*Mar*Getting Drenched In Rain Or Health

In free lush and thick nature, no organism, excepting the human, runs away
to some shelter, to avoid drenching from rain. Rain water must be very
healthy. The basic soil gets nourishment, when floods distribute the
healthy nourishing flood to all land, creating the great population
explosion in the soil bacteria, resulting in the lush growth of plants
which develop into forests, creating flora which follows the tenets of

If given freedom, every child will happily dance in rain, its spirit
getting great reinforcement. When there was no urbanization and polluting
industrialization, when people were living in small huts in thick
vegetation, the drenched leaves, plants, land and the lakes..., were
available in plenty giving the health giving water to us humans.

If we just remember the Sulphuric acid fall, and the Nitric acid fall, both
called the acid rainfall instead of the natural rainfall, when we see whole
forests with withered leaves due to the acid scalding, and totally poisoned
water bodies, animals made sick and unhealthy with all sorts of infections,
then we will be ashamed to teach the present subjects called economic
development, where really important points are cleverly concealed by the
high brow technical looking econometrics.

Nature has intended rainfall to be the Health Bounty Fall to all. In free
nature or nature not poisoned, imagine the lush vegetation that reinforces
the great lust for life, the lust for art and dance, the lust to live. It
was nature when every cow becomes the Kamadhenu, creating the Gokulam for
the Gopikas and Gopas.

Today the Kamadhenu, is made beef. There are no gokulams,Gopikas and
Gopalas, their high brow intellectual disparagement is civilized
sophistication, the entry pass into the five star hotels.


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