Respected friends, 

While goingthrough one of my external memory device, I came across some good 
information stored from websites. I thought ofsharing interesting ones from 
them as a series. 

In part 79, I amstarting with 290th    item in this posting. Kindly note the 
series is a compilation. 


Gopala Krishnan 13-08-21

290 Rigveda Ananthaa Vai Vedaah

 Thevoluminous vedas were edited into four parts by the intellectual 
colossusMaharshi Veda Vyaasa.The European scholars due to their lack of proper 
understanding of Aarshavidya,have attempted to bind the timeless in time 

 The presentlimited form of the vedas that are available are merely the 
observations ofgreat seers that they experienced in their 

 Any attemptto lend a chronological order to this eternal source of knowledge. 
Can only betermed as quite audacious. Yet all the scholars unanimously agree 
that theRgveda is the oldest available literature. 

291 Rigveda Murthy

 Thestructure/form of Rigveda: The Rigveda is hymn-oriented. The Rgveda mantras 
arecalled Rcha because they are hymns, praising various devaas. 
Thegroup/collection of such Rchaas is known as a sukta. Therefore, Rigveda is 
essentially the suktascompiled together. 

 292 Branches of Rigveda: 

The variousmantras such as the Rchas in the form of the Rigveda etc are for the 
Ritwiks’use to perform different sacrificial activities. The compilation of the 
rchasin the Rigvedic form is for the facility of Hotr (Hota), the supreme among 
theRtwicks. The composition of Rchas neither took place at a single period of 
timeor place. We must, however, always remember that by the word ‘composition’ 
itis meant the flashes of realisation achieved by the Rshis during 

 Thus, thecomposition or the compilation of the Rchas was achieved by various 
mastersteaching their pupil and the Hotas performing sacrifices hailing from 
differentfamilies and races. 

 The resultwas that different editions of rchas evolved commonly called the 
Rgveda eitherindependently or collectively. Thus, there were various branches 
of Rgveda based on its study,teaching and use in the sacrifices. Ekavimshathi 

 AccordingMahabhashya, the commentary on Maharshi Paanini’s Ashtaadyaayi, by 
BhagawanPatanjali, therewere TWENTY ONE branches of Rgveda. 

 The numberof branches varies as stated by other texts. The Charanavyuha 
mentionsShaakalaa, Vaashklaa Aashvatayanee, Shaankhaayanee and Maandukaayanee 
as themost prominent branches of Rgveda. Each branch had its own samhitaa 
section andtherefore it can be safely declared that there were as many samhitas 
as thebranches. 

 Unfortunately, only one branch of Rgvedais available today. Following the 
ancient tradition itis also known by it name as Shaakalaasamitaa. Whatever 
information perceptionand understanding we have Rgveda is based solely on this 

 A collectionof rchas is knowns as a sukta. There are 1028 suktaas in Rgveda. 
If thesmallest sukta contains one rcha then the largest contains 58 rchas. In 
allthere are about 10,600 rchas in all the suktas.

 The Rgveda is classified in two ways. 

 The wholeRgveda is divided into 8 parts known as Ashtakaani. Each ashtakam is 
furtherdivided into eight parts known as adhyaaya. There are an indeterminate 
numberof vargas in these adhyaayas that are a collection of about five or six 
rchas. Thus, there are eight ashtakasand 64 adhyaayas in Rgveda. 

 This classificationdid not gain much following as it was hypothetical. 

 Second one is a more authentic and naturalclassification. A sukta is the most 
genuine andsmallest unit of Rgveda that conveys its own individual point. The 
1028 suktasare divided into 10 mandalas. This classification is also historical 
in nature20 divided that each mandala of six of the ten is attributed to either 
one ofrshis hailing from the same gotra (Mandalas 2-7). 

 The rshis ofthese mandalas in order are Grtsamada, Vishwamitra, Vaamadeva, 
Atri,Bharadwaaja and Vasishta along with their descendents. The fact that 
thesemandalas are ascribed only to one family each and their 
sequentialclassification confirm them to be the oldest. The ninth mandala is 
also knownas Pavamaanamandala. 

 Singing theglory and worship of various deities is the fundamental subject 
matter ofRgveda. This veda is a vast collection of hymnin praise of the 
deities. Thechief deities eulogised in this veda are Agni, Indra, Varuna, 
Vishnu, Savitaa,Marut, Mitra, etc.

  The hymns in praise of individual deva isknown as suktas. The description of 
different factors related to the devaasalso throws sufficient light on the 
social, historical, political andgeographical conditions of those times. 

 There are suktas devoted to other independent subjectsother than the deities. 
Some describe a conversation, some preach ethicsthrough the description of a 
game of dice. Othersdiscuss social life and get others enumerate philosophical 

 Rgveda isthe oldest available literature of the mankind. The ancient most 
picture of theAryan of Hindu race in its completeness is provided here. All 
aspects of Vediccivilisation and culture are available in this. There is vivid 
description ofthe religious, political, cultural, literacy, social and 
scientific thought ofthe Hindu race and their development in Rgveda.

 293 Rgvaidic Dharma: 

 Aryans orHindus consider the Veda as the root source of their Dharma.   Today 
Hindu Dharma has undergone tremendouschange. Some worship the almighty as one 
with attributes and some without anyform. Some believe in many Gods  and 
someonly in one. Variousschools of philosophy like Advaita, Vishistaadvaita, 
Dwaita and Traita, whereall owe their roots to the vedas. The basic Dharma of 
Rgveda is theworship of deities. This worship could be in the form of 
propitiating manydeities or one single supreme consciousness. 

 a) The Worship of Many deities: On the surface,worship of many deities does 
seem to be the fundamental Dharma of Rgveda. 33 deities figure prominently 

 On beingworshipped these Devas or gods bestow on man with various powers and 

 MaharshiYaska classified these Devas into three categories.    Prithvi 
sthaaneeya, Antariksha sthaaneeyaand Dyusthaaneeya ie., terrestial, those 
belonging to space and those belongingto heaven. 

 b) Single God theory: The hidden meaning ofVaidic  mantras indicate toward 
onesingle Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Lord. The vaidic sages 
worshippedone single supreme consciousness. This supreme consciousness is 
Paramaatman, Eeshwara, Purusha orBhrahman. 

The variousdeities are merely  the expression of hisvarious powers and 
characteristics. There are many mantras that support thisfact.

 Indrammitram Varunamagniraahuryo divyassuparno garutmaan

Ekam sadVipraa bahudhaa vadantyagnim yamam maatraarishwaanamaahuhu

(Rgveda -1.644.6)

 Though one,the supreme consciousness is called by many names suchas - Indra, 
Mitra,Varuna, Agni, Divya, Suparna, Garutmaan, Agni, Yama and Maataarishwa by 

 Yaskacharyatoo echoes the same theory.Mahaabhaagyad devataaya Eka Eva aatmaa 
bahudhaa stuy

The soul ofall the Devas is one.   It is glorifiedin many ways. Rishi Dayananda 
through irrefutable arguments has proved thesame.

 c) Sacrifice: The vaidic dharma is known as the Dharma ofsacrifies.  But the 
exact meaning of theword Yagna is not clear.   Many sages have defined Yagna as 
acts of selfless service.   No matter what the meaning be, Rgvedaendorses it.  

 294 Philosophical thought evolution in Rgveda. 

 Thephilosophical thought evolution of the Hindus has its seeds in Rgveda.    
Atman - Paramaatman, creation - genesis,death, rebirth and salvation etc have 
been deeply and exhaustively discussed inRgveda. 

 a) Eswara, Jeeva - Prakriti :   The Hindus accept threefactors responsible for 
the creation and administration of the universe. Theyare Eeshwara, Jeeva and 
Prakriti.  Creation comes into being with the union of Jeeva and Prakriti. 
Eeshwara is the regulator andadministrator of creation. 

 The Jeeva isbound and is caught in vicious circle of birth and death by 
Prakriti i.e.,nature.  He attains freedom from thisbondage having realised from 
true self and achieves absolute emancipation and becomes ever blissful.   Many 
mantras in Rgveda endorse this three-factor point.

 b) Creation: There about 6 to 7 suktaas in Rgveda regardingthe genesis of this 
Universe.   TheNaasadiya, Hiranyagarbha and Purusha suktaas are the most 
famous.   Naasadiya sukta (10.129) describesthe condition before the creation, 
and evolution of the Universe.   

  In the beginning there was nothing. There wereneither worlds nor sky, neither 
momentum nor pace, neither birth nor death norimmortality, neither day nor 
night. Only the Omnipotent, supreme consciousness,existed in dormant form.   

 Desire wasborn in His heart and the seed of creation was born, where from He 
Himself wasborn or his creation, whether the devas were born before the 
creation or after? Who has ever understood? 

 The supreme consciousness, the supreme Lord isthe only Lord of this creation 
and he alone should known and understood. The Hiranyagarbha sukta too describes 
the process of creation.   

 In thebeginning the Hirayagarbha Parmaatman alone existed.  He was the sole 
lord of all createdbeing.  He bears on his person the earthand celestial 

I will continue in next posting


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