CULTURAL QA 06-2021-05

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Whatwill be the difference between a government MBBS pass out and 
private MBBS passout student?

A1          Abhijay MenonFebruary 4,2020 MBBS from NKP Salve Institute of 
Medical Sciences (Expected 2023)

A government college MBBS Pass-out would've spent about 8–10 lakhs forhis 
entire course, and a Private College MBBS Pass-out would've spent the 
sameamount or even more, in a single year.

Knowledge rarely makes adifference, because, it isultimately up to you, how you 
study, refer to sources and look at cases.Knowledge acquisition isconditional, 
but the Money spent is compulsion.


Q2         Whatis the science behind avoiding non-veg on full moon day?

A2          Meera C S, Student,Advocate for gender equality and respectUpdated 
March 31, 2018

Absolutely nothing. There is no science behind such a claim.Superstition and 
religious beliefs are the fuel to such things. It is usually backed by 
certaininterpretations of sacred texts, or astrology, and sometimes 
traditional(unscientific) medical practices or regional lores.

 In the eyes of science, non-vegetarianfood is just food, discriminated only 
based on weather you eat it or not, whatit contains in the molecular level, and 
how your metabolism works. Metabolism does not wait forsun or moon to decide 
how to process the food that you take in; it isdependent on your physiology 

2ND ANSWER- Avinash Bhate, B.E. Mechanical Engineering,UNIVERSITY OF PUNE, PUNE 
(2000) Answered June 10, 2017

I am hearing about this for the first time… but I could venture a guess… This 
is something to do with yourspiritual progress and enhancing your abilities.

On full moon day, earth, sun & moon are in a line thereby changingmagnetic 
field to some extent. This enables you to tap your hidden abilities.

Non-veg food limits that processas it could interfere with your mind. This is 
just my guess…

Q3         Karnagot the name "Karna" after donating his Kavach-Kundal to Indra. 
Whendid Karna exactly donate his earrings and Kavach to Indra. What was he 
referredto before that by everyone?

A3          Answered by VivekAggarwal Wed

Karna ‘exchanged’and not ‘donated’ his kavach and kundal with Indra. Donation 
is whenyou give something without expecting anything in return. However, Karna 
alreadyknew that Indra will come to him in the guise of a brahmin to ask for 
hiskavach and kundal as hewas informed about this in his dream by Suryadev. 

Surya dev had also advised him toask Indra for an infallible weapon in exchange 
of his kavach and kundal. Karna did exactly that and got the Vasavi Shaktifrom 
Indra Dev. He did this exchange before the start of the incognito periodof 

Before that Karna was known asVasusen, the name given to himby his foster 
parents Radha and Adhirath.

Q4         SrimadhBhagavadam says Krishna bestowed mercy on all gopis which was 
not even receivedby Lakshmi. If Radha was Lakshmi then why do Bhagavadam states 

A4          Samridhi A Rasikaservant🧡Wed

That is why it issaid to read all about the mercy of supreme personalities 
before reading theirlilas in Braj Dham. Even I have not read Srimad Bhagvatam 
till nowbut I know this verse. To understand this we need to go deeper in the 
love ofBraj.

You must be knowing that inVrindavan, Radha isn't worshipped as Mahalakshmi or 
the Mother of universe.There she is a simple gopi. Thereshe lives a simple life 
of being Krishna’s beloved. People there know her as the best worshipper 
ofKrishna and not Lakshmi.

If you read Bhagvatam, then you must be knowing that people in Vrindavanwere so 
naive, that whenKrishna took the form of Mahavishnu and Srimati Radharani took 
the form ofMahalakshmi, the residents worshipped them as God's. 

And then started searching for Krishna because they never believed thatKrishna 
was God and radha was goddess. They just loved him like their ownfriends.

Many times Radha is consideredLakshmi when she is with Narayan. But when with 
Krishna, she is known as a gopionly. In Vrindavan, she has friends, male 
friends,brothers, sisters, and many times even enemies just for fun.

But that does not mean she is not a goddess!

That is why it is said that the lakshmi of Vaikunth was unfortunate thatshe 
couldn't enter Golok, the spiritual planet of love!

Q5         Whatare you tired of watching?

A5          Gopalkrishna Vishwanath Willingresponder to survey questions May 19

I am tired of watching TV. Igave up a few years ago.

I occasionally tune in when something sensational or very important isgoing on 
or a top sporting event like the World cup finals or IPL finals isbeing 
telecast. I watch the annual budget broadcast, or if some sensationallive event 
is being telecast and my neighbor or friend alerts me on the phoneand asks if I 
am watching it.

I stopped watching TV serials and the news channels. The noise from TVpanel 
discussions annoys me. The shouting by the participants and theirfrequent 
interruptions disgusts me and I switch off. I try not to hear themthem from my 
neighbor’s TV set.

Ever since I got an always-on, high-speed internet connection and a goodlaptop, 
I found I don’t need a TV at home. Browsing the net, watching YouTube,Googling 
Wikying, Emailing, Zooming and Quoring all day keeps me busy. Whoneeds TV?

My note- I watch TV for news, debates and soaps cine music anddoordarshan 
channel for more informative topics. I gain a lot of information from 
conversation, manyreferring puranas, vedas, sayings etc. 

I still recollect a debate in which a politician telling aboutincompletion of a 
project by Kerala Government- Illathu ninnu purapetukayum cheithu, ambatt 
ottuethiyum illa (Started from father’s home, still not reached Mother’shome).  

Another satire about not coming of vaccines from abroad for covid 19 - 
Sputinikku varunnu, vimanamvarunnu ennokkae parayunnathallethae, onnum vannum 
kanunilla(sputnik referscovid vaccine sputnik  to Kerala). Ienjoy such timely 
talks. I wrote about sumaithangi film since I saw it long back. 

Q6         Whatis the difference between voluntary hyperventilation and 

A6          With voluntary, the breather has made adecision to take in as many 
breaths as possible as quickly as possible…..forwhatever reasons. 

With “involuntary” the breather may not be aware what they are doing.

Q7         Ifhell doesn't exist according to Hinduism, then why does Garuda 
Purana abouthell? Some Hindus said that hell exist but not eternity. So why 
does one stillborn in a poor family if his karma has paid?

A7          Parama Devi Founder andDirector at Jagannatha Vallabha Vedic 
Research Center Wed

Naraka exists, but it is notthe hell in which abrahamics believe - in other 
words, it is not eternal, it is not a punishment fordisobedience, and it is not 
about physical torture. Naraka is a subtle dimension in which a 
person(spirit+mind) who has caused unnecessary harm and sufferings to innocent 
beingsis made aware of the seriousness of his/ her past crimes.

It is like a nightmare causedby one’s guilty conscience. Atsome point the 
individual sincerely repents and wishes to get a new opportunityto set things 
right, pay his/her karmic debts, and prove s/he has changed.

At that point s/he can take birth in suitable circumstances.

The sufferings one experiences in a nightmare do not pay any karmic debt.They 
only help one realize the unpalatable truth that s/he indeed has somekarmic 
debts to pay.

Q8         Can cremation be doneafter sunset? What do Hindu scriptures say 
about the timing of cremation?

A8          Rami Sivan Priest,Dharma teacher, counsellor, Gov. Advisor 

Cremations are usually done ASAP after death, but normally not aftersunset. The 
Shastras don’tactually discuss the timing because it is assumed that it will 
beduring the day only.

But in the current emergency pandemic situation in India anything ispermitted 
under the apad-dharma provisions

My note- My late  father was taken to burial ground after 8PM,on the day of 
death, waiting for me to have last sight. ( I had to come from Trivandrum after 
hearing the news at 4 PM). Our local temple couldnotstart Pooja until body is 
taken to funeral ground, due to close proximity totemple- a local custom


Q9         Betweensuper built-up area, built-up area and carpet area which one 
should beconsidered legally?

A9          Prasanna Bhalerao I havesome experience in real estate deals. Tue

In the official and governmentregistry documents, only the carpet area is 
considered the true measure. This is because walls (that add to built up 
area)have no uniform standard thickness. Super built up is inclusion of common 
areasinto the built up area. This is also known as saleable area. Again there 
is no uniformity here.

Builders have a complete control over their units of measure. But theycan't lie 
about carpet area. So if you wish to know the real size, ask about the carpet 
area.Divide the asking price by carpet area to get the true value. Generally 
the accepted norm iscarpet +15% of carpet area = built up area. Built up area + 
15% of built-up =super built up. 

Q10       Whichis the best place to live in India?

A10        Suresh Varma UpdatedSeptember 23, 2018 Studied Computer Science & 
Computer Science at Osmania(Graduated 1995)

Generally people are referring big cities where you don’t get a glimpseof 
nature to enjoy or Hill stations where you will get bored after few days 
asthere will not be any much life (at least slow paced). 

What if you get combination of both with city cum village life style and 
properconnectivity by all means of transport…HERE YOU GO!!!!!!!1

Imagine a place which is a small city where you can have good 
shoppingexperience, access to good restaurants, star hotels, resorts, coffee 
bars,lounge cafes, all types of luxury milk shakes, drive in restaurants etc.

Imagine a place which is right on the bank of vast river with serenenatural 

Imagine a place which is surrounded by Paddy rich farm fields, coconutgardens, 
10,000 acres of lush green nursery plants, with green houses(nurseries)

Imagine a place which has very less population (Tier 3 city) and lesscongested 
and no traffic jams.

Imagine a place which has almost zero crime rate and extremely safe 

Most reasonable cost of living(2BHK rental would be around 5k to 10k Max), 
reasonable cost for groceries, vegetables and daily needs.

I don’t know much about other places which can satisfy above criteria,but 
surely you will like this place and vote for this city after reading this.

I would like to refer “Rajamahendravaram”(aliasRajahmundry) in AP. It is the 
one of the most beautiful city on the bank of river Godavari having historyof 
more than 1400 years.Here people are more attached to river Godavari by 
allmeans and their life style is linked to this river.

There are more stations on bankof Godavari but the station named “Godavari” 
here only and no where else it isnamed . (there is one more mainstation 
“Rajahmundry” in the city next to Godavari station), just an example ofhow 
people attached to river.


Nowhere else in its travel, its breadth is 3kms , but here it is morethan 3 kms 
and hence we got four world class bridges and one barrage.

Have a glimpse of breadth of Godavari here..

2. Kotilingalu ghat spansnearly 2km which is India’s biggest river ghat

3. A domestic airport with connectivity to south india

4. Life is very calm here and almost zero crime rate. (like this in pic)

5. Less congested and the population is less than 6 lakhs populationincluding 
urban agglomeration.

6. Shoppers paradise.. Reliance, Walmart, Spencershyper, Bigbazaar,pantaloons, 
MAX and all other major shopping malls are here and many morecoming up.

7. Fresh fish, prawns and other sea food available plenty here.

8. Many resorts, 3 or 4 star hotels, coffee lounges etc

La Hospin a 3 star hotel  River bayresorts, 4 star Shelton Rajamahendri…4 
star,Dindi resorts (1 hour drive fromRajahmundry).

9. Best tourist place and APgovt making it as Tourism hub of AP.

10. The only drawback need to be mentioned is , Weather in summer is very harsh 
esp between April to June.

11. Nitya Godavari Harathi(every day) at 7pm is really afeast for eyes. During 
this time the LED light show on the bridges must bewatched.

Thick and dense forest with many jungle resorts…just 2 hours drive fromcity.

Vanavihari resort…

18. Travelling on cruise boatfrom Rajahmundry to Papikondalu (4 hours boat 
journey) and staying on river bank at kolluru huts for whole night will bemost 
memorable event in life. The advantage here is, you don’t have any 
mobilenetwork, or any other transport. You will be completely disconnected from 
theworld until you get your cruise on next day evening. You can have open air 
bathhere with cystal clear water and the depth here is just 4 feet which is 
idealfor bath who doesn’t know swimming 

12. You get fresh vegetables, fruits directly from farms every day.

About Bridges:

First (Old bridge) constructedby British govt in 1897 which is decommissioned 
recently and Ap tourism is planning to make it as walker’s bridge soon.

Third, Constructed in 1995which is Bow string arch bridge with 28 strings/spans 
and the gap between each span is 100m (which is one of the finest bowstring 
arch bridge in the world with 100m span apart) 

Second , Road cum rail bridge which is asia’s secondlongest road cum rail 

4th bridge constructed in 2014 , exclusive for road way (seperate bridgesfor 
both side traffic)

One barrage constructed 40 yrsback and it spans around 7kms. Here Godavari 
splitted into two rivers Gowtamiand Vashishta and each spans 2kms…The land 
between (both side rivers and one side bay of bengal is the mostbeatiful and 
fertile land in India). This area is called Konaseema.

Kadiyam Nurseries( out skirts ofcity) and there are 10 villages spans 1000 of 
acres dedicated for only plantsand nurseries.

Sea coast is just 60kms from here and the place Antarvedi is mostbeautiful 
place to visit(here Godavari submerges into sea)

Thanks for reading this, if you get time do visit this place and relax 
innature’s lap for few days. (ideal time to visit is Sep to Feb) 

My note- I am not able to upload beautiful pictures of Godavari

Duan mein yaad rakhna

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 04-06- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Q11       *Duaon mein yaad rakhna -Keep me in your prayers.* Can you tell the 
story about it?

A11        cnu pne<>Fri, 4 Jun at 6:58 pm

Since we always say Keep me in your prayers to each other, I thought of 
sharinga small story about the actual meaning of these 5 words.

Just go on and read it and I am sure you will start thinking the way I amafter 
reading this story.

A voyaging ship was wreckedduring a storm at sea and only two of the men on it 
were able to swim to asmall, desert like island.

The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agree that they had noother 
recourse but to prayto God

However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed todivide the 
territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island. 

The first thing they prayed forwas food.

The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side ofthe 
land, and he was able to eat its fruit.

The other man's parcel of land remained barren. 

After a week, the first man waslonely, and he decided to pray for a wife. The 
next day, there was a woman who swam to his side of the land.

On the other side of theisland, there was nothing. Soon the first man prayed 
for a house, clothes and more food. The next day, like magic, all of thesewere 
given to him.

However, the second man still had nothing. 

Finally, the first man prayedfor a ship, so that he and his wife could leave 
the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island. 

The first man boarded the shipwith his wife and decided to leave the second man 
on the island. He considered the other man unworthy to receive God'sblessings, 
since none of his prayers had been answered.

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heavenbooming, 
Why are you leavingyour companion on the island?

My blessings are mine alone,since I was the one who prayed for them, the first 
man answered. His prayers were all unanswered and so he does notdeserve 

You are mistaken! the voice rebuked him. He had only one prayer, which I 
answered. If not for that,you would not have received any of my blessings.

Tell me, the first man asked the voice, did he pray for that I should owe him 

He prayed that all your prayersbe answered. For all we know,our blessings are 
not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of anotherpraying for us.

My prayer for you today is that all your prayers are answered. Be What you do 
for others is moreimportant than what you do for yourself.

*Duaon mein yaad rakhna - Keep me in your prayers*

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 05-6-2021



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