CULTURAL QA09-2021-22

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1            Why is the fuse in the neutral wire?

A1            Steve Jones Studied atImperial College London Updated September 13

That would be because it was fitted by anincompetent electrician.

Fuses should never be fitted to the neutral wire. That’s because it provide no 
protection for live/line to ground/earthfaults and also, if there is an 
over-current live to neutral fault, and thefuse blows, it still leaves the 
circuit energized.

Q2            How do I decrease the temperature in an AC?

A2            Bruce Skovmand, formerJourneyman Electrician & Electrical Theory 
Teacher (1957-2017)Answered June20, 2020

Since degrees is set up so, the lower the number, the colder it gets,when you 
say “ decrease the temperature “ you mean to set it at a lower number…The other 
way to look at it is, if it’s getting too cold, warm it up byincreasing the 
number to a higher temperature.

Q3            How can I take care of my laptop battery (Li-ion) while Ihave to 
work on the laptop at the desk most of the time every day? Should I useplugged 
in all the time or any other way?

A3            Ashok Pandey Managerat Cyber Media India (company) 
(2014–present)August 6

The best way to care for yourlaptop's battery is to keep your laptop plugged 
while using it. If you don't, then it will run on battery, whichwill actually 
reduce its battery life. That's because all batteries have a certain numberof 
charge and discharge cycles. The more you use it on battery, the morecycles are 
used up, which ends up reducing battery life. 

If you're looking for a laptopwith long battery life, then check out some of 
the HP business notebooks. They not only offer long battery life, but have a 
Fastcharge technology that can recharge the battery upto 50% in just 30 minutes.

Q4            What purpose does silver have in household products 
likeantiperspirants and water filters?

A4            Anonymous Answered 26mago

Inhibiting the growth of bacteria

Silver ions have wonderfulantibacterial properties and so are useful additions 
to products where growth is likely. Antiperspirants, in particular,include a 
smattering of silver ions designed for a spot of minor odourabsorption in 
addition to preventing a bacterial breakout. Silver in water filters helps 
tocleanse the water and is a common addition to drinking water supplies and 
pools(where it can be used as a safer alternative to chlorine).

Q5            Why was gold one of the first metals to be mined andworked by the 

A5            John Bartram· Studiedhistory and practised archaeology worldwide 
for 50+ years.  Fri

Where gold was found, it was found easily, sitting, glinting, in streams.

It could then be beaten with arock into shapes and even into sheets; it 
required no metallurgy, or kiln.

And to top it all, itnever corrodes and so keeps its lustre forever.

Q6            Why is it dangerous to plug high power capacityappliances into 
power strips or extension cords?

A6            Lewis Edge, B.S.Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of 
Technology (1964)Answered 15h ago

In North America most standard electrical outlets can safely deliver upto 15 or 
20 amperes at 120 AC volts. Many extension cords are designed forlight 
electrical loads, such as table lamps or floor lamps. If such an extension cord 
isused for a high power capacity appliance it can be overheated and cause a 

A solid power strip, designed to deliver a full 20-amperes can be usedsafely. 
However, any time an additional plug-in connection is made between ahigh power 
capacity appliance and the outlet, there is a possibility that therewill be a 
high-resistance connection that can overheat. That’s why suchconnections are 

My note-If you are insertingthe extension box to 5 ampsplug point, the total 
load in amps should not exceed 5 amps .Wattage/Voltage(230)= amps. 

Q7            What is the main difference between a lithium battery anda 
lithium-ion battery?

A7            3 Answers AnonymousAnswered 58m ago

A lithium battery is non-rechargeable,whereas a lithium-ion battery is 

In general, lithium batteries are non-rechargeable (primary batteries).The 
lithium metal serves as the anode, whereas another material (for 
example,manganese dioxide and iron disulfide) serves as the cathode. 

On the other hand, lithium-ionbatteries are rechargeable (secondary batteries). 

The first lithium-ionbattery prototype was built by Japanese chemist Akira 
Yoshino in 1985.

Both lithium and lithium-ion batteries operate through redox 
(reduction-oxidation)chemical reactions.

Lithium batteries are bändin-rechargeable batteries that use lithiuminstead of 
zinc as anode. The typically are button shaped about coin sized andhave 3 V 
voltage. There also are 1.8 V ones in normal AA and AAA sizes. Thedecan in most 
devices be used instead of alkaline batteries. 

Such lithium batteries workmuch longer on heavy load and have very long 
shelf-life - up to 20 years.

Lithium-ion batteries arerechargeable batteries that have 3.7 V nominal 
voltage. They nowadays typicallyare built in devices like phones, tablets, 
wireless headphones etc. 

Some devices like cameras use user changeable Li-ion batteries that 
arespecifically designed to the devices. Users generally do not buy 
genericstandard size Li-ion batteries for devices like they do with AA and 

Q8            What is the significance of the color black in Indianculture?

A8            AnbazhaganAmbroseM.Phil. in Literature & Linguistics, Jawaharlal 
Nehru University(Graduated 2000)September 15

I do not know about “Indian” culture, but I do know a bit about Tamilculture.

In North Tamilnadu significanceof black varies. If yourfamily is entitled to 
worship “katteri” black is not only allowed, it is alsoencouraged. But if you 
do not, woe betide anyone who dares to wear black.

I am banned from wearinganything black in my mother’s presence. My mother will 
reject any cloth that has even a tiniest black thread, leave alonewhole black 
borders and stuff.

Even my father, a hard core DK/DMK person, decided discretion is betterpart of 
valor and never wore black. At least he did not come home wearing black.

Q10         What is the reason that any pooja lamp (Deepam) should belit by 12 
noon or after 4PM? What is the logic, history, history behind notlighting the 
first deepam for poaja after 12 noon?

A10          Ramadevi Gidugu FormerSelf Employed, Full Time Mother. Sun

I was told by learnt pandits, a day is divided and ruled by Deva, 
Manava,rakshasa and pitrudevatas.

Means god eliments, human eliments and demons or evil eliments anddeparted 
souls awaiting birth.

>From four to 6 deva kalam. 6 to 11 manava kalam. Then onwards up to 4it's 
>pitrudevata sancharana time.( Departed souls) From then onwards asurastime.( 
>Evil eliments)

In this uttamam( the best )is early morning four to 6. It's not easy forevery 
one. So, Manava time( human eliments) is followed by many for nitya 
puja.Lighting of lamp. That is up to 11 am.

Later, only death or annual ceremonies for departed souls are performedtill 4 
in the evening.

Later on asuras( evil spirits) time starts. To avoid them we light lampas we 
believe evil spirits won't come when there is divine positive energy, light. 

Generally in sandhya samayam ie evening between 5.30to 6.30 lamp is lit. But 
technically from four we can light the lamp. But, that will be broad day light. 
So, generallywe light lamp from five onwards.

‘Deepam andhakara vinasanam'timira samharam'. Means lamp is lit to drive away 

If you can observe, to follow this schedule one needs a lot of disciplinein 
life. All pujas, rituals, traditions main intention is, to have, to teachsome 
discipline in life.

Again some gods who have the control and who deals only with demons arethere. 
Like, Maha kali, lord shiva, and a few. For them night puja is allowed.Any time 
of the day puja is allowed. Many of them for occult practices also.

Any puja once started in Deva and manava time, can continue to any lengthof 
time irrespective of the time of the day. Because that is continuation ofthe 
process already strated. Like havan, homam, abhishekam.

It's really a big, vast subject. I tried to explain it in brief.Itdoesn't mean 
you can't do whenever you want to do puja, you can. Only thing isthe expected 
results may not come.

Early mornings, mind will be in fresh mood. Stomach is empty. After bathonly 
puja is generally performed.

So, mind and body both are clean and in receiving mode. Any positiveenergy can 
easily penetrate body. It activates and helps your brains and bodyto perform 

Same way, once you finish your day activities, you freshen up yourselfand light 
evening lamp. A good time to receive positive energy to relax yourbody. Helps 
your body and brains to relax. Helps you perform your dutiestowards your family.

I don't have scientific backingfor this information because these pandits who 
told me are scholars not sciencegraduates.

Moreover I didn't find anything objectionable or degrading in what theysaid. 
So, I never questioned them to prove anything.

I followed their advice and benefitted from it.Inever have a reason to prove 
them wrong.

Q11         Despite a lot of Indians in information technology, why isthere no 
competition to companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google?

A11          KanthaswamyBalasubramaniam Lawyer Fri

Thats because the West is muchmore prosperous thanIndia and development and 
demand always originates earlier in prosperouscountries than in poorer 

Take the PCs and Windows. US had PCs since 1988–89 in various housesbeginning 
with Commodore 64 and slowly evolving to Windows 98 and later ME.

Yet while every kid in US had a PC and every home had a PC by the 2000s. Even 
in 2003- How many homes inIndia had PCs?

So we are looking at a 15 yr gap between demand related developmentbetween US 
and India

US had started facebook in 2004–2005 because their students were at thatstage 
where they had a demand for Social Media. And you had Hi5, Orkut, Myspacealso.

In 2004–2005 India, ourinternet was still 80–90% dialup connections and slow as 
hell, so how could anyone conceive facebook or youtube or twitter.The Demand 
never existed or was unimaginable

Also who developed Facebook? A group of college kids

Who developed Microsoft? A College kid

Apple? Twitter? Whatsapp? Google? All by Kids in their 20s not byAccenture or 
IBM or HP or Compaq

Lets take our College Kids    Middle Class ones need Jobs to pay offEducation 
loans and get ahead   Rich onesjoin Papas business

Our Kids don’t have a tenth of the freedom US kids have like SocialFreedom 
(Nobody cares too much if you drop out), Academic freedom (Drop out andjoin 
back 2 years later), Job opportunity (McDonalds, KFC, Summer Jobs, StudentJobs 
at $7.25/Hr Minimum ), Affordable equipment (Laptops easily affordedagainst 
50–60K in India)

So another big obstacle .This is the Attitude.Invention takes time andfailure 
rate is high

So rather create an app using the most generic freeware and call itToilet 
cleaner where people will come and clean your toilets and have Varundhawan pose 
for it, and two years later value it for $2 Billion - thats the Indian way. 

Meanwhile those who do develop something extraordinary don’t get anyfunding and 
move to US or Singapore where better VCs are able to spot thepotential.

Then you have Zero Tech related entrepreneurship

This means your idea can be copied in 10 minutes without any issues

ID came up with Idly or Dosa Batter and tens of thousands of homes didnot need 
to grind dosa flour. Dosa grinder sales to homes crashed

But in 3 years - every local market was flooded with Cottage Dosa Flourand ate 
57% into his share


#1 We are 10–15 yrs behind theWest so demand related innovation isnext to 

#2 Most innovation comes fromCollege Kids who in Indiasimply have no advantages

#3 Our Colonial Attitude isFast Profits meaning we hate longwork and patience 
to develop quality stuff rather creating worthless junk andhyping about it 
through media and SRK

#4 Since most ideas have no tech uniqueness , they are copied in seconds making 
it risky and notincentivising enough

Q12         What is the benefit of moving towards electric vehicles whenwe know 
that ultimately we'll need to burn fossil fuels like coal to 

A12          Bala Senthil Kumar Asrequired Sun


The pollution generated even at the most polluting coal burning powerplant to 
generate the power needed to charge your car or two wheeler is lessthan the 
pollution you will create running your EV on fossil fuel.

It is like the energy efficiency of a community kitchen. If youdistributed the 
raw materials and each home cooked the same meal forthemselves, with their own 
energy, it would be much more wasteful. But cookcollectively and although you 
have the same process, efficiency is much higher.

We do not yet have the fullystudied numbers on the impact of recycling degraded 
batteries, but that apart, it’s pretty finite the amount ofpollution we might 
create using electric vehicles.

The most important aspect of making the choice to move to EVs is that thesource 
of power is flexible, and evolving. Those of us who want to do this canalso 
install solar cells, and go off grid - this option is available already.

As we evolve all electricity sources that power our lives, the level 
ofpollution will keep going down, and we’re seeing diverse sources - solar, 
wind,wave energy, solar thermal, nuclear, and others coming up that won’t 
damagemuch to create usable electric power.

There is still plenty of untapped hydroelectric power too. I’m not sureif the 
numbers work in all countries to get more out of water flow, but placeslike 
Nepal most certainly can become big suppliers to a ‘global grid’ of thefuture, 
which I think is inevitable.

All the above QA are based onQuora  digest on 21-09- 2021. Quoraanswers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 22-09-2021


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