A girl we know belonging to a very orthodox vaishnavite family, visiting 
temples, reciting slokas and singing carnatic music, while in a Hindu school, 
joined Pilani for engineering and eloped with a Muslim boy. His parents are 
headmaster and headmistress of schools and are well educated and cultured. 
However, they did not marry under the Special Marriage Act but converted her 
and had a nikka and did not allow her to meet her parents before that. After a 
couple of years she came home to show her baby, which of course bears a Muslim 
name and she was in purdah and her husband refused to come in and waited near 
the gate impatiently and took her away without even giving time for us to give 
her something to eat. She had dropped out of college and become a housewife 
[servant?]. Of course we did not ask her about her way of life or whether she 
is in any way unhappy. We do not know why she did it, we couldn't even ask. Was 
it an escape from Hindu regimen and acharam? Was she aware that she will be 
trapped into a more rigid regimen?Come to think of it, no woman of any faith 
escapes ignominies in the bedroom, only the scale varies, and never tells even 
her mother about it. The horror that awaits a girl when she gets married is a 
well kept secret and they have to live it down. So it is impossible to find out 
if she is happy. Any problem such as domestic violence will come out only when 
it becomes intolerable and until them we have to assume all married women are 
You say that you expected an intelligent response. I am sorry that I can only 
express helplessness. There is nothing we can do when an adult girl wants to do 
that she likes and we can only feel frustrated that we have failed her somehow .

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