
Q1              Why does an airplane need full throttle for takeoff but
right after it the pilot "slows" it down?

KR    Now adays take off can be done from the short spot itself due to the
technology development; run a way is a course of directional operations for
take off and landing; when the answer was written by the Q it would have
been as on that date probably.   The fighter jet flying abpve 30000 miles
unfathomable to Radars, takes off from a small deck and lands by brakes
mechanically applied by the catch-balloons.

Q2              What is the purpose of placing a bowl of water next to the

I'm not sure exactly what kind of heater you are referring to and I've
never seen anyone do this.

Q3              Which small incident taught you a lesson?

KR          Again when the answer was written it would have been BCE; now
adays in India bay woke up alarm is available which when fitted, beckons
the mother or for the assistance, without closing the door half open; also
in plugs and door locks, child locks system had come, where other than the
elder, doors cannot be closed by the children.

*Q4              Which soaps are better, transparent soap or opaque soap?*

KR:           Soap is not at all needed and they do not do anything other
than leaving a short smell after the bath on the body; a bathing clay is
100% better; a coconut oil is far better; certain flowers powdered content
add charm and sustained smell to the body; but inevitably, all of us are
forced by habit to use the soaps and toothbrushes. They are economic wastes

Q5              Is it likely that in the future, some religions will merge
into each other?

KR            It is a stupid question having seen the past. A lesson is not
drawn from history since nowadays they are not in the studies, nor any
history book is read with the interest to learn the past. There are only 3
classes that the theists and atheists. The latter was always an
insignificant number. In the former, the attentive ones might vary in
periods of new-gushing; but in times of suffering will come back to fetch
the god-water; so a majority out of ignorance, remain on this size of the
wall (but are not atheist) but called- NRBS OR NRBG viz not religious but
spiritual or not religious but feel GOD. All religions had emanated only
from one Vedic way of life from here to Greece to Rome to Turkey. And all
religions say only love and never say die-hard. Therefore, there is no
question of merger at all at any point of time; as Buddhism, Jainism and
Sikhism lie within the folds of Hinduism, so too all religions would exist
till the last prana exist. According to me, even atheism is a religion as
long long ago in Ramayana time, Charawaka started it and he was a rishi.

Q6              How do I make my child like studying?

A6              Never do it the hard way. Not required. The earth always
need the palanquin, a sitter and 4 lifters. There will be differences. And
equality shall be practiced by the individual. AS SUCH THERE IS NO EQUALITY
hard and leave the result to GOD.

Q8              Why do Tamils not have surnames?

KR             Tamils have no surnames?. Every one will have a surname.
Surname is that of the British. Even before that every clan had a family,
brahmacharya and clan names behind the original names. In Tamil even the
place they belong are taken as initials or surnames. Sharma, iyers
,mudaliars are also a kind of surname. Andey is a surname. As west calls by
the last name only so too here the last name or the surname alone would be
addressed out of respect. We are not used to writing expanding as the west
do that is all.

Q10            What should young people avoid doing?

KR     Listen to the past and  then analyse and sift if they are sure about
it. Let them not think they alone are smart or smarter than the elders;
elders they forget, had the similar thinking, got hurt, and now translating
their experiences. Lest youth become the dwarfs in 9 out of 10 cases.

KR  IRS 30821

On Mon, 30 Aug 2021 at 08:15, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 08-2021-30*
> *Being  a compilation there may  be errors*
> *Q1              Why does an airplane need full throttle for takeoff but
> right after it the pilot "slows" it down?*
> *A1              Pete Steitz Former USAF pilot. Retired Airline Captain.
> Sim Instructor. July 22*
> *On a commercial jet, engines are usually leased. There are restrictions
> that should be met to meet the number of planned cycles and time spent at
> full power, usually no longer than 5 minutes. Maintenance is predicated on
> adhering to the manufacturer’s specs.*
> *The safest way to get off the runway in the shortest takeoff roll and
> flying is by using max thrust for that day, which might not be 100%.
> Temperature and density altitude might be restrictive.*
> *With the gear up, flaps and leading edge devices retracted, the aircraft
> is in a clean configuration and can climb and cruise at a much lower power
> setting than takeoff. There is also a 250KT limit below 10,000 feet MSL.*
> *Another possibility for not using full thrust might be when you are given
> a 10,000 foot runway in your Caravan 208B which only requires 3,000 feet.
> Look up your numbers in the performance section of the POH to see what
> power is required.*
> *The engines are the single most expensive part of a commercial airliner.
> Many millions of $$$$ for each. Treat them with TLC.*
> *My note- What a coincidence!! Yesterday only I** watched  about
> different types of breaks in flights in my phone. *
> *Q2              What is the purpose of placing a bowl of water next to
> the heater?*
> *A2              3 Answers John A. Whitehead, Building and Grounds**
> Manager at Zoos (2011-present) Answered August 24*
> *I'm not sure exactly what kind of heater you are referring to and I've
> never seen anyone do this. I'm going to hazard a guess though and answer
> from that standpoint.*
> *If you are referring to a stand alone heater like a wood stove, charcoal
> burner, oil burner, etc, the point of having a bowl of water nearby is
> probably to increase the humidity in the air. Typically when it's cold
> enough that you need a heat source for comfort, the air is a lot dryer. The
> warm air near the heater will cause the water in the bowl to evaporate,
> increasing the humidity (and comfort) of the space. Many forced air heating
> systems will have a humidifier built into the heat exchanger that does the
> same exact thing. It supplies water to a reservoir inside the duct over
> which the warm air flows, pushing the moisture laden air throughout the
> building. *
> *Ruben AlanizAnswered Wed*
> *Gas heaters do not directly dry your home air. Winter air is already very
> dry. Where I live we get very little rain or snow, so winters here can be
> rough on your skin.*
> *They can however some times bring in cold dry air from the outside and
> mix it in to your living space. Putting out a bowl of water is one way of
> just adding it back to the home.*
> *Now, that is not the best way to accomplish what you want. Your much
> better off buying one or two cheap 120 VAC home humidifiers that use a cool
> steam, are quiet and add moisture back in to your home gently. That is what
> I do if needed.*
> *Gopala Krishnan, former Retired Assistant General** Manager 1996-2004 at
> Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now*
> *I have seen my mother keeping a bowl of water near the firewood oven in
> Kerala, India. If we add coconut shell some times fire would be more. She
> used to sprinkle some water to reduce the flame*
> *Q3              Which small incident taught you a lesson?*
> *A3              Moinul Suffered physical and mental torture for a decade.
> Updated August 20*
> *My brother's daughter who is around 2 years old was sleeping, so her
> mother closed the room from outside so that if she wakes up she don't go
> near stairs. When she woke up she did not cried and started opening the
> door and locked herself from inside.*
> * After trying for some time she started crying, her mother heard this and
> came immediately and was shocked to see that she has locked herself from
> inside. Also, all the windows were already closed from inside. Both mother
> and daughter were panicked. When his father came, he tried to open the door
> by pushing it. Finally, after some time he was able to break the lock. She
> was crying like hell.*
> *What if he was not able to break the lock, her daughter may have fainted.*
> *So, the lesson is inside lock(sitkani) of a door should be on a top part
> of a door.*
> *My note- While I was in Trivandrum, in the Quarters** front door had
> padlock outside. This made any body can lock from outside. To avoid this
> our lock was kept locked in the handle of pad lock so that it could not be
> moved. *
> *Q4              Which soaps are better, transparent soap or opaque soap?*
> *A4              Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004) Answered just now*
> *Commonly, transparent soaps are milder than opaque soap. When transparent
> soaps are made, extra glycerin is added which increases its humectant
> properties. Sucrose, being the natural preservatives is used to prolong the
> moisturising benefits in the base oils. This creates a softer soap which
> explains why it has a shorter life span. It also rinses off the skin easier
> than opaque soap and is therefore, the preferred choice for sensitive skin.*
> *I knew the answer, but confirmed with google search. On earlier days only
> PEARS was the transparent soap and it was costlier, It gave good smell
> after bath.*
> *Q5              Is it likely that in the future, some religions will
> merge into each other?*
> *A5              Bhuvana Rameshwar Former Teacher, 6h ago*
> *No. I think there will be only believers and non believers.*
> *There will be more non- believers as the number of educated increases in
> various countries. Countries which have increase in population together
> with more illiteracy will add on more believers.*
> *Among these religions nobody will be ready to merge. Each will continue
> saying their religion is the best**. However they will form more sub
> sects, intra relelugion groups as each holy man in power wants to be a head
> of a sect, of that religion. They would fight among themselves and not let
> people become progress, broad minded, tolerant of each other and thus
> create chaos. *
> *Education, alleviation from poverty, end of superstitions , discarding
> black magic only will bring peace. Not religion.*
> *Q6              How do I make my child like studying?*
> *A6              Tata Studi Padhne Ka Sahi TareekaFri*
> *The answer: by showing them the relevance of what they are studying and
> ensuring that study time** is well planned and does not eat into their
> recreation time. These days there are apps or platforms that help you do
> both.*
> *Children tend to develop an aversion to studying because they fail to see
> why it is relevant to their own life**. You will see them asking many
> questions. Why should I learn all these maths formulae? Why should I learn
> about some war that happened so many years ago? Does it really matter how
> many sentence types there are in a language? Successful teachers and good
> study material are able to give children a big picture context of what they
> are learning and link concepts to their real-life application.*
> *Children also resent it when they have to spend all their time studying
> and do not get time to meet friends or pursue their hobbies. In fact, many
> children give up (or are forced to give up) anything extracurricular once
> they enter class 8 or 9. Actually, all that is needed to balance studies
> and fun is smart goal setting, efficient planning and focused work. There
> are some great study planning apps available these days. An app like Tata
> Studi, which is based on the science of learning, has not only a study
> planner but also some cool videos and practice material.*
> *So, work with your kid. Help him/her plan studies and show him/her how
> studies are not always boring.*
> *Q7              Why should you not drink salt water osmosis?*
> *A7              John Perlman Answered Fri*
> *If you mean salt water trwated by reverse osmosis, the answer is there is
> no reason not to drink it. Millions of people do all over the world.*
> *Q8              Why do Tamils not have surnames?*
> *A8              Harini RamKnows TamilJuly 14*
> *Some of us do have surnames**. I have a surname too. But the only
> difference between Tamilians and people from other parts of India is that
> we keep our father's name as our surname instead of family name or caste
> name. We have a naming pattern that's very different from the regular
> Indian naming pattern. This naming pattern is followed by almost all
> Tamilians, a few Malyalis and Kannadigas. I personally haven't come across
> any Telugu person following this naming pattern.*
> *This is how the naming pattern among Tamilians work. People follow either
> of the naming patterns—:*
> *    Father's/Husband's name as surname : For instance you meet a girl
> named Ananya Balakrishnan who is Tamilian, Ananya is her name and
> Balakrishnan is her father's name. This is the case with me too, Harini Ram
> isn't my official name but I have my father's name as my official surname.*
> *    One letter after first name : There's a boy named Rahul and his
> father's name is Ashwin. He will name himself Rahul A.*
> *    Two letters after first name : There's a girl named Riya and her
> father's name is Sentilkumar Raghav. So she would keep her name as Riya
> SR(her father's full name). *
> *Some people use their mother's name too as one of** the two letters
> after the first name, for instance let's say there's a girl named Disha.
> Her father's name is Dayalan and her mother's name is Sarika. So she would
> be Disha DS or Disha SD.*
> *Two names and father's name/Husband's name: For** a girl they may name
> her Harini Priya or for a boy they may name him Aditya Narayan. The two
> names will followed by their father's name like Harini Priya Balakrishnan
> or Aditya Narayan Dayalan.*
> *Two names and one letter/two letters: Something** like Harini Priya BS
> or Aditya Narayan DR.*
> *Family Name: Some Tamilians do keep their family** name is their surname
> something like Bharadwaj, Iyer, Iyengar, Pillai, Chettiar etc. But this
> isn't very common.*
> *Coming to the reasons why we don't keep surnames or keep the family names
> as surnames-:*
> *To prevent caste discrimination— Because in India** through a person's
> family name we can figure out which caste and community they belonged to.
> Whether the caste and community they belonged to was accorded an upper
> strata in the caste hierarchy or a lower strata in the caste hierarchy. To
> avoid any discrimination on the basis of caste,Tamilians do not keep the
> family name as the surname.*
> *As a mark of respect for the parents- To respect the** parents people
> keep their names as the last name/middle name alongside the first name.
> However, I personally find this a little patriarchal as the mother's name
> is usually never taken into account while giving the child a last name.
> Only the father's name is taken. But now modern day parents are doing it
> slowly.*
> *These are the only two reasons that I am aware of. If people know of any
> other reasons please know in the comments down below.*
> *Q9              Can I use bucket water instead of an inlet pipe to pour
> water in an Onida washing machine?*
> *A9              Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant General** Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now*
> *Yes is my answer. I was having Videocon semi automatic washing machine.
> Before installing water tap, we used to carry water from bathroom to the
> washing machine kept in the dining hall.*
> *Q10            What should young people avoid doing?*
> *A10            Odedra Vijay Farmer July 20*
> *My father was born in 1969. He has spent his whole life in this
> house.That was about to change in 2014–15. I was some 20 years old back
> then.*
> *During that time, construction of our new house was underway.Initially,
> before the construction started, I would disagree with my father about the
> design and layout of the house that we were about to build. Sometimes, the
> argument used to become very intense too.*
> *After few days, one fine day, when I was taking the tour of the under
> construction house, something struck me.*
> *“Why am I interfering too much in this house? This is** being built by
> my father, by his hard earned money, gathered over thirty years or more?”*
> *“He has lived in a mud house his whole life and** must have dreamt of a
> wonderful house since he was young. He must have imagined living in a
> certain type of room for years. Who am I to interfere in his dreams?”*
> * “Just because I am his son, doesn't mean I interfere in everything he
> does.”*
> *I talked to myself for less than five minutes that day. But, that was
> more than enough.*
> *Since that day, I have never interfered in the critical decisions my
> father take. Be it regarding buying a** new tractor, car, land or
> anything else. If I am asked my opinion, I just tell whatever I feel about
> it and then move on. That's it.*
> *What should young people avoid doing?*
> *If young people expect their parents to not interfere in their lives,
> they should also refrain from doing so.*
> *If young people expect their parents to not interfere in their dreams,
> they should also refrain from doing so.*
> *At this age, we all, look at the pictures of villas, luxurious cars etc
> and dream of owning it.*
> *We have many startup ideas in our mind but don't have enough capital to
> execute. We dream of doing that business.*
> *Those dreams will take years and years to be fulfilled. How will you
> feel, if your children will continuously interfere in all of that?*
> *Just because they are older and our parents, doesn't mean they don't have
> dreams. They have dreamt just like you are dreaming right now. They too
> were young and ambitious once upon a time.*
> *Let them live their dream life with their hard earned money. You live
> your dream life when you have your hard earned money.*
> *My note- A touching answer.*
> *Q10            What makes your hometown special?*
> *A10            Rashmi PriyemLives in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
> (2001–present)Updated August 21*
> *Madurai*
> *Not one or two, there are many things that make my hometown
> special.Famous 5 : I list only the top 5, according to me.*
> *1.Meenakshi Amman Temple : As Eiffel Tower in** Paris, it’s Madurai
> Meenakshi Amman Temple. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess
> Parvathi. There are many epic stories revolving around Madurai and the
> Lords .*
> *2. Jasmine : Malli Matters. “Malli poo, amma, Malli** poo” is what you
> constantly heard in the city. When in Madurai, you cannot escape the heady
> fragrance of jasmine flowers.*
> *3. Sungudi Sarees : This is six-yard wonder, made** from 100 % cotton.
> Mostly worn by grandmothers (mine still over generations). Sungudi sarees
> are dyed through extracting natural colours from sources such as leaves.*
> *4. Jigarthandha : Jil Jil Jigarthandha. A dessert** unique to Madurai.
> Resembling a falooda, has thick flavoured milk, badam gum/ pisin with
> icecream on top.*
> *5. Kari Dosai : A Three layered Dosa. You may be** wondering! A base
> layer of Dosa batter, a egg layer and generous amount of mutton chukka (in
> minced form). It tastes amazing especially in Konar Kadai.*
> *There are many other things to do I Madurai but the above ones are the
> must try things. The local language here is Tamil, but the public can very
> well understand and guide you in English also. Many here don’t prefer Big
> Malls, there are many streets in Madurai exclusively for shopping. The
> people here are very amicable and kind.*
> *All the above QA are based on Quora digest on 29-08- 2021. Quora answers
> need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 30- 08-2021*
> --
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