1 Yesterday I happen to read on Planet Sani by an exponent without
bothering to go deep behind in eliciting what is what; so I thought what
are planets and astrology goes more by stars rather than the planets as
well as Indian Rishis knew 10000 years back itself , that sun is only a
star. If you have time pl go through:  KR IRS 19821

Planets in vedas

             Planets in astrology as well as astronomy, do the jobs
ordained by Karma and Easwara. Like owner or Govt as Easwara, asking the
employees do the ordinances as per rules.  karma
<> is the combined deeds of a person,
comprising their expressed thoughts, words and actions, some of which may
be good, and some bad. The judgement on such karma
<> is delivered by Lord Shani. the putra
(son) of Surya <> and Chhaya
<>, .' There is no evidence of sani
with the Easwara title; sanichara , sani that moves, might have been
twisted as saneeswaran. Moreover the stars have the effective predictions
in the astrology.

           2  Saturn, son of the Lord Surya and Chhaya, is believed to be
the greatest teacher who rewards the righteous acts and punishes those who
follow the path of evil and betrayal. Also known as the Lord or Karma and
Justice, Lord Shani <> is
considered to be the most malefic planet that brings restrictions and
misfortunes. It has the power to bring a difference in your personal and
professional life. Therefore, it is very important that you know when and
how to flow with the effects of Saturn.
This planet takes almost 30 years to make one revolution around the Sun, so
it stays for around 2.5 years in every zodiac sign. However, this period
can extend up to 5 or 7.5 years. This presence of Shani in your zodiac sign
causes problems in your life, whether it is your relationships, money,
career and more. This makes people panic, as these problems can last from
2.5 years to 7.5 years.

      3  The effects of Saturn on human beings are many-fold. Shani is a
planet of obstruction, distress, depression, sorrow, sickness and is
capable of bringing adversaries in a human’s life. One finds it very
difficult during its phase; one may find yourself strangled, restless and
depressed. Shani has its own way to balance out things. It can make you
move forward, evolve and overcome obstacles in your life. Saturn period
comes once or twice in one’s lifetime, maximum two times. It comes once in
every 30 years and stays for almost 7.5 years. The first Saturn period is
very severe and creates huge troubles in your personal and professional

    4     The stars and planets are described in various scriptures right
from Rig vedam down to sangam and tirupugazh.

        நாளென் செயும்வினை தானென் செயுமெனை நாடிவந்த

கோளென் செயுங்கொடுங் கூற்றென் செயுங்கும ரேசரிரு

தாளுஞ் சிலம்புஞ் சதங்கையும் தண்டையுஞ் சண்முகமுந்

தோளுங் கடம்பு மெனக்குமுன் னேவந்து தோன்றிடினே.

- ஸ்ரீ அருணகிரிநாதர் எழுதிய கந்தர் அலங்காரத்தில் இருந்து


நாட்கள் அடியேனை என்ன செய்யும்? வினைதான் என்ன செய்யும்?

அடியேனைத் தேடிவந்த கோள் தான் என்ன செய்யும்?

யமனால்தான் என்ன செய்யமுடியும்? குமரக்கடவுளின் இரண்டு

திருவடிகளும் சிலம்புகளும் சதங்கையும், தண்டைகளும் ஆறு

திருமுகங்களும் பன்னிருதோள்களும் கடப்ப மலர் மாலையும்

அடியேனுக்கு முன்வந்து தோன்றிடுமே. [ஏன் எனில் நான் அவனிடம் முழுமையாக
சரணடைந்துவிட்டேன். எனக்கு என்ன நிகழ்ந்தாலும் அது அவன் திருவடிகளையே சேரும்.
அவனே என் கவசமாக வந்து நிற்பான் எந்நிலையிலும் எந்நேரத்திலும்.]

Naal en seiyum? Vinaidhaan en seiyum? Enai naadi vandha

kol en seiyum? Kodum kootru en seiyum?

Kumaresar iru thaallum silambum sadhangkaiyum thandaiyunj sanmugamunth

tholum kadambum enakku munne vandhu thondridine.

* From ‘Kandhar Alangkaaram’ written by Sri Arunagirinathar


What can the days do to me? What can the results of my past or present
deeds do to me? What can the planets looking for me or the slander and
gossip of others do to me? - ‘Kol’ has two meanings in Tamil. What can the
cruel messenger of death do to me? [When] Lord Muruga’s Holy Feet, adorned
with anklets, strings of tinkling bells, and more anklets, and the Lord's
six sacred Faces and twelve Shoulders, adorned with garlands of kadambu
flowers (a type of flower), graciously appear before me. [It means that
when I have surrendered myself completely unto Him, everything that happens
to me or is directed towards me is directly towards His Thiruvadi (Holy
Lotus Feet) only. And at all times and under all circumstances He is my
shield who will stand before me].

5    Mahabharatham 143  8 to 11 Udyoga parva

All these omens, making the hairs (of the spectators) stand on their ends,
indicate, O thou of Vrishni's race, the defeat of Dhritarashtra's son and
the victory of Yudhishthira. That fierce planet of great effulgence,
*Sanaischara* (Saturn), is afflicting the constellation called *Rohini*, in
order to afflict greatly the creatures of the earth. The planet
*Angaraka* (Mars),
wheeling, O slayer of Madhu, towards the constellation *Jeshthya*,
approacheth towards *Anuradhas*, indicating a great slaughter of friends.
Without doubt, O Krishna, a terrible calamity approacheth the Kurus when
specially, O thou of Vrishni's race, the planet *Mahapat* afflicteth the
constellation *Chitra*. The spot on the lunar disc hath changed its
position; and *Rahu* also approacheth towards the sun. Meteors are falling
from the sky with loud noise and trembling motion. The elephants are
sending forth frightful cries, while the steeds,

6   Bhishma parva 6  2   32

    At sun-rise flights of insects, by hundreds are seen. In both
twilights, the cardinal quarters seem to be ablaze, and the clouds, O
Bharata, shower dust and flesh. She, O king, who is celebrated over the
three worlds and is applauded by the righteous, even that (constellation)
*Arundhati* keepeth (her lord) Vasistha on her back. The planet *Sani* also,
O king, appeareth afflicting (the constellation) *Rohini*. The sign of the
deer in the Moon hath deviated from its usual position. A great terror is
indicated. Even though the sky is cloudless, a terrible roar is heard
there. The animals are all weeping and their tears are falling fast.'"

7    BHISHMA PARVA 6  3  11-18, 27,28

  The earth is frequently trembling, and *Rahu* approacheth towards the
sun. The white planet (*Ketu*) stayeth, having passed beyond the
constellation *Chitra*. All this particularly bodeth the destruction of the
Kurus. A fierce comet riseth, afflicting the constellation *Pusya*. This
great planet will cause frightful mischief to both the armies. Mars
wheeleth towards *Magha* and *Vrihaspati* (Jupiter) towards *Sravana*. The
Sun's offspring (*Sani*) approaching towards the constellation *Bhaga*,
afflicteth it. The planet *Sukra*, ascending towards *Purva Bhadra*,
shineth brilliantly, and wheeling towards the *Uttara Bhadra*, looketh
towards it, having effected a junction (with a smaller planet). The white
planet (*Ketu*), blazing up like fire mixed with smoke, stayeth, having
attacked the bright constellation *Jeshtha* that is sacred to Indra. The
constellation *Dhruva*, blazing fiercely, wheeleth towards the right. Both
the Moon and the Sun are afflicting *Rohini*. The fierce planet (*Rahu*)
hath taken up its position between the constellations *Chitra* and *Swati*. The
red-bodied (Mars) possessed of the effulgence of fire, wheeling
circuitously, stayeth in a line with the constellation *Sravana* over-ridden
by *Vrihaspati*.

8    The effulgence of the constellation known by the name of the seven
high-souled *Rishis*, hath been dimmed. Those two blazing planets, *viz.*,
*Vrihaspati* and *Sani*, having approached the constellation called
*Visakha*, have become stationary there for a whole year. Three lunations
twice meeting together in course of the same lunar fortnight, the duration
of the latter is shortened by two days. 3
<> On the thirteenth
day therefore, from the first lunation, according as it is the day of the
full moon or the new moon, the moon and the sun are afflicted by *Rahu*.
Such strange eclipses, both lunar and solar, forebode a great slaughter. 4
<> All the quarters of
the earth, being overwhelmed by showers of dust, look inauspicious. Fierce
clouds, portentous of danger, drop bloody showers during the night. *Rahu* of
fierce deeds is also, O monarch, afflicting the constellation *Kirtika*.
Rough winds, portending fierce danger, are constantly blowing. All these
beget a war characterised by many sad incidents. The constellations are
divided into three classes. Upon one or another of each class, a planet of
evil omen has shed its influence, foreboding terrible dangers.  A lunar
fortnight had hitherto consisted of fourteen days, or fifteen days (as
usual), or sixteen days. This, however, I never knew that the day of
new-moon would be on the *thirteenth* day from the first lunation, or the
day of full-moon on the thirteenth day from the same. And yet in course of
the same month both the Moon and the Sun have undergone eclipses on the
thirteenth days from the day of the first lunation.  The Sun and the Moon
therefore, by undergoing eclipses on unusual days,  will cause a great
slaughter of the creatures of the earth.

     9 The fact is, three lunations twice meeting together in course of the
same lunar fortnight is very rare. The lunar-fortnight (*Paksha*) being
then reduced by two days, the day of full-moon or that of new moon, instead
of being (as usual) the fifteenth day from the first lunation becomes the
thirteenth day. Lunar-eclipses always occur on days of the full-moon, while
solar-eclipses on those of the new moon. Such eclipses, therefore,
occurring on days removed from the days of the first lunation by thirteen
instead of (as usual) fifteen days, are very extraordinary occurrences.

10    Taitriya samhitai Y V 4  4  10

*i. 4. 10.*

a Ye gods that are eleven in the sky,

Eleven on the earth,

Who sit mightily in the waters, eleven in number,

Do ye accept this saerifice.

b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good
leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken

the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do
thou guard the folk with thy power; this

is thy birthplace; to the All−gods thee!

*i. 4. 11.*

a Three and thirty in troops the Rudras

Frequent the sky and earth, the destructive ones,

Eleven seated on the waters;

May all of them accept the Soma pressed for the pressing.

b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good
leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken

the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do
thou guard the folk with thy power; this

is thy birthplace; to the all−gods thee!

*i. 4. 12.*

a Thou art taken with a support.

To Indra thee, to him of the Brhat (Saman),

The strong, eager for praise.

Thy great strength, O Indra,

To that thee!

To Visnu thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra, eager for praise, thee!

*i. 4. 13.*

a The head of the sky, the messenger of earth,

Vaiçvanara, born for holy order, Agni,

The sage, the king, the guest of men,

The gods have produced as a cup for their mouths.

b Thou art taken with a support; to Agni Vaiçvanara thee! Thou art

The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita)

That is stars were initially taken as 33 then were retained as 28 and
finalised as 27 concerned with the astrology. Taitriya Samhita speaks about

11     RIG VEDA 7  86  1  10   88   13

7  86  1  NAMES sun AS A STAR:

धीरा तवस्य महिना जनूंषि वि यस्तस्तम्भ रोदसी चिदुर्वी |
पर नाकं रष्वं नुनुदे बर्हन्तं दविता नक्षत्रम्पप्रथच्च भूम ||

dhīrā tvasya mahinā janūṃṣi vi yastastambha rodasī cidurvī |
pra nākaṃ ṛṣvaṃ nunude bṛhantaṃ dvitā nakṣatrampaprathacca bhūma


1. WISE, verily, are creatures through his greatness who stayed ever,
spacious heaven and earth asunder;
Who urged the high and mighty sky to motion, the Star of old, and spread
the earth before him.

वैश्वानरं कवयो यज्ञियासो.अग्निं देवा अजनयन्नजुर्यम |
नक्षत्रं परत्नममिनच्चरिष्णु यक्षस्याध्यक्षन्तविषं बर्हन्तम ||

vaiśvānaraṃ kavayo yajñiyāso.aghniṃ devā ajanayannajuryam |
nakṣatraṃ pratnamaminaccariṣṇu yakṣasyādhyakṣantaviṣaṃ bṛhantam


13 The wise and holy Deities engendered Agni Vaiśvānara whom age ne’er
touches. The Ancient Star that wanders on for ever, lofty and. strong, Lord
of the Living Being.

चतुस्त्रिंशद वाजिनो देवबन्धोर्वङकरीरश्वस्य सवधितिःसमेति |
अछिद्रा गात्रा वयुना कर्णोत परुष-परुरनुघुष्य वि शस्त ||

catustriṃśad vājino devabandhorvaṅkrīraśvasya svadhitiḥsameti |
achidrā ghātrā vayunā kṛṇota paruṣ-paruranughuṣya vi śasta ||

Many criticism I had seen our own people bragging, we in our scriptures,
named earth as flat and sun as planet. Both are incorrect. SUN in the above
Rig Vedam is termed only as a star Nakshatra. 34 ribs denotes that 33 plus
one star mainly circumambulating the universe and the space.

18 The four-and-thirty ribs of the. Swift Charger, kin to the Gods, the
slayer's hatchet pierces. Cut ye with skill, so that the parts be flawless,
and piece by piece declaring them dissect them. (rv 1   162   18  )

      12    A popular folklore based on Ramayana highlights the defeat of
Ravana at the hands of *Sani*. Having brought the *navagrahas* under his
control, Ravana made them lie face down on the steps to his throne. Even
*Sani* could not cast his spell on him as he was unable to face Ravana from
his position. It was then that Narada came to Ravana and mockingly told him
that the latter had no guts to face the *navagrahas* and that is why he had
made them lie face down. His pride pricked, Ravana ordered the *navagrahas* to
lie on their backs. This enabled *Sani* to cast his spell on Ravana and set
in motion the events that brought about his downfall, paving the way for
the final battle with Rama.

     13     The navagrahas are also known to have an impact on the
different parts of our bodies and their smooth functioning. For instance,
*Surya* provides longevity and good health, *Chandra* has an impact on the
digestive system, fertility and mental health, *Mangala* affects muscular
strength, *Budha* causes respiratory and skin-related issues, *Guru* impacts
metabolism, liver and pancreas, *Sukra* the reproductive organs, while
*Sani* is associated with nerve-related issues and *Rahu* and *Ketu* with
fears and phobias. The *navagraha shanti puja* or *navagraha homam*, as it
is popularly known, is an elaborate Vedic ritual invoking the blessings of
these *grahas*, and is performed by trained priests or *ritwiks*, who chant
mantras and make offerings to them. This ritual is usually performed
coinciding with auspicious occasions in the family. Most temples in South
India have, within the temple complex, a place devoted to the *navagrahas*,
where devotees offer prayers and do *parikrama* or circumambulate the
deities, nine times. The navagrahas are usually placed on a black coloured
stone or granite pedestal. They are placed in a single square with *Surya* at
the centre surrounded by the other eight deities.  Interestingly, no two
*navagraha* deities are placed facing each other. The directions in which
these deities are placed on the pedestal typically based upon whether the
temple follows *Agama Pratishtha* or *Vaidika Pratishtha*. There are also
other kinds of installations and manifestations of the *navagraha* deities
that are found in different temples around the country. Tamil Nadu is home
to many well-known *navagraha* temples. According to tradition, the
*navagrahas* at the Navapashanam Temple, located at Devipattinam is said to
be installed by Lord Rama himself. Kumbakonam town in Thanjavur district
has nine temples dedicated primarily to the worship of Lord Shiva that have
important *pratishtanas* of each of the *navagrahas*, within the respective
temples. Suriyanar Temple is dedicated to *Surya*, Thinagaloor Temple to
*Chandra*, Vaitheeswaran Temple to *Angaraka* or *Mangala*, Thiruvenkadu
Temple to *Budha*, Alangudi Temple to *Guru*, Kanjanoor Temple to *Sukra*,
Thirunallaru Temple to *Sani*, Thirunageswaram Temple to *Rahu* and
Keezhperumpallam Temple to *Ketu*.

       14      The word *graha* means ‘to grasp’ as well as house. Grahya
twisted as Graha.  Planets are believed to grasp and exert *karmic* forces
that affect our lives, both in a positive and negative manner. A *graha* can
be auspicious or inauspicious for an individual or a group of people – even
nations – based on its planetary position at a given point of time. The
subtle energies conveyed by the *grahas* affect the physical and mental
faculties of living beings, thus impacting our *karmas* and the
consequences thereof. *Jyotisha-shastram*, an important branch of Vedic
studies – also known as a *Vedanga* or one of the limbs of the Vedas – is a
comprehensive study of how the various elements of the cosmos and their
interplay affect our lives, individually and collectively, and our *karmas*.
The *karma phalas* or ‘fruits of our karmas’ are believed to have
far-reaching outcomes across life-times. Astrological charts are,
therefore, drawn based on planetary positions and individual horoscopes are
made factoring in the location of different planets and their impact at the
time of one’s birth. A horoscope is, basically, a karmic chart. It is sort
of a balance sheet giving a snapshot of our assets and liabilities, in the
form of good and bad *karmas* as reflected by the planetary conjunctions,
and an analysis of the same provides information about potential
opportunities and pitfalls in our lives.

KR 18821

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