAGRAPH. 

The third would   be asked to put dots in a 25 page document inwhich dots are 
removed and given. 

Let me continue about my fullstop.


Gopala Krishnan. 9-6-2013. 

Reposted after editing and updating on 4-6-21. R Gopala krishnan 

1. Writing instruments 

While writing instruments theamount in words and in figures have to be written. 
If a small displacement ofthe amount in figures occurs the instrument would be 

Update- Now no bank will accept correction anywhere in an instrument 

To avoid this problem instead ofdot many put two slashes and a dash after the 
figure. Especially in Governmentoffices this was the procedure when instruments 
were prepared. 

2. Onnu full stop vechhae..(Make an end) 

When arguments and counterarguments occur, we want some person to interfere and 
ask to make a full stop.If it is group postings it is expected from moderators. 
At one stage, nofurther postings would be entertained by moderator.  It was 
common in the US Brahmins yahoo groupmoderator interfering and making full stop 
of arguments. 

Presently with google groups weknow only one moderator Mr Sai of iyer 123 
google group. 

In the TV discussions the anchormakes the full stops of the member’s talks. But 
always there are complaintsabout anchor showingpartiality. 

3 Rangloli 

Rangoli is prepared making dotswith Rangoli powder or raw rice batter and later 
making an art form. 

4. Dots with many meanings. 

A continuing of few dots after asentence mean there are much more to continue, 
but not relevant and included. 

For filling up the blanksnormally…… is provided so that the space can be used 
to fill it. Here too ifthe dots are less the clever may think, the word/words 
to be entered is a smallerone. If the dots are more like…………. The word could be 
a bigger one. (This neednot apply everywhere. Every rule has an exception). 
Many times I have feltdifficulty to limit my writing with in the space provided 
by …… with myvendaikka aksharam. 

5. Paragraph.

 A paragraph must end with a dot. Aparagraph can be one sentence, 3-5 sentences 
or even a page. 

Somehow even seeing a longparagraph sends an impulse to brain. The impulse 
could be different dependingon subject matter. If the subject matter is 
pleasing the readers may feel theparagraph could be STILL MORE LENGTHY. 

6. Achhu kutthu and acupuncture. 

In the first case it is avaccination and slight piercing is there. In the 2nd 
case it is onlykutthu refreshing and relieving    thepain in that area. 

7. Onnu kutthikkae… Onnutaee kuthikkae... 

Especially when people feel somepain in back, it is common to ask others to 
give a kutthu with lesser force there. It givessome relief, sometimes good 
relief, if the relief is more- the person may beasked to give one more kutthu 

8. Pasu kutthum. The hitting with horns by animals like cow, bulletc. are told 
as Kutthuka. Elephants have no horns, they hit with tusk. 

9 Kathukutthal 

The plane meaning is piercing earto wear ornaments. Second one is a usage - 
Kathu kutthal talking about somethingnot convincing about an incident or 
person. Nose is also pierced to wear nosestud. 

10 Nellu kutthu, mullukutthu 

Nellukuthu is removing outer covering umi (Husk) from the paddy and getrice 

Mullu kuthu is pearcing a sharp plant part or thorn anywhere. Mostly ithappens 
in the feet and palm 

11 Soochikuthhu 

Soochikuthu is piercing byneddle. Many times when giving injections doctors 
compare the pain to what happensby just piercing by a needle. But the pain 
might be much more. Yesterday I readif a person is in a dream touching with a 
needle would be felt as piercing by aknife. 

12 Ant bite and bee bite  

Ants, Mosquitos are said to bite.But Bee stings. It is called Theeneeacha 
kutthal in Malayalam. 

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