
 Tonguehas two specialities. One is that it is flexible muscle. 2nd one isthat 
it is the only muscle connected at one end.  

 Inchild hood days we were advised to clean the tongue using flexible Earkil 
(coconutrib). If Earkil was not available the mango rib was used to clean the 
tongue.Cleaning of tongue gives more clarity in speech. On those days if speech 
is notclear, teachers used to advise to clean the tongue well.  

 Nowwith Covid 19 all wear masks, and if what talked if not heard clearly, it 
iscommon to lower the mask and talk now. 

 Early1955’s metal and fibre tongue cleaners appeared in the market which were 
bestsuitable.  They were flexible and moreeasy to use. Though tooth brush with 
tongue cleaning action added at one side came,still for best cleaning metallic 
tongue cleaners are preferred. Though toothbrush is available in all shops, 
nowadays very few shops are having tonguecleaners. It is a practice to keep two 
or three as spare in homes.

 Onthose days with a hole in tongue cleaner, it was attached to tooth 
brushthrough their holes at end. It was a common scene people coming to bathing 
gnatwith towel, soap dish, tooth brush with tongue cleaner. 

 Todaywash basin stands or special shelves or box designed for keeping such 
items areused. 

 RecentlyI read tooth Brush and tongue cleaner should not be kept open in the 
attachedbath rooms with toilets. These closed shelves solve the issue of 
bacterialinfection.  Many tooth brush comes withouthole in the handle now. 

Awrite up about tongue. 


GopalaKrishnan 27-11-2012 


Reposted on 17-7-2021 after editing andupdating.R.Gopala Krishnan. 

 1. Kavi kalidasa. 

 Ihave read about the kavi Kalidasa was a shepherd and he used to pass through 
aKali temple and worship.  A legend aboutKalidasa is approximately as follows.

 ThePrincess of a kingdom   was forced tomarry the illiterate shepherd by the 
foul play of some learnt men in the court.The princess understanding he is 
illiterate, asked him to worship in the nearbyKali temple. One day while 
worshiping a query came from inside- Purratthu aara?(Who is out side?)

Theshepherd answered – dasan, He further enquired who is inside. 

 Kalihas answered as Kali, and asked him to extend the tongue through the 
window.Kalidasa did so, and Kali wrote with her thrisul on the tongue 
something. Thenon wards vakdevatha appeared to him. He became a knowledgeable 
person and poetKalidasa. 
Kalidasakrithikal was a lesson in Malayalam while studying in 9th standardor 
so. Abhinjana Sakuntkalam, Kumara sambhavam, Mayura sandaesam, Rithusamharam 
etc were told in paragraph in the lesson as I recollect from memory. 
 2. Vak vaibhavam.

 Toquote the words of Sri Perinkulam, it is a VARAPRASADAM for a person to 
talkfluently on subjects, write scripts or poems etc. Automatically words and 
ideasmight come to them. There is a saying in English- Some people bring 
happinessWHERE EVER they go. Just change the words WHERE EVER with WHEN EVER 
the entiremeaning changes to the opposite one.

Peoplewill be eager to hear certain people’s words. But certain people will 
alwayshave tough words. 
 Thisis with our group also. Some members are interested and eager to read 
somemembers postings. They would be impatiently waiting for the posting to 
appearin mails. Some are allergic to respond in positive though they read, but 
happyto criticize. 

 3. Nakkila

 Thegrowing end of plantain leaf is like a tongue. A leaf cut from the growing 
endis called Nakkila.Nakkila is used in all auspicious functions. When our 
sasthrikal prepares listfor auspicious functions, he would write- Nakilai oru 

 4. Ponnum thenum kodukkal

Itwas a practice to give the newly born infant a small drop of honey adding 
amicro size gold powder got by rubbing and   addedon the tongue 

 Nowour doctor’s opinion is not doing so, it can cause indigestion of infant.

 5. Aayus nooru (Good longevity)

 Iffew people are talking of a person and in a minute he comes, in Malayalam it 
istold- Ippo paranju NAKKU eduttthae ullu.. Meaning just now we have talked 
ofyou. You have longevity. 

 6. Nakku kondu Mookil thodamo?( Can youtouch nose with tongue?) 

For98%  people it is not possible to do so.Unless the tongue is lengthy and 
more flexible it is not possible to doso.  So, when some practically 
impossiblethings are told, it is compared with this action 

7. Kari nakku kondonnum parayalle     

 (Somepeople having black line should not talk in auspicious things) 

Mosthave no marks in the tongues. But a few have black marks. If they talk 
ofsomething it might happen. Though it can be told as superstition, many times 
ithappens. So such people are warned not to talk inauspicious things. 

8 Nakkintae neelam( Lengthy tongue )

 Somepeople exaggerate and tell things, some will talk unnecessarily on very 
smallpetty issues blowing it like a balloon, some people will remind always 
ofthings one try to forget, some people always of pinching nature.  These are 
all told bad natures of the tongue.The exaggerating type of people is told as 
having lengthy tongue. 

9. Nakku adakku( Control tongue)
Thisis used in two occasions, one to control speech. The other to control 
intake ofliking or delicious or tasty things when medically warned. 

On Karthigai deepam auspicious day, womenlight  ghee lamp  for the well being 
of her brothers. ( At that time we  should not talk anythinginauspicious about 
her brothers, IF AT ALL ANY. It is not the occasion  . We should talk good of 

2ndsweet appam is prepared, adai and Pori. I am a diabetic. Just because it is 
atime to consume as much appam, I should not eat without control. I 
shouldcontrol my tongue and LIMIT to maximum 3 or four. 

10. Tongue and Nose 
Tongue  along with nose decides the taste. I read itelsewhere, not the tongue 
alone can decide the taste. The smell also attributesto it. 
 11. Dog will drink water with tongueonly  even from sea.

 Thisis another saying mostly talked about the mean nature of people. Depending 
onsituations there should be some changes in nature of all of us. 

 12. Kuratthi nakku arutthalum kudamrandu kasu ( It is firm, the price of mud 
pot is  2 paisa)

 Itis another saying told using the word tongue. The mud pot seller is telling, 
ifat all my tongue is cut , the pot value is firm. 

13 Sarkarakudathi kayyittal nakkathavarundo( Whether there is any person who 
would not lick their hand after putting inliquid jaggery. 

Itis a natural tendency to lick the hand on tongue after putting it in 
liquidjaggery without wasting the portion remaining in the hand. The saying is 
usedto mean in a wider sense , people may make use of occasion without wasting.

14. Misuse of tongue

 Thebiological purpose of tongue is to assist in chewing and swallowing, 
producingsound and talk etc. For infants it is for sucking the breast milk also.

 Unwanteduse of saliva as paste or wetting a pasted item to make more adhesive 
byapplying saliva etc are least hygienic. Many are tempted to do such things. 
Itappears highly uncultured to do such things while in a group.

 15. Nakkil narambu illatha samsaram (No nerve in tongue)

 Aperson having no kindness and talking hard is said to have tongue without 

 16. Fierce Goddess

 Normallythe fierce goddesses are  shown extendingtheir tongue out side. 

17. Silent man

 Thesilent man is often asked- where is your tongue. On many occasions 
guiltypeople will remain silent to make the situation calm. 

Somepeople also offer as fast keeping silence. No use of tongue. 

18. Gayathri recitation

Itis told the gayathri has to be recited making minimum use of tongue 

19. Itching in tongue

 Iam completing my nakku puranam with this. Itching while eating something 
isfirst felt by the tongue. When a person desires something to express 
andcontrol, he used to say- Nakku choriju varunnu. (I am controlling my 

Writer- R. Gopala Krishnan, 77, retiredAsst General manager, Kerala Telecom, 
Trivandrum, now settled in Chennai. 


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