Someof the important ones are listed below: 

1. Brahma Soothra Bhaashyam. (hismasterpiece)or Saareeraka Meemaamsaa 
Bhaashyam, for which Vaachaspathi Misran wroteBhaamathi Vyaakhaanam and 
Padmapaadar, Panchapaadikaa Vivaranam. Incidentally,in Advaitha Vedaantham, 
these later even led to two schools of thought -

BhaamathiPrasthhaanam and Vivarana Prasthhaanam. 

2. Bhagavad Geetha Bhaashyam. Some haveargued about its authorship, while 
others have tried to prove it to be his. 

3. Bhaashyamsfor Upanishads 

 i.BrihadaaranyakopanishadBhaashyam: Perhaps the most ancient andelaborate of 
the Upanishads. Belongs to Sukla Yajur Vedam and has two branches- Kaanwa 
Saakha and Maadhyandina Saakha. Sureswaran wrote a Vaarthikam(grammer- based 
interpretation) to this Bhaashyam. 

ii.Chhaandogyopanishad Bhaashyam: Almostequally ancient and second largest; 
belongs to Saama Vedam. 

iii.Thaithireeyopanishad Bhaashyam:Sureswaranwrote a Vaarthikam for this too. 

iv.Aithareyopanishad Bhaashyam:Also calledBaahvyacham or Aatmashtakam, it is 
from the second of the five Aaranyakamsbelonging to Aithareya Braahmanam of 

v.Eesaanopanishad Bhaashyam:Also calledSamhithopanishad, it has 18 Manthrams 
from Sukla Yajurveda Samhitha. Accordingto Sankarabhaashyam, the two paths, 
Karmamaargam exclusive and can hardly bepracticed simultaneously. 

vi.Katthopanishad Bhaashyam: Ancient andpopular Upanishad. Includes the meeting 
of Nachikethas with Yaman, seeking andreceiving boon for attaining Moksham. 

vii.Kenopanishad Bhaashyam: He wrote twoBhaashyams, Pada Bhaashyam and Vaakya 

viii.Mundakopanishad Bhaashyam: Belongs toAttharva Vedam and is in verse form 
(as in Eesaavaasyopanishad Bhaashyam. Itconcerns primarily with Samnyaasam and 
Jnaana Maargam. Sounakan seeks advicefrom Aangirass as to what knowledge would 
lead to the highest knowledge(self-realisation). 

ix.Prasnopanishad Bhaashyam: Part ofAttharvaVedam. Set in question-answer 
format, it asserts that Jnaana Maargam is forBrahmachaaris (ascetics) and 
Samnyaasis and not for Grihastthans (Aasramis) whoare immersed in worldly 

x.Maandookyopanishad Bhaashyam: Somemodern scholars have raised doubts as to 
whether or not the Bhaashyams for thisand its Goudapaada Kaarika (memorial 
verse) are really Sankaraachaaryar’s. 

Nrisihathaapaneeyopanishad and Swethaa swatharopanishadare said to be 
Sankaraachaaryar’s, but according to many scholars, these are ofa much later 

4. UpadesaSaahasri. A Prakarana Granthham (typicaltext) with 19 Prakaranams in 
the prose part and 3 in the verse part. Consideredas his authentic 
non-commentative work. 

5. DakshinaamoortySthothram. With 10 verses writtenin Saardoola Vikreeditham 
Vritham. Sureswaran wrote a Bhaashyam,“Maanasollaasam”. Advaithis respectfully 
remember this work. 

6. VishnuSahasranaama Sthothram - Bhaashyam. Apopular one. Melpathur Narayana

Bhattathiriin his “Naaraayaneeyam”, affirms that the work is the Aachaaryar’s. 

7. Sanathsujaatheeyam.A Sankara Bhaashyam (defensive style);some doubt its 

8. Dasa-Sloki.Unlikely to be anyone else’s work.;Madhusoodana Saraswathi wrote a

Vyaakhyaanam for this. 

 9. Satha-Sloki.Quite probably his work. Deals withAdvaitha Thathwam. 

10.  YogasoothraBhaashya Vivaranam. Very probablethat he is the author. An 
exposition on Vyaasan’s commentary on Yog Soothram, afundamental text of the 
Yoga School. 

11.  SoundaryaLahari 

 12.  SankaraSmruthi. Believed to be his work on the Aachaarams (Anaachaarams) 
of Kerala. 

13.  HasthaamalakaBhaashyam or VedanthaSidhhaantha Deepika. Claimed to be his 
work, on the poems written apparently byHasthaamalakan. 

There are a number of Sthothrams believed to bewritten by him. However, one may 
come across different names for the sameSthothram. There are some in which the 
number of verses may differ slightly,and called “Ashtakam” or “Navarathna 
Maala”. “Dwaadasa Panjarika” and“Chathurdasa Panjarika” offer minor variations 
of the same work. There are twocompositions in the same name, “Advaitha 


 Sankaraachaaryarhad not only reached such spiritual heights, which hardly any 
human couldattain, he also acted and breathed some fresh air into the society 
which wasshowing signs of degradation. 

Realisingthat, in Kerala, education and learning was somewhat stagnant and that 
the mindsetof the society had to be made more progressive, he convened two 
one-month longconferences in the south Kollam and the north Panthalaayani 
Kollam, attended bymany learned scholars. After detailed deliberations, they 
reached a consensus,and a new set of social codes (Keralaachaaram) was set 

Thesedecisions were quite revolutionary in those days. 

Thesocial stigma against widows was removed by him and a decent status given 
tothem. Hedeclared that in Kerala, widows need not shave off their heads and 
were allowedto mix with others during all social and religious functions, 
unique to Kerala.

 He got the Namboothiri community toapprove the idea that only a few designated 
families need toperform Yaagam and certain other Sroutha Karmams, though 
traditionally the 16thSamskaaram, namely Agnyaadhaanam, followed by Agnihothra 
Deeksha, wereconsidered essential to full-fledged Braahmanyam. 

He dared to go against the DharmaSaasthram precept that families who did not 
learn the Vedams would be downgradedto the lower level of Soodrans, and divided 
the community into tenclasses (Click here - Classes of Namboothiris), of which 
five did not have tolearn the Vedams. 

Theten classes were assigned specific duties in the community.  This was done 
in spite of retaining theadvice to Upanichunnis during that ritual : 

“AachaaryaadheenoVedamaadheesha” (learning the Vedams under an Aachaaryan), 
“Yathhaa ThwamDevaanaam Yajnasya Nidhiposi, Evamaham Manushyaanaam Vedasya 
NidhipoBhooyaasam” (As thou art the keeper of Yajnam wealth for the Devans, so 
make methe keeper of Vedam wealth). 

It was taboo for Braahmanans to carryweapons,yet he declared that Ashtavaidyans 
(Click here) (for surgical procedures) andthe “Arangu” class who practice 
martial arts (Aayodhana Kala) could carry anduse them. 

Suchdeclarations and decisions enabled proper governance and administration, 
withthe temple as the nucleus, even in the absence of Kshathriyans, the 
rulingprincely class. 

Perhapsthe most progressive among the so-called “64 Anaachaarams” (Click here) 
-labelled so apparently by Paradesis, which were meant forsocial upliftment, 
was the dictum that only the eldest son should marry andbecome a Grihasthhan, 
and all the younger ones should not accept this secondAasramam after 
Brahmacharyam, and should spend the rest of their lives inlearning and teaching 
of Vedams, Saasthrams, etc., which is unlike anywhereelse in the country. 

This helped in perpetuating thelearning and scholastic pursuits in the 
traditional spiritual realm,unique to Kerala, and especially among the 

ThusSankaraachaaryar’s revolutionary and progressive changes in societal norms 
andtraditions were intensive and extensive. He was a Karmayogiwho could 
effectively drive away the Budha-Jaina influence and re-establishSanaathana 
Dharmam, a philosophical colossus who spread the Advaitham school ofthought far 
and wide, a jewel of a scholar par excellence with creations suchas “Soundarya 
Lahari”, a great organiser who established the four SwaamiyaarMatthams thereby 
perpetuating the spiritual traditions. Most of these are wellknown; but how 
many know him also as a concerned and sincere revolutionary benton social 

Abridgedby : Prof: V M N Nambudiripad 

Translatedby : K D Nambudripad 

Formore details, refer : “Sree Sankaraachaaryar” - by Dr K Kunchunni Raja 

Secondedition : January 1998 (Publishers : Department of Cultural 
Publications,Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram - 695014)


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