CULTURAL QA 08-2021-13

Being a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1            What are the pros and cons of LEDheadlights in a car?

A1            Chris Ebbert I have owned and drivenover a hundred cars. June 14

My two older carshave old halogen lights, and my newer car has LED. The 
differences I see arethese:

LED never seems toburn out, while the halogens go regularly.

LED light is whiteor bluish, which makes it a lot easier for me to see at 
night; the yellowishhue on the older cars sort of bathes everything in the 
same, gold shade, sothat I sometimes see things much later.

LEDs consume a lotless energy, which shows in the fuel consumption. My Pontiac 
and my Lincolnconsume about a quarter of a liter more per 100 kilometres with 
the lights on.In the Toyota, I see no difference between lights on or off.

I think LEDs rule,and I’m going to convert both my old cars to it eventually.

Q2            Why do human beings eat three mealsa day? Is it some kind of 
standard? Tradition? Was this decided by doctors orcompanies? Is this due to 
natural processes?

A2            Mats Andersson B. Sc, M. Sc fromUppsala University Sun

Force of habit.              

You can easilytrain yourself to have as many or as few meals per day as you 
find convenient,down to one meal. Three meals per day is just the norm in the 
Western worldfrom 1850-1900 onwards; there is nothing particularly beneficial 
about thatarrangement, physiologically.

On the other hand,it makes a lot of sense for industrial workers to have a 
break from work in themiddle of the day. The repetitive and constant nature of 
the movements you dowill make you tired, increasing the risk of injuries and 
accidents. A lunchbreak reduced those risks, as do morning and afternoon 
breaks, which aremandated in most countries. 

Farmers don’t workto that sort of regular schedule, and no one else is 
depending on theirconstant output for their work, so they take breaks whenever 
convenient. Myancestors ate two meals per day up until the early 19th 
century—and presumablyalso snacks of some kind whenever they felt the need for 
a break, but thatisn’t as well documented.

So the basic answer is just “economics”.

Q3            To fill a tank, 25 buckets of wateris required. How many buckets 
of water will be required to fill the same tank if thecapacity of bucket is 
reduced to two-fifth of its present?

A3                       2Answers     -Hungenahalli SitaramaraoBadarinath, 
former CE, Graduate, PG, Research Scholar and Faculty at IndianInstitute of 
Technology, Roorkee (1964-2000) Answered March 7, 2019.

The tank requires25 buckets of water to fill it.

If the capacity ofthe tank is (2/5)th its present volume, the number of buckets 
to fill the sametank is 25/(2/5) = 25*5/2 = 125/2

= 62.5 buckets. Answer

2ND ANSWER Sagar Kumar Das , Civil serviceaspirantAnswered March 4, 2020

Present capacity of1 Bucket is x L 

Tank capacity =25xL

So, the newcapacity of 1 Bucket will be= 2/5xL

Let, The new no. ofBuckets of water= N



N=62.5 (Answer)

My note- Many may at first instance , reduction in thesize of tank instead of 

Q4            I burnt my leg with a curling ironso I applied some Vaseline on 
it and rapped a bandage around it, but my leg issuper itchy. Why?

A4            Bruce Bell Following ClimateChange since 199519h ago

It may be becauseit’s healing Or it may be because it’s getting infected. Go 
see a real doctorinstead of asking a bunch of know-nothing Quorans who have 
never even seen you.

Q5            Why am I well liked but don’t havefriends? When I am around 
people, I am social but once I leave, I never hearfrom them again. I am always 
the one to engage.

A5            Bhuvana Rameshwar Observe humans Mon

This is common with many of us. I'm also like you.People with little self 
respect  realizethis sooner, like me. 

We are the ones whorun behind relationships because we are happy in life . We 
ensure friendshipscontinue. We make time for others. For us life is happiness. 
We call people, wevisit them, we send messages, we wish on bdays, new year and 
we are the oneswho ensure contacts do not break.

I was the one whotirelessly ensured I kept in touch with my school, college and 
all otherfriends. If I don't contact, visit /call they do not care to check on 
me. Theydo not care whether I'm dead or alive.

After many years if I call or send a friendship daymessage they are very happy 
and relieved . Their ego gets a pat thanks to me.They wait a whole year for me 
to contact but they will not message or call.Why? I do not know. But they all 
talk for hours if I call, reply immediately tomessages etc with no guilt or 
basic friendship etiquettes.

But they taking theinitiative once atleast out four, to call first or message.. 
It never happens.Why? May be because

They think we are not so important, but they are.They think we should keep 
contact, they needn't. They think we are humble, andsimple (or stupid) enough 
to keep this relationship going without any ego. Theythink we owe them 
something in life, not they.

Sometimes I stop contacting and the relationshipinvariably breaks. Many of my 
so called friendships have thus broken. Nobody isbothered. I think they are 
also too busy with no time for us. Or rather we arenot important in their lives

Or the last one holds true

We are living agood life. They do not want to see it or hear from us about our 
good lives lestit upsets them and their bland routine. It is only an “escapism 
trick “ fromfacing the progress in your life. So meet them when you can, but do 
not runbehind them as it not worth it. That is why we have many friends, 
relatives inyoung age but lose many and by oldage have only a handful true 
friends . Theothers were all fake, time pass and temporary. They envied us all 
the while,unknown to us. They weren't worth in the first place.

Q6            How do I lift water to overheadwater tank 3 floors high without 

A6            3Answers Ray Rodgers , B.S. Physics,B.S. Chemical Eng, M.S. 
Electrical EngAnswered May 5, 2017

Grab a fewfriends and give them some buckets.

Or, put amechanical pump system in with a large crank. Then grab a few friends 
to turnthat crank.

If you’re lackingfriends then you can put in a coal furnace with a boiler and 
steam turbine. Theturbine could connect to the crank directly.

2ND ANSWER Ruben Valenzuela , LaboratoryTechnician at Compton Community College 
(1994-present) Answered May 5, 2017

You may need somepower from electricity to make it work faster, but it could be 
done manually with pumps. You putwater in a holding tank about half full. Then 
close the valve and pump air into tank. Thewater can now flow up a pipe 
connected to bottom of holding tank by theback-pressure created by compressed 

3RD ANSWER-Gopala Krishnan, former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now

In Kerala, India,slopes are more, So construct a house about 35 feet below the 
road level. Inthis case the water pipe in the road level , will go up in the 
third floorwater tank. Water will come automatically to all floors.

If the pump stationis very close to your HOUSE flow from  Muncipal overhead 
tank will be with muchpressure and water may go up one floor automatically.

I have seen inKerala Pathanamthitta district homes about 10 feet below road 
connecting pipeline directly to overhead tank

Q7           Besidesintelligence, what are humans better at than most other 

A7            Claire Jordan Degree in biology andfolklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper August 3

Manual dexterity. Endurance running. Digestingalmost any damn’ thing (although 
we’re not as good at that one as rats are).Complex language skills (linked to 
but not quite the same as intelligence). Being good at running, climbing 
andswimming - many animals do one or two of these as well as or better thanwe 
can, but it’s unusual to be good at all three (although again, rats….). Full 
binocular vision and goodcolour vision (we share this with most other primates 
and birds). Recreationalsex.

Q8            What is the right age to introducekids to books?

A8            Ramya Annadurai Technical Writer(2007–present) Mon 

Around 2 yearsold.My son started to learn alphabets and vegetable names when he 
was 2 yearsold.

>From the age of 3,he started reading story books, fairy tales and Tenali Raman 

Now, he reads alltypes of books.

His most favoritebooks are Alchemist by Mr. Paulo Coelho, Wings of Fire by Dr. 
APJ Abdul Kalamand Who Owns my Life by Mr. Anubhav Jain.

He loves reading alot.

His day starts withreading books and he never wants to miss this out.

Yesterday, I happened to watch a news of an one and halfyear old baby 
recognizing vegetables from books.

Kids are growing upsmarter nowadays. Get them good books to read every day.

Q9            Why is it cruel to eat dogs andcats, but perfectly acceptable for 
many people to eat pig when they're veryintelligent?

A9            Claire Jordan Degree in biology andfolklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper Mon

The firstconsideration is how they are treated. Dogs and cats raised for 
slaughter areoften treated very cruelly. Pigssometimes are too, but at least 
most developed countries at least try to imposegood welfare rules to protect 

The secondconsideration is that we’ve raised companion species such as cats 
and,especially, dogs to trust us and rely on us to a degree that pigs don’t. 
Youcan make friends with a pig and raise it to love and trust you as a 
familymember, but if you don’t make that big effort to socialise them, 
unsocialisedpigs regard us as a potential meal, the same way we do them.

 So do some feral dogs, but generally speaking dogs and cats come at 
leastpartially pre-brainwashed and inclined to trust us.

It’s the differencebetween murdering your neighbour and murdering your child. 
To some extentthat’s literal, because we’ve bred dogs and cats to be neotenous 
- to retainjuvenile behaviours and characteristics into adulthood - to a much 
greaterextent than we have with most breeds of pig.

My note-Certain animal meat are not suited to humans. I think dogs and cats  
come in that category- read else where. 

Q10         Inearlier times, older people acted superior to younger people. In 
today's times,it is the other way round. Why has the pendulum swung from one 
extreme toanother?

A10          Bhuvana Rameshwar Observe humans Tue

I find thefollowing the main reasons for this change in the balance

1.Technology aids in getting knowledge instantlyon any subject, so the parents 
are not considered wiser. They do not needparents advice. People online will 
suffice. Google gives knowledge in taboosubjects too, conveniently.

2.Salary in hand.. Most youngsters are earning wellsoon after completing their 
education. Their starting salaries are almost awhopping three or four fold of 
the parents starting salaries. Too much moneysuddenly on their young hands with 
self sufficient parents not asking for any!

3.Adult children are not dependent on parents asthey get jobs by 21 years 
itself. When you are a dependent you are submissive,you behave, you do not act 
over smart . Once this is not their the voice getslouder, ruder and sometimes 
has an irritable attitude.

4.Attitude problem.. Adult children think parents arevintage, out dated. A 
slight arrogance from their part seems to snub gullibleparents. But sometimes 
parents have the last laugh, though softly. Hereexperience in life does play an 
important part. 

5.Living alone, independently, in far away towns,cities gives them the freedom 
to do what they want unlike a joint family. Thisapplies to bachelors or young 
married couples in nuclear families. They thinkthey know it all about the life 
in big cities compared to parents in smallercities and towns. Here exposure is 
considered as wisdom by them. This attitudesometimes teaches them some of the 
best yet cruelest of lessons in life.

All these create an illusion of better life, more knowledgeand a superior 
attitude in youngsters, not knowingthe elders are equally well versed in 
everything if not more except thetechnology (hard ware, soft ware part). This 
makes them even dominate theirparents, all until the same is done by their next 

Q11           do people in Scotland do for aliving?

A11          Claire Jordan Degree in biology andfolklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper Tue

As with England, there isn’t much heavy industry ormining any more. There’s a 
lot of agriculture and fishing - perhapssurprisingly, given the climate, 
Scotland is a major producer of soft fruit - and of course wehave the oil 
industry, and whisky and tweed manufacture, although I don’t thinkthe numbers 
they employ are all that big. And we have all the regular adminjobs such as 
financial trading, and a huge tourism industry.

But increasingly, Scotland is a world leader in coding andtechnology, 
especially gaming, robotics,prosthetic limb design and renewable energy. It’s 
always been a world leader inscientific and medical research, and is currently 
planning to set up its ownspaceport - although a friend did rather unkindly 
describe the current state ofplay as "A field inShetland, with a tent. And a 

Q12          Is water a solution? If so, then whatare its characteristics?

A12          2Answers Ritwik Sunny  , former CustomerSupport Executive at Ashok 
LeylandAnswered 2h ago

Solutions arehomogeneous mixtures containing two or more substances called the 
solute andsolvent. The solute is the substance that dissolves. The solvent is 
thedissolving medium. When looking at a solution it is impossible to 
distinguishthe solute from the solvent.

Rashmi Raval , Bsc Bachelor of Science inChemistry & Research, Guru Nanak 
Khalsa College, Mumbai (1994) Answered 1hago

Water is auniversal solution. Characteristics of water are it is colourless 
tasteless andodourless.

All the above QA are based on Quora digeston 12-08- 2021/Quora answers need not 
be 100%correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 13- 08-2021


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