US of A, has left behind in Af, thousands Humvees, hundreds of machine guns, hundreds of armoured cars, hundreds of howitzers (field guns), rocket launchers, machine guns, pistols, rifles by the thousands. Dozens of Black Hawk helicopters.

I had been in 3rd UP EME, NCC wing. We were given a lecture on how to destroy tanks, howitzers, munitions in a jiffy. The least US of A could do was to set fire to  staging areas and munition dumps.   


They have left behind enough arms and ammunition to equip at least six divisions of Pak army and Talib terrorists.


Was it a secret deal between US of A and Pak army. Talib terrorists will not touch Americans in their retreat. Talib have already broken this deal by killing NATO soldiers in Baron Hotel suicide attack. Attributed by Americans and British to ISIS. ISI of Pak, ISIS, AL QAIDA, LeT, JeM, Haqanni and Talib are one and the same thing.




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My thinking is that Afghans are seeing present situation as a wonderful opportunity to migrate to Europe/USA, as many in 3rd world countries anyway want to do. Recall how large number of Sikhs have migrated to USA after 1984 riots post killing of Indira Gandhi. The riots stopped soon thereafter but Sikhs migration citing this incident has gone on for many years. I have met some such people in Fremont.


On Thursday, August 26, 2021, RCS <> wrote:

Admittedly, stories (like below) in the media are planted. But a question does arise : why Muslim countries do not take these people, so called refugees? They are afghans living in their own country so why are they refugees? Why are they afraid? Who would kill poor people? If they say they are starving for lack of food then how are the others living?
Out of 40 million people 90% are sunnis and about 0.3% (1.2 million) are Hindus/Sikhs. So, if hindus/Sikhs are running away they could truly be called refugees, but Muslims??

*Very Insightful Story:*        *Afghan-Taliban conflict is nothing but a drama Syria 2.0!*

*How many of you remember that in 2015, the media published the dead child's picture on sea shore claiming it to be a Syrian refugee child, and gathered support for Syrian refugees, and opened the doors of European countries for Syrian and other Muslim refugees!*

*6 years down, you all know how the demography has changed in Europe!*

*In the next 5 years, most of Europe will become Islamic!*

*Current Afghan -Taliban circus is nothing but a re-run of the same script!*

*1. They described taliban as monsters who will kill Afghanis, but in reality they haven't killed anyone. Only stories of barbaric acts are floating around!*

*2. By showing Kabul airport yesterday, they are gathering exactly the same sympathy for so called innocent Afghanis!*

*3. Lakhs of Afghani will take refuge in only non-Muslim countries, and will start flourishing there!*

*4. Remember, these Afghani refugees will not go to Muslim Countries!*

*5. These Afghani refugees are nothing but the Taliban who will carry the agenda of Islam-ism of the non-Muslim countries!*

*6. They have already cleared out all non-Muslim population in Afghanistan!*

*These are bloodless tactics to convert the world to Islam!*



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