Respected Mr Rajaram,
I am sorry to state you are very pride of yourself  and ridiculing others.  I 
have compiled information posted by members of Pattars yahoo groups by hard 
work. Kindly note  it is not filling of pages. 
If possible kindly write some useful information in the forum rather than 
teasing and commenting on othersGopalakrishnan
    On Friday, 8 October, 2021, 10:58:34 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
          Learningcan start at any age but one who learns shall learn the worth 
that ought to belearned, or else, shrubs of dust grow all around, filling the 
brain. There are peoplewho fill in lines without content. Learn blemish less 
and stand and deliver byhard labour of the mind. 

Q1 How many sacraments are there?

   GREHA (MEANS PLANETS OR HOME) ? Sacraments? Samskarasmay be correct, and the 
word substituted is unrelated. 

Q2 What is thesacrament- Garbhadana orGarbha-Lambhana

Garbadhanam is a conception ritual wherein a Husbandtransfers his Semen to his 
wife with chanting of mantras for the purpose ofconceiving a child.

After the marriage ceremony, when the couple returns tobridegroom’s house the 
bride is made to sit on a Bull’s hide facing east ornorth. The husband and wife 
together lights a fire and perform a simple fireritual giving oblations to 
Agni, Vayu and Surya. Later in the evening, thehusband takes her out and shows 
her the Pole star and other stars and both makea commitment to have a firm, 
stable and happy life.

For three nights they do not have conjugal relationship.Further they should 
sleep on floor and should not consume saline food (1). Theycan eat Boiled rice 
with curd (2). Then, on the last part of the fourth night,they will make a fire 
sacrifice with expiatory oblations of ghee/clarifiedbutter to Agni, Vayu and 
Surya. These expiatory oblations are given to removeany “dosha” (3) or Karmic 
faults in the Prarabda Karmas of the Bride that maybecome obstacle in their 

Then the husband makes her sit down to the west of thefire, facing the east, 
and pours some ghee of the remains (of those oblations)on her head with three 
Vyahritis (i.e. Bhuh, Bhuvah, Svah) and the fourth withall three Vyahritis 
combined and hence purifying her. Then, the husband and thewife become intimate 
with each other with the mantra (4)-

सं नाम्नः सं हर्दयानि सं नाभिः सं त्वचः | सं त्वा कामस्य योक्त्रेण 
युञ्जान्यविमोचनाय |

United in name, united in our hearts, united inour navel, united in our skin. I 
will bind thee with the bond of love; thatshall be insoluble.

For the purpose of conception, when the husband and wifeco-habit with each 
other on the fourth night after the monthly cycle hasstarted, the husband 
should chant mantra { R'Gveda X. 186): “Let all pervading Vishnu prepare her 
womb; let thecreator shape the forms; let Prajapati be the impregnator; let the 
creator givethe embryo.” } forVishnu, Thvasta, Prajapati and Dhaatri for 
preparing the womb of the mother,for the proper formation of frame (fetus) of 
the child upon conception, for thehealthy and potent sperm that can cause 
conception and finally for successfullycausing the conception respectively (5). 
Then after chanting few more mantras,the Husband must enter the wife by praying 
to Prajapati by uttering theVyahritis for an offspring. (6). This cohabiting of 
a couple for the conceptionof child by purifying the act with mantras is called 
as “Garbadhana”.

The Samskaras like Garbadhana helps to remove the faultsthat may be present in 
the father’s seed and mothers egg (i.e. faults can bebiological/genetic or/and 
subtle/karmic ) and hence making sure that the childborn is physically, 
mentally and spiritually healthy (7).

The scriptures suggest the husband and wife to conceivebetween the 4th day of 
the monthly cycle and 16th dayof the monthly cycle except on the 4th, 11th and 
13th day(8). The Garbaadhana procedure i.e. reciting of Mantras before 
cohabiting is tobe practiced, not only when the couple gets intimate for the 
first time aftermarriage but also after every monthly periods (9). Some also 
opine that, itshould be performed every time the couples get intimate for the 
sake ofconception (10).

1.    Apastamba Grihya Sutra 3.8.8
2.    Shankhayana Grihya Sutra 1.17.7
3.    The dosha’s that are expiated are that of causing death ofHusband, being 
without offsping, destruction of cattleand     wealth (Shankhayana Grihya Sutra 
1.18.3), any otherfaults that are terrible and blameful. (Hiranyakeshin Grihya 
4.    Hiranyakeshin Grihya Sutra
5.    Hiranyakeshin Grihya Sutra
6.    Hiranyakeshin Grihya Sutra
7.    Manu Smriti 2.27
8.    Manu Smriti 3.46 & 3.47
9.    Paraskara Grihya Sutra 1.11.7 Hiranyakeshin Grihya Sutra1.7.25.4
10.    Hiranyakeshin Grihya Sutra

Q3 What is the importance of a son’s birth?

A3 Aitareya-Brahmana of the R’Gveda VII.3.13 says, “When afather sees the face 
of a living son, he pays a debt in him, and gainsimmortality.  There is a 
belief that theparent shall not enter the PUTH the hell andreach swarga only 
through a son henceson in Sanskrit is PUTHRA; but when there is no body (buried 
or burnt) or thesoul with the mind memories which is unaffected as per vedas, 
,Moksham andrebirths are determined only by the Karma, the question of PUTH and 
SWaRGAM areimaginary. As far my reading goes, Rig vedam and main upanishads 
teaches only,LEARN ABOUT BRAHMAM. (brahma sutram). So it is immaterial whether 
to havechildren or not, nor either a son or daughter, which is Vedic certainty. 

Q4 What is thesacrament- Seemantonnyanor hair parting

A ritual of Śāktism described in the Śāradātilaka-tantra,chapters III-V. 
Sīmantonnayana(सीमन्तोन्नयन) or simply Sīmanta refers to the “parting of 
thewife’s hair in the eight month of her pregnancy” (which is connected with 
theemergence of consciousness in the child) and represents one of the 
eighteenbodily rituals (śārīraka-saṃskāras) mentioned in the 
Vaikhānasagṛhyasūtra(viz., vaikhānasa-gṛhya-sūtra) which belongs to the 
Taittirīyaschool of the Black Yajurveda (kṛṣṇayajurveda).  The Saṃskāras are 
the religiouspurificatory rites and ceremonies; those are associated with the 
individual,from the moment, when he was conceived in the womb up to the 
cremation forsanctifying the body, mind and intellect so that he may become a 
full-fledgedmember of the community The Dharmasūtras contain a greatdeal on the 
topic. According to Gautama, there are all total forty Saṃskāras. Among all the 
Saṃskāras, the eleven areregarded as very prominent. 

      Accordingto the science the way our hair looks — the color, shape, 
texture, and ofcourse, the natural part — is primarily decided by our genes. 
For example,the MC1R geneinforms our production of melanin, the pigment that 
colors our hair. Mostpeople have two copies of the MC1R gene, one inherited 
fromeach parent, which results in an abundance of melanin, and therefore, a 
darkerhair color. Those with only one copy of the gene, meanwhile, have lighter 
hair.Similarly, two genes — EDAR and FGFR2 —have been linked to differences in 
hair thickness, which can play a part, punintended, in where hair parts within 
Asian populations, while anothergene, TCHH,seems to be related to differences 
in hair texture in people from northernEurope. 

      A baby’s hairstarts growing in the womb when the woman is between 14th 
and 15th week of her pregnancy, andthe hair growth takes place in two cycles – 
shedding and then regrowing. Allthe follicles appear by now, and no new 
follicle grows after the birth of thebaby. You should also try to remain 
stress-free during your pregnancy as stress can affect your baby’s growth 
adversely.  And a hair growth avoids the stress of thepregnant women , helping 
the child to grow in all shapes, including the hair. Andseemanthonayana is 
significant scientifically. Even without it a good child maybe born or else 
many Gruhya sutras would not have narrated the parikarams formissing to perform 
the seemantho and jatha karma . 

Q5  What is thesacrament- Jata Karman orbirth ceremony

प्राङ् नाभिवर्धनात् पुंसो जातकर्म विधीयते ।
मन्त्रवत् प्राशनं चास्य हिरण्यमधुसर्पिषाम् ॥ २९ ॥Manu smrithi 2.29 

prāṅ nābhivardhanāt puṃso jātakarma vidhīyate |
mantravat prāśanaṃ cāsya hiraṇyamadhusarpiṣām || 29 ||

For the male child, before the cutting of the umbilical cordthe performance of 
the Jāta-karma (Birth-rite) has been ordained: (it consistsof) the feeding of 
him with gold, honey and butter, to the accompaniment ofMantras.  Jata karma is 
really theJataka-karma viz the karma palans of the jatakam of the Jataka, done 
by an ableastrologer on that day. 

Q6  What is thesacrament- Nam karan (Nam karana – name giving

नामधेयं दशम्यां तु द्वादश्यां वाऽस्य कारयेत् ।
पुण्ये तिथौ मुहूर्ते वा नक्षत्रे वा गुणान्विते ॥ ३० ॥ Manusmrithi 2.30

nāmadheyaṃ daśamyāṃ tu dvādaśyāṃ vā'sya kārayet |
puṇye tithau muhūrte vā nakṣatre vā guṇānvite || 30 ||

One should have his ‘naming’ (Nāmadheya) done on the tenthor the twelfth (day), 
on an auspicious lunar date and at an auspicious moment.and under a propitious 
lunar asterism.—(30)


Q7  What is thesacrament- Nishkramana (ceremony?

Four-month-olds have pretty good head control while sittingsupported, and they 
can hold their head and chest upright while lying on theirstomach during tummy 
time. They also can kick and push with their feet.Some babies have even figured 
out how to roll from tummy to back at this point.Hence a baby is moved out for 
the first time on the 4th month bythis ritual. The prayer made theoccasion is: 
“that eye like luminary, the cause of blessings to the gods (or placedin the 
sky by the gods), rises in the east; may be behold it for a hundredyears.”  
“May we hear, may we speak, may we be free from poverty fora hundred years and 
more.” (R’Gveda VII.66.16; Vaj – Samhita XXXVI.24). 

Q8 Do acquisition ofwealth is sin?

Dharmartha is not a sinbut kamyartha is sin. For making gifts and living in 
good stead artha has to beearned; so earning is not prohibited as sin, but 
earning with the desire tooutwit others is kamya karma which is decreed as bad 
, subjected to Karmapalan. 

Q9 Who is  theVedic God worshipped till today/ What is the speciality of making 
offering to him ?

All vedic Gods areworshipped today and why would Agni only?. 

Q11 When did karthikeyalost his priority in north India? What is the orgin of 
Karhtikeya told in theMahabharata?

Karthikeyan lost his priority?

 Q14When did the worship of female deities started?

Idol worship was never there in the Rigvedam. Concept ofbrahmam included the 
shakthi as half and thus Brahma created the male andfemale and existed as artha 
nareeswara; if so the answer is as started onlyfro0m is erroneous. Rig vedam 
has many sukthams of female goddess worship. 

Q15 Do Saraswathi was a river or deity? If she was a deitywhat are her origin 

What is VAK suktham in the Rig vedam?.  

Q16 It is told the deadbody should not be cremated before 5 hours after death. 
What is the reason?

 On certainty of thedeath allows the cremation; there were cases of the 
pronounced death but lifecoming back in a few hours of that pronounce nets 
since brain death takes onlyafter hours of the heart stoppage.  Forlack of 
facilities to know with the certainty people waited in the fond hopethey may 
come back.

Q17 What are thepositive and negative points of the seven days of the week?

Nallenna seyyum  canbe remembered. 

18-22  Colors are just symbols but rendering thebeauty of the nature. 

Q23 How the cow hasbecome the living symbol of Mother Earth ?

COW Gau Go, Gauri COWis the vedic dharna and her legs defined the percentages 
of the yuga dharma. cowis associated with Aditi, the mother of all the gods. 
Hindu imageryoften pictures a pretty cow — usually white — garlanded with 
flowers as a signof the faith's special reverence. Hindus even have a “cow 
holiday” calledGopastami.  The Veda has a couple ofdozen or more separate 
specialized words for cattle, as for heifer, barren cow,cow that has ceased to 
bear after having one calf, four-year old ox, three-yearold ox, large, 
castrated ox, and other kinds of differentiation. Cattle orherds of cattle or 
the products of the cow are the standard items mentioned indescriptions of 
wealth. Cattle constituted the great booty in war. No otheranimal was  so much 
appreciated for itseconomic value. The cow or ox was an asset in producing food 
directly throughits milk and flesh and in serving as assistance for agriculture 
and fortransportation. All these phases of the cow's or ox's usefulness are 
abundantlystressed in Vedic literature, especially in the Rig Veda. Besides its 
economicrole, the cow and bull and ox had an important ritualistic function in 
theVedic sacrifice, which was the centre of the Vedic religion, a function 
notremotely approached by any other animal. Cattle were the chief 
sacrificialvictims and the products of the cow were the oblation (havis). So, 
too, no otheranimal figures so frequently in simile or metaphor applied to a 
wide range ofsubjects- the phenomena of nature, such as dawn or rainfall or 
streams; deitiesboth male and female, human beings, the paraphernalia of the 
sacrifice such asthe stones for pressing out the soma, whose sound as they rub 
together may bespoken of as bellowing of bulls, or the soma drops offered in 
the sacrifice,which may be called bulls because of their power.


If we survey rapidly the 42 occurrences of the femininestem in the Rig Veda and 
the Atharva Veda we can see that this interpretationis not implausible. In 
three passages aghnya is used as an appositive to dhenu"milch cow" (RV 4.1.6; 
8.69.2; 9.1.9.). In 12 passages the 

text refers to the animal's ability to give milk (RV1.164.27;; 
10.60.11; 10.87.16; AV 6.91.2 (—RV 10 60.11 ); 7.73.8 (—RV1.164.27); 8. 3.15 (= 
RV 10.87.16); 12.5-58,60,63,65 (and cf. 23) ). Onepassage refers to the 
animal's swollen udder (RV 9.93.3), Eight mention itscalf (AV 330.1); 
6.70.1,2,3; 9.4.2, 4.17.19). Four use the word as an epithetof the cosmic 
waters, which are regularly stated to have the sun as theirembryo or calf (RV 
9.80.2 ( ? ); 10.46.3) (possibly the reference is to theCloud as the mother of 
Agni -the lightning); (AV 7.83.2; 19.44. 9). In onepassage (RV 8.102.19) a 
sacrificer complains that he is handicapped inperforming the sacrifice 

 because he has no cow (presumably to supply the milk andits products needed as 
offerings) and no axe (presumably to cut the wood forthe sacrificial fire). In 
seven other passages the text implies, though it doesnot definitely assert, 
that the cow or cows mentioned can bear: in one of these(RV 10.102.7) the word 
aghnya, is used of cows which are said to have a lord orhusband (pati); in one, 
rainfall is besought of the storm god Parjanya tonourish the cows (RV 5.838); 
in three others, the word is applied to thesacrifice metaphorically called a 
cow (AV 10. 9.3,11,24); in one, it is appliedto the

cow (vasa) which is the all-producing and all-containinguniverse (AV 10.10.1); 
and in one, it is probably, but not certainly, meant toindicate the anustarani 
cow (AV 18.3.4), which is slaughtered in the funeralceremony and is therefore, 
in spite of its epithet, not inviolable in anyabsolute sense.'" In the 
remaining six occurrences of aghnya (RV 1.164. 

40; 8.75.8; AV 7.73.11 (=RV 1.164. 40); 8.7.25; 18,4.49;19.162) the context is 
either inconclusive or obscure. But in no passage is thecontext such as to 
exclude the interpretation that the cow is called"un-slayable" because it is 
still economically productive. The wordaghnya, is not used in association with 
words which mean a barren cow (startdhenustart) or a cow barren after calving ( 
sutavasa.) or one * whichmiscarries (vehat), nor is it used with the word vasa 
when the latter isapplied to a barren cow.  

                    Theequation in Vedic literature and thought of Aditi, 
Earth, and Cow is recognizedin the Naighan-tuka (1.1.4-5; 2.3.16), where cow 
(go) is synonymous with manythings including earth, heaven, speech (Vac), 
Aditi. The use of the word orwords for "cow" had by then grown from a 
descriptive figure of speechapplied in compliment to feminine entities until it 
had become a symbol of theholiest of those entities and had finally won 
identity with them.

Q24 Why do the eldestson lit fire to the pyre?

               Theright to property gives the right to uphold the dharma and 
nothing more; andafter the father , the eldest brother is the father and his 
wife is the motherion out concept. Hence the right is first given. Also PUTRA 
nature does give thatright to send  parents to Moksha.

KR IRS 81021

On Fri, 8 Oct 2021 at 07:06, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty 
<> wrote:


Q1 How many sacraments arethere?

A1 According to Greha Sutra, the number of sacraments is 11

Q2  What is the sacrament- Garbhadana or Garbha-Lambhana

A2.Garbhadana orGarbha-Lambhana :-first rite was sometimes called Chaturthi 
Karma. During the previous day, the brideand the bridegroom, after ablutions 
purified their bodies, and beforeapproaching his wife, which act might bring 
another human being into the world,the bridegroom repeated two mantras (R'Gveda 
X. 186): “Let all pervading Vishnuprepare her womb; let the creator shape the 
forms; let Prajapati be theimpregnator; let the creator give the embryo.” This 
sacrament, in modern times,is a physical act and has lost its religious 

Q3What is the importance of a son’s birth?

A3Aitareya-Brahmana of the R’Gveda VII.3.13 says, “When a father sees the face 
ofa living son, he pays a debt in him, and gains immortality.

The pleasure, which a father has in his son,exceeds all other enjoyments. His 
wife is a friend, his daughter an object ofcompassion, his son shines as his 
light in the highest world.”

Q4 What is the sacrament- Seemantonnyan or hair parting

A4. Seemantonnyanor hair parting : this sacrament is performed in the fourth 
monthof the pregnancy. It starts with the oblation to fire, with repetition of 
the Vedic texts (Atharva VedaVII.17.1 Rigveda III.59.1; V.25; II 32.4-5). The 
woman then performedher ablutions in pure water; fragrant oil was poured on her 
head and a line orparting (Simanta) was drawn three times through her hair from 
the fore headupwards with three stalks of kusa grass bound together. Three 
sacred wordscalled vyahritis (Bhur, Bhavar, Svar) and the hallowed syllable OM 
(AUM)uttered during each operation.

 Certainmedicines, having purifying efficacy for the remaining period of 
gestation,were also given. 

Musical entertainment andcheering took place, thought essential for the proper 
development of the unbornchild. The idea for the proper development of the 
unborn child. 


The idea was that the body of the mother should beconsecrated and protected 
from evil influences at the critical period ofgestation. This rite is only 
performed for the first pregnancy. 

Q5  What is the sacrament- Jata Karman or birth ceremony

A5. JataKarman or birth ceremony : this sanskara (sacrament) is performedafter 
the birth of the infant and before the severing of the umbilical cord, bythe 
father. Honey and ghee (clarified butter) mixed together, stirred by agolden 
rod or spoon, a small portion of the mixture is introduced into the ofmouth of 
a newborn infant. This rite symbolized good fortune. Certain texts were 
repeated(R’Gveda II.21.6; III.36.10) with the prayer: “ O long lived one, may 
you livea hundred years in this world, protected by the gods.”Both the ears of 
the infant were then touched with the golden rod repeating theprayer, “May 
Savitri, May Saraswati, may the Asvins, grant the wisdom.” Lastly,rubbing the 
shoulders, the prayer uttered is, “become firm as a rock, sharp asan axe, pure 
as gold; thou art the Veda called a son, live thou a hundredyears. May Indra 
bestow on thee his best treasures.” 

Q6  What is the sacrament- Nam karan(Nam karana – name giving

A6. Namkaran (Nam karana – name giving): among the Hindus, giving a name,is a 
solemn religious ceremony, fraught with important consequences in it’sbearing 
on the future prospects of the infant. Asvalayasa laid down the rulesbased on 
the sound and meaning in name giving. The name of the boy should betwo, four or 
even syllables and have a soft consonant for the first letter anda semi vowel 
in the middle e.g.. Bhadra, deva etc. Sarman (prosperity) forBrahmins and 
varman for Ksatriyas; Gupta (protected) for vaishays and Dasa (slave)for Sudras 
were prescribed. The female names were required to be agreeable,soft, clear, 
captivating, auspicious and ending in long vowels. This sacramentis performed 
on the 10th or 11th day of the birth of thechild. On this occasion, food is 
given to the Brahman etc. according to Manu,Nam karan of each caste should be 
made in different way. 

Q7  What is the sacrament- Nishkramana (ceremony?

A7. Nishkramana (Carrying out). In thissacrament, the child is taken out of the 
house for the first time and is madeto have a “Darshan” of the sun. 

This sacrament isperformed by the parents after four months of the birth of the 
child. Theprayer made the occasion is: “that eye like luminary, the cause of 
blessings tothe gods (or placed in the sky by the gods), rises in the east; may 
be beholdit for a hundred years.”  “May we hear, may we speak, maywe be free 
from poverty for a hundred years and more.” (R’Gveda VII.66.16; Vaj– Samhita 

Q8 Doacquisition of wealth is sin?

A8  Hindu scriptural texts have said inunambiguous terms that acquisition of 
wealth is no sin; nor is there any virtuein being poor. 

The ancient thinkers-the venerable seers-have included wealth (Artha) in 
thefour Purusharthas, the fundamental aspirations one should have, theother 
three being Dharma  (righteousness)Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (deliverance of 
the soul). 

All that the thinkers insisted was that wealth beearned through proper means. 
Similarly, there is no harm in enjoying pleasureswhich are not opposed to the 
dictates and principles of Dharma. 

One is entitled to all happiness that is derivedfrom leading a pure and noble 
life, the individual performing his dutiesfaithfully. 

Q9 Who is  the Vedic God worshipped till today/ What isthe speciality of making 
 offering to him?

A9 Agni is oneof the few gods who have retained theirsupremacy in the Hindu 
hierarchy of gods, from the Vedic age till today and hasthe largest number of 
hymns addressed to him.

He is the priest of the gods and the god of the priests and serves asthe 
liaison between gods and men. He presides over all the great events of 
aperson’s life and at the end it is Agni, through the flames of the 
funeralpyre, who accepts the body as an offering.

The priest, whilepouring butter in the fire summons ‘Svaha’, the consort 
ofAgni, by name.

Q10 What are the three divisionof ganga?

A10 Ganga is divided intothree parts. One part which remained in the heavens 
was called Mandakini.

The part that came down toearth is known as Ganga, and the part flowing in 
thenether region is called the Bhagirathi,

Most of the holy cities of India are located on the banks ofthe Ganga. These 
are Rishikesh, Haridwar, Varanasi (Benares), Allahabad etc.Those who die within 
the specified limits of the Ganga go to the heavenlyworld. If after cremation 
the ashes are thrown into tl1e Ganga, the samepurpose is served. No Hindu would 
dare speak a falsehood with the Ganga water(Ganga-jal) in his hand.
Q11 When did karthikeyalost his priority in north India? What is the orgin of 
Karhtikeya told in theMahabharata?

A11 With the advent of Shiva, Kartikeya started losing his importancein 
Northern India where he was sometimes relegated to the position of aguardian 
deity in Shaivite temples.

In the South he isstill popular, and is also associated with deities like 
Murugan, Velam andSeyyan.

A passage in the Mahabharata mentions Agni's adulterous relationshipwith six 
wives of the Rishis(ascetics), who represent the six stars that formthe Indian 
Pleidaes in the constellation of Taurus. The relationship resulted in the 
birthof Kartikeya

Because of his having six heads, all his six mothers were able tosuckle him at 
the same time.

Many women worshipKartikeya so that they may be blessed with a male offspring.

Q12Do Nandi had a human form once?

A12 Yes. Originally, under the name ofNandikeshvara, Nandi seems to have 
existed in human form as a sage (rishi) whoacted as Shiva’s door keeper before 
achieving divine status

The reason for the association may have stemmed from Shiva’srelationship with 
Rudra who was sometimes referred to as the bull. 

This probably has roots in the vast mythology and the symbolismsurrounding 
bulls that are found in ancient cultures. 

Nandi’s associationwith fertility is illustrated by the custom of the devotees 
touching the feetand testicles of the Nandi idol when entering a Shiva temple.

Q13 How Parvathi got the name Gauri?

A13 When Shiva teased her about her blackskin, through penances she had 
hercolour changed to that of gold and was then called Gauri. 

Parvati is not important enough to be worshipped alone butonly as a minor deity 
in a Shiva temple.

 Q14When did the worship of female deities started?

A14Between the 5th and the 13th centuries,from being merely the consorts of the 
maledeities, and their active partners, female deities (shakti) became 
independentand objects of worship in their own right having a temple in which 
they werethe main icons .

It was around this time that Parvati, from a minordeity as a consort of Shiva, 
became a major deity as Durga and Kali.

Q15Do Saraswathi was a river or deity? If she was a deity what are her 

A15  In the Vedas Saraswati is primarily a riverbut in the hymns she is 
celebrated as both a river and a deity. Herorigins are obscure but it is 
possible that she once hadsomething to do with the river Saraswati in Rajasthan 
or with water in someother way.

 At allevents, she seems to have been associated with the creative properties 
thatwater has for seeds and vegetation. Being the goddess of learning, she is 
worshipped when a child isgiven instructions for the first time in reading and 
writing. Many schools inIndia start classes with a mass prayer to the goddess.

Q16 It is told the dead body should not becremated before 5 hours after death. 
What is the reason?

A16 After death the soul takes four hours and forty minutes to reach Yama. 
Thereforea dead body should not be cremated before this time has elapsed 

Q17What are the positive and negative points of the seven days of the week?

A17 Sundayis the day to worship Shakti (Female Energy) and a good day to begin 
a newventure. Red colour should be worn on this day. 

Tuesday-No auspicious activities should be started on thisday and one should 
wear red for good-luck.

Budh-var(Wednesday) is the day of Mercury (Budh). He is the son of Soma (Moon), 
light yellow in colour with four armscarrying a mace, a sword and a shield and 
riding a lion. The clothes andgarland worn by Budh are also green coloured. He 
is considered wise and always exerts an influence inconjunction with other 

Feedingthe Brahmins on this day is considered good.

Brihaspati-var(Thursday) is also called Guruvar A person under his influence 
will have a lot of wealth. A girlcoming to motherhood on this day will have 
many sons. Brihaspati is the teacherof the Gods. Thursday's colour is yellow.

Friday-He is the most auspicious of the planets. It is good to fast on Fridays

Shani(Saturn) is the most malicious of the planets.

 Allmisfortunes are traced to him, so much so that periods of misfortune are 
termedas ‘Shani-dasa’. Due to a curse given by his wife, Shani has the capacity 
tocause destruction with his eyes. Hence he is always looking down so as not 
todestroy anything. 

Theplanet should be worshipped on Saturdays to reduce his evil influence.

Q18How many chapters are in Bhagavat geetha? How many days the mahabharata 

A18 Both eighteen.

The Gita, as it is popularly called, is composed of eighteenchapters. The scene 
for the working out of the Gita is a battlefield near Delhiwhere the battle 
between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, involving an army offive million, took 
place and continued for eighteen days 

Q19What is the importance of the Red in Hindu religion?

A19In Hindu religion red is of utmost significance and the colour most 
frequently used forauspicious occasions like marriages, birth of a child, 
festivals etc. 

A redmark is put on the forehead during ceremonies and important occasions. As 
a sign of marriagewomen put red powder on their hair parting.

Theyalso wear a red sari during marriage. Red powder is usually thrown on 
statuesof deities and phallic symbols during prayers. 

Itis also the colour of shakti (prowess). A red coloured dress is put on 
deities who arecharitable, brave, protective and who have the capacity to 
destroy evil. On thedeath of a woman, her body is wrapped in a red cloth for 
the cremation.

Q20What is the importance of the saffron in Hindu religion?

A20Saffron-It represents fire and as impuritiesare burnt by fire, this colour 
symbolizes purity. Wearing the colour symbolizes the quest for light. Itis the 
battle colour of the Rajputs, the warrior caste.

Q21What is the importance of the Yellow in Hindu religion?

A21 It is the colour of spring and activatesthe mind. Lord Vishnu's dress is 
yellow symbolizing his representation ofknowledge. Lord Krishna and Ganesha 
also wear yellow dresses.

Q22  What is the importance of the white colour inHindu religion?

A22 White-It is a mixture of seven differentcolours hence it symbolizes a 
little bit of the quality of each. It represents purity,cleanliness, peace and 
knowledge. The goddess of knowledge, Saraswati is alwaysshown as wearing a 
white dress, sitting on a white lotus. 

The other prominent deities would also have atouch of white on their dress. A 
Hindu widow would wear a white dress inmourning.

Q23How the cow has become the living symbol of Mother Earth ?

A23 The cow is supposed to be the living symbol of Mother Earth. For the early 
migrants the cow was an indispensable member of the family. 

As agriculture was the occupation of themigrants, the cow provided them with 
milk and its by products and alsonecessities of life such as fuel, manure for 
the farm, etc. 

During this time the Aryans prayed to theirnumerous gods through ‘yagna’ (from 
‘yaj’, to worship). invoking the fire-god,‘Agni’, by ritually kindling sacred 
wood on an altar, and keeping the firealive by constantly feeding it with 
melted butter.

 It wasthrough the instrumentality of ‘Agni’ (fire) that the offering of 
milk-puddingand a drink of milk, curds and honey (madhupeya) was conveyed to 
one's chosengods. 

Thus the cow supplied the major requirementsof the yagna and this association 
soon made it sacred. 

Q24Why do the eldest son lit fire to the pyre?

A24The nearest relation, normally the eldest son lights the funeral pyre. 
Thisis important as whoever lights the pyre is considered the legal heir

In the days following the cremation a mourning period ofapproximately twelve 
days is observed, during which time the sitting room iscleared of furniture and 
the relatives and visitors have to sit on the floor.This is the time for 
friends and relatives to pay a condolence visit. 

 These are information posted bymembers compiled asQA by me in 1998’s-2000’s 
and stored in my computer. At this date I have noinformation of the members 

Posted by R Gopala krishnan,78 ,on 8-10-2021

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