Dear friends, 
In the posting serial numbers were not in order. One spelling mistake dog's 
front legs (instead of friend legs) by space check. I request members to read 
the corrected one pasted below:-Gopala krishnan 

Dear friends,

I am attracted to a recent SURF POWDER advertisement.The small dog went out of 
the home, but entrance gate was locked. The dog triesto enter making a pit 
below the nearby vertical grill and a small boy helps tomake an oval shape 
removing the soil. His dress becomes dirty while making thepit, dog enters 
through the oval hole inside home. 

No worry, surf would remove in single wash the dirtfrom soil in the cloths . 
The small dog uses its brain and tries to enter bymaking a pit below the grill. 
 The onlytool it has are its front legs. 

During earlier days on the outer compound wall there mightbe a rest room and 
shelterin the entrance(Patippura). Recent homes are also built withPatippura in 
Kerala, going back to the old style of construction with newmaterials. All 
wooden works of yesteryears are done in concrete, giving finishand appearance 
of wood.

This posting is about different types of gates nowcommonly available and some 
others earlier used. Some information are compiledfrom Wikipedia.  


Gopala Krishnan. 5-6-2021

1 Grill Collapsiblegate

All banking institutions are now   providedwith collapsible gate in the 
entrance and kept opened to such an extent onlyone can enter at a time. If 
people are bulky, they have to turn and enter. 

2 Rotating gate

Many banks have a rotating gate next to collapsiblegate. This rotating gate 
ensure only one can enter or go out at a time. 

Earlier days many homes had such rotating gate whichwould be pushed and people 
of the home used to enter. This also was locked inthe night.  Large animals 
cannot push andenter through the gate. But dogs, cats etc. can enter. 

3. Small gateand large gate

Buildings constructed about 15 years back gaveprovision to two gates. One small 
entrance for people and big entrance forvehicles to portico. These gates opened 
either forward or back ward. Callingbell provision is given in the fixing wall. 
Gates erected nowadays are allgrill works. If covering is required it is done 
over grill work with steel/ironplates and fitted on frame work. 

 4 sliding gate. 

Where space to open backward was a criteria, and movingside way was more 
flexible, gate was provided as sliding to sides. Both largeand small gated can 
be provided in the manner. 

Compound walls should be built first in the south-westdirection. Avoid placing 
a gate in the south side or extreme corners. Use soft colours for the front 
gatesuch as white, silver or wood colours

5 Some gateinformation

Which gate isbetter iron or steel?

If strength is a big requirement for your gate thensteel will probably be the 
better suited material for you. Stronger than iron,steel is highly dependent on 
the skill of the welder / metal fabricator youchoose. 

What is an entrancegate?

An entrance gate is a fence that provides a practical,safe, and secure 
entryway. An entrance gate is sometimes called an entry gateand is often used 
for searches at concerts, festivals, and (sports) events.

Which directionshould a gate open?

A gate should always swing inward toward privatespace, not outward toward 
public space. The hinges can be placed on either sideof a single gate.

6. Jail gate

Jail gate is a big gate strong and has a small openingdoor permitting prisoners 
to go out after punishment period is over. It is aguarded gate and kept locked 
always. Only for permitting prisoners to go out,the gate is used. 

7 Both way gate

In the entrance of flats, big institutions gates areprovided separately for 
entranceand exit. Normallyentrance gate check all particulars before getting in 
the institutions.  Some gate information compiled from Wikipediaare given 
below. Some of these are used in different names by us. 

8 Front gateand back gate

Some railway stations can be entered through front andback gates. Though the 
word gate is used, actually it is an entrance.Bangalore, Tambaram, Trivandrum 
etc. stations have front and back gates 

9 Baby gate

A baby gate or child safety gate is a protectivebarrier designed to prevent 
babies and toddlers from accessing areas of a homewhere they might be unsafe, 
such as stairways and kitchens and outside. Babygates are typically constructed 
of metal, plastic and/or wood, and can beexpanded to fit in a range of doorway 
widths. They may be designed for useindoors or out, and may be either hardware 
or pressure-mounted.

Pressure-mounted gates are typically held in place byfriction with the walls on 
either side, while hardware-mounted gates arescrewed into the wall studs and 
swing fully open like a door. There arehardware-mounted gates that can be 
customized to fit wide and irregularlyshaped openings, as well as mesh 
retractable gates that roll out of the way.

Baby gates are also frequently used to contain smallpets, especially ones that 
are not housebroken. A pet gate may not meet thevoluntary standard for baby 

Baby gates are typically removed once a child iscapable of opening or climbing 
over the gate.

Most of us haveprovided a small wooden gate fitted to one side and hinged other 
side in themain door when our children were 2-3 years. Sometimes it would be 
two or three removable battensacross door frame as baby gate. 

10 Defensive wall

A defensive wall is a fortification usually used toprotect a city, town or 
other settlement from potential aggressors. The wallscan range from simple 
palisades or earthworks to extensive militaryfortifications with towers, 
bastions and gates for access to the city.

 From ancient tomodern times, they were used to enclose settlements. Generally, 
these arereferred to as city walls or town walls, although there were also 
walls, suchas the Great Wall of China, Walls of Benin, Hadrian's Wall, 
Anastasia Wall, andthe Atlantic Wall, which extended far beyond the borders of 
a city and wereused to enclose regions or mark territorial boundaries. In 
mountainous terrain,defensive walls such as letzis were used in combination 
with castles to sealvalleys from potential attack. Beyond their defensive 
utility, many walls alsohad important symbolic functions – representing the 
status and independence ofthe communities they embraced.

Existing ancient walls are almost always masonrystructures, although brick and 
timber-built variants are also known. Dependingon the topography of the area 
surrounding the city or the settlement the wallis intended to protect, elements 
of the terrain such as rivers or coastlinesmay be incorporated in order to make 
the wall more effective.

Walls may only be crossed by entering the appropriatecity gate and are often 
supplemented with towers. The practice of buildingthese massive walls, though 
having its origins in prehistory, was refinedduring the rise of city-states, 
and energetic wall-building continued into themedieval period and beyond in 
certain parts of Europe.

Simpler defensive walls of earth or stone, thrown uparound hillforts, 
ringworks, early castles and the like, tend to be referred toas ramparts or 

My note- Pondicherystate has entrance arch- not a gate from all the sides 

11 Hampshiregate,

Hampshire gate, New Zealand gate or wire gate is atype of agricultural gate 
formed from a section of wire fence which can beremoved temporarily.

This type of gate has many different local namesthroughout the world, sometimes 
hinting at its rough-and-ready nature and cheapconstruction. The term 
"Hampshire gate" is widely used in Britain(including Hampshire) – the names of 
other counties are occasionallysubstituted, or more often that of New Zealand. 

The common barbedwire version was originally used in the United States.

This type of gate is used where access is only neededoccasionally, or when the 
cost of a conventional rigid gate cannot be justified.It does not require the 
heavy gateposts needed to support the weight of a rigidgate, it can be adapted 
to a variety of terrains, it is cheap and simple tomake, and if necessary it 
can easily be made much wider than a conventionalgate.

A Hampshire gate occupies a gateway in a fence similarto that used for a 
conventional gate. However, instead of a rigid gate, a shortsection of loose 
wire fence fits into the gap – this may consist of wirenetting or barbed wire, 
and it usually matches the adjacent fence. 

One end of the wire is attached permanently to themain fence, and two or more 
short posts or battens keep it upright and flat –one of these is at the loose 
end. When the "gate" is closed, this end post fits into a loop ofwire at the 
base of the fixed fence, and the top is then pulled tight totension it. The top 
of the post may be held by another loop of wire,or additional tension may be 
provided by a length of chain looped around thepost and hooked onto a nail. 

Typical uses for a Hampshire gate include givingoccasional access between 
adjacent landowners, giving access to small woods forforestry operations, 
rotational grazing, or allowing unusually large traffic tobypass a normal route.

 In the AmericanWest, it is extremely common in rural areas, particularly on 
ranches, where itis the most frequently used type of gate used between 
pastures, and in fence linesseparating rangeland of different owners, or 
separating public and privateland. 

12 Kissing gate

 A Kissing gateis a type of gate that allows people, but not livestock, to pass 

The normal construction is a half-round, rectangular,trapezoidal or V-shaped 
part-enclosure with the free end of a hinged gatetrapped between its arms. When 
the gate is touching an arm it must be pulled orpushed to pass through. The 
gate may need to be pushed to give access to thesmall enclosure, and when in 
the enclosure the person pulls the gate past thebulk of the enclosure to exit. 
Some examples have latches. Most are installedself-closing, to the side away 
from the pasture (livestock field), by hingegeometry, a spring or weight.

The gate may bemade large enough to fit wheelchairs and the like. 
Alternatively, to allow pushchairs, wheelchairs,bicycles, and other things too 
large to pass through, a conventional gate witha less consistent swing-back or 
default animal-proof mechanism may be nearby,or an additional latch may allow 
it to open more fully.

The name comesfrom the gate merely "kissing" (touching) the inside of 
theenclosure. It reliably forms a barrier rather than needing to be securely 
latched on each use.

13 lych gate

A lych gate, is a gateway covered with a roof found atthe entrance to a 
traditional English or English-style churchyard. The nameresurrection gate is 
also used. SwedenMon (門, gate) is ageneric Japanese term for gate often used, 
either alone or as a suffix, in referring to themany gates used by Buddhist 
temples, Shinto shrines and traditional-stylebuildings and castles. 

A roofed gateway to a churchyard, formerly used atburials for sheltering a 
coffin until the clergyman's arrival.

14 Race gates 

Race gates a gate used checkpoints on race tracks.

15 Turnstile 

A turnstile is a form of gate which allows one personto pass at a time.  In 
many starrestaurants this type of gate is used. In NH tollcollection slightly 
modified version is used. 

16. Britishgates

The galvanised arms are hinged at the bottom and canbe moved outwards, 
slackening the chains. Made by British Gates...

17 Picket gate 

Picket gate a gate with wooden battens vertically heldwith cross units. We can 
commonly see them in railway stations. Staff openthese gates from quarters to 
enter railway station. 

18          Wicket gate

 A wicket gate,or guide vane, is a component of water turbines to control the 
flow of waterthat enters the turbine. A series of small openings of the wicket 
gates ‎Use in fortifications · ‎In water turbines 

19 Gates inlogic circuits 

Fundamentals of logic circuits start with these typeof circuits. All the chip 
circuits would have thousands of logic circuits 

19a what typesof gates are there?

The basic logic gates are classified into seven types:AND gate, OR gate, XOR 
gate, NAND gate, NOR gate, XNOR gate, and NOT gate. 

The truth table is used to show the logic gatefunction. All the logic gates 
have two inputs except the NOT gate, which hasonly one input.


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