CULTURAL QA07-2021-26

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         What is something thatalmost nobody knows about when brushing their 

Marie Nguyen DDS in Dentistry, University of Southern California(Graduated 
2001)Updated April 24, 2019

Many people don’t brusheffectively. They may brush but many are doing it wrong.

Brush where your teeth meet yourgums! This can’t beemphasized enough. This is 
where the majority of bacteria accumulate—at thejunction where the teeth meet 
the gums. Many people only brush the bitingsurfaces of their teeth.

Brush for a full 2 minutes. Thisis actually quite a longamount of time. Set a 
timer or use an electric brush that has a timer.

Top and bottom teeth should notbe brushed at the sametime. Ideally, you should 
brush the inside of your bottom teeth, then theoutside, then the biting 
surfaces. Then do the top teeth the same way.

Use a circular motion whenbrushing. Do not use aback-and-forth hard scrubbing 
motion to brush your teeth. This can damage thegums, cause gum recession and 
even abrade exposed root surfaces.

Brush twice a day, morning andnight. It is shocking how manypeople only brush 
once a day! Or not even every day! And if you’reonly brushing once a day, it 
needs to be at night!!!!

Use the mirror. Looking in themirror while brushing can helpyou make sure that 
you have your toothbrush positioned correctly as well asreaching all the places 
that you should. After brushing, look in the mirror andpull your lips up/down 
to check that all food and plaque has been sufficientlyremoved from the gum 

Teeth are amazing! They help us get our daily nourishment. And withoutthem, 
we’d look pretty unattractive

Manjunatha Works at Income Tax Department, Government of India UpdatedSeptember 
21, 2020

Q2         Do people regret leavingthe IT sector for an SSC CGL job (GP4600) in 
the future?

A2          Undoubtedly YES. ISincerely regret leaving the IT sector for this 
SSC CGL Job (In my case, it is Income TaxInspector). I left wipro in the year 
2014 with my CTC around 4.2 LPAfor Inspector.

I joined as Inspector in Income Tax in November 2015 (through CGL 13). Itis 
almost 5 years in the organisation. Today, i receive around Rs. 57,000/-(after 
all the deductions. HRA is excluded, since i stay in dept quarters; Thispay 
even included double increment for passing the ITO Dept exam also). 

My college mates who stayed in software field are getting to the least10–12 LPA 
package. The difference in pay is enough to make my regret thoughtseven 

Prior to joining, i do knowthat ‘pay wise’ these Govt jobs will no way be any 
near to Software Jobs. 

However, i choose peace of mind and job stability in this Govt sector.Today, 
after 5 years i can say that “peace of mind in a job” isjust a myth. 

To my utter luck, these 5 years of service in the dept, i am posted insensitive 
postings. Ihad to work a lot ..this included late night working and weekend 

Never in such a hectic day, i was not thinking that if the same hardworkhad in 
i put in software field, i would have rewarded handsomely for myefforts. 

Here in this Govt sector, however you may put hardwork, at the end of the day, 
you only get 3% annual increment. 

Not less not more. Then the story of promotions, I was well aware 
thatpromotions in the Govt sector happens only on seniority, not merit. I am 
okwith it. But i was not aware that there exists reservations inpromotions too. 

My first promotion may come in 10–12 years. But, due to reservations,some of my 
batch mates may get promoted in 6–8 years. How muchhard i try, i am not able to 
digest the fact that there exists reservation inpromotions too. Howcan one work 
with enthusiasm, if there is no level playing field !

This above monologue is only for people who are working in Software fieldonly. 
For many unemployed graduates, CGL jobs will always be best. 

As said in the prior answers to this question, this is mostly differsfrom 
individual to individual. But from my 5 years of experience, i can mostlytell.. 
honest, peace of mind lookers of the software field people in the CGLjobs , 
will surely be regretted here.

Benefits are also not much inGovt sector. If you are working in tier-3 cities, 
CGHS (Health care facility provided by the Govt) will be of no use. 

By some luck, Dept quarters are available in the place i am posted. Ifnot, i 
would have to spend extra Rs. 8,000/- for house rent.

 It may be highly surprising to know that, i receive anHRA of just ~ Rs. 
4,500/- (if not allotted quarters). Where on earth, one canget a decent 
accommodation for mere Rs. 4,500/-.

(Be remindful that mine is Rs. 4600 Gradepay post with 5 yearsexperience) !! In 
Andhra Pradesh, only Vizag and Tirupati have DepartmentalQuarters for Income 
Tax. In all other places, employees (non-native) had toshed atleast 8k-10k 
extra for house rent. This is the ‘GREATEST GIFT’ and a bighole on savings, how 
much tiny one may try to have in this salary. Other real benefits, 30 
litrepetrol allowance (don’t know for how long this may continue owing 
tochanges in the dept structure) and BSNL 3G SIM Card ( Since our great BSNL 4G 
may take anotherdecade for implementation).

In conclusion, for people who think their Managers are being harsh andunfair to 
them and their is no work life balance in the software field….SUCK ITUP. (This 
is only for people who cares about career growth and money).

For Engineers who are from Core groups (EEE, Civil, Mech etc) pleaseseriously 
consider PSUs through GATE examination. The amount of pay andbenefits, one gets 
from the said PSUs were humongous. Job safety + Lot ofpay/benefits = PSUs.

EDIT :PS - I'm not taking any sides. This is purely my personal opinion.

My note- While I was in Pudukkottai, one new SDOT joined by name ManuBau. He 
was with me at Salem ,3 years junior to me, and we were just  friends. Only on 
his joining I could know from others he belonged toscheduled tribe. He never 
appeared so in any of his behaviours. However heworked there just as how we 
were at Salem, showing no superiority andconsulting me in office matters. It 
took another two years for me to getpromotion. 

Q3         What will happen to ahuman soul once it decides it is done with 

A3          Irina Nola Past LifeRegression TherapistMay 2

Reincarnation applies to livingand dying andreincarnating not only on Earth but 
on any habitable planet in all kinds ofcivilizations. If thesoul gets really 
tired of living on Earth - it can go anywhere in the Universe.

It can also ascend energetically to non-physical worlds with no death andbirth, 
it can shapeshift into any form there, but does not die - so we can not call it 
reincarnation,though these beings can transform If the soul wants to stop being 
a separateconsciousness altogether - it can unite with the Source and stop 
being anindividual soul.

Q4         If you ever were to leaveQuora, what would be your reasoning?

A4          Gopalkrishna Vishwanath Ihave been a member of Quora since July 
2015 9h ago(369 words in this answer)

If I were to leave Quora it would not be due to any “reasoning”. It would be 
due to somecompulsion.

Death is an unbeatablecompulsion. One day I will nomore. I am 72 now and with 
each passing year, I am getting closer to the daywhen you will not hear from me 

A serious illness that preventsme from writing will be another compulsion.

Being banned by Quora is yetanother.

Being cut off from the internet may be another reason but that will be 
temporary.I will be back as soon as I regain access to the net.

If I have to leave Quora due to any kind of “reasoning” then I would haveleft 
by now. I have enough excuses to offer for leaving Quora.

I don’t get to read some of myfavorite writers anymore. They have left the 
platform or are almost totally inactive these days. But I am still here.

The quality of the postings has deteriorated. But I am still here, grateful for 
the occasionalgood post that enters my feed.

Views, upvotes, and followers that I enjoyed two years ago are nowhistory. But 
I am still here.

Earnings under the QPP programwhich I could count in dollars two years ago are 
now being counted in cents.But I am still here.

I can’t think of any convincing reason for leaving Quora. Quora is what it is. 
A platform where you learn and share.

It is we, the contributors, who made it what it was and who have now madeit 
what it has become.


I will tweak my settings,ignore bad posts, downvote them, follow people 
judiciously, subscribe and unsubscribe from topics, and dowhatever I can to 
improve the quality of my feed to the extent possible, andsimply live with what 
I can do nothing about.

Quora is now a daily habit andpart of my daily routine just like my breakfast, 
lunch, and dinner, my morning yoga sessions, and my evening walks. I haveno 
plans to leave Quora and I can’t think of any reason to do so.

I can only fear some compulsion that may force me to leave Quora.May thatnever 


Q5         Is it good to bath in hotwaterduring summer?

A5          Some summers ago, when Iwent to the gym everyday for a couple of 
hours, part of my routine was to takesaunas or steam baths, especially during 
heat waves, when the temperature gotup into the mid to upper 90s F. 

In those steam rooms, of course, it got up over 130F+ degrees. But these were 
sweat inducingpractices not just bathing for good hygiene. There is a 

Even so, I felt just fine. The hot smelly humid air of New York was 
lessstifling after doing so and my body felt really relaxed after the workouts.

I don't think there is harm inbathing in warmer to hot water in the summer if 
you enjoy it, but it would probably be better to cool the body down withcolder 
bather water, for maximum comfort in the higher temperatures of summer.

Warmer bath water is relaxing and cooler bathing temperatures arestimulating 
and invigorating to the body, in general. Modify your bathing watertemperature 
as needed.

2ND ANSWER- Ritwik Sunny, former Customer Support Executive atAshok 
LeylandAnswered May 28

 It is advisable to bathe in warm water, as it dilates the blood vessels and 
allows theheart to work at a relaxed pace.

3RD ANSWER- Priyanka Solanki, B.pharm from KLE Society'sCollege of Pharmacy 
Belgaum (2011)Answered March 5, 2018

It's not at all good to take bath with hot water in summer specially.It is only 
acceptable in case ofyou are sick.

If you are healthy and you are bathing with hotwater you are losing your 


Over the period of time, you will be repeatedly be sick.

If we all need to take bath with hot water, why God has created rivers ofcool 
water? He had to create of hot water.!

Suddenly, you will not be able to switch from hot to cool. you can startwith 
warm, and within few days cool water!

Cool water gives great feel of relaxation!

My note- Old people who havenerve problems, it is goodto have hot water applied 
to feet during bath atleast once or twice in hot water in a week . Especially 
thosespending more time in AC room. 


Q6         Why does the oxygen levelnot decrease inside the AC room?

A6          Gopala Krishnan , formerRetired Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 
at Department of Telecom(1966-2004) Answered just now

One reason we often open the room . There is possibility if more peopleoccupy 
the room for suffocation after hours if the room is not opened while using 
split AC. 

It is told just keep a window half open while split AC  Air conditioner 
switched ON in a bed room.With any number of drawing and releasing, for about 
12 hours, the oxygen in theroom is sufficient. I hope the answer is clear. If 
using window AC the problemis not there. But security problem is in India. 


Q7         Which eating habit isordinary in your country but strange in the 
rest of the world?

A7          Shoor Veer Singh Indian,dots not feathers Wed

You are in an Indian restaurant, admiring your empty food-stained plate,and the 
waiter brings these bowls to you at the end of the meal:

Don’t drink it. This is a ‘fingerbowl’. “A what?” you ask. Yes, a finger bowl.

It’s well known that Indians don’t like using tools like knives and forkswhen 
eating a meal. A direct consequence of this habit is fingers lathered withthe 
delicacy you just devoured. 

When you are at a fancy restaurant, and waiter gets the signal that this is the 
end of the soiree,they bring these bowls with lukewarm water and a slice of 
lemon floating in it.You are supposed to drown your fingertips in the bowl and 
give them a gentlemassage with the lemon slice.

It does two things:    it cleansyour hands (duh)    the lemon attacks atthe 
smell of food from your hands, so that everything you touch after the dinner 
does not taste like ChickenTikka Masala.

Unfortunately, this piece of information has not traveled to the Indianjoints 
here in the United States. This side of the Atlantic, we are all walking with 
smelly fingers. 

Q8         Why does my RO + UV waterpurifier with TDS controllers give sweet 

A8          As far as I know, RO remove minerals along with salt. Then,what 
gives it sweetness? The source water is not sweet (input TDS 144, outputTDS 20).

Philip Sulikosky, Water treatment technician. Answered October 1, 2017

The RO in combination with theparticle filter and activatedcarbon filter it 
probably comes with; effectively removes most particles, organics and 
inorganics out ofthe water.

If you are on a chlorinated town supply, it will be also be removing 
thechlorine as well, which in itself is an unpleasant taste if you are used 
topure water.

The sweet taste you are referringto is simply the taste ofpure water without 
minerals, particulates and pollutants.

My note- In my Indian bathroom inground floor alone the water has a smell of 
curry leaves while opening the tap for sometime. There is no curry leaves plant 
eitherin my home or near by homes. I am still trying to get the reasoning. RO 
water I have never felt sweet.

Q9         Do ferns like acid oralkaline soil?

A9          Gopala Krishnan, formerAssistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004) Answered2h ago

Nearly all ferns(PLANTS) prefer a soil that is moist and well-draining.Most do 
best in slightly acidic to neutral soil, from 4.0 to 7.0 in pH, butsome, such 
as the maidenhair fern (Adiantum), requires a more alkaline soil.

Q10              What are backwaterstretches?

A10        2 Answers Gopala Krishnan, former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 
at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered 2h ago

The scenic backwaters comprise a serene stretch of lakes, canals andlagoons 
located parallel to the coast of the Sea. Answer after searching googleand 
modified answer to the question.

2ND ANSWER-VasuPandian, former RetiredGovernment Employees at Government 
(1982-2019) Answered 8h ago

The place is called backwaters because the lake water is actually freshriver 
water that comes down from the river and is then used for the paddyfields 
whenever the need be, and later the lake water as it goes ahead, mergeswith the 
ocean in Kochi. Source:—

Q11              How are indoorplants useful to us?

A11        Gopala Krishnan, formerAssistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004)  Answered 3h ago

Plants are to be planted outside. Some attractive plants people growinside. I 
don’t think there is any use other than decoration and some goodappearance.

Q12              How do you cleanyour iron with salt?

A12  2 Answers Stuart James, 25+ Years in High-endSecurity Answered Fri

No matter how seasoned a skillet is, burnt chunks can still occur. Rinsethe 
skillet well and leave a small amount of hot water. Pour in about 1/4 cupcourse 
salt and scrub with a dedicated brush or chain-mail scrubber. You mayneed to 
scrub some spots, but this method works well.

Also, avoid using soap as much as possible. That can compromise theseasoning.

Gopala Krishnan , former Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 atDepartment of 
Telecom (1966-2004)Answered 11h ago

Why salt is required to clean iron?. Ensure the iron is not hot. Applyany 
cleaner in a cloth (Like dormex) and clean. Even damp cloth is sufficientin 
many parts

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 25-07- 2021/Answered by me. Quora 
answersneed not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on26 07-2021

Thisposting has 2954 WORDS  and approx. 295sentences. 




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