Dear friends,

 Today morning I rearranged myshirts in the almirah. The arrangement order was 
new and liking, new andrecently purchased. Old shirts are disposed to the 
Ashram nearby. 

 The new likings are the ones whichrequire practically no ironing. Nostalgic 
memories of the TERELENE shirt of1964’ came to me which required no ironing. I 
thought today’s posting can be about shirts, with nostalgic memories. 

 Nothinginformative in this posting. 


Gopala Krishnan 18-07-2021.


1. Cotton white pants, white shirt and tie.

 When I came to Chennai in the end of1964, the office going people had mostly 
white cotton pant, white cotton shirtand most wearing shoe. I could see along 
the first line beach, at 200 metersdistance boot polishing people. 

 People wearing other foot wear likeHawaii, chappals, sandak etc were 
considered a 2nd grade unless theywere aged. 

 Very few officials I have seenwearing dhoti, this included mudaliars, pillais, 
and iyers on those days. Of coursethere were iyers wearing Panchagachham in 
Chennai, but were very few. 

 Tie was considered as a status inthe office. To say OFFICERS USED TO WEAR THE 
TIE especially the high ranking. Thetie indicated his grade.  Others used 
towear tie while going for parties etc. 

 Male staff working in SBI in thefirst line beach could be seen only wearing 
white pants. Shirt and tie.  My office was next to it –The GPO. 

 For seeing a girl for marriage, the boys went wearing shirtstucked in to pants 
and wearing tie. Colour pants and shirts wereworn by many. 

 Or if casual wear was worn in suchan occasion, surely the photograph given to 
the girl’s side would be the onewith tie. I have the photograph with tie given 
in 1969 for my marriage stillwith me.  51 years old photograph inblack and 

 2 I have a terlin shirt.

 A type of shirting called terlinappeared in 1964. The cloth was mostly plain 
in different colours.  The added advantages of the shirting were 1.It could be 
washed easily and got dried quickly. From washed shirts water wouldbe found 
dripping   much more quickly.Water would not stick to cloth. 2. Dirt would  go 
easily and third and most important -   The cloth did  notrequire ironing- a 
half truth actually. It required ironing after three or four washes is 
thecorrect version.

 The cost was slightly prohibitive.But people were crazy to have at least ONE. 
It was a fashion to wear terlin shirts especially for youngsters andmiddle 
aged. People used to wear one or two terlin shirts alternatively. Somehad 4-5 
Terlin shirts  . A person havinga terlin shirt was looked smarter  thanone with 
costly new cotton shirt!!! 

 It required ironing with lesstemperature  after two or three washes.Wrinkles 
would be  there, especially inthe back but  were less. Ironing gave asmart look 
to the shirt and wearer. 

 Terlin shirt was given only for drywashing to Dhobi. He only knew what was 
“dry washing” on those days.  Rather than full sleeve people used to havehalf 
sleeve terlin shirts. Terlin shirts were available in readymade shopsalso. 
There were different qualities of terlin in due course. However goodterlin was 
very costly later also. Three prominent colours were light yellow,light blue 
and pure white. Pure white was liked more by the middle aged andoffice goers. 

 During that period I have spend alot of money on terlin shirts. The period of 
terlin remained unshaken for about5-7 years. Then came the Saturn period  for 
him from his own brother called TERECOTTON who had fast growth.

 3. Brother gets immediate popularity and push down elder brotherTerlin.

 A mixing of cotton with terlin was Teri- cotton. Tere cotton came in different 
percentage, most with 60% terlin and 40% cotton. Teri-cotton had many more 
added advantage as felt in due course.  Teri-cotton was available in textile 
shopseven by 1967’s. But it was a moving cloth, but not to the extent of terlin.

 For some time Terlin went alongwith Teri-cotton. Gradually terlin was pushed 
back and started to have hisposition in the upper shelves of the show rooms. 

 4 Tericotton.

 Tericotton came in different shadesand designs, it had mixed qualities of 
terlin and cotton. Terlin used to givesweating, having least cotton. Terecotton 
compensated it. 

 For reasons best known, fame started with terecottonsuddenly than gradually. 
Terecotton gave slightly more appearance since like Terlin it was notslippery 
and it did not come out while tucking in to the pants. Probably itcould be due 
to tucking people, terlin lost more popularity. 

 Thosewearing terlin were asked- have you not changed to terecotton?

 5. shirt pockets.

 In either slack or full sleeve, asystem of having innerpocket came. Some used 
to have pockets on either side in the front, somewith a flap cover over the 
pocket for protection etc. The inner pocket stillcontinues now also and it has 
some advantage. I have most of the shirts withinner pockets if got stitched 
whether I use it  or not. 

6 Polyester shirts.

 Even while knowing the experienceof his brother Terlin, earlier polyester 
shirts had no cotton mixing. There wasa push back to Tere cotton. This was 
during 1978’s. Polyester had all thequalities of terlin; the fibre was 
different, required still less ironing. 

After some time polyester blendcotton started to appear, with varying 
percentage. Pure polyester gotdisappeared.  Terecotton and polyestercotton 
started holding the market 

7. Readymade shirts.

 Readymade shirts started gettingmore popularity with many designs. By the 
time. They were costly, but with increase in financial status, could make 
manyafford. The period of white shirts  gotpractically  disappeared  with 
office goers along with terlin itself. 

8 Slack shirts, full shirts, wearing any way.

 The tucking in of full shirt in topant became a point of option. Many started 
to wear full shirt outside pant.With full sleeve, folding in hands has become 
common with many. Most important,the tie lost its priority.

 By 1990’s any type of wearing becamecommon. Most important-Officers or staff- 
All started to wear Cherippu(Simple Foot ware). Shoe lost its oldpriority.  
Another thing- Hawaii sandalsbecame BATHROOM OR HOME WEAR. 

 We cannot see even workers wearingHawai while working now.  Hawai lost 
itspriority to home wear. Those having problems with Foot used to wear hawai. 

 9. The T shirt.

 The T shirt is knitted and readymade.The fibre is  blends or cotton. T 
shirtscome with collar, front buttons, with pocket or without pocket. T shirt 
wasfirst Luxury and casual wear when appeared by 1988’s. People used to bring 
fromforeign countries and compliment. It was common to ask to get a T shirt 
fromforeign country.  

 However T shirts still remained casualwear, officers or officials did not use 
in office.  Cost varies from 500 to 4000 today depend oncompany and brand. 

 Update- Now we can see elders and youngsters wearing T shirt commonly with 
half pants everywhere. 

 Manyin the age group of 70-85 wear half pant commonly in place of dhoti 
forconvenience everywhere. Dhoti is only in shelves.

 Even for functions many come in half pants 

 10. Present senerio

 Having custom tailoring withRaymonds etc, those require specific dimensions 
stitch shirts with them. Forfull shirt or half sleeve, side curving has become 
optional.  Raymonds first offer polyester blend cotton. Cotton has become 
luxury andpriced at sky level.  Peoplelike stripes or checks than designs.  

 Ready-mades introduce many designsof shirts. Even in big show rooms, there are 

 Branded shirts cost above 2500-00.Not branded is available from 1000-00. But 
in streets readymade shirtsavailable from Rs 150-00 on-wards 

 Many have started liking cotton orcotton blend (70% cotton) shirtings. Most 
change shirts daily. Persons having lessthan a dozen shirts are rare. This 
includes even workers.

 Nowadays tearing of shirt is notthere with blends. Hence maximum about a year 
most youngsters discard old oneswith changing fashions. Elders may be using for 
another one more year. 

Nothing can be done with old onesit finds a place in waste box rolled in paper 
unless some ashram collect it. 



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