CULTURAL QA 07-2021-24 Being compilation there may be errors
Q1 Doesmercury from CFLs cause long-term mental issues? Aka if it breaks A1 Gopala Krishnan , former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now NowCFL with mercury are no more available and obsolete. Now LED bulbs and tubelights only are there. However we were using CFLs for at least 10 years. I have not heard anymental issue on account of using CFLA tap can fill a tank in 4 hours. Q2 Ifwater from a single tap fill half the tank in 2 hours how much time is requiredto fill the tank with three more taps? A2 Gopala Krishnan .... After half thetank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What is the total timetaken to fill the tank completely? Half the tank is filled in 2 hours withsingle tap. Sowith single tap another 2 hours are needed to fill the tank fully. Three more taps are opened. So 2 hours timeis shared by four taps . 120minutes /4 taps =30 minutes. in 30 minutes the tank will be filled. Q3 Why does a digital weight machine often read 5 kg less weight compared to ananalog weight machine? A3 Gopala Krishnan ....It cannot happen.There can be a difference of 1 kg more in the evening comparing to morning. Q4 Whatis the component of an AC system that changes a low pressure vapor to a highpressure vapor? A4 Compressor Q5 Whichcontainer of water will be heated faster the one with more water or the onewith lesser water? A5 Gopala Krishnan..., You have notmentioned the size of container. If both containers are of same size, then thecontainer with lesser water will be heated faster. What is the doubt? Q6 Whatkind of cup doesn't hold water? A6 7 Answers Viki ChoudhuryBS in Chemistry from Rabindranath TagoreUniversity Thu NoIdea. Maybe a broken Cup doesn’t hold water. 2nd answer Ar. Jai P.Pandey Former Architect at My OwnPractice (1974–2020) thu Answer: Cupcake or Hiccup…!.. 3rd answer- Rahul Agarwal FormerStudent Thu Thecorrect answer to What kind of cup doesn't hold water? Riddle is "Cupcake 4th answer FuneraL MasteR Gasin our softdriks, is an acid underpressure Thu Justbeing simple.A paper cup with poor quality Acup with holes A cup which is broken A air cup Animaginary cup A cup made of sodium 5th answer- AnushkaWalvekar Fri Cupboard 6th answer- Pradip ChandraBhattacharyyaFormer Retired16h ago Eithera broken cup or a cup with a hole at the bottom! Or,in this Olympic month, a cup awarded to the winner, literally does not hold oris not used for holding water! 7th answer- Gopala Krishnan CUPCAKE. IT IS A RIDDLE Q7 Willa frozen half full 1/2 inch pipe burst? A7 Gopala Krishnan... Typeof material of pipe is not told. If it is PVC chances are there to burst. Q8 Whydo coolers and fans only have three wings? A8 Gopala Krishnan... In nutshell for DCvoltage systems like the one in US, moreWings are preferred. Q9 Whatare the duties of a domestic cleaner? A9 Gopala Krishnan ...Answered 17h ago Ihope you are appointing a domestic cleaner. You are the person assigningduties. In some areas like Chennai, domestic cleaners will not clean toilet .Many domestic cleaners will not clean municipality road before home. Specialcleaning, cobweb removing, fan cleaning, overhead tank cleaning etc arenormally done by special skilled workers. Q10 Dotrees really like water or do they just pretend to like it? A10 Gopala Krishnan...Answered just now Plantsand trees want water to grow. They cannot pretend Q11 Howdo I purify oxygen at home? A11 Gopala Krishnan ...Answered just now Youcan use oxygen concentrators if necessary in rooms where it is required. It isavailable in markets. Q12 Isour planet losing water, or does all evaporated water return as precipitation? 2 Answers FrankHollis , Mass spectroscopist for 33 and1/3 yearsAnswered 3h ago Yes, our planet is losing water. Waterin the upper atmosphere is split, by UV light, into hydrogen and oxygen. Thehydrogen is able to escape into space. About 3kg are lost per second.[1] Fortunately,water arrives on Earth from asteroids and comets at about the same rate. 2ND ANSWER Joe Cherra , BSEarth Science & Chemistry,University of Minnesota - Duluth (1970) Answered 2h ago Weare actually gaining water by the minute. Every molecule of fossil fuel burnedcreates 3 molecules of water. Every gallon of gasoline burned creates 1.03gallons of water, which is why I call internal combustion engines noisy waterpumps. Every airliner that you see in the sky will have created 2200 gallons ofwater by the time its fuel is burned up. We are creating water by the gigatonevery day Q13 Dotrees really like water or do they just pretend to like it? A13 GopalaKrishnan... Answered 11h ago Plantsand trees want water to grow. They cannot pretend Q14 Isthere anything you can feed plants besides water or fertilizer? 3 Answers Shamas Khanewal, formerFormer Science Teacher Answered Thu Someinsectivorous planta like the Venus Flytrap, pitcher plants, do like insects. Thesetypes of plants live in soil that is poor in nitrogen. Insects because of theirprotein can provide these plants with the nitrogen they need for growth. Ifinsects are not provided some other source of nitrogen can also be useful. For some reason urine comes tomind as a source of nitrogen. After all that is how mammals get ridof excess nitrogen. 2ND ANSWER- M Byerly ,Writer, teacher, and research nerd AnsweredThu Itdepends on your definition of fertilizer. If you mean liquid like Miracle Growor a foliar feed like fish emulsion, then, yes, you can add amendments to the soil like manure orcompost around the plant. Or vice versa. Otherwise, just food and waterwith the right amount ofsunlight. 3RD ANSWER-Profile photo forMarlie Graves Marlie Graves ,professional interior horticulturist. Top Writer 2017, 2018Answered Fri Don’t forget sunlight and air. Infact, if you want to talk about feedingplants, or what plants need for food, the most important ingredients by far arewater, air, and sunlight. Plants make their own food in the process calledphotosynthesis. This is where they take CO2 from the air and water from thesoil, and use energy from the sun to recombine the atoms into food (glucose orcarbohydrate), giving off oxygen as a byproduct. Fertilizer is a mineral additive.Although people often call it plant food, it really isn’t. More like vitamins than anything else. Plants use a varietyof minerals, but in very small to positively microscopic amounts. Most of thenecessary minerals are naturally occurring in the soil. If the soil is depletedof some minerals, they can be added by soil amendments like compost, orfertilizer, which can be “organic” (fish emulsion, bone meal, etc.) or“chemical” (manufactured fertilizers like MiracleGro.) But when you add any kindof fertilizer, you’re not really feeding the plant. Theprocess of intake of nutrients from the soil is known as mineral takesplace through the intimate contact of root system with the soil solution . Theabsorption may be I two' different ways active absorption and passiveabsorption. PASSIVE ABSORPTION_ when theabsorption was caused by simplediffusion and not by expenditure of energy . This theory can explained by twodifferent ways like mass flow of ions and ion exchange theory . Mass flow of ions__ according to thistheory ions moves along with the massflow of water ,so an increase in transpiration causes an increase inabsorption. Ion exchange theory_ here the exchangeof ions occurs between the internal andexternal solution of the root . For ex,K+ of the external solution is exchangedwith a hydrogen ion adsorbed to the surface of the membrane. Then anions couldpossibly exchange with the free hydroxyl ions in the same manner . This methodallows a greater amount of absorption than the diffusion. ACTIVE ABSORPTION_ when the absorptiontakes place by the expenditure ofenergy .it takes place by different theory The carrier concept__ the demarcation between the inner spaceand the outer space lies somewhere in the middle of the cytoplasm . this middleares is impermeable to ions so ions can only carried by some specific carriers. In this process the ion carrier is first activated by an enzyme phosphokinaseand ATP. Cytochrome pump_It suggests that anion absorption is independentof cation absorption and cytochrome act as anion carrier. According to thistheory dehydrogenase enzyme reaction on the inner surface produce proton andelectron . Electron moves outward through cytochrome chain and anion movesinward. 4TH ANSWER- Mark Seitz ,County Extension Director(2010-present)Answered April 2 Itook a class at Michigan State University 35 years ago called Soil Biophysics.We spent 9 weeks (1 college quarter) studying that soil/root interface. Here'sa few topics I remember: Osmosis - water pressure inside thecell vs pressure outside the cell pullnutrients in solution in the soil into the plant. Theother 44.9 days in that clas 35 years ago are a distant memory. 5TH ANSWER-FlazhAnswered Thu Duringpropagation, the roots grow throughout the profile and apply nutrients directlyaround the root system and root hairs. As the concentration of nutrients aroundthe root system decreases, the nutrients move from the more concentrated areasto the less concentrated areas and towards the 6TH ANSWER- William Halmeck,M.A. Biology, Western Connecticut StateUniversity (2009)Answered June 17 Manyplant nutrients are positive metal ions, like potasium ( K+) and magnesium(Mg+2). They cling to the soil particles. Plant root hairs pump out hydrogen ions (H+) thatdisplace the metal ions, making them available for uptake by the root hairs byactive transport. All the above QA are based on Quoradigest to me on 23-7-2021/Answered in a week by me. Quora answers need not be100% correct answers Compiler- R. Gopala Krishnan, 77dated 24-07-2021 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Thatha_Patty" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit