Continued from part3

Re- posted after editing and updatinginformation.

Gopalakrishnan dated 8-10-21

21. Milligram scale

 Milligramscales are typical used for drug dealing, industrial, research, 
chemical,pharmaceutical, electronics, precious metals, jewellery, and 

 22. Analytical balance

 An analytical balance is used to measuremass to a very high degree of 
precision and accuracy. The measuring pan(s) of a high precision (0.1 mg 
orbetter) analytical balance are inside a transparent enclosure with doors 
sothat dust does not collect and so any air currents in the room do not 
affectthe balance's operation.

 Analyticalprecision is achieved by maintaining a constant load on the balance 
beam, bysubtracting mass on the same side of the beam to which the sample is 

 23. Spring scale

 Ina typical spring scale, the spring stretches in proportion to how hard 
theEarth pulls down on the object. It is therefore affected by the local 
gravity. By Hooke's law, every spring has aproportionality constant that 
relates how hard it is pulled to how far itstretches.

 Someweighing scales such as a Jolly balance (named after Philipp von Jolly 
whoinvented the balance about 1874) use a spring with a known spring constant 
(seeHooke's law) and measure the displacement of the spring by any variety 
ofmechanisms to produce an estimate of the gravitational force applied by 
theobject, which can be simply hung from the spring or set on a pivot and 

RACK AND PINION MECHANISMS are often usedto convert the linear spring motion to 
a dial reading.

 Springscales measure weight, or more precisely, the tension force of 
constraintacting on an object, opposing the force of gravity.

 Thehooks law in summary states, the spring constant is depend on the quality 
ANDWILL NOT CONTRACT and scale may not show 0 point . I will continue in 

 24. Hydraulic or pneumatic scale

 Itis also common in high-capacity applications such as crane scales to 
usehydraulic force to sense weight. The test force is applied to a piston 
ordiaphragm and transmitted through hydraulic lines to a dial indicator based 
ona Bourdon tube or electronic sensor. 

25. Electronics scale

 Traditionalmechanical balance-beam scales intrinsically measured mass. But 
ordinaryelectronic scales intrinsically measure the gravitational force between 
thesample and the earth, i.e. the weight of the sample, which varies 
withlocation. So such a scale has to be re-calibrated after installation, for 
thatspecific location, in order to obtain an accurate indication of mass. 

26. Supermarket/retail scale

 Thesescales are used in the bakery, delicatessen, seafood, meat, produce, and 
otherperishable departments. Supermarket scales can print labels and receipts 
(inbakery specially), marks weight/count, unit price, total price and in 
somecases tare, a supermarket label prints weight/count, unit price and 

 Somemodern supermarket scales print an RFID tag that can be used to track the 
itemfor tampering or returns. In most cases these types of scales have a 
sealedcalibration so that the reading on the display is correct and cannot 
betampered with

 27. Bath room scale mechanical

 Herethe pressure on a helical spring is extended on a needle and it reads over 
adial. Sometimes the dial could be made to move on a base than the needle.

 28. Some of the sources of error inhigh-precision balances or scales are:

 Buoyancy, because the object being weighed displaces a certainamount of air, 
which must be accounted for. 

Some high-precision balances may be operated in a vacuum.

 Errorin mass of reference weight

 Air gusts, even small ones, which push thescale up or down

 Friction in the moving components thatcause the scale to reach equilibrium at 
adifferent configuration than a frictionless equilibrium should occur.

 Settling airborne dust contributing to the weight

 Mis-calibration over time, due to drift inthe circuit's accuracy, or 

 29. Symbolism of scale

 The scales (specifically, a two pans, beambalance) are one of the traditional 
symbols of justice, as wielded by statuesof Lady Justice. This corresponds 
tothe use in metaphor of matters being "held in the balance". It hasits origins 
in ancient Egypt. 

A doubt arose with me about balance incourts behind judge. If in the lower 
court judgement is given as per scale, whythere are upper courts?

 I came to the conclusion we are humans with two qualities- doubt 
anddissatisfaction. Hence the upper courts.

 Nowwhether used in Tulabharam or not the hanging scale in the temple slightly 
to one side  gives the God giving intimation- I will grantwhat is justified 
with a small addition. You may pray for anything.I will never say no. But do 
not expect all that you want will be given.Justified will be given by mewith a 
mun thookkam (slightly more)

 30 Manakkanakku

 Ido not know what software in brain make it work, a normal person can tell 
theweight of an item with 80 % accuracy when it is between 500 grams to 2 kg.  
Probably information of such weights beingfrequently handled a scale would have 
been formed in the brain.

 Itis not only for weight, but for volume, length or breadth also. Many could 
justsee the size of a room and tell the area. Not looking in to tile size etc. 

31 Missing balance story

 Iwill complete this posting with the laughing incident of a merchant.

 Themerchant was ready to go over to the market in the morning with the items 
andbalance arranged in the previous night itself keeping it over the basket.

 Thewife desired to purchase a few items from the market. Merchant said, he 
would getthem provided there was good value for the products.

 Ourlady does not relish it. She could not relate between good value and 
meetingher requirement. 

Shesimply took and hide his scale (Thras) after he went to sleep just below 
hisbasket which could not be seen by him. 

Morningmerchant found thras missing and awakened his wife after a though 
search. She pretended as in deep sleep. 

Timewas passing. Finally he felt something fishy. He used is tactic. I was 
thinkingcostlier items for you after sale in coming market days also. 

Wifehearing it got up. She started searching here and there as if she did not 
hide.Finally took it from BELOW HIS BASKET ITSELF where it was hidden, which 
she wassure, he might not search.

 Endof the story- She got better items than what she demanded on that day 
itselfthough sale was not so profitable. 


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