Dear friends,

While going through one of my external memorydevice, I came across some good 
information stored from   websites. I thought of sharing interestingones from 
them as a series. 

In part 32, I am starting with 117TH   item in this posting. 


GopalaKrishnan 11-6-21


Oncethere lived a sage called Koundinya and his wife Ashraya. Sage Koundinya   
was a great devotee of Lord Ganesha. One dayhe was explaining the importance   
ofDurva to his wife. 

Shedid not believe it, so Sage Koundinya told his wife, ' if you have any 
doubtsregarding the importance of Durva then you go to God   Indra and tell him 
that I want the gold which weighsexactly as same as a Durva.' Following the 
instructions of her husband,Ashraya went to God Indra. 

Havingplaced a Durva in front of him, she said, 'My husband has asked you to   
give him that quantity of gold which weighsexactly the same as a Durva.' 

God  Indra told her the quantity of gold would be very small, he would givethem 
as    muchas gold they want. 

Butshe said, ' I want the gold as I desired.' 

Then  God Indra sent her to God Kubera alongwith a messenger and ordered him to 
 give her the gold she desired. 

GodKubera placed the Durva on one pan of the  balance and a small piece of gold 
on the other pan. But to his greatsurprise,   the pan containing the 
Durvaweighed more. 

ThenGod Kubera put some more gold   into thepan, but still the pan of Durva 
weighed more. 

Eventuallyhe put all   his gold into the pan butstill the weight of the single 
Durva was more. 

Then  God Kubera sat along with his wife into the pan of gold, but still 
theweight   of oneDurva is more. By seeing this all the deities gathered around 
and   eventually they also sat in the pan. Butstill the weight of a Durva was 

Theyall along with Ashraya went to Sage Koundinya and said, 'Today we came to   
know the importance of a single Durvaoffered to Lord Ganesha with devotion!' 

Famous Ganesh Temples inGreater Mumbai. 

118) Shri Mahaganapati (Titwala): 

Bypropitating Ganesh Idol,    Consecratedby sage Kanva, Devi Shakuntala & king 
Dushyant came together after a longperiod of disagreement. Shakuntala& king    
Dushyant god married hereonly. 

 Andthe king beheld a wonderful, beautiful hermit-age on the bank of the 
sacredriver Malini; on itsbank was the beautiful hermitage of blessed, 
high-souled Kanva, whither thegreat sages resorted. Thenthe king determined to 
enter, that he might see the great sage Kanva, rich inholiness.

Helaid aside the insignia of royalty and went on alone, but did not see 
theaustere sage in the hermitage 

Sage Koundinya, or Eka Pada Koundiyanasanain Sanskrit, is probably one of the 
more challenging arm balances in yoga. 

Asyou bring yourself into the pose, you’ll extend one leg back while the 
otherwill twist under and out to the other side. Though it can be difficult 
tomaster, you will experience a strengthening in the arms and wrists as well as 
atoning of the abdominals and spine. 


119a Talpagiri Ranganadhaswamy Temple,Nellore:                 


SriTalapagiri Ranaganatha swamy Temple is located in Nellore   city and is 
about 5kms away from Nellore Busstand.     Ranganada Swamy Temple inNellore is 
more than600years old.   This temple is situatedon the banks of the river 
Pennar and     is marked by a huge 29 Mts tall Galigopuram with seven gold    
kalasams and its architectural splendour.The annual Rath   Yathra of the God is 
amuch awaited ritual in Nellore.                 There are seven kalisams, 
which brings beautyto the temple. Every year during the month of March-April 
(variesaccording   to Hindu calendar) grandfestival is celebrated. These are  
called Brahmotsavam.                               

On the bank of river penna sri kashyapaMaharshi    performed yagna and as 
afruit of his penance conferred upon him the gift of establishing himself 
asRanganadha Swamy at    Nellore in 7thcebtury, by Pallava ruler Sri Rajaraja 

Subsequently in 13th century Sri JathaVarma has       offered precious stones 
and metal to LordRanganadha Swamy. 

  The Andhra Maha Bharatam i.e. from Viratprvamto the end of  the epic was 
written bythe poet Sri kavi Brahma Tikkana, on  the bank of pennar river.  On 
theeast there is seven storied  Mahagopuram, south Sri Ranganayaki Lakshmi 
Devi) temple and  beautiful mirror dias, west is sacred Pennarriver and north   
Sri Andal Ammavaritemple.                  

119b Jonnawada:                

 Mallikarjuna Swamu kamakshi tai temple, Jonnawada which is    located about 12 
kms from Nellore. Thedestination is also     well connectedfor Railway station 
at Nellore. A famous Sri   Mallikarjuna Swamy Kamakhsi tai temple is located on 
the bank     of river Pennar, 12 Km from Nellore. It attractsmany  piligirims. 
The Village is part ofBuchireddipalem Mandal. 

 In tretayuga Mahamuni Kasyapa Brahma performedyagna and pleased Lord 
Mallikarjuna Swamy thus this place is named as‘Yagnavatika Jonnawada’. 

Sri Mallikarjuna Swamy Kamakhsitai     grant to the innumerable devotestheir 
desires, as their God   head. Sincethen he continues conferring boons and his  
blessings on his devotees.  Thistemple is constructed in the  year 

The goddess  Kamkshi is belived as an                   incarnation of Shakti. 
A ‘Sri Chakram’was installed here by    Sri JagadguruSankaracharya.  Pilgrims 
take a holy dipin the    lake known as Kachpateertham,near the temple, which 
washes    away alltheir bad karma. 

Brahma Rushi Sri Kashyap Mahamuni                   visited Bhoolokam 
(TheEarth) and wanted to perform Yagna and   chosen north of vedadri as Yagna 
Vatika(place to perform yagna) After successful completion of the Yagna a 
bright light   appeared. It has spread over the wholebhoolokam. Later Lord  
Eswara appeared asLord Mallikarjuna, who came out from fire of Yagna.           

Thereis bus service from Nellore to Jonnawada. For   the convenience of the 
pilgrims there are choultries of  the  Devastanam and TTD and also private 

Everyyear, during the celebration of Brahmstsavam in the month of   Vaisaka, 
lakhs of devotees throng the holycentre to worship   the goddess to 
attainsalvation and Friday is the day very dear to Kamakshitai. 

One can find persons, persecuted byevil  spirits, circumambulating in thetemple 

Abathing   ghat has been built on the bankof the Penna, for the  convenience of 

119c Narasimhakonda:                 

 Vedagiri Lakshmimarasimha Swamy devastanamcame into being  nearly 500 years 
ago, onthe summit of Narasimhakonad.  Accordingto the rock inscriptions, this 
temple was built by    the Pallava king Narsimha Varma in theninth century. 

Legend goes that the sage Kasyapaestablished the temple on the bank  
ofPinakini. And the vedic scripture“Brahmapurana” reveals that the seven sages 
(Saptarishis) performed“yagnam”       (Sacrifice) on the top ofNarasimhakonda. 
The seven (Koneru)  tankswere renovated with Mandapas on the hilltop . 

The holy  place lies 15Km. away from Nellore, on the southern bank of     the 
river Pinakini.Every year “Brahmotsavams” are celebrated here in the month of 
May. Jonnawada is to the north of the     river.                     

119d Penchalakona:-

                 Thisis a very ancient sacred place (pilgrim centre). Lord 
Narasimha manifestedHimself here as a huge of rock in “Yoga    mudra” (in an 
entwinedcontemplative posture) and hence it acquired the name of “Penusila” 
(huge rock)and in course of    time became famous as“Penchalakona”. 

 Legend has it that after slaying the demonHiranya Kasipa, Lord Narsimha bathed 
in Penchalakona and withdrew that“Avatara”(incarnation) of  Narasimha, 
sheddingHis anger and ferocity. 

TheLord here goes by the name of Somasila Narasimhaswamy and has become oneof   
  the  Nava Narasimhas (nine manifestations). 

People believe that     because the sage Kanva resided in thisarea in the past, 
the  river flowing hereacquired the name Kanva Nadi and that with    efflux of 
time it became Kandaleru. It isalso learnt that    the temple wasrenovated in 
the 10th century. 

Penchalkonalies at the foothills ofVeligondalu     (mentioned earlier), at a 
distance of 80 km.,from Nellore.  Narasimha Jayanthilebrated every year in the 
month of    May and devotees flock specially on Saturday. The Devestanam  
choultries provide facilities to thepiligrims and there is   bus service too. 

I will continue in next posting. 

RespectedMr Rajaram Krishnamoorthy. Kindly refrain from making response. This 
compilation is made by a standard 1 student according to you. You areIRS. 
Kindly make your own postings if you desire 




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