CULTURAL QA06-2021-21

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

There are about 146 linesin this QA

Q1         Whatis the story of birth and upbringing of Subhadra? Please explain 
in details.

A1          Answered by VivekAggarwal  June 14

Subhadra was the younger sister of Lord Krishna and Balram ji. She was the 
daughter of Vasudevand Rohini. As she was born much later then Lord Krishna and 
Balram ji,she was much younger in age to both. 

She is considered to be the incarnation of Devi Yog Maya who took birthas 
sister of Lord Krishna as per the instructions of Lord Vishnu himself.

She fell in love with Arjun, best friend of Lord Krishna and married him.This 
marriage had the consent of Lord Krishna as well as Yudhishthir.

She was a very loving and caring mother as she brought up the Upapandavas,the 5 
sons of Draupadi, when the Pandavas along with Draupadi were in exile.She also 
made sure that the Uppandavas get proper education and weaponstraining along 
with her own son Abhimanyu.

She was very important for Pandavas as it was her grandchild Pariskshit,the son 
of Abhimanyu who inherited the throne of Hastinapur from Yudhishthir asall sons 
of Pandavas got killed in the war.

My note- I red elsewhere Droupadiwas very specific that Subhadra might stay in 
another home. 

Q2         IfLord Shankar and Lord Krishna were of dark complexion, why are 
they shown inblue?

A2          I Am Studied atPurwanchal Vidyamandir Thu

Have you ever listened to this Mantra “ Karpur gauram karuna vataram “ inthis 
it is mentioned that LordShiva is fair as Kapoor ( camphor ) and he is 
Karunavataram which meanshe is a symbol of karuna ( compassion ). And Lord 
Krishna is of Shyam Varna.

Q3         DidLaxman, Bharat and Shatrughan have kids of their own?

A3          Light Yagami Mathematicsfan 3h ago

    Did Laxman, Bharat andShatrughan have kids of their own? Yes.

The 4 famed brothers had 2 sons each. Lord Lakshmana had 2 sons namelyAngada & 
Citraketu. Lord Bharata fathered 2 sons by the names of Taksha& Pushkala.

   अङ्गदश्चित्रकेतुश्च लक्ष्मणस्यात्मजौ स्मृतौ ।

   तक्ष: पुष्कल इत्यास्तां भरतस्य महीपते ॥ १२ ॥


O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, Lord Lakṣmaṇa had two sons, named Aṅgada andCitraketu, and 
Lord Bharata also had two sons,named Takṣa and Puṣkala.

Reference: ŚB 9.11.12

Lord Shatrughana begoted also 2sons who were famous by the names of Subahu & 

सुबाहु: श्रुतसेनश्च शत्रुघ्नस्य बभूवतु:।


Śatrughna had two sons, namedSubāhu and Śrutasena.

Reference: ŚB 9.11.13-14

The sons of Lakshmana ji, Citraketu & Angada were instated as theKing of 
Chandra dyuti & Karupada respectively.

The beautiful country of Chandra dyuti be the kingdom of Chandraketu.Rama 
approved the words of Bharata and having brought the country of Karupadaunder 
his subjection gave it to Angada.

The sons of Bharata ji, Taksha & Pushkala became the King ofTakshasila & 

After the destruction of theGandhravas, Kaikeyi s sonBharata set up two 
excellent and prosperous cities in the province ofGandhrava. And he 
placedTaksha in Takshasila and Pushkala in Pushkalavati.

The sons of Shatrughana ji also became the kings. Subahu became the lord 
ofMathura & his brother of the Vidisha.

Refernce: Book 7, Uttara Kanda

Q4:               Isevolution caused by mutation?

A4          Rich Hochstim BS inChemistry & Biology, University of Miami 
(Graduated 1983) b 23h ago

No, that is not a precise statement, however, mutation is an essential feature 
inthe process of evolution.

Evolution is a process where by organisms have differential 
reproductivesurvival due to a interactions between the environment and their 

In order for evolution to be effective phenotypic variation is required.The 
processes of meiosis, non-assortitive mating, sexual reproduction, andmutation, 
all act to maintain diversity. 

Q5         Weresailors allowed to sleep on deck during World War II because 
ships were notair-conditioned?

A5          George Stout Shippropulsion engineer (1967–present) Sat

In really hot climates they sleptoutside a lot the berthing spaces were too hot 
to try to get to sleep on carriers they slept on what arecalled sponsors those 
are outside areas below the flight deck that are basicly under the deckthey are 
outliers where a guy could get a little fresh air they also slept onthe 
catwalks all around the flight deckinches below the flight deck ondestroyers 
they slept around the aft mounts but only when seas were reasonably calm so 
they dont getsoaked

Q6         whichis the first book printed and published in Malayalam?

A6          Jyothis James(ജ്യോതിസ് ജെയിംസ്) , knows Malayalam Answered May 23, 

The first book which is completely printed and published in Malayalam 
isSamkshepavedartham (സംക്ഷേപവേദാർത്ഥം) printed in Rome on 1772and was brought 
to Kerala in 1774.

The book by Italian priest Clement Peanices is in the form of 
Christianreligious teaching (Catechism) in question- answer format.

Q7         Whyare dehydrated grapes called raisins when any other dehydrated 
fruit has thesame name?

A7          Robert Frost Foodie. June13

I think prunes and chipotle peppers would feel a bit slighted by yourquestion. 
Whendifferent names are used, it is often because different languages were 
used.In Britain, there is a history of the common people speaking one 
language(English) and the aristocracy (or court) speaking another language 

***Grape is the English word.Raisin is the French word for the same fruit. 

Plum is the English word and prune the French equivalent. The Englishapricot 
and French abricot are essentially the same word.

The dominant name often is associated with closeness to the item. A Medieval 
English farmer wouldwork with the living cows and pigs but not be able to 
afford the meat. Thearistocrat ate the meat, but did not cavort with the 
animal, so themeat acquired the French name equivalents beef and pork (from 
boef and porc).The wealthy could afford imported dried fruits and spices.

In South America, chilis/peppersoften have different names depending on whether 
they are fresh or dried. I donot know the origin of that convention, but it 
likely is because the flavorschange greatly. An ancho chili does not taste like 
its fresh poblano pepper,nor a chipotle like its fresh jalapeño form.

My note-*** I am clear aboutgrapes and raisin throughthis answer. 

Q8         Isit bad to check your blood pressure a lot?

A8          Vivienne Marcus -got amedical degree once. May 30


The cuff which takes the measurement is inflated higher than the pressure in 
the artery,so when the cuffis at peak inflation it prevents any blood getting 
to your forearm and hand.

Under general anaesthesia the monitor is programmed to measure bloodpressure 
every few minutes. Normally this is set to five minutes. For nearlyeveryone, 
this is considered safe for as long as the patient is asleep.

However, if the cycle time is set too short (and my monitor will do itevery 1 
minute if I tell it) then it can gradually cause the arm to become starved of 
blood, whichcan cause injury.

Measuring blood pressure less often than once every five minutes is 
extremelyunlikely to cause harm, though I accept it isn’t very comfortable.

My note- I have added this QAsince many of us may haveblood pressure meter at 

Q9         IfTamil Nadu and Kerala merge to become a single state, what would 
be the overalleconomic and social development of that state? Will it the only 
state in Indiawith both having a lot of Arabian Sea coastline and Bay of Bengal 

A9          John Dean Just a regularfellow, going through Mid Life Crisis :DThu

C'mon. Both are part of the same country. Merging them into one state wouldn't 

Q10              Myblood sugar was 285 right after drinking Starbucks. Do I 
have diabetes?

A10        Jagdip Madaan SeniorOrthopaedic Surgeon Wed

I got a call from my lawyer friend that his blood sugar after tea was190.He was 
tensed and asked me is he diabetics?

I listened silently and advised him to get glycolsted hb hb1c. But againnext 
day he call and tell fasting sugar was 110 but again I explained ti gethb1 c.

Then one month passed again his blood sugar was more.Then I requested alab and 
send a kid for sample and his hb1 c was normal.It was clear that he is 

Get your hb1 c and I will settle the issue.Probably cost of test 
isapproximately 400 rs and available at most of lab.

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 20-06- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on21- 6-2021

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