CULTURAL QA06-2021-06

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 


Q1         What are the things CivilEngineers know while others don't?

A1          Prathyaksh Shetty UpdatedOctober 3, 2016 MTech from IIT Madras

1. Concrete is the second mostconsumed material on the planet by humans. On an 
average, three metric tonnes per person is produced annually.(btw, first is 

2. Concrete is an erraticmaterial. Most of the time, we don't know why it 
behaves the way it does. But, you don't know that we don't know, so we pretend 
toknow. (Sorry for bursting the bubble my civil engineering comrades. :p)

3. ​Soil is fine. Water is fine. Soil+Water is...well, f***!

4. Steel loses most of itsstrength during fire even with a temperature well 
below its melting point. Thisis one of the main reasons why the World Trade 
Centercollapsed on 9/11. The 9/11 conspiracy theorists ignore this simple fact 
andjust babble about the jet fuel fire not being hot enough to have melted 
thesteel and ignorantly deduce that the collapse was a result of 

​5. The lines you see onconcrete roads are actually cracks created along a 
straight line by us purposefully so that the concrete doesn't crack onits own 
elsewhere and look shabby.

​6. There are moments atintersections when all the signals are red. This 
usually lasts for 2 secondsafter every green cycle to facilitate clearing 
ofvehicles from the junction. In other words, during this all-red phase, you 
canactually jump the red light without risking a collision, provided, of 
course,you are the only one doing it.

(Disclaimers: 1. Please do not experiment this, it's very dangerous, notto 
mention an offence; 2. This all-red phase may not be functional at allsignals)

​7. While negotiating a curve oran intersection in your car, there is only a 
short length of roadway that is visually accessible to you. However, we 
havedesigned that length so that it's adequate to avoid a collision based on 
yourbody's reaction time. However,this distance is not sufficient if you are 
listening to music because itincreases your reaction time, meaning you are more 
likely to crash intothat oncoming vehicle or a tree if you are enjoying your 
favorite music. HappyJourney!

​8. Indians not following lane-discipline is actuallya good thing. It increases 
the capacity of the road because of more efficientmovement of mixed traffic and 
hence causes less traffic jams than if they weredisciplined.**

​9. Flyovers don't solve congestion, they onlyrelocate it to somewhere 

​​10. High speeds don't cause accidents, differentspeeds do.

To illustrate, a highway with only cars, all moving at 160+ speeds isless prone 
to accidents as compared to the one with cars, trucks and othervehicles with 
variable speeds even if the speed does not exceed 100.

​​11. We would be able to save a lot of tax payersmoney in the construction and 
maintenance of public sewer systems if people took shit at differenttimes 
during the day instead of everyone doing it in the morning. Thesewer pipes are 
currently designed for three times the average flow of sewageto accommodate 
just that few peak hours of the morning rendering the systemredundant at other 

​12. We can literally treat the sewage to an extentthat it becomes as good as a 
bottled mineral water. 

​13. And finally, any building can collapse. Anytime. We don't design buildings 
to not collapse. We just make them less probable. The ceiling that you stareat 
while laying on bed, may come crumbling down while you are asleep. GoodNight!


**Edit 1: Some people arefinding it hard to appreciate point no. 8 about 
undisciplined lane manners being a good thing. I respect your opinion.I feel 
it's a wishful thinking though. We expect something to be true justbecause it's 
nice. But physical laws do not share our prejudice. It is what itis. Having 
said that let me elaborate on that point.

I am not implying that breakingtraffic laws is good. I'm justtalking about this 
specific case applicable to countries like India, Thailand,Malaysia etc., i.e. 
maintaining a lane discipline will cause more trafficdelays. If India, however, 
had only cars on its roads like in the US, followinglanes systematically would 
have been beneficial. But, India has a mixed trafficwith enormous volume of 
two-wheelers. The two-wheelers currently squeeze intothe space between the cars 
and clear the intersection quickly at green signal.This results is passing of 
more vehicles per hour i.e. the capacity of a roadincreases and hence the delay 
decreases. I am not condoning the act. I agreethat we need to incorporate 
substantial traffic measures that would makepeople's lives better. Thanks.

Edit 2:I've grossly exaggerated point 13.


Q2         Should I quit my job? Ihave 2 years of employment agreement with my 
current employer but I'm notfeeling motivated to work there. I'm passionate 
about programming but I don'tlike those meaningless meetings & sudden changes 
to the project.

A2          Bhuvana Rameshwar marriedfor three decades Thu

I gave this advice to my youngerbrother and my son as they both are married 
with a wife and daughter each.

Do not leave a job before youget the next one. Only if sure of the next job 
think of leaving the current one.Carry on calmly until then.

As soon you are sure of the next job, its requirements, your passion inthis 
field then give a two /three months notice    asusually asked by companies and 
resign with a good pleasant reason. Do notantagonize the previous company when 
moving to the next.

I hear during covid times itis difficult to get a job but easier to be benched 
or taken out. So be careful.

And one more thing do not tell even your shadow you are planning to quithere 
and take a new job. Chairs,tables and walls, all have ears so keep the quitting 
and transition a secret.It works for both ways.. that is if you quit or if you 
change your mind andcontinue here itself.


Q3         How was Lord Shiva'sbirth? Who were his parents?

A3          Mahesh K Reader at MITVedic Sciences (2020–present)3m ago

the supreme triad, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have origins from Rig 
Veda..Swayambhu (primal seed of creation or Cosmic Self) became Brahma, 
Hiranyagarbha(primeval womb or Cosmic Potentiality) became Vishnu and Aum 
(primordial soundor Cosmic Reality) became Rudra Shiva..


Q4         I had my gallbladderremoved about 15 years ago, but recently someone 
told me they could see I stillhad one in a scan. How is this possible?

A4          Jitendra Mistry ConsultantGI surgeon & founder at Mission 
Gastrocare, an Institute ofGastroenterology, Liver-Pancreas & GI Cancer 
Sciences May 30

Once gall bladder is removed, itcan’t reappear again; but thereis a catch here 
which everyone needs to understand before making anyassumption.

When we do laparoscopic gall bladder removal, we apply a clip on cysticduct, a 
part where it joins with other system and cut and remove. When diseaseis very 
bad, area around this joint is not clear, anatomy is bad. So, in 
suchsituations, we do somethingknown as subtotal cholecystectomy where a part 
of gall bladder, around a cm orso kept inside and sutured. So, such part may be 
seen in scan.


Q5         Do we eat food so as toobey the second law of thermodynamics?

A5          Zot Ljungberg, works atIAR Systems Answered July 21, 2020

We usually eat food because we are hungry, or because the food is good.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics is, as other natural laws, a descriptivelaw, that 
describes how nature works. It is not something you can chose to obey or 

The 2nd law applies to closedsystems, where no energy is added or removed. 

Our bodies are not closed systems. When we eat we add energy to the body,which 
will help to lower the entropy of the body. So you could say that we eatto 
disobey the 2nd law (but I would rather say that eating counteracts thelaw).

Q6         From where did the energythat caused the Big Bang come from?

A6          Krister Sundelin April15 E-learning Producer (2020–present)

A: We actually don’t know whether there was nothing before the Big Bang,or even 
if there was a before. Wesimply cannot see that far back. And since we cannot 
see that far back,the Big Bang theory “only” explains the history of the 
universe, not the originof the universe.

But we can speculate. Options include:

An earlier phase of the universe (Eternal Inflation)

An earlier universe (Big Bounce, Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, PredecessorBlack 

The universe has always been here(Near Miss version of Big Bounce)

And of course, nothing.

None of the options mentioned (and there are others) violate physics aswe know 

Buteven if you assume that there was nothing before the Big Bang, you can 
stillhave a valid explanation of where the energy came from.

You see, you can regard gravitational potential as negative energy,meaning that 
you can cancel out matter and energy from the equation. That way,the net total 
energy of the universe would be zero, and the principle ofconservation of 
energy is preserved.

This hypothesis is aptly called the Zero Energy Universe hypothesis. Likethe 
others, it does not violate physics as we know it, but it cannot be tested.

But the point is not that any of these speculations are true, but that itis 
possible to theoretically make universes without violating the laws ofphysics.


Q7         Why did Ekalavya cut offhis finger and give it to Guru Dronacharya?

A7          Kavana N Lives inBangalore, Karnataka.3m ago

When Dronacharya and his disciples were roaming in the forest, a dog wasbarking 
which was thenmade to shut its mouth with some 7 arrows .

All were shocked to see arrows coming from somewhere and doing this work. Drona 
went in thedirection and saw a Princepracticing Archery.Then drona asked 
Ekalavya, who was his teacher . To this , Ekalavya answeredThat Drona was only 
his teacher and he used to hide and learn from Drona.

So, Drona knowing who Ekalavyawas ,asked his thumb as Gurudakshina. Since, it 
was compulsory toGive Gurudakshina (fee) ,Ekalavya agreed and cut of his thumb 
and gave it toDrona.

Q8         Have you ever thoughtthat if you had a different parent, life could 
be better?

A8          Ramya Annadurai TechnicalWriter (2007–present) Thu

Yes. Many times. 

My mother was very strict towards me every time. My grandma was my world.

I wished my granny to be my mom.My aunt (Usha) loved me a lot.I wished tobe 
Usha Aunt’s daughter.

Once Icame to knew about my mom’s struggles, I decided that “I want to be my 
mom’sdaughter forever”.


Q9         In Mahabharata, all thePandavas were very strong and intelligent. 
Why did only eldest brotherYudhisthir give the answer of Yaksha where all 
others failed?

A9          Deepak Surana Entrepreneurand Author (2017–present)Fri

Yudhishthir was the embodiment of Dharma. Eventhough all his brothers were 
intelligent they were not as calm as him. 

They relied more on weaponsthan on intelligence to overcome their enemy whereas 
Yudhishthir knew how tojudiciously use both at various times. 

Perhaps he was the only Pandava brother who could come out of a crisissituation 
repeatedly through his intelligence. (Sahadeva did it once during hisconquest 
against King Nila). Yudhishthir knew and believed that truth,intelligence and 
justice are bigger weapons than a bow, mace or a sword.

Hence it's understandable thatYudhishthir easily answered the questions while 
his brothers did not even bother to pay heed to them.


Q10       Have you ever witnessed amarriage being called off days before? What 
was the reason?

A10        Bhuvana Rameshwar marriedfor three decades Wed

My friend's son's wedding wascalled off just 3 days before the wedding. She was 
my friend from our days in PG studies in Chennai, Presidencycollege.

The groom, her son is a smartdoctor with a MD. My friend’shusband is also a 
doctor who retired recently from Apollo hospitals. He is a little money 
mindedand a miser. 

Add to that a little arrogance. So instead of looking for girls fromIndia, 
Tamilnadu he chose his Dr. friend's daughter as bride. The girl was a lawyer a 
second generation UK settled. Theyfixed everything online with a few meetings 
in the girl’s house in London.

This way he planned to get a fat dowry and an easy pathway for his son togo 
abroad for his future prospects. He kept making demands on the girl’sfamily. 
One important point he overlooked was that the girl wasa practising lawyer in 
London. She couldn't tolerate thefrequent dowry and otherdemands by the groom's 

The arguments went on even after their grand engagement in Chennai .Finally the 
wedding day was coming nearer. The UK people were already stayingin a big hotel 
in Chennai. But there were a lot of misunderstandings brewing between the 
parentsof the groom and bride. My friend is very soft spoken but when itcomes 
to protecting her husband and son she has the choicest of harsh words. 
Wefriends didn't know the misunderstandings were going on. A common friend of 
ours who isalso her relative gave me this information.

Just three days before the wedding we got a WhatsApp message saying “the 
marriage stands cancelled”.No reason was given. 

When I asked my friend after a few months she said the girl loved a boy in UK 
and sheherself stopped the wedding.  

My note-  Canit be the reason??

The boy is still unmarried because of the covid 19 situation in India.

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 05-06- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on06-6- 2021


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