Respected Mr Rajaram Krishnamurrthy IRS,
Again you are hurried and writing. I have quoted it is from I 
too know there are many other versions. 
I am not writing in standard 1evel. Your hurried reply is standard one level or 
below that . Once again I write do not write in degrading  level. By responding 
like this you are going to nursery    level ,I am sorry to write. 

R. Gopalakrishnan former ITS

    On Tuesday, 14 September, 2021, 10:21:20 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 PranamYou have the right to say "not sure where his samadhi has occurred. "; 
that is your learning process; but do not use "WE"; he has no samadhi anywhere 
here at all; Sarvagna peetam in Kashmir or any place in North is a far fetched 
narrations rendered which were already proved incorrect; you are still talking 
about aryan invasion theory, when much water had flown; there are many 
authenticate history which I had written in this forum itself which perhaps you 
have not archived; whatever you write, check the pros and cons and then ink; do 
not say like a kid of 1st standard that YOU ONLY THINK ETC";  And please do not 
cop[y blindly to fill up pages and time, harping so many wants iytt etc; the 
message you pass both accounts when you are not sure or leave safely any 
account, in order that people who read must understand that you are a read; or 
else the negative aspects shall arise which you may have to face. Please stop 
writing nonsense of Adi Shankara. KR IRS 14921
On Tue, 14 Sept 2021 at 09:29, gopala krishnan <> wrote:

 Respected sir,
I have stated already these are from Probably you have not read 
earlier postings.
What do you mean by cross checking? Even we are not sure where his samadhi has 
occurred. We are not  sure of his period. 

You are hurried and finding fault with others. You do not know to answer  to 
point. You club things from the day yahoo group originated. 

You think you are the only person knowing things and call me stupid . Control 
your tongue. 
If I write more it may become another  heated exchanges. 

You always write Rajaram IRS . Behave like a former IRS. Others are also 
educated and where in high position. Do not write about others as stupid(Ref- 
Samaveda query)

With regards for your age. 
Gopala krishnan

    On Tuesday, 14 September, 2021, 09:00:28 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 Pranam   What is the authenticity of your write up ? Did you cross checked the 
events and eras?. Your statement is erroneous. KR IRS 14921
On Tue, 14 Sept 2021 at 08:58, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 
<> wrote:




 Theycontinued on to Ujjaini,prayed to Lord Sivan in the famous Mahaakaala 
Kshethram (temple) and sent wordto the well-known Bhatta Bhaaskaran through 

  This famous scholar had made commentaries onthe Vedams in many different 
ways. It was with vanity and pride that he went tomeet the Swaamikal, but their 
long debates convinced him that his concepts wereunacceptable to other 
scholars, and every argument he put forth against Advaitham concept 
wasconvincingly disproved by the Aachaaryar. 

 Duringhis Advaitham campaign in the Baahleeka Desam, several Jain scholars met 
andargued with him; but he could counter them and support his concepts in 
verysimple and clear language. 

 In Kaamaroopa Desam (Assam), he decidedto confront Abhinava Gupthan, the 
author of Saaktha Bhaashyam. Knowing that hecould not win in a direct 
confrontation, Abhinava Gupthan tried to discreditthe Aachaaryar through 
Aabhichaara Karmam (witchcraft). But he too became a follower.

 In Gouda Desam (the Bengal area), hedefeated the learned Muraarimisran. Thus 
he could establish his Advaitha schoolof thought the length and breadth of the 
country. The Dvaitha and othertheories were practically destroyed. 


 Oneday when Sankaraachaaryar was in deep meditation on the sand banks of 
theGanga, he experienced the divine presence of sage Gaudapaadar. He got 
up,prostrated before the sage and stood there with folded hands. 

 TheMuni said he had come to see his Bhaashyam on Mandookyopanishad and on 
theMuni’s own Gaudapaada Kaarika. After the Swaamikal’s narration, the Muni 
feltquite satisfied, blessed him and then disappeared. 

Thevery next morning when he was meditating after the daily ablutions and 
prayers,he “heard” about the Sarvajna Peettham in Saarada Devi’stemple in 

 Althoughthe temple had four doorways, only a fully learned or all-knowing 
scholar(Sarvajnan) could approach the Devi. None had till then entered through 
the south door.

 Intriguedand pleased at this news, he started off to Kashmir. Upon reaching 
the temple,he confidently opened the south door and was about to enter when the 
learnedscholars stopped him and demanded that if he thought he was 
all-knowledgeable, he should first answer correctly allthe questions put to him.

 Tothis he agreed. 

Hegave precise and correct answers to the questions from the 
Vaiseshikan,Naiyaayikan and Saankhyan scholars, the Boudha scholars like 
Southraanthikar,the Digambara Jainan and the Meemaamsakan. 

 Thereuponhe entered the temple and was about to step on the Sarvajna Peettham 
whileholding the hand of Padmapaadar, when he heard the divine voice 
(AsareeriVaakyam) of goddess Saraswathi: “Yatheeswaran, learning and 
scholarship aloneare not enough for eligibility to ascend the throne; purity is 

 Afterhaving accepted Samnyaasam, haven’t you enjoyed the worldly pleasures 
withseveral women? How then can you ascend the throne?” 

 Hereplied: “Mother, since I was born, I have not done anything impure. I 
acquired all theknowledge in Kaama Saasthram by accepting another body. Why 
should thisbody be punished for that?” 

 Saraswathi Devi was pleasedwith the answer, and Sree Sankaraachaaryar thus 
ascended the Sarvajna Peettham.He shone like a lodestar spreading the fragrance 
of Advaitha Vedaantham in theentire land. 

 36 Samnyaasi Matthams 

 Inthe four corners of the country, he established Samnyaasi Matthams to 
continueto spread the Advaitham philosophy. 

 He putSureswaran in charge of Sringeri Mattham in the south, Hasthaamalakan 
atDwaaraka in the west, Thodakan at Badari in the North and Padmapaadar at 
Puriin the east. 

 37 Samadhi

 Legendhas it that this venerable seer’s demise (Samaadhi) occurred in the 
Vadakkunnaathha temple inThrissur (Kerala) when he was composing the work, 
“Vishnu-PaadaadiKesasthavam” written in Sragdhara metre. 

 According to another version, hisSamaadhiwas at Kedaaranaatham in Himaalayas. 


 Sankaraachaaryar’sstyle of writing is lucid and profound. Penetrating insight 
and analyticalskill characterise his works. His approach to truth is 
psychological andreligious, rather than logical. He was a prominent religious 
teacher ratherthan a philosopher.  

 More than 300 works - commentative,expository, and poetical - are attributed 
to him. Mostof the works have been compiled and published in 20 volumes. It has 
beencategorically stated that the Bhaashyams for the Prasthhaana-thrayam - 
theVedams, Braahmanams and Upanishads – were indeed written by the Aadi 
Sankaran.There are quite a few other compositions, many of which, according to 
experts,are definitely his, and yet some other works that cannot be 
conclusively calledso. 

 I will continuewith the important works of Sankaracharyar in next posting 


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