Dear friends,

 Recently I read the information,teeth is the only organ in which blood vessels 
are not there in our body.  Later I got correction- In the outerparts of the 
teeth. In the root, blood vessels are there. 

 My thinking went about teeth.However our teeth grow and getting nourishment 
from somewhere to compensate thewear and tear of chewing. 

 In humans primary teeth fall downby about 12 years and secondary teeth grow in 
their place.  For some children primary teeth falling donot occur nowadays. 
Probably due to more care of teeth. 

 If the secondary teeth is removed, normally it is told, noteeth will grow in 
its place. But still teeth may grow near to it occasionallyis MY EXPERIENCE. 
However exceptions need not be rules. 

 Number of teeth are 32 for humansand as age advance for most teeth decay 
occurs. For some teeth fall down orremoved on account of decay and pain. 

 Many now retain medium damagedteeth with ROOT CANAL TREATMENT and it is good 
to a very great extent.However it TOUCHES VERY MUCH ON THE PURSE is my 
experience. Modern Dentists are of theopinion; teeth need not decay till the 
end of life if maintained properly as Ihave heard in a TV interview with 
scholar Dentist. 

 Many attach artificial teeth withclips, in place of teeth removed. Rather than 
appearance whether it gives anymore purpose is not clear to me. Probably 
Iddali, Dosai etc could be chewedwith them, if I am correct.  If all teethare 
removed, on the face it shows a shallow on the sides, and many times toldas 
Vappi or Vappan in Malayalam to easily identify them. 

It is a true fact with ModernHygiene Teeth Decay Is very much reduced. If the 
growth of teeth is not propermany use clips to set right. Though while using 
the clip, teeth do not give agood appearance, later surely it gives a very good 

 Whether it is aligned or not, itserves the purpose of chewing. However badly 
aligned or removed or decayedteeth very much reduce the appearance of face. 

 Most important is whether listenedor not, appearance of teeth would first go 
the brain on looking at a person.

 An interesting look about teeth


Gopala Krishnan 23-6-2021


 mall kids are asked to show theteeth as saying EEEEEE for cleaning them by 

 At the same times to see problemswith teeth, dentists ask the person to open 
the mouth as telling AAAAAAAA.Unless keep the mouth as telling AAAAAAA dentist 
cannot work on teeth,specially the inner ones. 

 2. Pallicchu kanikkal.

 It is a method of expressing notable to answer to a question. 

 3. Pallirummal. 

 This is teeth biting speciallywith sound and anger in face with an effort of 
controlling the anger. If it ispinpointed, the anger only increases. 

 4. Pallukatikkal.

 It is a way of expression duringlove by young women or adolescent girls. 
Yesterday I was seeing this by a girlin a Malayalam film on skipping TV 
Channels, which prompted me to write thispoint. 

5. Mutthuppal 

Glowing well aligned teeth issometimes called mutthuppal. Except the two or 
four teeth in the front mayslightly large, all teeth will be of well aligned 
and giving a beautifulappearance.  

For some people teeth will appearmore while talking, and while smiling. For 
some teeth will not appearmuch.  Whatever it is, a face having wellaligned 
teeth gives more beauty and it is God’s gift. 

6. Colgate Punchiri.
 For some always there might be asmiling showing part of teeth. It was called 
on those days as Colgate punchiri.(Probably the first tooth paste became 
 7. Punchiri Parameswaran Nair.

In the high school I had ateacher by name Parameswaran Nair. He was nick named 
by us as Punchiri, sincehe always used to smile or his face showed smiling 

 8. Pallu muppathirandum adichhu thazhae yidum. (I will blow and in thestrength 
of blow all your 32 teeth will fall down)

 This is the wording used by manyin anger to another. I have mentioned this for 
the reason, when anger comes,blowing on face creating pain on teeth was common 
during man handling. 

 9. Pallu poya singam (The lion lost the teeth)

 This is very often told of aperson, who lost his position and importance. This 
could be even of a retiredofficer, who lost his priority still trying to impose 
things as he was before retirement to his staff,a MLA or MP who is EX for many 
years, still trying to behave as MLAor MP or a Land Lord, who lost everything 
and still trying to put his highcommand. 

 10 Aana pallu theikkunnudo? (Whether elephant cleans its teeth?)

 That is the difference betweenanimals and humans. Unless teeth are 
periodically cleaned it gives rise to foulsmell in humans. According to some 
dentists after every intake of food liketiffin, meals etc., teeth cleaning is 
best. Some clean teeth in the morning andnight, some as a schedule in the 
morning alone. Brush is best for cleaning.However why it is called toothbrush 
and not teeth brush. At a time it cleans more than one tooth. 

 11. Cleaning with powders and pastes.

 On those days it was the use ofumikkari to clean the teeth. Later many tooth 
powders and pastes came to market. As long as a personis young without tooth 
decay, any of them could be equally good. 

 As age advance, special type oftooth pastes could be better to avoid tooth 
decay and tooth pain. The chemicalsin the tooth paste really work on my 
experience. I feel tooth paste is manytimes better to tooth powder when there 
is pain, sensitivity etc.

 Also the Chemical  tooth pastes are better to Ayurvedic toothpowders many 
times because of their quick action. While in Trivandrum my dentaldoctor used 
to prescribe special tooth pastes available only in medical shops.  Anubhavam 
maha guru as far as I am concernedin this case. 

 12. Coalgate advertisement 

 I could enjoy a beautifuladvertisement  about Colgate toothpaste.  One lady 
police officer was testing car drivers whether consumed liquor or not. 
Shestopped a car. Asked the gentleman to blow in to instrument. Feeling the  
pleasant smell, she tied well her air, andasked again to blow. In Malayalam the 
words were- OOthikke, Onnotae oothikkae.. 

In Lever Ayush advertisement ayoung lady shows her well-arranged white teeth. 
According to dentists teethcolour is yellowish. It should not be made whitish 
applying paste. 

13. Eating sugar cane. 

In my boyhood days it was told,by biting and eating sugarcane, the bad odour 
would   go from mouth. 

14 Puli Pallu kettiya chain ( Chains having teeth of tiger attached) 

It is a practice to wear goldchains by many  rich minors having alocket having 
tiger teeth. 

15. Periodical cleaning by Dentist. 

Many people clean the teethperiodically with Dentist. This helps to retain 
their original yellowish colourremoving the black spots . Sarcastically we may 
, by cleaning too much theprotecting enamel should not go from the teeth. 

16. Dental colleges

There are no separate ENT College,no separate ophthalmic college, but separate 
Dental colleges are there. So manyDentists are coming out every year. One 
reason so much of advancement in dentalcare could be on account of this also. 

Very old type dentists are notable to shine with fresh dentists knowing 
advanced methods in dental treatment. 

Now most dentists advice root canalfor decayed and paining teeth. Root canal 
charge is not very high, but the capcosts. Whereas root canal with permanent 
filling cost around Rs 2000-00 capcost 3400-00. 

My note- root canal with cap is worth. One can eat laddu,seedai, murukku etc 
also. My front teeth were decayed and root canal was madefor seven teeth. After 
three years, now they appear natural, tissues grown overit. Rootcanal can be 
done only when teeth is there. Root is removed,cleaned and cap is provided. It 
is a permanent arrangement. 

17. Malayalam saying- Ellu muriyae panithal Pallu muriyae thinnam 

By doing hard work one canachieve wealth and live comfortably. 

18. Biting during quarrels

My posting on teeth is notcompleted if I do not touch this point. Biting the 
other’s hand  or anywhere using teeth, is one advantageous tool  for many 
during quarrels. Some times thiscould  create swelling on the other andrarely  
gives slight  poisonous effect.  


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