CULTURAL QA 06-2021-15

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Q1         Whyis the Tamil Nadu Super Fast Express so famous and a big deal 
among railenthusiasts?

A1          Ankit Barnawal , Studentat Doon Business School, Dehradun 
(2017-present) Answered May 26, 2021 · 


The Tamilnadu SF Express is a superfast express train in Indian Railwayswhich 
runs between New Delhi and Chennai Central.

The train operates as train number 12621 from MGR Chennai Central to NewDelhi 
and as train number 12622 in the reverse direction.

The 12621 Tamilnadu SF Express departs MGR Chennai Central at 10:00 pm on daily 
basis andarrives New Delhi at 07:05 am on the third day of commencing 
ofjourney. The total traveltime is 33 hours 05 minutes.

The 12622 Tamilnadu SF Express departs New Delhi at 10:30 pm on dailybasis and 
arrives MGR Chennai Central at 07:10 am on the third day ofcommencing of 
journey. The total travel time is 32 hours 40 minutes.

The train travels 2,182kilometers between New Delhi and MGR Chennai Central.

The train is being operated by Southern Railway zone of Indian Railways.

The train runs with ICF rake of 24 coaches in which there are 2 AC IIItier 
coach, 3 AC II tier coach, 1 AC II tier cum AC First Class, 13 sleepercoach, 1 
pantry car, 2 unreserved coach and 2 Seating cum Luggage Rake (SLR).

The train is hauled by a electric locomotive WAP-4 of ED shed or WAP-7 ofRPM 

Stoppages of Tamilnadu Express

The stoppages of the train between New Delhi and MGR Chennai Central are:-

    Agra Cantt (AGC).    Gwalior Jn (GWL).

    Jhansi Jn (JHS).    Bhopal Jn (BPL).

    Itarsi Jn (ET).    Nagpur Jn (NGP).

    Balharshah Jn (BPQ).    Warangal (WL).

    Vijayawada Jn (BZA).

Note :- The train Tamilnadu SFExpress (12621) has an additional stop at Hazrat 
Nizamuddin (NZM).

So, there are total 10 stoppages of Tamilnadu SF Express (12621) whereas09 
stoppages of Tamilnadu SF Express (12622).

Coming to the main question regarding why is the Tamilnadu SF Express sofamous 
and a big deal among all rail enthusiasts?

There are several factors behind the question that why the trainTamilnadu SF 
Express so famous and a big deal among all rail enthusiasts. The factors are 
listed below:-


The inaugural date of Tamilnadu SF Express from MGR Chennai Central was 
7August, 1976 and from New Delhi was 8 August, 1976.

Tamilnadu SF Express runs on the same route in which Grand Trunk SFExpress 
runs. The train is the second oldest running train between New Delhiand Chennai 
after Grand Trunk SF Express (inaugurated in the year 1929).

The train operates on dailybasis between New Delhi and Chennai which makes 
train famous and popular. Many other trains operates on weekly, bi-weekly 
ortri-weekly basis.


The total travel time of Tamilnadu SF Express from MGR Chennai Central toNew 
Delhi is 33 hours 05 minutes whereas from New Delhi to MGR Chennai Centralis 32 
hours 40 minutes.

Due to less travel time as compared to other trains like Grand Trunk SFExpress, 
the train is more popular among the people travelling between Chennaiand New 


Tamilnadu SF Express train has made a history by meeting with 
differentaccidents like derailment, collision, fire. In today's time, the train 
is aaccident-prone train in Indian Railways.

Before the period of 1990s, the train has met with 9 out of 10 totalaccidents 
at different locations like Vijayawada, Kazipet, Nagpur - Itarsisection etc.

Accidents has made the train famous and a big deal among the mass 
media,travellers in the train.


The present average speed of the train is 66 km/hr between New Delhi andMGR 
Chennai Central.    

The average speed was 75 km/hr.It was reduced to 66 km/hr after the third 
accident of the train at Asifabad Road railway station inthe year 1981.   

 In this accident, 15 passengerswere killed and 39 were injured.    

The train operates at more average speed as compared to other superfasttrains.  

So, speed of the train is greatly affected by the accidents and this hasmade a 
big deal among the travellers and rail enthusiasts.


Tamilnadu SF Express is a superfast express train of IndianRailways.    

Though, the train does not belongto premium category like Rajdhani Express, the 
train gets the highest priority on the tracks of Indian Railwayslike Rajdhani 

The train never gets delayed while running between New Delhi and 
Chennai,arrives station before the scheduled time.

The train gets signal on time and all these things makes a famous train 
amongthe people and travellers between New Delhi and Chennai.


The Tamilnadu SF Express train is a non-premium category train runningbetween 
New Delhi and Chennai.

So, the fare in this train issame as other superfast trains as per the class of 

Fare plays an important role in deciding the train to go from one placeto 

Because of less travel time as compared to other superfast trains andless fare 
as compared to premium trains, the train is in high demand fortravellers 
between New Delhi and Chennai.

So, the above listed 6 factors makes Tamilnadu SF Express train sofamous, 
popular and a big deal among people, travellers and rail enthusiasts.

Q2          Whyis the IAS officer Ritika Jindal trending on Twitter?

A2          Sunil Kumar Mohanty,Closely involved Indian politics since 
2003.Answered 7 months ago

Ms. Ritka Jindal is an IAS officer of Himachal Pradesh. She is trendingin 
Twitter and Quora due to her step taken in Shalooni temple. Whether it is bold 
or shameful wecan decide after reading the full answer.

 IAS madam Ritika Jindal was tryingto change the state of mind and tradition of 
Sanatan Dharma. For this, weshould full heartily appreciate her. The way she 
approached and did the work,it deserves to notice. Because it enlightens some 
dark secrets and tolerance ofour Society .

Dark Secret of our Society -

Power is everything -

Ritika Jindal Madam interfered with the ritual as she is the IAS officerof the 
location and trustee of the Temple. Is it possible that as a normal girlor lady 
she forcefully opposed and interrupted the rituals?

According to IAS madam Ritika Jindal - Being a woman first, and then 
anadministrator, I took it upon myself to fight for women’s rights. My 
questioncan the other women attempt the same?

Violence is the best way to dominate -

We will appreciate her more if she will convince the priest and templecommittee 
to stop the tradition and start a good practice. But she didn'tattempt that and 
directlyused her power as an IAS officer. Isn’t it an act of Violence or 
misuseof power?

According to IAS madam, Ritika Jindal - We talk of respecting women onDurga 
Ashtami but have deprived them of their rights. I had gone to the templeto 
inspect the arrangements there. The women were allowed to enter the temple and 
perform puja but were notallowed to sit for the havan.

 What will happen when thepowerless women attempt to rebel and who will be 
responsible? What is thedifference between a criminal and an officer?

Hindusim became a stage to showcase your secularism -

I don't understand why Hinduism became a stage for everyone to find 
theloopholes and trying to revive it. The religious sentiments are very 
critical,as an IAS officer, she needs to handle it in a proper way, not like a 

We believe that A priest or A father or Maulana are the experts of 
theirreligions. They are well trained in it. I don't think in the IAS 
trainingsyllabus this kind of training is given to the trainee. 

On what knowledge IAS Madam did the rituals?

Tolerance of our Society - we all are true Secularist 

Just imagine if the respected Madam attempted the same in Mosque orChurch, then 
what will happen? Opposition parties to fake social activistsstarted the slogan 
against the HP govt and blamed the RSS. What a shame!

We all are tolerant -

Some people are saying India became a Hindu country and intolerant. Aftersaw 
the incidents, I can assure that all Hindus are tolerant and not only 
thedevotees of Maa Durga but also respect women. If it is not true then Even if 
she is an IAS, people won’tpermit it.

Statutory warning to those officers -

Don't try this at Mosque/Church -

We appreciate your bravery. Youare capable to use your power andposition. But 
please don't try it Mosque and Church. If you try in Mosque thenTwitter and 
quora will be trending in some different title, As a capableperson, we expect a 
long and successful career from you. Then if you researchyour bravery in Church 
then you along with your Seniors have to face UNO andBla Bla.

SC Asks Centre's Response To PIL Seeking Entry Of Women In Mosques

It will impact the other officers to do this kind of stunt in public -

As a public servant, it will be wise to work for the public’s benefit. Ifyou 
want to remove superstition or change the wrong tradition then educationand 
awareness are the only way. It is so wrong to do it Forcefully. It willhamper 
public life and property. If every govt employees start this as practicethen 
what will happen?

One dead, over 24 injured in firing, stone-pelting during Durga idolimmersion 
in Bihar's Munger - India News , Firstpost

Conclusion - Aware and Educatepeople on Equality is the way to change society 
and stop the wrong tradition. But Making people helpless byusing power and 
position, is not good for democracy. 

What will be the difference between Britsh Raj and democratic Raj?

Sources - (The entire answer isbased on sources, not onsearch finding)

Who Is Ritika Jindal The IAS Officer Who Took Part In Havan At ShooliniTemple

IAS Officer Ritika Jindal’s Interference In Maa Shoolini Temple RitualsShows 
Why Hindus Must Oppose Government Control Of Temples

IAS officer Ritika Jindal trolled for breaking age-old tradition byperforming 
'havan' at Shalooni temple in Himachal Pradesh

My note- I have added this QA forinformation about shalooni temple where women 
are permitted except for Haven. This has been forcibly changed byan IPS 

Q3         Whyis Japan not like any other country?

A3          Abhishek Negi, Curiousabout different cultures Answered 9 months 

These are some interesting facts and instances which makes Japan standout from 
the crowd when compared to its contemporaries -

1) Umbrella Lockers are a greatexample of Japanese Invention, you can just get 
your umbrellas locked and continue with your shopping.

2) There are many tourist spots in Japan, which have mobile stands tohold your 
phone so you don’t have any problem taking selfies and gettingclicked with the 
magnificent view in the background.

3) Taxis in Japan have buttons torequest slower speeds, so every time 
over-speeding bothers you while travelling in a taxi , all you have to do 
isjust push a button.

4) Shopping centres in Japanprovide free refrigerated lockers so that you can 
safely store your perishables and continue with your shopping .

5) Origami is a significant partof the Japanese Culture, such is the importance 
that it is provided on airports instead of candies and other eatables.

6) Japanese ATM’s usually havecan-holders for the elderly, sothat they can have 
their coffee/tea while completing their  transactions.

7) Japanese Elevators have anumbrella sign which lights upif it is raining 

8) Japanese shopkeepers prefer tosell square-shaped watermelons asit fits 
better in refrigerators.

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Lawyer17h ago

Q4         Isit necessary that a son should love their parents? My parents have 
given mepathetic conditioning and compare me with other children and always 
make mefeel low.

A4          I know your feeling. Comparing to other children is avery bad 
thing. Your son could do the same thing and start comparing youto a friends 
wealthy parents.


Thats a bit of a Hindi movie thing. We are responsible for having a son so its 
our duty tomake sure we do whatever we can to help him become a Man

But after that - Its upto him. 

Once your son gets married, he has his own family who become his domainand his 
responsibility. At that stage the father and mother become lessimportant. It is 
theCycle of life.

So when this happens, the key is to understand whats going on and giveyour son 
his space while being around as a Friend.

Love of course is just too much of the Bollywood “Ma Beta” thing.

Q5         Whyshould scientific investigations be relicable?

A5          Anuradha Srinivasan Workedat Osmania University15h ago

Scientific investigations produce evidence that helps answer questionsand solve 
problems. Ifthe evidence cannot provide answers or solutions, it may still be 

 It may lead to new questions orproblems for investigation. As more knowledge 
is discovered, science advances.✍

Q6         Japanis a small country but is developed, while India not. Why?

A6          Devidatta Satapathy Worksat Indian Railways Sat

Because we don't punish theoffenders, because we showmuch tolerance to people 
who break rules , because we are not a conformingsociety , because we don't 
disincentives the lawbreakers .

The day people start toostracize a person known to have amassed wealth by wrong 
means, the day we stopidolizing wrong persons, the day it will not be 
considered cool to break thetraffic rules, India will start becoming Japan.

The posting has 2300 words. Soapproximately 230 lines.

The QA is based on quoradigest to me on14-6-2021. 

Compiled and posted by R. GopalaKrishnan on 15-6-2021. 

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