CULTURAL QA 08-2021-01

Being a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Can I take the headphones given to meon Emirates Airlines (economy 
class)? If they found out I took it would theyfine me or put me in prison?

A1  Cynthia MehboobResearcher, Project Associate,Woman, Human.Updated October 
27, 2020

I’d start bystating an almost universally held view; headphones onboard 
aircraft areusually useless. But mostAirlines, including Emirates, are 
understandably quite touchy about theirheadphones and want passengers to return 

It is not anentirely unreasonable expectation, I’d say. In most Emirates 
aircraft (not sureabout the A380’s), theflight attendants come to collect the 
headphones before landing.

If you take/stealthe headphones from an A380, I don’t think they would find out 
in the firstplace. Most aircraft are jam-packed and chaotic especially before 
and at thetime of landing. However, if they still find out, I think they would 
take awaytheir headphones at the most and When that happens, don’t complain! 
You asked for it. would probably fixyou with a loathing stare.

A few years ago,travelling from Kuala Lumpur to London, I asked the flight 
attendant nicely ifI could keep the blanket because I had a long layover in 
Dubai. She happily agreed. 

Next time, if youfeel like your heart won’t settle for anything less than 
aircraft earphones,dare I suggest you resist the urge to nick a pair from under 
the staffs’ noseand instead request nicelyif you could keep one?

 Never underestimatethe places a little bit of niceness would take you! But, 
why try so hard forsome ( let’s be honest, they are useless and quite frankly 
shoddy) headphones?Word to the wise, if youmust, spend all that energy asking 
for an upgrade to business class or better:)

Q2         Which chemicals are used to purifywater?

A2         Kanhaiya Bhatulkar, UPSCAspirantAnswered July 17, 2020

“Millions livedwithout love, none without water!” This dihydrogen infused 
oxygen molecule forms the basis of all livingforms on Earth. Whether it’s for 
cooking or basic sanitation needs,the role of water remains irreplaceable as 
the entire human survival depends onwater. It is estimated that about 3.4 
million of the world’s population dieevery year due to deprived access to clean 
drinking water. Providing safe drinking waterremains a global challenge, for 
which only chemistry has a solution.Being a boon to the mankind, the chemical 
industries have come up with variouswater treatment chemicals which will 
improve access to clean drinking water.


Water treatmentchemicals definition can be given in two lines, however, that 
isn’t ample &would be arbitrary if done. Let’s have a brief introduction on 
what has made usrely on water treatment chemicals.

Contemporarily, thedemand for safe and fresh water is consistently rising, 
owing to satisfy thehuman needs and to support the industrial activities. With 
the increasingurbanization and economic development, the current water supply 
is unlikely tosatisfy the ever growing demands. Hence, the chemical industry 
uses theinnovative ways of water treatment in order to make water acceptable 
for end-use,such as drinking, cooking, irrigation and industrial purpose to 
name a few. 

The water treatment methods use four basicprocesses that include boiler water 
treatment, cooling water treatment, waterpurification and treatment of 
wastewater effluent.The substances that are removed during the water treatment 
process aresuspended solids, viruses, fungi, bacteria, algae, and minerals. The 
processinvolves both physical and chemical methods. The chemical used in this 
processare called water treatment chemicals.


The most commonlyused chemicals for water treatment process are:

    Algicide     Chlorine     Chlorine dioxide

    Muriatic acid     Soda ash orSodium bicarbonate

In additions to theabove chemicals, there are numerous other water treatment 
chemicals used.Coagulants, flocculants, clarifiers and filter cleaners also 
form an importantpart of water treatment methods.


The water treatmentindustry is playing an important role in providing clean 
water globally andprevents various water-related diseases. With the innovative 
boiler watertreatment chemicals and other related chemicals, water from the 
sea, pollutedrivers, and wastewater effluents can now be made safe for human 
consumption. CeraMac at Andijk II,Netherlands have designed and developed a 
membrane, which unlike thetraditional membranes, offers advanced water 
filtration. Meanwhile,PWN Technologies a water treatment giant is involved in 
research to emerge witha unique water treatment solution that’ll help reduce 
the global water crises.They use the technology that involves suspended ion 
exchange, ceramic membraneapplications, and advanced oxidation.


Q3  Which air conditioner is best in terms ofreduction of electricity 

A3         Prasanna Bhalerao Knows about TV,Washing Machines, Refrigerators 
April 30

An inverter AC is the best to reduce theelectricity consumed. ACs are 
markedwith Energy Star Rating. 5-star ACs are the best.

Note that AC priceincrease dramatically with these options and ratings. Unless 
one using AC at least 5 hoursper day, it may not be worth paying extra. 

What matters moreis how the AC is installed. Let me talks about the split AC. 
This AC has anoutdoor cooling unit and indoor distribution unit. I have often 
seen theoutdoor unit installed on the full west or south side walls. This is 
incorrect.What happens is that the harsh sun is beating down on the AC split 
unit and itis reducing its cooling efficiency. The 1.5T AC may work only as 
efficient as a1T AC or even less. Installthe AC on the East and North side 
walls. Elseinstall the AC split unit in an area that has shade most of the day.

This alone willincrease the AC efficiency greatly and you will not need to set 
20–23° C but a25–27° C will be cool enough. 

Q4         Why are most foreigners alwaysreluctant to answer the questions 
asked by Indians?

A4         Gopalkrishna Vishwanath I have been amember of Quora since July 2015 
Fri (111 words in this answer)

I don’t agree thatthis is true. I have beenfortunate to receive many answers to 
my questions from foreigners. It dependson the question.

Most questionsasked by Indians are relevant to India, Indians, Indian politics, 
Indiancustoms, Indian issues, and events.

It is natural thatthese questions will not interest foreigners. And neither 
will they know enoughabout India and Indian issues/events to be able to answer 

Consider thereverse situation too.

Do we Indians answer questions asked by foreigners onissues/events local to 

If we ask questionsthat are truly neutral and choose the right topics they will 
receive answersfrom all over the world.

Q5         Why is temperature less in the boilingwater than water vapour which 
is produced by boiling water?

A5         2 Answers Dennis Pasek, former EngineerAnswered 1h ago

It’s probably theway you are taking the measurements. If the water vapor is not 
saturated, maybe because it hasmixed slightly with surrounding air, or because 
it has risen a bit andexpanded, the temperature will have lowered slightly. 

If the water vaporis visible as steam, it is not saturated. If you measure the 
vapor temperature in an enclosed spacejust above the boiling liquid, the vapor 
should be saturated and in equilibriumwith the liquid, thus, at the same 

Paul Marra, Contractor (1978-present)Answered 3hago

I don’t know if itis, but the reason it could be is because water cannot go 
over its boilingpoint and remain a liquid, but steam can be superheated. 

Q6         Why does watering plants with urinetend to kill them?

3 Answers Chris Harper Answered Thu

Urine contains lots of water and also a bunch ofwastes that your body is trying 
to getrid of including salt and ammonia. Well uric acid which breaks down 

Too much of these things are toxic to the plants. It’sone thing to piss behind 
a tree when you’re out in nature and need to go. It’sanother thing to piss on 
your flowers in the backyard because you think it’sgood for them.

2ND ANSWER Dan Klein, I use and growmedicinal and culinary herbs Answered Wed

It has to be donecorrectly. The urine shouldbe diluted with water first, or the 
plant will suffer nitrogen toxicity.Try using it diluted with water 10 to 1.

Forget about dogurine. Those creatures seem to excrete an herbicide that kills 
most vegetation.If it could be collected it would make a great organic weed 

Q3         Why does hospital policy forbid doctorsand nurses from clipping an 
admitted patient’s fingernails and toenails?

A3         Jennifer Larson Studied Nursing atUniversity of South Dakota 
(Graduated 1996)July 13

It'sbecause of the risk of creating a foot wound on a person with diabetes.The 
policies generally cover all patients to make it easier to follow. Apodiatrist 
should be the only person cutting the toenails of a diabetic person.

I believe there wasa big lawsuit at one point where a nurse cutting toenails 
led to a wound, thenan amputation. 


Q4         Did gum diseases and Diabeties arerelated?

A4         Ruslana Aksakova December 31, 2020 Checkyour mouth for signs of 
problems from diabetes. If you notice any problems, seeyour dentist right away. 
Someof the first signs of gum disease are swollen, tender, or bleeding gums.

Sometimes you won’thave any signs of gum disease. You may not know you have it 
until you haveserious damage. Your best defense is to see your dentist twice a 
year for acleaning and checkup.

How can I preparefor a visit to my dentist?

Plan ahead. Talkwith your doctor and dentist before the visit about the best 
way to take careof your blood glucose during dental work.

You may be taking a diabetes medicine that can causelow blood glucose, also 
called hypoglycemia.If you take insulin or other diabetes medicines, take them 
and eat as usualbefore visiting the dentist. You may need to bring your 
diabetes medicines andyour snacks or meal with you to the dentist’s office.

You may needto postpone any nonemergency dental work if your blood glucose is 
not undercontrol.

If you feel nervousabout visiting the dentist, tell your dentist and the staff 
about yourfeelings. Your dentist can adapt the treatment to your needs. Don’t 
let yournerves stop you from having regular checkups. Waiting too long to take 
care ofyour mouth may make things worse.

What if my mouth is sore after my dental work?

A sore mouth iscommon after dental work. If this happens, you might not be able 
to eat or chewthe foods you normally eat for several hours or days. 

For guidance on how to adjust your usual routine while yourmouth is healing, 
ask your doctor    whatfoods and drinks you should have

    if you should change the time when you takeyour diabetes medicines

    if you should change the dose of yourdiabetes medicines

    how often you should check your blood glucose

Q5         What is green hydrogen, and what arethe key factors boosting the 
green hydrogen market growth?

A5         Anonymous Answered Tue

Green hydrogen is made from regenerative energysources through water 
electrolysis. With thehelp of electric current, water is divided into oxygen 
and hydrogen in anelectrolyzer and grey hydrogen derived from fossil fuels is 
differentiated(such as natural gas) and chemical properties of hydrogen are 

Hydrogen is safe for atmosphere and can be storedand converted into electricity 
or heat as required.

Green hydrogen is amajor component of energy equation and hydrogen is regarded 
as a primarypotential renewable energy resource. It is one of the most 
importantcircular carbon economy (CCE) approaches as it is generated using 
solar energy.


Key factors driving the growth of the greenhydrogen market include a rise in 
environmental concerns to curb carbonemissions and to switch to cleaner fuelsto 
attain sustainable development.


All the above QA are based on Quora digeston 31-07- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 01-08-2021


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