Q1   How did theriver kaveri got the name so?

A1The kaveri river is called so  - meansshe who was spread by acrow.

 Q2   Whatwas the reason for Srikrishna marry 16100 women?

A2Narakasura, described as a son of Bhumidevi, was a very wicked Asura 
whoterrorised the whole earth He conquered many kings and carried away 
16,100young women from their families and kept them in captivity 

After killing Mura, Krishna killed Narakasuraalso and released all the women. 
He then married all of them. 

Q3 Why did the asuras succumbed to the  charms of Mohini and merely looked on 
without asking for the nectar?

A3 A foul play on Asuras  by the lord was the reason.

When the intoxicating liquor Varuni came up , theLord permitted the Asuras to 
take for themselves. TheAsuras, who were intoxicated with the liquor Varuni, 
became infatuated withMohini and requested her to distribute the nectar. 

 Mohini asked the Devas and the Asuras to sitin separate rows and distributed 
all the nectar to the Devas, while the Asuras, who had succumbed to hercharms, 
merely looked on. 

When theAsuras realised that they had been fooled by Mohini, they attacked the 
Devas, but with the help of the Lord the Devas wereable to vanquish them.

Q4 How do the life after death will be?

A4 According to Sage Vasishtha inthe Yoga-Vasishtha a human can after death be 
defined to belong to one of sixdifferent levels, fromthe greatly sinful to the 
greatly virtuos. 

Depending on the level, the lifeafter death will differ.

Q5 What is death according to sage vasishtha?

A5 Vasishtha says in theYoga-Vasishtha: When on account of thediseases of the 
body its Nadislose their vigour and thus become unable to expand and contract 
inorder to exhale or inhale air, the body loses its harmony and becomes 

 The inhaled air does not then properly comeout, nor does the exhaled air 
re-enter the body. So respiration stops.Respiration stopping, the creature 
becomes senseless and dead. Allthe desires and ideas of the individual are then 
withdrawn within himself

Death perhaps is the only certainty in this world. Yet,the fear of death stalks 
most people Death is an enigma. It is impossible todefine life without death. 

Up to its very last link, life is abio-chemical chain reaction. Once life is 
launched, like a bullet it must reachits final destination, which is death. It 
is very difficult to find out thereal signs of death. 

Stoppage of the heart-beat, stoppageof the pulse or breathing are not the 
actual signs of death. Stoppage of the heartbeats,pulse and respiration, 
cadaveric rigidity of the limbs, clammy sweat on thebody, absence of warmth of 
the body, are the popular signs of death. 

Death is the most common phenomenon innature and yet the least understood fact.

 It is one of the most difficult problems ofphilosophy, because there is no 
direct evidence usually available as to whatreally happens in and after death.

Q6 What is the beginning of life?

A6 The mother, the father and thesoul together create a new body for the soul. 
At the moment of conception, thesoul connects with and is irrevocably bound to 
the embryo. As soon as the eggis fertilized, the process of human life begins.

It is during the mid-term ofpregnancy that the full humanness of the fetus is 
achieved and the soul fullyinhabits the new body, a stage which is acknowledged 
when the child begins tomove and kick within the mother's womb. (Tirumantiram, 
460: "Therein the pregnant womb, the soul lay in primordial quiescence [turiya] 
state.From that state, Maya [or Prakriti] and Her tribe aroused it and 
conferredconsciousness and maya's evolutes eight- desires and the rest. Thus 
sayscriptures holy and true.") 

Q7  Who were the woman maharishis -*Sooriya Savithri*and Oorvashi?

A7Apsaras SooriyaSavithri was the daughter of God Surya. 

TheRigs in the Suktham that describe her wedding can be heard being chanted 
evennow at the present-day weddings.

The two Rigs that are often and primarily chanted are as follows:


RimamsamedhaPaschyatha |

Sowbaghya MasyaiThathvaaya

AadhaasthamViparedhana ||

Meaning: One can see the indications of prosperity in the bride and allof you 
watch her keenly. Bless her for a prosperous life and return to yourhomes. (Rig 
Veda-X, 85.33)

 Imam ThwamindhraMeetva:

Suputhraam SubakhamKirunu |

Dhasaaayam PuthraanAadhehi

Padhimegha DhasamKruthi ||

Meaning: Oh Indra, who is a wealthy man! Bless the bride so that shegives birth 
to good and noble sons. Let her have, by your grace, 10 sons andtreat her 
husband as her 11th son. (Rig Veda-X, 85.45) 

Oorvashi*-Oorvashi,an Apsaras, is a maharishi. 

Emperor Pururavas was infatuated with the heavenly Apsaras. She lays afew 
conditions to live with him and thus the emperor spends four years happilywith 
the woman he desired. The Devas, in order to take Oorvashi back to theirabode, 
cunningly execute their plans in such a way that makes the emperorforget the 
conditions she had laid.

Oorvashi leaves him for failing to keep his word. Drivento grief at her 
separation, the emperor wanders and finally finds her playingwith her friends. 
He requests her to come back with him but she refuses. 

The conversation that isheld between them can be found in Rig Veda, 10th 
Mandalam, 95thSuktham.
A8 Rishikaa Abaalawas a descendant of Athiri maharishi. Sinceshe suffered from 
a skin disease, her husband refused to accept her which madeAbaala return to 
her parent's house. 
One morning, while returning home after bathing in the river, she saw asoma 
plant. She had wanted to offer soma rasam to Lord Indra that day.

She plucked theleaves and chewed them, thus offering the rasam to the Lord. 
Indra, pleased byher offering, granted her three boons. Abaala's three wishes 
were, that hairshould grow on her father's bald head, his dry lands should 
become fertileagain to give a bountiful harvest and that her skin disease 
should be cured.

Indra granted the wishes, to Abaala's delight. Abaala is the rishikaafor this 
Suktham. (Rig Veda VIII 91. In some it is mentioned as VIII 80.)

*Kosha:* Shewas afflicted with leprosy and so she was forced to spend her life 
as aspinster. Later, she prayed to Ashvini Devathas with twoSukthams. The 
Devathas cured her, bestowed her with beauty and health and gother married to a 
worthy groom. (Rig Veda 1117.7). 

Q9 Everybody thinksabout the    short size image of a sagewhen talk of  sage 
Agsthia. Question- Whowas his wife and what were her specialiries?

A9 Lopamudra  woman maharishi wassage Agasthya's wife. According to 
Thalaicauvery Sthalapurana, she was believedto have been the origin of the 
Cauvery. According to this purana, Lopamudramarried sage Agasthya and then laid 
the condition that they should neverseparate to which the sage agreed.

Once, when he had toleave for a short while, heturned her into water and filled 
her in his kamandal. It is said that after heleft, Lopamudra, unable to contain 
herself inside the kamandal, swelled andflowed as the River Cauvery.

Q10 During the vedicperiod do women had learning? Had they became on that 

A10 Yes. The girls had the oppurtunity to learn for nearly 10 to 12years before 
they got married. Some girls studied even Vedantam (Upanishads) and 
weregeniuses.They were called as 'Brahmavaadhinis'. Among them, some were 
'rishikaas' (womenrishis).

If we take the Rig Veda, there were rishikaas like Romasa, Lopamudra,Visuvavara,

Abaala, Kosha, Sooriya Savithri, Oorvashi, Waak, Raathiri and SradhaKamayani.

Q11 Do any other worldclassic equal Mahabharata ?

A11 No. Mahabharata which consists of one lakh slokas, wascreated by Vyasa and 
written by Vinayaka. Illiad and Odessey, the two greatGreek epics of Homer 
combined are smaller than Mahabharata in content. AsBharatham explains about 
various factors, it is considered as fifth Veda.(Bharatha: panchamo veda:)

While Vinayaka was writing the epic, it is said his stylus broke and hebroke 
one of his tusks to continue writing. That is the reason why he is calledas 
'Eka Danthan', it is stated. 

Q12 What is the meaningof the following verse?

'Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya,Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave |

Namove Bhrama Nithaye,Vasishtaya Namo Namaha:'

A12The meaning of this sloka is 'Salutation to Vyasa who is in the formof 
Vishnu and Vishnu who is in the form of Vyasa and one who is the treasurehouse 
of the Vedas. Salutation to one who was born in the noble family of 

Q13 What is the veryinteresting story by which Krishna taught Narada what is 
Maya? Where this storyis told?

A13 Once when Naradha was staying with Krishna in Dwaraka, they decidedto go on 
an aerial trip on a chariot. The sage felt thirsty after sometime andwanted to 
quench his thirst when they came across a river. 

Krishna told him to doso after bathing but Naradha did not pay heed to his 
advice.He drank the water without bathing and got transformed into abeautiful 
woman. Krishna and the chariot disappearedfrom his view.

Naradha, who wandered into the forest, saw a rishi in penance and stoodbefore 
him with folded hands. The rishi opened his eyes and accepted Naradha ashis 
disciple. After some time, Naradha, who was in the form of a woman, marriedthe 
rishi and had 60 children.

 One day, the rishi and the 60 children died, leaving Naradha grievingalone. 
She wanted to perform the funeral rites but was unable to do so.Suddenly, she 
felt very hungry and tried to reach for the nearest tree for ripemangoes. She 
could not reach them and so she laid the dead bodies in aheap and climbed on 
them to pluck the fruits.

A Brahmin appeared from nowhere and told her that as she was inbereavement, it 
was not proper to eat without having a bath. She accepted theadvice and went to 
the nearby river. She held the mango aloft in one hand and dipped the restof 
her body in the water.

The woman transformed into Naradha again except that thehand which had not 
touched the water remained the hand of a woman with bangles.


 The Brahmin, who was reallyKrishna, told him to take a bath again, and this 
time Naradha immersed himselffully in the water. 

He regained his normalform and the mango in his hand had turned into a 
beautiful Veena.

Krishna explained tohim that the rishi was the Kaala Purushan and the 60 
children were the 60 yearsPrabhava, Vibhava and so on. 

Then Naradha and Krishna returned to Dwaraka. (Bhagavatham - 
7thskandam).Published by Kala Nilayam Ramakrishna Mutt Road,Mylapore, Chennai - 

Q14 Why sage Narada hadto wander like a vagabond? Is it due to any curse ?

A14 Yes. Dakshan’s sons who wanted to marry and raise aprogeny were sent by 
sage Naradha, who asked them to go around the world tocheck whether there was 
any space available for their children to live. Thesons never returned .

So Dakshan cursedthe sage that he would be wandering like a vagabond and never 
have a home ofhis own. 

Naaradha because of Dhakshans curse, has been going around the worldlike a 
nomad without a permanent home. (Devi Bhagavatham - 7th skandam, VishnuPuranam 
- 1st baagam, 15th chapter). 

Q15 What wasthe end of sage narada as per Bhagavatham?

A15 OnceNaradha and his mother Kalavathy served the sadhus who were the guests 
of theBrahmin. When it was time for the sadhus to leave, they communicated a 
mantra 'Om Namo Baghavathe Vaasudevaya' toNaradha and asked him to chant the 
mantra daily

. Naradha did penance bychanting the mantra and died doing so. (Bhagavatham - 
7th Skandham)

Q16 DO in the Upaharnanre birth Narada was married?

A16 Yes. Once Upaharnan was involved in intensecontemplation. Fifty Gandharva 
girls, who were passing that way, fell in lovewith him. He lived with them for 
a long time, raised children and grandchildrenand breathed his last at the end. 

Q17 What was the secondre birth of Narada?

A17 Emperor Thurumilan and his wife Kalavathy prayedfor an issue. By the grace 
of God, Kalavathy conceived. Meanwhile, the emperorgifted away all his wealth 
to the needy and died a pauper.

 Kalavathy went to a nearby village and startedworking in a Bramhin's house as 
a servant. The village was hit by a droughtthen and people were suffering 
without water. Meanwhile, Kalavathy gavebirth to a son and as soon as the child 
was born, heavy rains lashed thevillage and so the Brahmin named the child as 
Naradha (Naaram - water), meaningone who brings rain.

 Q18  WhyNarada had to take re-births? What was his first re- birth?

A18 Naradha was the son of Bramha, born from his lap.Brahma advised him to get 
married and raise progeny. But Naradha did not showinterest in marriage and so 
Brahma cursed him which resultedin a few births for Naradha.

Chithrakethu, a Gandharva, was childless. Wishing for an issue, he didpenance, 
praying to Lord Siva.By the Lord's grace, Naradha was born as his son.The child 
was named Upaharnan and he grew up to be a devotee of Vishnu. 

Q19Who were the parents of sage Durvasa?

A19  Athiri and Anasooya were  be blessed with thethree Lords as her children. 
Siva, ina state of anger, was born to Anasooya and the child was named 
Durvasar.(Brahmmanda Puranam , Chapter 44). 

Q20 Why do River Ganga iscalled 'Thripadhaka'?

A20  Since Ganga travelled through the Sky, earthand the nether world, she will 
be called as 'Thripadhaka'

Q21 Every body know about Saturnson of Sun god. Sani had an own  sister.Name 
her and her husband. Who arranged their marriage?

A21 Chaya gave birth toSanaiswaran and Thapthi, a daughterfrom Sun 

 Samvaranan, a King of Chandra Vamsa, ruled hiscounry with Vasishta as his 
Raajaguru. One day Samvaranan saw Tapti along withsome apsaras taking bath. 
Samvaranan and Thapthi fell in love instantly. Surya gave his consentfor the 
marriage of  Thapthi withSamvaranan.

The Sagearranged for their wedding and blessed them. Lord Surya blessed his 
daughterand at a later stage turned her into River Narmada - which flows from 
Vindhyamountains towards the West 

Q22Who was Samgna &Chaya? Who were their children?

A22  Lord Surya had a wife Samgna by name, andthrough her a son called Yama and 
a daughter called Yami or Kalindhi were born.

Samgnaunable to withstand the resplendence of Surya requested her friend Chaya 
tolook after him and left on a pilgrimage. 

In theprocess Chaya gave birth to Sanaiswaran and Thapthi, a daughter. 

Q23 Do Prayers for the dead form an integral part of thereligions?

A23 Yes.  Prayersfor the dead form an integral part of most of the religions. 
The CatholicChurch conducts prayers for the dead. 

Q24 What is Gurupurnima?

A24 On this day, sacred to the memory of the great sage,Bhagavan Sri Vyasa, 
Sannyasins settle at some place to study anddiscourse on the thrice-blessed 
Brahma Sutras composed by MaharishiVyasa, and engage themselves in Vedantic, 
philosophical investigation

 These are information posted by members compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2000’s 
and stored in my computer. At thisdate I have no information of the members 

Posted by R Gopala krishnan,78 ,on 7-10-2021



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